Credit Suisse Group - SEC Report
As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 25, 2011


Washington, D.C. 20549

Form 20-F


For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010.


Date of event requiring this shell company report
For the transition period from       to       .

Commission file number: 001-15244
Credit Suisse Group AG

(Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)
Canton of Zurich, Switzerland
(Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)
Paradeplatz 8, P.O. Box 1, CH 8070 Zurich, Switzerland
(Address of principal executive offices)

David R. Mathers
Chief Financial Officer
Paradeplatz 8, P.O. Box 1, CH 8070 Zurich, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 44 333 6607
Fax: +41 44 333 1790
(Name, Telephone, E-mail and/or Facsimile number and Address of Company Contact Person)

Commission file number: 001-33434
Credit Suisse AG

(Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)
Canton of Zurich, Switzerland
(Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)
Paradeplatz 8, CH 8070 Zurich, Switzerland
(Address of principal executive offices)

David R. Mathers
Chief Financial Officer
Paradeplatz 8, P.O. Box 1, CH 8070 Zurich, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 44 333 6607
Fax: +41 44 333 1790
(Name, Telephone, E-mail and/or Facsimile number and Address of Company Contact Person)

Title of each class of securities of Credit Suisse Group AG    Name of each exchange on which registered
American Depositary Shares each representing one Share  New York Stock Exchange
Shares par value CHF 0.04*  New York Stock Exchange*
Title of each class of securities of Credit Suisse AG 
Fixed to Floating Rate Tier 1 Capital Notes  New York Stock Exchange
Floating Rate Tier 1 Capital Notes  New York Stock Exchange
7.9% Tier 1 Capital Notes  New York Stock Exchange
Buffered Accelerated Return Equity Securities (BARES) due November 6, 2012
   Linked to the Performance of the CS/RT
   Emerging Infrastructure Index Powered by HOLT   

Accelerated Return Equity Securities (ARES) due November 6, 2012
   Linked to the Performance of the CS/RT
   Emerging Infrastructure Index Powered by HOLT   

ELEMENTS due April 10, 2023
   Linked to the Credit Suisse Global Warming Index, Exchange Series  

Exchange Traded Notes due February 19, 2020
   Linked to the Credit Suisse
   Long/Short Liquid Index (Net)   

Exchange Traded Notes due March 13, 2031
   Linked on a Leveraged Basis to the Credit Suisse Merger
   Arbitrage Liquid Index (Net)   

VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short Term ETN
   linked to the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures™ Index due December 4, 2030  

VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Medium Term ETN
   linked to the S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures™ Index due December 4, 2030  

VelocityShares VIX Medium Term ETN
   linked to the S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures™ Index due December 4, 2030  

VelocityShares Daily 2x VIX Short Term ETN
   linked to the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures™ Index due December 4, 2030  

VelocityShares Daily 2x VIX Medium Term ETN
   linked to the S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures™ Index due December 4, 2030  

Exchange Traded Notes due October 6, 2020
   Linked to the Credit Suisse Merger Arbitrage Liquid Index (Net)  

Exchange Traded Notes due April 2020
   Linked to the Cushing® 30 MLP Index  

Exchange Traded Notes due February 19, 2020
   Linked to the Credit Suisse Long/Short Liquid Index (Net)  

Title of each class of securities of Credit Suisse (USA), Inc. 
6 1/8% Notes due 2011  New York Stock Exchange

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None
Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act: None
Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of
December 31, 2010: 1,186,174,442 shares of Credit Suisse Group AG

Indicate by check mark if the Registrants are well-known seasoned issuers, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.

   Yes      No   
If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the Registrants are not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

   Yes      No   
Indicate by check mark whether the Registrants (1) have filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrants were required to file such reports) and (2) have been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

   Yes      No   
Indicate by check mark whether the Registrants are large accelerated filers, accelerated filers, or non-accelerated filers. See definition of “accelerated filer and large accelerated filer” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (Check One):

   Large accelerated filers      Accelerated filers      Non-accelerated filers   
Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the Registrants have used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:

U.S. GAAP    International    Other 
Financial Reporting Standards
as issued by the
International Accounting Standards Board

If “Other” has been checked in response to the previous question, indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected to follow.

Item 17    Item 18
If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the Registrants are shell companies
(as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act)

   Yes      No   
* Not for trading, but only in connection with the registration of the American Depositary Shares

Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information
Item 1. Identity of directors, senior management and advisers.
Item 2. Offer statistics and expected timetable.
Item 3. Key information.
Item 4. Information on the company.
Item 4A. Unresolved staff comments.
Item 5. Operating and financial review and prospects.
Item 6. Directors, senior management and employees.
Item 7. Major shareholders and related party transactions.
Item 8. Financial information.
Item 9. The offer and listing.
Item 10. Additional information.
Item 11. Quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk.
Item 12. Description of securities other than equity securities.
Item 13. Defaults, dividend arrearages and delinquencies.
Item 14. Material modifications to the rights of security holders and use of proceeds.
Item 15. Controls and procedures.
Item 16A. Audit committee financial expert.
Item 16B. Code of ethics.
Item 16C. Principal accountant fees and services.
Item 16D. Exemptions from the listing standards for audit committee.
Item 16E. Purchases of equity securities by the issuer and affiliated purchasers.
Item 16F. Change in registrants’ certifying accountant.
Item 16G. Corporate governance.
Item 17. Financial statements.
Item 18. Financial statements.
Item 19. Exhibits.
Annual Report 2010
Message from the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer
Information on the company
Credit Suisse at a glance
Credit Suisse in the World
Our businesses
Organizational and regional structure
Regulation and supervision
Operating and financial review
Operating environment
Credit Suisse
Core Results
Key performance indicators
Private Banking
Wealth Management Clients
Corporate & Institutional Clients
Investment Banking
Asset Management
Corporate Center
Results overview
Assets under management
Critical accounting estimates
Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet
Treasury management
Risk management
Balance sheet, off-balance sheet and other contractual obligations
Corporate Governance and Compensation
Corporate Governance
Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group
Report of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
Consolidated financial statements
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
1 Summary of significant accounting policies
2 Recently issued accounting standards
3 Business developments
4 Discontinued operations
5 Segment information
6 Net interest income
7 Commissions and fees
8 Trading revenues
9 Other revenues
10 Provision for credit losses
11 Compensation and benefits
12 General and administrative expenses
13 Earnings per share
14 Securities borrowed, lent and subject to repurchase agreements
15 Trading assets and liabilities
16 Investment securities
17 Other investments
18 Loans, allowance for loan losses and credit quality
19 Premises and equipment
20 Goodwill and other intangible assets
21 Life settlement contracts
22 Other assets and other liabilities
23 Deposits
24 Long-term debt
25 Accumulated other comprehensive income
26 Tax
27 Employee deferred compensation
28 Related parties
29 Pension and other post-retirement benefits
30 Derivatives and hedging activities
31 Guarantees and commitments
32 Transfers of financial assets and variable interest entities
33 Financial instruments
34 Assets pledged or assigned
35 Capital adequacy
36 Assets under management
37 Litigation
38 Significant subsidiaries and equity method investments
39 Subsidiary guarantee information
40 Credit Suisse Group parent company
41 Significant valuation and income recognition differences between US GAAP and Swiss GAAP (true and fair view)
42 Risk assessment
Controls and procedures
Report of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm to the General Meeting of
Parent company financial statements – Credit Suisse Group
Report of the Statutory Auditor on the Financial Statements to the General Meeting of
Parent company financial statements
Notes to the financial statements
1 Accounting principles
2 Contingent liabilities
3 Compensation to members of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors
4 Principal participations
5 Own shares held by the company and by group companies
6 Significant shareholders
7 Share capital, conditional and authorized capital of Credit Suisse Group
8 Risk assessment
Proposed appropriation of retained earnings and capital distribution
Confirmation to the Board of Directors relating to the Conditional Increase of Share Capital of
Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank)
Report of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
Consolidated financial statements
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
1 Summary of significant accounting policies
2 Recently issued accounting standards
3 Business developments
4 Discontinued operations
5 Segment information
6 Net interest income
7 Commissions and fees
8 Trading revenues
9 Other revenues
10 Provision for credit losses
11 Compensation and benefits
12 General and administrative expenses
13 Securities borrowed, lent and subject to repurchase agreements
14 Trading assets and liabilities
15 Investment securities
16 Other investments
17 Loans, allowance for loan losses and credit quality
18 Premises and equipment
19 Goodwill and other intangible assets
20 Life settlement contracts
21 Other assets and other liabilities
22 Deposits
23 Long-term debt
24 Accumulated other comprehensive income
25 Tax
26 Employee deferred compensation
27 Related parties
28 Pension and other post-retirement benefits
29 Derivatives and hedging activities
30 Guarantees and commitments
31 Transfers of financial assets and variable interest entities
32 Financial instruments
33 Assets pledged or assigned
34 Capital adequacy
35 Litigation
36 Significant subsidiaries and equity method investments
37 Significant valuation and income recognition differences between US GAAP and Swiss GAAP (true and fair view)
38 Risk assessment
Controls and procedures
Report of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm to the General Meeting of
Parent company financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank)
Report of the Statutory Auditor on the Financial Statements to the General Meeting of
Financial review
Parent company financial statements
Notes to the financial statements
1 Description of business activities
2 Accounting and valuation policies
3 Additional information on the parent company statements of income
4 Pledged assets and assets under reservation of ownership
5 Other assets and other liabilities
6 Securities borrowing and securities lending, repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements
7 Structured products that include own debt
8 Liabilities due to own pension plans
9 Valuation adjustments and provisions
10 Composition of share and participation capital and authorized capital
11 Major shareholders and groups of shareholders
12 Shareholder’s equity
13 Amounts receivable from and payable to affiliated companies and loans to members of the Bank parent company’s governing bodies
14 Significant transactions with related parties
15 Fire insurance value of tangible fixed assets
16 Liabilities for future payments in connection with operating leases
17 Fiduciary transactions
18 Number of employees
19 Foreign currency translation rates
20 Outsourcing of services
21 Risk assessment
Proposed appropriation of retained earnings
Additional information
Statistical information
Legal proceedings
Risk factors
Other information
Foreign currency translation rates
Investor information
Investor information
List of abbreviations


For the purposes of this Form 20-F and the attached Annual Report 2010, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms “Credit Suisse Group,” “Credit Suisse,” “the Group,” “we,” “us” and “our” mean Credit Suisse Group AG and its consolidated subsidiaries and the term “the Bank” means Credit Suisse AG, the Swiss bank subsidiary of the Group, and its consolidated subsidiaries.

The business of the Bank is substantially similar to the Group and, except where noted or the context otherwise requires, information relating to the Group is also relevant to the Bank.

Abbreviations and selected terms are explained in the List of abbreviations and the Glossary in the back of the Annual Report 2010.


Throughout this Form 20-F and the attached Annual Report 2010, we describe the position and ranking of our various businesses in certain industry and geographic markets. The sources for such descriptions come from a variety of conventional publications generally accepted as relevant business indicators by members of the financial services industry. These sources include: Standard & Poor’s, Thomson Financial, Dealogic, the Loan Pricing Corporation, Institutional Investor, Lipper, Moody’s Investors Service and Fitch Ratings.

Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information on page 518 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

Part I

Item 1. Identity of directors, senior management and advisers.

Not required because this Form 20-F is filed as an annual report.

Item 2. Offer statistics and expected timetable.

Not required because this Form 20-F is filed as an annual report.

Item 3. Key information.

A – Selected financial data.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IX – Additional information – Statistical information – Selected information – Group on page 476 of the attached Annual Report 2010. For the Bank, please see IX – Additional information – Statistical information – Selected information – Bank on page 477 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

B – Capitalization and indebtedness.

Not required because this Form 20-F is filed as an annual report.

C – Reasons for the offer and use of proceeds.

Not required because this Form 20-F is filed as an annual report.

D – Risk factors.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IX – Additional information – Risk factors on pages 496 to 502 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

Item 4. Information on the company.

A – History and development of the company.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see I – Information on the company – Credit Suisse at a glance on pages 12 to 13, – Credit Suisse in the World on pages 14 to 15 and – Vision on page 16, and IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation – Corporate Governance – Overview – Company on pages 147 to 148 of the attached Annual Report 2010. In addition, for Credit Suisse, please see Note 3 – Business developments in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on page 235 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and, for the Bank, please see Note 3 – Business developments in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on page 388 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

B – Business overview.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see I – Information on the company on pages 12 to 42 of the attached Annual Report 2010. In addition, for Credit Suisse, please see Note 5 – Segment information in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 237 to 239 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and, for the Bank, please see Note 5 – Segment information in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on pages 389 to 390 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

C – Organizational structure.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see I – Information on the company – Organizational and regional structure on pages 33 to 34 and II – Operating and financial review – Credit Suisse – Differences between Group and Bank on page 49 of the attached Annual Report 2010. For a list of Credit Suisse’s significant subsidiaries, please see Note 38 – Significant subsidiaries and equity method investments in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 338 to 340 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and, for a list of the Bank’s significant subsidiaries, please see Note 36 – Significant subsidiaries and equity method investments in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on pages 454 to 456 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

D – Property, plant and equipment.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IX – Additional information – Other information – Property and equipment on page 507 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

Information Required by Industry Guide 3.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IX – Additional information – Statistical information – Group on pages 478 to 494 of the attached Annual Report 2010. In addition, for both Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management – Credit risk – Loans – Impaired loans on pages 134 to 136 and – Provision for credit losses on page 136 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

Item 4A. Unresolved staff comments.


Item 5. Operating and financial review and prospects.

A – Operating results.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see II – Operating and financial review on pages 44 to 94 of the attached Annual Report 2010. In addition, for both Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see I – Information on the company – Regulation and supervision on pages 35 to 42 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Treasury management – Foreign exchange exposure and interest rate management on page 118.

B – Liquidity and capital resources.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Treasury management on pages 96 to 118 of the attached Annual Report 2010. In addition, for Credit Suisse, please see Note 24 – Long-term debt in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 256 to 257 and Note 35 – Capital adequacy in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 329 to 330 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and, for the Bank, please see Note 23 – Long-term debt in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on page 404 and Note 34 – Capital adequacy in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on page 453 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

C – Research and development, patents and licenses, etc.

Not applicable.

D – Trend information.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see Item 5.A of this Form 20-F. In addition, for Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see I – Information on the Company – Our business on pages 20 to 32 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

E – Off-balance sheet arrangements.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Balance sheet, off-balance sheet and other contractual obligations on pages 141 to 144 of the attached Annual Report 2010. In addition, for Credit Suisse, please see Note 30 – Derivatives and hedging activities, Note 31 – Guarantees and commitments and Note 32 – Transfers of financial assets and variable interest entities in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 284 to 308 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and, for the Bank, please see Note 29 – Derivatives and hedging activities, Note 30 – Guarantees and commitments and Note 31 – Transfers of financial assets and variable interest entities in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on pages 425 to 439 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

F – Tabular disclosure of contractual obligations.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Balance sheet, off-balance sheet and other contractual obligations – Contractual obligations and other commercial commitments on page 143 to 144 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

Item 6. Directors, senior management and employees.

A – Directors and senior management.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation – Corporate Governance – Board of Directors, – Board Committees, – Biographies of the Board Members, – Executive Board and – Biographies of the Executive Board Members on pages 159 to 176 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

B – Compensation.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation – Compensation on pages 181 to 210 of the attached Annual Report 2010. In addition, for Credit Suisse, please see Note 11 – Compensation and benefits in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on page 241, Note 27 – Employee deferred compensation in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 264 to 271 and Note 29 – Pension and other post-retirement benefits in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 273 to 284, and Note 3 – Compensation to members of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors in VI – Parent company financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 361 to 369 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and, for the Bank, please see Note 11 – Compensation and benefits in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on page 393, Note 26 – Employee deferred compensation in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on pages 411 to 414 and Note 28 – Pension and other post-retirement benefits in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on pages 417 to 425 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

C – Board practices.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IV –Corporate Governance and Compensation – Corporate Governance on pages 146 to 180 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

D – Employees.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation – Corporate Governance – Overview –Employees on page 148. In addition, for both Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see II – Operating and financial review – Results overview on pages 84 to 85 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

E – Share ownership.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation – Compensation on pages 181 to 210 of the attached Annual Report 2010. In addition, for Credit Suisse, please see Note 27, Employee deferred compensation in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 264 to 271, and Note 3 – Compensation to members of the Executive Board and Board of Directors in VI – Parent company financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 361 to 369 of the attached Annual Report 2010. For the Bank, please see Note 26 – Employee deferred compensation in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on pages 411 to 414 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

Item 7. Major shareholders and related party transactions.

A – Major shareholders.

For Credit Suisse, please see IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation – Corporate Governance – Shareholders on pages 149 to 152 of the attached Annual Report 2010. In addition, for Credit Suisse, please see Note 3 – Business developments in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on page 235, Note 5 – Own shares held by the company and by group companies and Note 6 – Significant shareholders in VI – Parent company financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on page 370 of the attached Annual Report 2010. Credit Suisse’s major shareholders do not have different voting rights. The Bank has 43,996,652 shares outstanding and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Credit Suisse.

B – Related party transactions.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation – Compensation on pages 181 to 210 of the attached Annual Report 2010. In addition, for Credit Suisse, please see Note 28 – Related parties in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 272 to 273 and Note 3 – Compensation to members of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors – Loans to members of the Board of Directors in VI – Parent company financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on page 369 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and, for the Bank, please see Note 27 – Related parties in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on pages 415 to 416 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

C – Interests of experts and counsel.

Not applicable because this Form 20-F is filed as an annual report.

Item 8. Financial information.

A – Consolidated statements and other financial information.

Please see Item 18 of this Form 20-F.

For a description of Credit Suisse’s and the Bank’s legal or arbitration proceedings, please see IX – Additional information – Legal proceedings on page 495 of the attached Annual Report 2010. In addition, for Credit Suisse, please see Note 37 – Litigation in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 331 to 337 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and, for the Bank, please see Note 35 – Litigation in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on page 454 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

For a description of Credit Suisse’s policy on dividend distributions, please see III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Treasury management – Regulatory capital developments and proposals – Dividends and dividend policy on pages 114 to 115 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

B – Significant changes.


Item 9. The offer and listing.

A – Offer and listing details, C – Markets.

For information regarding the price history of Credit Suisse Group shares and the stock exchanges and other regulated markets on which they are listed or traded, please see IX – Additional information – Other information – Listing details on pages 506 to 507 of the attached Annual Report 2010. Shares of the Bank are not listed.

B – Plan of distribution, D – Selling shareholders, E – Dilution, F – Expenses of the issue.

Not required because this Form 20-F is filed as an annual report.

Item 10. Additional information.

A – Share capital.

Not required because this Form 20-F is filed as an annual report.

B – Memorandum and Articles of Association.

For Credit Suisse, please see IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation – Corporate Governance – Overview, – Shareholders and – Board of Directors on pages 146 to 156 and – Additional information – Changes of control and defense measures on page 178 and – Liquidation on page 180 of the attached Annual Report 2010. In addition, for Credit Suisse, please see IX – Additional information – Other information – Exchange controls and – American Depositary Shares on page 503 of the attached Annual Report 2010. Shares of the Bank are not listed.

C – Material contracts.

Neither Credit Suisse nor the Bank has any contract that would constitute a material contract for the two years immediately preceding this Form 20-F.

D – Exchange controls.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IX – Additional information – Other information – Exchange controls on page 503 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

E – Taxation.

For Credit Suisse, please see IX – Additional information – Other information – Taxation on pages 503 to 506 of the attached Annual Report 2010. The Bank does not have any public shareholders.

F – Dividends and paying agents.

Not required because this Form 20-F is filed as an annual report.

G – Statement by experts.

Not required because this Form 20-F is filed as an annual report.

H – Documents on display.

Credit Suisse and the Bank file periodic reports and other information with the SEC. You may read and copy any document that Credit Suisse or the Bank files with the SEC on the SEC’s website,, or at the SEC’s public reference room at 100 F Street, N.E., Room 1580, Washington, D.C. 20549. Please call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 (in the US) or at +1 202 942 8088 (outside the US) for further information on the operation of its public reference room. You may also inspect Credit Suisse’s and the Bank’s SEC reports and other information at the New York Stock Exchange, 11 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005.

The information Credit Suisse or the Bank files with the SEC may also be found on the Credit Suisse website at In addition, our website also contains corporate governance policies and other documents of Credit Suisse and the Bank. Information contained on our website is not incorporated by reference into this Form 20-F.

In addition, Credit Suisse’s parent company financial statements, together with the notes thereto, are set forth on pages 359 to 372 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and incorporated by reference herein. The Bank’s parent company financial statements, together with the notes thereto, are set forth on pages 463 to 474 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and incorporated by reference herein.

I – Subsidiary information.

Not applicable.

Item 11. Quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management on pages 119 to 139 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

Item 12. Description of securities other than equity securities.

A – Debt Securities, B – Warrants and Rights, C – Other Securities.

Not required because this Form 20-F is filed as an annual report.

D – American Depositary Shares.

For Credit Suisse, please see IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation – Corporate Governance – Additional information – American Depositary Share fees on pages 179 to 180 of the attached Annual Report 2010. Shares of the Bank are not listed.

Part II

Item 13. Defaults, dividend arrearages and delinquencies.


Item 14. Material modifications to the rights of security holders and use of proceeds.


Item 15. Controls and procedures.

For Credit Suisse’s management report and the related report from the Group’s independent auditors, please see Controls and procedures and Report of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 353 to 354 of the attached Annual Report 2010. For the Bank’s management report and the related report from the Bank’s independent auditors, please see Controls and procedures and Report of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on pages 457 to 458 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

Item 16A. Audit committee financial expert.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation – Corporate Governance – Board of Directors – Board committees – Audit Committee on pages 157 to 158 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

Item 16B. Code of ethics.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation – Corporate Governance – Overview – Corporate governance framework on pages 146 to 147 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

Item 16C. Principal accountant fees and services.

For Credit Suisse and the Bank, please see IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation – Corporate Governance – Additional Information – Internal and external auditors on pages 178 to 179 of the attached Annual Report 2010.

Item 16D. Exemptions from the listing standards for audit committee.


Item 16E. Purchases of equity securities by the issuer and affiliated purchasers.

For Credit Suisse, please see III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Treasury management – Share repurchase activities on pages 113 to 114 of the attached Annual Report 2010. The Bank does not have any class of equity securities registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act.

Item 16F. Change in registrants’ certifying accountant.


Item 16G. Corporate governance.

For Credit Suisse, please see IV – Corporate Governance and Compensation – Corporate Governance – Overview – Complying with rules and regulations on page 146 of the attached Annual Report 2010. Shares of the Bank are not listed.

Part III

Item 17. Financial statements.

Not applicable.

Item 18. Financial statements.

Credit Suisse’s consolidated financial statements, together with the notes thereto and the Report of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm thereon, are set forth on pages 213 to 354 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and incorporated by reference herein. The Bank’s consolidated financial statements, together with the notes thereto (and any notes or portions thereof in the consolidated financial statements of Credit Suisse Group referred to therein) and the Report of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm thereon, are set forth on pages 377 to 458 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and incorporated by reference herein.

Item 19. Exhibits.

1.1 Articles of association (Statuten) of Credit Suisse Group AG as of January 31, 2011.

1.2 Articles of association (Statuten) of Credit Suisse AG as of August 5, 2010.

1.3 Organizational Guidelines and Regulations of Credit Suisse Group AG and Credit Suisse AG (OGR) as of December 8, 2010.

7.1 Computations of ratios of earnings to fixed charges of Credit Suisse and of the Bank are set forth under IX – Additional Information – Statistical information – Ratio of earnings to fixed charges – Group and – Ratio of earnings to fixed charges – Bank on page 494 of the attached Annual Report 2010 and incorporated by reference herein.

8.1 Significant subsidiaries of Credit Suisse are set forth in Note 38 – Significant subsidiaries and equity method investments in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group on pages 338 to 340, and significant subsidiaries of the Bank are set forth in Note 36 – Significant subsidiaries and equity method investments in VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) on pages 454 to 456 in the attached Annual Report 2010 and incorporated by reference herein.

9.1 Consent of KPMG AG, Zurich with respect to Credit Suisse Group AG consolidated financial statements.

9.2 Consent of KPMG AG, Zurich with respect to the Credit Suisse AG consolidated financial statements.

12.1 Rule 13a-14(a) certification of the Chief Executive Officer of Credit Suisse Group AG and Credit Suisse AG, pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

12.2 Rule 13a-14(a) certification of the Chief Financial Officer of Credit Suisse Group AG and Credit Suisse AG, pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

13.1 Certifications pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 for Credit Suisse Group AG and Credit Suisse AG.

101.1 Interactive Data Files (XBRL-Related Documents).


Each of the registrants hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorized the undersigned to sign this annual report on its behalf.



                           Date: March 25, 2011

/s/ Brady W. Dougan                           /s/ David R. Mathers

Name: Brady W. Dougan                      Name: David R. Mathers

Title: Chief Executive Officer                 Title: Chief Financial Officer 



                           Date: March 25, 2011

/s/ Brady W. Dougan                           /s/ David R. Mathers

Name: Brady W. Dougan                      Name: David R. Mathers

Title: Chief Executive Officer                 Title: Chief Financial Officer 

Annual Report 2010

Annual Report

The Annual Report is a detailed presentation of the Group’s annual financial statements, company structure, corporate governance and compensation practices, treasury and risk management framework and an in-depth review of our operating and financial results.
Cover London-based Marianna Pomazkova works in the Credit Suisse Private Banking division, helping family offices for ultra-high-net-worth clients in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region to find individualized solutions. Insights into her work can be found in the Company Profile.

Company Profile

For insights about the activities of each of the Group’s divisions, regions and other shared services functions, refer to the Company Profile. The Business Review, a summary of the Group’s financial performance during the year, is included in the publication.

Corporate Responsibility Report and Chronicle

For a detailed presentation on how the Group addresses its diverse social and environmental responsibilities when conducting its business activities, refer to the Corporate Responsibility Report. This publication is complemented by an online Chronicle that adds a multimedia dimension by providing a selection of reports, videos and picture galleries that focus on our international projects and initiatives.

Financial highlights
  in / end of % change
2010 2009 2008 10 / 09 09 / 08
Net income (CHF million)  
Net income/(loss) attributable to shareholders  5,098 6,724 (8,218) (24)
   of which from continuing operations  5,117 6,555 (7,687) (22)
Earnings per share (CHF)  
Basic earnings/(loss) per share from continuing operations  3.93 5.14 (7.51) (24)
Basic earnings/(loss) per share  3.91 5.28 (8.01) (26)
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share from continuing operations  3.91 5.01 (7.51) (22)
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share  3.89 5.14 (8.01) (24)
Return on equity (%)  
Return on equity attributable to shareholders  14.4 18.3 (21.1)
Core Results (CHF million)  
Net revenues  30,625 33,617 11,862 (9) 183
Provision for credit losses  (79) 506 813 (38)
Total operating expenses  23,904 24,528 23,212 (3) 6
Income/(loss) from continuing operations before taxes  6,800 8,583 (12,163) (21)
Core Results statement of operations metrics (%)  
Cost/income ratio  78.1 73.0 195.7
Pre-tax income margin  22.2 25.5 (102.5)
Effective tax rate  22.8 21.4 37.8
Net income margin 1 16.6 20.0 (69.3)
Assets under management and net new assets (CHF billion)  
Assets under management from continuing operations  1,253.0 1,229.0 1,106.1 2.0 11.1
Net new assets  69.0 44.2 (3.0)
Balance sheet statistics (CHF million)  
Total assets  1,032,005 1,031,427 1,170,350 0 (12)
Net loans  218,842 237,180 235,797 (8) 1
Total shareholders' equity  33,282 37,517 32,302 (11) 16
Tangible shareholders' equity 2 24,385 27,922 22,549 (13) 24
Book value per share outstanding (CHF)  
Total book value per share  28.35 32.09 27.75 (12) 16
Shares outstanding (million)  
Common shares issued  1,186.1 1,185.4 1,184.6 0 0
Treasury shares  (12.2) (16.2) (20.7) (25) (22)
Shares outstanding  1,173.9 1,169.2 1,163.9 0 0
Market capitalization  
Market capitalization (CHF million)  44,683 60,691 33,762 (26) 80
Market capitalization (USD million)  47,933 58,273 33,478 (18) 74
BIS statistics  
Risk-weighted assets (CHF million)  218,702 221,609 257,467 (1) (14)
Tier 1 ratio (%)  17.2 16.3 13.3
Total capital ratio (%)  21.9 20.6 17.9
Dividend per share (CHF)  
Dividend per share  1.30 3 2.00 0.10
Number of employees (full-time equivalents)  
Number of employees  50,100 47,600 47,800 5 0
1    Based on amounts attributable to shareholders.   2    Tangible shareholders' equity is calculated by deducting goodwill and other intangible assets from total shareholders' equity attributable to shareholders.   3    Proposal of the Board of Directors to the Annual General Meeting on April 29, 2011. Paid out of reserves from capital contributions.

Brady W.Dougan, Chief Executive Officer (left), Hans-Ulrich Doerig, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Message from the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer

Dear shareholders, clients and colleagues

Our integrated business model with its balanced portfolio of income streams has proven resilient in the volatile market environment in 2010. We continued to be well capitalized, gained market share across our businesses and generated solid earnings, reporting net income of CHF 5.1 billion, net new assets of CHF 69.0 billion and a tier 1 ratio of 17.2%. We also continued to achieve an industry leading return on equity of 14.4%. The Board of Directors will propose a tax privileged distribution out of reserves from capital contributions of CHF 1.30 per share for 2010.

Execution of our strategy in 2010

Our client-focused and capital-efficient business strategy, strong capital position and ability to provide clients globally with best-in-class integrated banking services served us well through 2010. Clients continued to place their trust in Credit Suisse, and our Private Banking division attracted a remarkable CHF 54.6 billion of net new assets compared to CHF 41.6 billion in 2009. To follow the continuing evolution of our clients’ needs, we continued to invest in our international growth strategy and expanded our onshore business in diverse locations, including emerging markets platforms in Russia, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and Latin America. In Switzerland, we continued to grow our business across most client segments through focused growth initiatives. Consistently implementing our strategy, we focused on four additional topics: client centricity; integrating the banking business; best people; and productivity and financial performance. In client centricity, we continued to implement our ultra-high-net-worth strategy, generating CHF 24.9 billion of net new assets from ultra-high-net-worth clients across all regions in 2010. To further leverage the strength of the integrated bank, Private Banking collaborated closely with Investment Banking and Asset Management in more than 90% of the total of CHF 4.4 billion in collaboration revenues. To fuel our international growth we hired talented relationship managers and, as part of our efforts to attract, develop and retain the best people, enhanced our global training and certification program for all client-facing employees. Finally, in the area of productivity and financial performance, we continued to outperform our peers in a market environment characterized by declining margins, and implemented cost initiatives to achieve a resilient pre-tax income margin of 29.5%.

In Investment Banking, we continued to position the business in line with the ongoing changes in the competitive landscape, as regulatory measures for more stringent supervision of financial institutions gained momentum around the world. We executed several key initiatives in 2010 to further our client-focused, capital-efficient strategy, and we extended our market share gains across our businesses as we built our distribution platform and enhanced our electronic capabilities for clients. In particular, we significantly expanded our distribution capabilities in fixed income flow businesses, had market-leading positions in equities, with continued market share gains in cash equities and prime services, increased focus on growing our leading emerging markets platform with key onshore hires and strengthened our underwriting and advisory franchises by shifting focus to a more large cap-oriented strategy in developed markets. Finally, we continued to reallocate resources, including capital, headcount and technology resources, to our high-return, client-focused businesses. As evidence of the successful implementation of our strategy, substantially all of our revenues arose from direct client activity.

In Asset Management, we sustained the implementation of our strategy focused on alternative investment strategies, emerging markets, asset allocation and the traditional businesses in Switzerland. We specifically focused on: delivering leading investment performance capabilities through our in-house funds and partnerships; building higher margin, capital-efficient businesses, including through restructuring and outsourcing; leveraging the integrated banking model; growing asset inflows through our multi-channel distribution network; and expanding our emerging markets franchise across alternative investment and traditional products. The disciplined implementation of our business strategy was reflected in CHF 20.6 billion of net new assets in 2010. Other key examples of our progress include the expansion of our ranges of exchange traded funds to over 50 across fixed income, equity, commodity and emerging markets products. In collaboration with Private Banking, we also launched the first Swiss real estate fund that invests in diversified hospitality properties throughout Switzerland. The fund had strong demand from investors, raising CHF 900 million. In addition, we closed a new Brazilian corporate credit fund, raising almost CHF 800 million, closed an emerging markets fund to pursue credit investments in global emerging markets, launched the Credit Suisse Long/Short Liquid Index and Credit Suisse Merger Arbitrage Liquid Index and successfully spun off our real estate private equity fund and our credit hedge fund Candlewood Investments.

2010 financial performance

In 2010, we recorded net income attributable to shareholders of CHF 5,098 million, compared to CHF 6,724 million in 2009. Core Results net revenues were CHF 30,625 million, down 9% compared to 2009. Integrated bank collaboration revenues were CHF 4.4 billion for 2010.

Private Banking reported income before taxes of CHF 3,426 million for 2010, down 6% compared to 2009. Net revenues of CHF 11,631 million were stable compared to 2009, and results in 2010 were impacted by the weakening of the average rate of the US dollar and euro against the Swiss franc compared to 2009, adversely affecting Wealth Management Clients revenues by approximately CHF 350 million and income before taxes by approximately CHF 250 million. We attracted net new assets of CHF 54.6 billion in Private Banking, up 31.3% compared to 2009, with strong inflows in both the international and the Swiss regions. The Wealth Management Clients business reported pre-tax income of CHF 2,528 million, down 13% compared to 2009. The Swiss Corporate & Institutional Clients business, which is an important provider of financial products and services in Switzerland, achieved income before taxes of CHF 898 million, up 19% compared to 2009. Investment Banking reported income before taxes of CHF 3,531 million and net revenues of CHF 16,214 million in 2010, compared to income before taxes of CHF 6,845 million and net revenues of CHF 20,537 million in 2009. Our Investment Banking results were impacted by subdued client flows compared with 2009, but we had continued market share momentum across products and geographies. Net revenues reflected strong underwriting and advisory results and solid equity sales and trading results. Fixed income sales and trading revenues were resilient in spite of macroeconomic uncertainties. In Asset Management, income before taxes was CHF 503 million, compared to CHF 35 million in 2009. Net revenues of CHF 2,332 million were up 27% compared to 2009, primarily reflecting investment-related gains compared to losses in 2009, partially offset by lower income from equity participations. Investment-related gains were CHF 420 million, compared to losses of CHF 365 million in 2009, reflecting improved equity markets.

Improving the strength of the financial system

2010 has been a year of transition towards a new regulatory environment. In September 2010, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) announced the Basel III framework with new capital standards that are designed to strengthen the resilience of the banking sector. Under the new capital standards, banks are required to hold more capital than before, mainly in the form of common equity. In November, the G-20 endorsed the BCBS agreement and reaffirmed the view that no financial institution may be too big or too interconnected to fail.

In Switzerland, our home market, the Expert Commission appointed by the Swiss Federal Council addressed the “Too Big to Fail” issue relating to large Swiss banks. Credit Suisse took an active part in these discussions, advocating the concept of convertible contingent capital – a debt that converts into equity at a time of stress. The conversion of the contingent capital debt provides the new equity required to absorb losses and recapitalize the bank.

Credit Suisse has successfully issued contingent capital buffer capital notes. In February, we announced that we reached a definitive agreement with strategic investors, Qatar Holding LLC and The Olayan Group, to issue an aggregate of CHF 5.9 billion tier 1 buffer capital notes. In February, we also placed USD 2 billion tier 2 buffer capital notes in a public offering. The combined transactions have already secured more than 70% of the maximum potential issuance of high-trigger contingent capital suggested under the proposed Swiss “Too Big to Fail” regulations, positioning Credit Suisse well ahead of schedule to meet the new capital requirements by 2019.

Strategic priorities for 2011

Our aspiration is to become one of the world’s most admired banks. We strive to achieve this aspiration by providing our clients with sustainable solutions to all their financial needs and by generating lasting value for them, our investors and employees and the communities in which we operate. It is of critical importance that we achieve this goal in a manner compliant with all applicable laws, regulations and internal policies. We are committed to observing the highest standards of integrity and regulatory compliance in all aspects of our work. We are confident that we have a sound control framework that will enable us to remain a trusted financial partner to all our clients. Within this frame of reference, we will focus on the following priorities in 2011: client focus; collaboration; employees; capital and risk management; efficiency; and corporate responsibility.

At Credit Suisse, we are very much aware that clients are at the heart of our success. We aspire to be a consistent, reliable, flexible and long-term partner to all of them, whether they are individuals, large and mid-sized companies, entrepreneurs, institutional clients or hedge funds. To consistently provide them with the best our three business lines have to offer, we place great emphasis on collaboration and on delivering the best of our products and services across our organization. In 2010, we recorded collaboration revenues of CHF 4.4 billion, and going forward we will target collaboration revenues of 18% to 20% of net revenues. Only the best talent is able to deliver on these goals. We therefore continue to undertake efforts to attract, develop and retain top talent in order to deliver an outstanding integrated value proposition to our clients. In terms of capital and risk management, we believe that it is fundamental to our business that we maintain a conservative framework to manage liquidity and capital while taking appropriate risk in line with our strategic priorities. Finally while we continue to strive for top-quartile efficiency levels, we will continue to be careful not to compromise growth or reputation.

In addition to these priorities – which enable us to operate profitably and successfully in even the most challenging market environment – we are also aware of our responsibilities beyond banking. In fact, we firmly believe that being a responsible corporate citizen plays an integral role in our long-term success, and we strive to incorporate our approach to corporate responsibility into every aspect of our work.

Nominations to the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors proposes the following members be re-elected to the Board, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Jean Lanier and Anton van Rossum, subject to their election by the shareholders.

Well-positioned in a new operating environment

We have a strong balance sheet, our capital base is solid and we have been transparent on how we will meet the new capital requirements. We have remained focused on cost management and have demonstrated the ability to adjust quickly to the changing market environment. Our businesses have maintained good market share momentum and we are in a very strong position to deliver sustainable returns and consistent book value accretion for shareholders and clients. With the Expert Commission proposals in Switzerland, we have more clarity on our home country future regulatory environment and we are well advanced on implementing the required measures. We feel well positioned to succeed in the changing operating environment.

In conclusion, we would like to sincerely thank all our employees and management at all levels throughout our global organization for their exceptional contributions and continued commitment to the success of our business. We would also like to thank the members of our Board of Directors for their good cooperation throughout this past year.

Yours sincerely

Hans-Ulrich Doerig     Brady W. Dougan
Chairman of the         Chief Executive Officer
Board of Directors

March 2011

For the purposes of this report, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms “Credit Suisse Group”, “Credit Suisse”, “the Group”, “we”, “us” and “our” mean Credit Suisse Group AG and its consolidated subsidiaries. The business of Credit Suisse AG, the Swiss bank subsidiary of the Group, is substantially similar to the Group, and we use these terms to refer to both when the subject is the same or substantially similar. We use the term “the Bank” when we are referring only to Credit Suisse AG, the Swiss bank subsidiary of the Group, and its consolidated subsidiaries.

Abbreviations and selected >>>terms are explained in the List of abbreviations and the Glossary in the back of this report.

In various tables, use of “–” indicates not meaningful or not applicable.

Information on the company

Credit Suisse at a glance

Credit Suisse in the World



Our businesses

Organizational and regional structure

Regulation and supervision

Credit Suisse at a glance

We believe that our ability to serve clients globally with solutions tailored to their needs gives us a strong advantage in today’s rapidly changing and highly competitive marketplace.

We operate as an integrated bank, combining our strengths and expertise in Private Banking, Investment Banking and Asset Management to offer our clients advisory services and customized products. Our three global divisions are supported by our Shared Services functions, which provide corporate services and business solutions while ensuring a strong compliance culture. Our global structure comprises four regions: Switzerland, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Americas and Asia Pacific. With our local presence and global approach, we are well positioned to respond to changing client needs and market trends.


Private Banking

In Private Banking, we offer comprehensive advice and a broad range of financial solutions to private, corporate and institutional clients. Private Banking comprises the Wealth Management Clients and Corporate & Institutional Clients businesses. In Wealth Management Clients, we serve more than two million clients, including ultra-high-net-worth and high-net-worth individuals around the globe and private clients in Switzerland, making us one of the largest global players. Our network comprises 370 office locations in 48 countries. Our Corporate & Institutional Clients business serves the needs of over 100,000 corporations and institutions, mainly in Switzerland, and is an important provider of financial products and services.

Investment Banking

Investment Banking provides a broad range of financial products and services, with a focus on businesses that are client-driven, flow-based and capital-efficient. Our products and services include global securities sales, trading and execution, prime brokerage, capital raising and advisory services, as well as comprehensive investment research. Clients include corporations, governments, pension funds and institutions around the world. We deliver our global investment banking capabilities via regional and local teams based in all major developed and emerging market centers. Our integrated business model enables us to gain a deeper understanding of our clients and deliver creative, high-value, customized solutions based on expertise from across Credit Suisse.

Asset Management

Asset Management offers products across a wide range of asset classes, including alternative investments such as hedge funds, private equity, real estate and credit, and multi-asset class solutions, which includes equities and fixed income products. The division manages portfolios, mutual funds and other investment vehicles for governments, institutions, corporations and private clients worldwide. With offices in 19 countries, we collaborate with clients to develop and deliver innovative investment products and solutions to meet their specific needs. Asset Management operates as a global integrated network in close collaboration with Private Banking and Investment Banking.

Shared Services

Shared Services provides centralized corporate services and business support for Private Banking, Investment Banking and Asset Management, with services in the following areas: finance, legal and compliance, risk management, information technology, talent, corporate communications, corporate branding, corporate development and public policy. Shared Services acts as an independent control function and provides services and support from a handful of regional hubs.



Our home market is Switzerland, where we are a leading bank for private, corporate and institutional clients. Relationship managers at more than 200 branches in the German, French and Italian-speaking areas offer clients a full range of private banking services. We service corporate and institutional clients at 36 locations. The Investment Bank offers a broad range of financial services to its Swiss client base, while Asset Management offers traditional and alternative investment products, and multi-asset class solutions.

Europe, Middle East and Africa

Credit Suisse is active in 26 countries across the EMEA region with offices in 78 cities. Our regional headquarters are in the UK, but we have an onshore presence in every major EMEA country. The region encompasses both developed markets such as France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, as well as emerging markets including Russia, Poland, Turkey and the Middle East. In 2010, we opened our first office in the Nordic region in Stockholm and expanded our presence in South Africa.


The Americas region comprises our operations in the US, Canada, the Caribbean and Latin America. Our three divisions are strongly represented across the region. With offices in 44 cities spanning 14 countries, we offer our clients local access to our global resources in their home markets. In 2010, we enhanced our Investment Banking platform in Canada, and our Private Banking and Asset Management capabilities across the region.

Asia Pacific

The Asia Pacific region comprises 18 offices in 12 markets. Singapore is home to our largest Private Banking operations outside Switzerland. The region is also our fastest-growing Private Banking market globally. Our integrated banking platform has a strong presence in the region’s largest markets, such as Australia, Hong Kong and Japan, complemented by long-standing leadership in Southeast Asia and a rapidly growing franchise in China and India.

Credit Suisse in the World

We have a presence in all major financial centers across the globe. With operations in over 50 countries and booking capabilities in every region, we are well positioned to deliver the advantages of our integrated business model to all our clients worldwide.

Private Banking offers holistic solutions to both onshore and offshore clients. We have established an award-winning advisory process that enables us to provide comprehensive financial products and a high level of service to private clients around the globe. Investment Banking has an international platform of services that it delivers through regional hubs, while Asset Management operates as a globally integrated network. The collaboration between our businesses enables us to offer clients around the world the combined capabilities of our integrated businesses. 

Our global reach creates the basis for the generation of a geographically balanced stream of revenues and net new assets. It also allows us to capture growth opportunities wherever they exist. 

In 2010, we continued to strengthen our international footprint with the opening of an office in Stockholm – our first in Scandinavia – and we expanded our activities in South Africa. In India, we were granted a license to establish a bank branch in Mumbai. We also acquired stock exchange trading rights in the Philippines.

Regional headquarters
Credit Suisse AG
Paradeplatz 8
8070 Zurich
Tel. +41 44 212 16 16
Fax +41 44 332 25 87
Credit Suisse
Eleven Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10010-3629
United States
Tel. +1 212 325 2000
Fax +1 212 325 6665
Credit Suisse
One Cabot Square
London E14 4QJ
United Kingdom
Tel. +44 20 78 88 8888
Fax +44 20 78 88 1600
Credit Suisse
Three Exchange Square
8 Connaught Place, Central
Hong Kong
Tel. +852 21 01 6000
Fax +852 21 01 7990


Credit Suisse’s aspiration is to become one of the world’s most admired banks. We believe our ability to serve clients globally with solutions tailored to their individual needs is a strong competitive advantage. To deliver customized products, comprehensive solutions and advisory services, we combine our strengths in Private Banking, Investment Banking and Asset Management and operate as an integrated bank. Our three divisions are supported by our global Shared Services functions. They are designed to ensure effective business support and the appropriate control and supervision of business activities.

To present a distinctive, single face to clients, we run a regional structure comprising four regions – Switzerland, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Americas and Asia Pacific, Our local presence ensures responsiveness to the ongoing evolution of client needs and market trends, while our global footprint positions us as a solid and trusted partner offering integrated advice and global resources.

In the face of volatile markets, our integrated business model has proven to be both resilient and flexible. It allowed us to focus our energy and resources on our clients and help them to invest in growth and manage difficult restructuring and liquidity situations.

Strong net new assets demonstrate the trust that clients around the world place in Credit Suisse and provide us with a strong foundation that we can build on in the future.

Building on the momentum we have established, we are focusing on the implementation of our client-focused and capital-efficient integrated bank strategy, on gaining further market share and on strengthening our geographic footprint. We are also striving to derive the maximum benefits from our operational excellence and efficiency programs, as well as from our comprehensive human capital strategy, which is geared toward attracting, developing and retaining the best talent.


Industry trends and competition

In 2010, the financial services industry experienced a volatile market environment and continued uncertainties about regulatory developments and proposals, including capital, leverage and liquidity requirements, changes in compensation practices and systemic risk. For information on the liquidity principles agreed with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), the liquidity and capital standards under the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) Basel III framework, the report of the Swiss Expert Commission on “Too Big to Fail” issues relating to big banks, and the revisions to the >>>Basel II market risk framework (Basel II.5), refer to III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Treasury management. For information on other regulatory developments and proposals, refer to I – Information on the company – Regulation and supervision.

We hope that these regulatory changes will be implemented by national regulators in a way that contributes to a more level playing field and a stronger and more sustainable global banking system over time.

As many financial institutions weathered the turbulence of the financial crisis and returned to growth, 2010 was also characterized by increased competitive pressure. With established markets in the US and Europe affected by ongoing sovereign debt concerns and slow economic recovery, we expect vibrant economies in Asia and Latin America to be important growth drivers for the banking industry in the near term. In response to regulatory trends, banks are expected to shift away from proprietary trading towards client-facing business models which will increase competition in client flows. We believe, however, that strongly capitalized banks with a clear and demonstrated client focus will have a competitive advantage.

Group priorities

Our aspiration is to become one of the world’s most admired banks. We are confident that our strong capital position and our ability to provide clients globally with best-in-class integrated banking services provide a strong value proposition for our clients and shareholders. Early in the financial crisis we took decisive action to ensure the trust of our clients, to reduce our risk exposures and to become more capital-efficient. We reduced >>>risk-weighted assets by 32% since the end of 2007 and exited most proprietary trading businesses. In 2010, we delivered sound net income attributable to shareholders of CHF 5,098 million and achieved CHF 69 billion of net new assets. Our client-focused and capital-efficient integrated business model with its balanced portfolio of businesses has proven resilient and we have continued to gain market share across our businesses. We expect our client-focused, capital-efficient strategy to benefit from a more constructive market environment while limiting our risk exposure in down markets. We believe that our strategy is consistent with both emerging client needs and regulatory trends. We have increased clarity on our future regulatory environment, and we are well advanced on implementation.

We feel well positioned to succeed in the changing operating environment and target an annual after-tax return on equity of greater than 15% over the next three to five years. Building on the momentum we have established, we aim to further grow our client business with gains in market share and a strengthened geographic footprint. To achieve our goals, we are focused on the following priorities.

Client focus

We put our clients’ needs first. We aspire to be a consistent, reliable, flexible and long-term partner focused on clients with complex and multi-product needs, such as >>>ultra-high-net-worth individuals, large and mid-sized companies, entrepreneurs, institutional clients and hedge funds. By listening attentively to their needs and offering them superior solutions, we empower them to make better financial decisions. Against the backdrop of significant changes within our industry, we strive to ensure that we consistently help our clients realize their goals and thrive. We continue to strengthen the coverage of our key clients by dedicated teams of senior executives who can deliver our integrated business model. On the back of a strong capital position and high levels of client satisfaction and brand recognition, we achieved significant gains in market share. Our strong client momentum is well recognized. We were awarded “Best Global Bank 2010”, “Best Bank in Switzerland 2010”, “Best Private Bank Globally” for 2011 for the second consecutive year and “Best Emerging Markets Investment Bank 2010” by Euromoney and “Best Bank in Switzerland” and “Most Innovative Investment Bank 2010” by The Banker. In addition, we maintained our strong brand recognition and continued to feature among the Top 3 “Most Admired Megabanks” in Fortune magazine’s annual rankings.


We continue to undertake efforts to attract, develop and retain top talent in order to deliver an outstanding integrated value proposition to our clients. Our candidates go through a rigorous interview process, where we not only look for technical and intellectual proficiency, but for people who can thrive in and contribute to our culture. Credit Suisse is above the external benchmark for employee engagement in the financial services industry. We review our talent and identify the right developmental opportunities based on individual and organizational needs. We increasingly promote cross-divisional and cross-regional development, as well as lateral recruiting and mobility. Valuing different perspectives, creating an inclusive environment and showing cross-cultural sensitivity are key to Credit Suisse’s workplace culture. We have expanded our organizational understanding beyond traditional diversity and inclusion to leverage our differences to fully engage the workforce. Through our business school, we train our leaders, specialists and client advisors in a wide range of subjects to ensure that the knowledge and competence of our employees supports the needs of our clients and our strategy. We take a prudent and constructive approach to compensation, designed to reflect the performance of individuals and the firm and closely align the interests of employees with those of shareholders.


We help our clients thrive by delivering the best of our products and services across our organization and divisions. We have established a dedicated governance structure in order to drive, measure and manage collaboration between our divisions. In 2010, we recorded collaboration revenues of CHF 4.4 billion. Going forward we will target collaboration revenues of 18% to 20% of net revenues. Since the inception of our collaboration program in 2006, we have built a strong track record of delivering customized value propositions. We believe this is a significant differentiator for Credit Suisse. We have observed increasing momentum in collaboration initiatives, including tailored solutions for wealthy private clients by Investment Banking, a new suite of managed investment products developed by Asset Management for Private Banking, and strengthened client management coordination by our alternative investments distribution team in Asset Management with the securities distribution team in Investment Banking. Benefitting from our programs for cross-divisional management development and lateral recruiting, we believe collaboration revenues, including cross-selling and client referrals, to be a resilient source of both revenues and assets.

Capital and risk management

While the prudent taking of risk in line with our strategic priorities is fundamental to our business as a leading global bank, we maintain a conservative framework to manage liquidity and capital. As of the end of 2010, our tier 1 ratio under >>>Basel II stood at 17.2%, up from 16.3% the year before. Consistent with the Swiss Expert Commission’s recommendations, we took action to raise tier 1 and tier 2 contingent buffer capital in February 2011. We have revised our liquidity risk management, which is in line with the BCBS Basel III liquidity framework and the liquidity principles of FINMA. We continue to deploy capital in a disciplined manner based on our economic capital model, assessing our aggregated risk taking in relation to our client needs and our financial resources. For further information refer to III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Treasury management – Capital management.


We continue to strive for top-quartile efficiency levels, while being careful not to compromise on growth or reputation. For our core activities we targeted a cost/income ratio of 65%. Going forward, we will target a pre-tax income margin above 28%. Efficiency measures implemented with strong involvement of senior management have generated cost savings while helping to build an efficiency culture. We have five Centers of Excellence (CoE) in Pune, Raleigh Durham, Singapore, Wroclaw and Mumbai in which we have deployed more than 10,000 roles, improving productivity. We continue to focus on our Operational Excellence program, which has strengthened our culture of continuous improvement and client focus.

To track our progress and benchmark our performance, we have defined a set of key performance indicators for growth, efficiency and performance, and capital to be achieved across market cycles. For a more detailed description of our businesses and our performance in 2010 against the defined targets, refer to II — Operating and financial review — Key performance indicators.

Corporate responsibility and Code of Conduct

At Credit Suisse, we firmly believe that corporate responsibility plays a crucial role in our long-term success as a business. We therefore strive to incorporate our approach to corporate responsibility into every aspect of our work. This approach is founded on a broad understanding of our commitments in banking, society and the environment, our role as an employer and our dialogue with our stakeholders.

During 2010 we reviewed our ethical values and professional standards against the backdrop of regulatory trends. As a result, we amended our Code of Conduct to ensure that all employees operate within a commonly shared framework. Additionally, we reviewed, simplified and formalized our approach to compensation, which is reflected in our Compensation Policy.

To ensure that we supply the full breadth of information required by our stakeholders, we publish a Corporate Responsibility Report and additional information, which can be found at

Our businesses

Private Banking

Business profile

In Private Banking we offer comprehensive advice and a broad range of financial solutions to private, corporate and institutional clients. Private Banking comprises the Wealth Management Clients and Corporate & Institutional Clients businesses, and had total assets under management of CHF 932.9 billion as of the end of 2010. In Wealth Management Clients, we serve more than two million clients, including >>>ultra-high-net-worth and >>>high-net-worth individuals around the globe and private clients in Switzerland. Our Corporate & Institutional Clients business serves the needs of over 100,000 corporations and institutions, mainly in Switzerland, and is an important provider of financial products and services.

Our Wealth Management Clients business is one of the largest in the wealth management industry globally. We offer our clients a distinct value proposition, combining a global reach with a structured advisory process and access to a broad range of sophisticated products and services. We deliver innovative and integrated solutions in close collaboration with Investment Banking and Asset Management. As of the end of 2010, our Wealth Management Clients business had CHF 808.0 billion of assets under management. Our global network comprises 48 countries with 370 office locations, more than 130 outside Switzerland. Wealth Management Clients has 4,200 relationship managers and 24 >>>booking centers, reflecting our multi-shore strategy.

Our Corporate & Institutional Clients business provides premium advice and solutions across a broad range of banking services, including lending, cash and liquidity management, trade finance, corporate finance, investment solutions, global custody and asset and liability management. Clients include small and medium-sized enterprises, global corporations and commodity traders, banks, insurance companies and Swiss pension funds. As of the end of 2010, the business volume of our Corporate & Institutional Clients business was CHF 235.1 billion, with CHF 182.7 billion of client assets and CHF 52.4 billion of net loans. In Switzerland, we cover large corporations out of four locations and we serve small and medium-sized enterprises through relationship managers based in 36 branches.

Key data - Private Banking
  in / end of
2010 2009 2008
Key data  
Net revenues (CHF million)  11,631 11,662 12,907
Income before taxes (CHF million)  3,426 3,651 3,850
Assets under management (CHF billion)  932.9 914.9 788.9
Number of employees  25,600 24,300 24,400


Trends and competition
The wealth management industry globally has good growth prospects. Assets of high-net-worth individuals globally are projected to grow approximately 9% per year. While gross margins reflect historically low interest rates, cautious investor behavior and the impact of the sovereign debt crisis and economic uncertainty, the long-term trends remain positive.

Structurally, the industry is facing a number of changes. Regional wealth will continue to shift towards emerging markets, with higher growth rates fueled by entrepreneurial activity and relatively strong economic development. Mature markets, with around two thirds of world wealth located in the US, Japan and Western Europe, will see continued but relatively lower growth, driven by further wealth accumulation and a generational transfer of wealth. New and evolving international treaties and regulation will lead to increased regulation of cross-border banking for clients domiciled in selected countries. At the same time, Switzerland – which combines political and economic stability with a heritage in wealth management – remains highly attractive as a financial center. Finally, regulatory requirements for investment advisory services are increasing, including suitability and appropriateness of advice, client information and documentation. Competition in the industry remains intense, in particular as some competitors have recovered from a period of client asset outflows and restructuring. Attracting and retaining the best talent continues to be a key success factor. As a result of the structural industry trends, we expect industry consolidation to continue.

The Swiss market for Corporate & Institutional Clients continues to offer growth prospects in line with general economic development. Swiss corporations performed relatively well over recent years due to solid business models and conservative financing. A growing number of Swiss companies have to address succession planning, a trend which increasingly creates business opportunities in this market, particularly for banks that can offer a tailored combination of private and investment banking services. Furthermore, in light of fluctuating exchange rates and commodity prices, we expect ongoing demand for hedging solutions.

Key initiatives
Our aspiration is to become the most admired bank for Wealth Management Clients globally and for Corporate & Institutional Clients in Switzerland. We want to be an industry leader in terms of client satisfaction, employee engagement, profitability and growth. With our consistent strategy and our value proposition, combining comprehensive advice, needs-based solutions, integrated bank capabilities and a global reach, we are well positioned to succeed in a changing market environment.

We continue our long-term strategy to invest in international growth by hiring and developing experienced relationship managers, expanding our solutions offering on international platforms, and further building a domestic presence in select markets. We offer both onshore and offshore services in compliance with local laws, rules and regulations, with investments focused on growth markets, including emerging markets and the ultra-high-net-worth segment. The continued proactive development of our compliance framework positions us well to respond to evolving regulation in the markets in which we operate.

In Switzerland, our home market, we aim to gain market share in the Wealth Management Clients business. In the private client segment, we expect to accomplish this by being closer to the client, improving our advisory quality as well as continuously optimizing our branch network. In the wealth management business, we provide superior needs-oriented services to high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth individuals by leveraging our competence in advice, in-depth expertise and our capabilities as an integrated bank. The targeted growth segments in the Swiss corporate and institutional business include large corporations, institutional investors, financial institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises with an international focus. Regular client surveys confirm a high degree of client satisfaction, which we believe are reflected in significant net new asset inflows.

To further improve client centricity, we survey and systematically measure client satisfaction by region and segment to understand the existing and emerging needs of clients. We focus on our advisory approach and on segment-specific client solutions, for example, for ultra-high-net-worth clients or entrepreneurs. We have invested over CHF 400 million in our award-winning advisory process in the last ten years. We continue to develop our range of solutions based on client needs and in-depth monitoring of investment opportunities by a team of skilled research and investment professionals. Selection of either internal or third party solutions is based on comprehensive due diligence, including our market view, client profiles, quality assessment and applicable rules and regulations.

Close collaboration with Investment Banking enables us to offer customized and innovative solutions to our clients, especially to ultra-high-net-worth individuals and corporations. In cooperation with Asset Management, we offer a range of client-focused discretionary mandates and access to hedge funds and private equity solutions.

As people are the most critical success factor in delivering our value proposition, we develop our employees through training and certification programs. We strive to be an employer of choice, and as part of our growth strategy, we continue to invest in our relationship managers as a driver of net new assets.

We drive efficiency and productivity, building on our programs for efficiency management and our CoE in Wroclaw, Mumbai and Singapore.

Key achievements and measures of our progress in 2010 include:

International growth: In 2010, we generated CHF 37.0 billion of net new assets in our international businesses, comprising CHF 15.1 billion from EMEA, CHF 9.5 billion from the Americas and CHF 12.4 billion from Asia Pacific. As part of our international growth strategy, we expanded our onshore business in emerging markets, including Russia, the Middle East, India, Asia Pacific and Latin America.

Market share gains in Switzerland: With CHF 17.6 billion of net new assets, we continued to grow our Swiss business across most client segments through focused growth initiatives. In particular, we continued to increase the number of branches with affluent capabilities, adding 50 branches in 2010, for a total of 132 branches. In addition, we generated significant internal referral volumes within Private Banking and between divisions through our integrated bank model.

Client centricity: We have continued to implement our ultra-high-net-worth strategy, generating CHF 24.9 billion of net new assets from ultra-high-net-worth clients across all regions in 2010. We have expanded our dedicated coverage of ultra-high-net-worth individuals across regions and our service offering in the areas of prime services and dedicated lending facilities. In addition, we further enhanced our advisory approach, including the global rollout of our Portfolio Risk Analyzer, and implemented various measures to better monitor and increase portfolio quality. We increased discretionary mandates and further expanded our range of solutions.

Integrating the banking businesses: In 2010, we generated solid revenues from integrated solutions transactions, primarily in cooperation with Investment Banking, especially in the ultra-high-net-worth segment. In collaboration with Asset Management, we expanded our range of products, for example in exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Overall, Private Banking was involved in more than 90% of Group collaboration revenues of CHF 4.4 billion.

Best people: International hiring and appointments reflected our continued investment in international growth. In 2010, we hired 470 relationship managers, with a share of senior hires of 54%, increasing the number of relationship managers by 120 to a total of 4,690. We initiated an enhanced global training and certification program for all client-facing staff.

Productivity and financial performance: We achieved a gross margin of 120 basis points in Wealth Management Clients in a market environment characterized by declining margins, and a resilient Private Banking pre-tax income margin of 29.5%, reflecting efficiency initiatives and cost savings through the deployment of more than 1,800 CoE roles.

We received numerous industry awards, including:

“Best Private Bank Globally” and in Switzerland, Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Australia, Egypt, Guernsey, Italy, Lebanon, Russia, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates in the “Private Banking Survey 2011” by Euromoney magazine;

“Outstanding Global Private Bank” by Private Banker International magazine;

“World’s Best Private Bank” by Global Finance magazine for the third consecutive year;

“Magna cum laude” for Credit Suisse Germany and Credit Suisse Switzerland in Handelsblatt’s Elite Report and ranked first in Fuchsbriefe’s “all-time best list” in Germany;

“Best Private Bank in the Middle East” by emeafinance;

“Best Private Bank Asia” and “Best Private Bank Singapore” for the second consecutive year in The Asset’s Triple A Investment Awards;

“Overall Best Private Bank” in Singapore in Asiamoney’s awards, as voted by high-net-worth individuals with over USD 25 million in assets under management; and

“Best Private Bank in Hong Kong” by CAPITAL magazine.

Products and services

Wealth Management Clients
In Wealth Management Clients, our service offering is based on the globally applied Structured Advisory Process, client segment specific value propositions, comprehensive investment services and our multi-shore platform:

Structured Advisory Process: We analyze our clients’ personal financial situation and prepare investment strategies based on an individual risk profile of liquid and illiquid assets and present and future liabilities. Based on this profile, we recommend an overall asset allocation and specific investments in accordance with the investment guidelines of the Credit Suisse Investment Committee. The implementation and monitoring of the client investment strategy is carried out by the relationship manager.

Client segment specific value propositions: We offer a range of wealth management solutions tailored to specific client segments. The global market segments we serve are ultra-high-net-worth and high-net-worth clients, and, in Switzerland, private clients. Ultra-high-net-worth and high-net-worth clients contributed a substantial part of assets under management in Wealth Management Clients at the end of 2010. For entrepreneurs, we offer solutions targeted at a range of private and corporate wealth management needs, including succession planning, tax advisory, financial planning and investment banking services. Our entrepreneur clients benefit from the advice of Credit Suisse’s experienced corporate finance advisors, immediate access to a network of international investors and the preparation and coordination of financial transactions to maximize company value. A specialized team, Solutions Partners, offers holistic and tailor-made business and private financial solutions for our ultra-high-net-worth clients.

Comprehensive investment services: We offer a comprehensive range of investment advice and discretionary asset management services based on the analysis and recommendations of our global research team, which provides a wide range of global, independent research with macroeconomic, equity, bond and foreign-exchange analysis, as well as research on the Swiss economy. Investment advice covers a range of services from portfolio consulting to advising on individual investments. We continuously strive to offer clients effective portfolio and risk management solutions, including managed investment products. These are products actively managed and structured by our specialists, providing private investors with access to asset classes that otherwise would not be available to them. For clients with more complex requirements, we provide investment portfolio structuring and the implementation of individual strategies, including a wide range of structured products and alternative investments. Discretionary asset management services are available to clients who wish to delegate the responsibility for investment decisions to Credit Suisse. In close collaboration with Investment Banking and Asset Management, we also provide innovative alternative investments with limited correlation to equities and bonds, such as hedge funds, private equity, commodities and real estate.

Multi-shore platform: With global operations comprising 23 international booking centers in addition to our operations in Switzerland, we are able to offer our clients booking capabilities in their home country as well as in international hubs. Our multi-shore offering is designed to serve clients who are focused on geographical risk diversification, have multiple domiciles, seek access to global execution services or are interested in a wider range of products than would be available to them onshore. Of the CHF 45 billion in Wealth Management Clients net new assets recorded in 2010, 68% were booked outside Switzerland. We expect international clients will continue to drive our growth in assets under management.

We also offer a broad range of financing products, such as construction loans, fixed and variable rate mortgages, consumer and car loans, different types of leasing arrangements and various credit cards provided by Swisscard, a joint venture between Credit Suisse and American Express. Additionally, we provide flexible financial solutions for every stage of a private client’s life, including private accounts, payment transactions, foreign exchange services, pension products and life insurance. The range of savings products available to private clients includes savings accounts, savings plan funds and insurance solutions. Our core banking product Bonviva combines accounts, payment services and credit cards, simplifying day-to-day banking with a fixed package price.

Corporate & Institutional Clients
In Corporate & Institutional Clients, we supply a comprehensive range of financial solutions including cash management and payment transactions, all forms of traditional and structured lending, capital goods and real estate leasing, investment solutions and specialized services such as corporate finance, trade finance, ship and aviation financing, global custody and asset and liability management. Furthermore, corporate and institutional clients can benefit from tailor-made financial solutions and advice. In addition, we offer specialized products and services, such as multi-currency foreign exchange trading and various straight-through-processing solutions, such as brokerage and execution services.

Investment Banking

Business profile

Investment Banking provides a broad range of financial products and services, with a focus on businesses that are client-driven, >>>flow-based and capital-efficient. Our suite of products and services includes global securities sales, trading and execution, prime brokerage and capital raising and advisory services, as well as comprehensive investment research. Our clients include corporations, governments, pension funds and institutions around the world. We deliver our global investment banking capabilities via regional and local teams based in all major developed and emerging market centers. Our integrated business model enables us to gain a deeper understanding of our clients and deliver creative, high-value, customized solutions based on expertise from across Credit Suisse.

Key data - Investment Banking
  in / end of
2010 2009 2008
Key data  
Net revenues (CHF million)  16,214 20,537 (1,971)
Income/(loss) before taxes (CHF million)  3,531 6,845 (13,792)
Number of employees  20,700 19,400 19,600


Trends and competition
The competitive landscape for financial institutions changed significantly in 2010, as legislative and regulatory measures for more stringent supervision of financial institutions gained momentum around the world. Significant regulatory developments during the year include the passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in the US, which considerably increases oversight of financial institutions, creates an extensive framework for regulating >>>over-the-counter (OTC) >>>derivatives, and limits the ability of banking entities to invest in private equity and hedge funds and to engage in proprietary trading. In Europe, the EU proposed rules to regulate derivatives trading and adopted proposals to restrict short sales and regulate >>>credit default swaps (CDS). In addition, new Basel III capital, leverage and liquidity standards for financial institutions will increase both the level and quality of capital to be held by banks and prescribe more stringent criteria for counterparty credit risk exposures arising from derivatives, repos and securities financing activities.

While many of these regulatory measures require further detailed rule-making and will be implemented over several years, we expect increased capital requirements and regulation of derivatives to ultimately result in reduced risk taking and increased transparency in the industry. We view the proposed regulations as largely strengthening Credit Suisse’s competitive position given our anticipation of the regulatory changes, the accelerated implementation of our client-focused, capital-efficient strategy in late 2008, our capital strength and our emphasis on flow-based business.

Our client-focused, capital-efficient business model is intended to generate results that are less vulnerable to fluctuations in asset prices, and consequently, less volatile over time. However, as a result of our emphasis on flow-business, our revenues and profitability are likely to be highly dependent on client activity levels and market volumes. We believe that we are particularly well-positioned to capitalize on increased client activity and market volumes as, throughout 2010, we extended our leading market positions in equities, expanded our flow businesses in fixed income, continued to gain market share in advisory and underwriting and strengthened our position in emerging markets.

Finally, we expect increased capital requirements resulting from various regulatory changes, particularly the Basel III standards and the implementation of Basel II.5 standards relating to market risk. We expect an increase in >>>risk-weighted assets (RWAs) in our emerging markets, rates, credit trading, equity derivatives and structured products businesses. However, we expect a substantial portion of the increase in RWAs to be offset by various mitigating actions, including continued reduction of assets in our exit businesses; shifting the asset mix in our structured products businesses towards more highly-rated assets; continued implementation of a flow-based business model in our emerging markets businesses; and the maturing of uncollateralized derivatives exposures, and collateralizing or hedging of remaining uncollateralized exposures, combined with the shift of OTC derivatives to collateralized, central counterparties clearing. For more information on regulatory capital developments and proposals, refer to III – Treasury, Risk, Balance Sheet and Off-balance sheet – Treasury management – Capital management.

Key initiatives
We executed several key initiatives in 2010 to further our client-focused, capital-efficient strategy, and we continue to have a significant opportunity to extend market share gains across our businesses as we build our distribution platform and enhance our electronic capabilities for clients. Key initiatives in 2010 included:

Significant expansion of our distribution capabilities in fixed income flow businesses. During the year, we significantly increased our flow sales force in our credit, rates and foreign exchange businesses. These investments are increasing our penetration with our key clients and improving breadth and intensity of coverage. Our objective is to be ranked top five in all regions in foreign exchange and top five in the Americas and EMEA in credit and rates.

Sustained market-leading positions in equities, with continued market share improvement in cash equities and prime services. We expanded >>>Advanced Execution Services® (AES®) product offerings in Asia and entered into an agreement to acquire the prime fund solutions business from Fortis Bank Nederland, a global leader in hedge fund administration services. Upon closing, this acquisition will further strengthen our prime services franchise by enabling us to offer a more complete product suite to our hedge fund clients. In addition, we expanded our flow and corporate derivatives business.

Increased focus on growing our leading emerging markets platform with key onshore hires and significant progress in the expansion of our business in India. We continue to maintain leading franchises in Brazil and Indonesia and are focused on building strong onshore presence in other key emerging markets.

Strengthened our underwriting and advisory franchises by making key strategic hires and shifting focus to a more large cap-oriented strategy in the developed markets.

Continued reallocation of resources, including capital, headcount and technology resources, to our high-return, client-focused businesses. We further invested in building our electronic capabilities in our key fixed income businesses and made significant progress, including a fourfold increase in electronic trading volumes in foreign exchange during the year.

As evidence of the successful implementation of our strategy, substantially all of our revenues arose from client activity. In 2010, over 90% of our revenues were derived from direct client activity, while the remainder arose from indirect client activity and arbitrage trading. Direct client revenues consist primarily of fees and commissions, gains and losses from matching of client trades and revenues from client financing activities. Indirect client revenues consist of gains, losses and financing on inventory positions held for market making activities.

Significant transactions and achievements
We expanded our ability to serve certain geographic and product markets.

Credit Suisse received a license from the Reserve Bank of India to establish a bank branch in Mumbai. This branch will allow us to significantly enhance our client service and product offering capabilities and marks an important milestone in the development of our India franchise.

Credit Suisse strengthened its investment banking services in Poland by re-establishing its local equity trading business in Warsaw and increasing research coverage for Polish companies. Poland represents a key market in our growth strategy for Central Europe. The investment will significantly strengthen our current position as an active member of the Warsaw Stock Exchange and a leading trader among international financial institutions.

We executed a number of significant transactions in 2010, reflecting the breadth and diversity of our investment banking franchise:

Debt capital markets: We arranged key financings for a diverse set of clients, including Reynolds and Rank Group Limited (New Zealand packaging company), Weather Investments SpA (Italy-based telecommunications investment company), PPL Corporation (US electricity and natural gas supplier) and NXP B.V. (Dutch semiconductor manufacturer).

Equity capital markets: We executed IPOs for Westfield Retail Trust (Australia and New Zealand REIT), HRT Participacoes em Petroleo (Brazil-based offshore exploration and production company), United Company RUSAL Limited (a Russian aluminum producer) and QR National (Australian rail freight operator) and a rights offering for BBVA (Spanish banking group). Credit Suisse was also involved in all three large financial institution capital raisings in China (Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and China Construction Bank).

Mergers and acquisitions: We advised on a number of key transactions that were announced during the year, including the acquisition by Heineken NV (Dutch brewing company) of Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.B. de C.V (Mexican beverage company), the acquisition by Reynolds Group Holdings Ltd. (New Zealand consumer products manufacturer) of Pactiv Corporation (US consumer products packaging manufacturer), the acquisition by Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. (US beverage company) of Coca-Cola Company’s (US beverage company) bottling operations in Norway, Sweden and Germany and the sale of Coca-Cola Enterprises’ North American bottling operations to Coca-Cola Company, the acquisition of King Pharmaceuticals Inc. (US diversified specialty pharmaceutical company) by Pfizer Inc. (global pharmaceutical company) and the acquisition by MetLife, Inc. (US insurance company) of American Life Insurance Company (US life insurance company).

Market share momentum:

We were ranked number one in market share in global cash products in a recent survey conducted by a leading market share analysis provider. We were recognized for our leading equities program trading and electronic trading capabilities by US and European institutions in recent surveys conducted by Greenwich Associates. We were ranked number one in “Portfolio Trading Penetration” and “Self-Directed Electronic Trading Penetration”

We were ranked second in Greenwich Associates’ annual US Convertibles survey with a 14% market share. For the second consecutive year, we posted the largest market share gain of any firm, with a nearly 1,000 basis point gain since 2008.

Our overall prime brokerage market share ranking in Europe improved from number two to number one in EuroHedge’s Annual Prime Brokerage Survey. According to the survey, Credit Suisse Prime Services has a 15% market share in the region based on assets and was one of two firms to show asset growth over the past year. We were also ranked number one in macro, fixed income and futures strategies based on assets.

Credit Suisse Prime Services ranked number one in Global Custodian’s OTC Derivatives Prime Brokerage Survey.

We made significant progress in Euromoney’s 2010 FX Survey. Our overall market share ranking improved to eighth, and we registered the largest market share increase among the top ten banks. We were also named the “Most Improved Market Share by region” in North America, ranked sixth in Western Europe and in the top three in “Most Improved Market Share by institution” for banks.

Ranked fourth in Risk magazine’s 2010 Institutional Investors Ranking of derivative providers, moving up six positions from last year. We were the most improved dealer and increased our rankings in six of the nine “overall” fixed income categories. In Swiss francs, we ranked number one in interest rate swaps, interest rate options and forward rate agreements. We also ranked first in all US dollar/Swiss franc currency categories.

We were recognized for our leading Asian equities client trading and execution services by US Institutions in a recent survey conducted by Greenwich Associates. The survey ranked Credit Suisse number one in “Overall Trading Penetration”, “Sales Trading Capability”, “Electronic Trading Penetration” and “Program Trading Penetration” for Asia (ex-Japan). We were also ranked number two for “Overall Trading Penetration” and “Sales Trading Capability” and number one for “Electronic Trading Penetration” and “Program Trading Penetration” in Japan.

We were ranked third by Thomson in global completed M&A market share for 2010, compared to eighth in 2009.

We were ranked third by Thomson in global high yield market share for 2010, compared to fourth in 2009.

We maintained our #5 global rank in share of wallet for 2010 according to Dealogic, while improving market share to 6.3% compared to 5.9% in 2009.

We improved our share of wallet according to Dealogic in the Americas to fifth in 2010 with 6.4% market share, from sixth in 2009 with 4.8% market share.

We improved to fourth in global M&A in 2010 according to Dealogic with 6.4% share of wallet, compared to seventh in 2009 with 5.4% share of wallet.

We received numerous industry awards in 2010:

Awarded “Most Innovative Bank of the Year” by The Banker. We were also awarded “Most Innovative in Equity Linked”, “Most Innovative in Equity Derivatives” and “Most Innovative in Bank Capital”.

Awarded “Best Global Bank” and “Best Emerging Markets Investment Bank” by Euromoney. We also received fourteen regional and country awards in EMEA, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Switzerland, underscoring the depth and breadth of our global footprint. Strengths highlighted included our strong capital position, credit rating and notable performances in Investment Banking and Private Banking.

Awarded “Best Bank for High Yield Corporate Bonds” for the Americas by Credit magazine, based on a broad survey of buy-side credit market participants. Credit Suisse gained more market share than any other bank, and was the only one of the top-three bookrunners to increase market share. We were also awarded “Best Euro High Yield Bond,” “Best Dollar High Yield Bond,” “Best Asian Local Currency Bond,” “Best Bond from a Supranational or Development Agency Issuer,” “Best Dollar Investment Grade Bond (corporate)” and “Best Euro Investment Grade Bond (financial)” in a Credit magazine poll.

Awarded “Euro Bond of the Year” by the International Financing Review for our work with UniCredit. We were also awarded “EMEA High-Yield Bond of the Year” for our work with Ziggo, “Leveraged Loan of the Year” for our work with the Reynolds Group, “Latin America Loan of the Year” for our work with Americas Mining Corporation, “Emerging Asia Bond of the Year” for our work with the Republic of the Philippines, “SSAR Bond of the Year” for our work with the Canadian government,” “Americas Equity Issue of the Year” for our work with the PPL corporation and “Swiss Franc Bond House of the Year.”

Awarded “Credit Derivatives House of the Year” by Risk magazine.

Ranked number one for the second consecutive year in the 2010 Global Custodian’s Prime Brokerage survey, earning more “Best in Class” awards than any bank. Among the clients surveyed for the 17th annual survey, Credit Suisse emerged as a leader in scores awarded for reputation. We also ranked number one in the global league tables, as well as number one for funds with USD 5 billion to USD 10 billion of assets under management and funds with over USD 10 billion of assets under management.

Named “Cash Equities” and “Prime Brokerage” House of the Year by Financial News in its annual European Investment Banking Awards. We were also named “Financial Institutions Bond House of the Year” and awarded “FIG Investment Banking Team of the Year” in its Awards for Excellence in Investment Banking.

Ranked third among web-based analytical tools in Institutional Investor’s 2010 All-American Fixed-Income Research Team Survey for Locus, our eAnalytics and Live Market Data platform. Locus provides analytics and research across rates, foreign exchange, emerging markets, credit, structured products, equities and commodities. Our ranking in the survey, which is an annual review of the top US fixed-income analysts and tools, demonstrates our commitment to delivering innovative solutions to our clients.

Awarded “Best Algorithmic Trading Technology (Bank)” by FX week and “Best Algorithmic Trading Service” by Financial News in its Awards for Excellence in Trading & Technology Europe 2010.

In Asia, we were awarded “Best Equity Brokerage House” by FinanceAsia in its 2010 Achievement Awards, “Best Sell Side Broker” by Asian Investor in its 2010 Service Provider Awards, “Equity Derivatives House of the Year” in Structured Products’ 2010 Asia Awards and “Equity Derivatives House of the Year” by AsiaRisk. We also achieved a number one ranking in Institutional Investor’s All-Asia Research Team survey, improving from number four in 2009.

Awarded “Deals of the Year” by The Banker in financial institutions capital raising in Africa (Standard Bank), equities and structured finance in America (Santander Brazil and American General), equities in Asia-Pacific (China Pacific Insurance), corporate bonds in Europe (Roche Holding) and SSA bonds in the Middle East (government of Qatar).

Ranked number two in The Wall Street Journal’s “Best on the Street” analyst survey, moving up from tenth place last year, demonstrating the continuing momentum of our equity research franchise.

Ranked number one in Institutional Investor’s All Europe Research Team Survey.

Products and services

Our comprehensive portfolio of products and services is aimed at the needs of the most sophisticated clients, and we increasingly use integrated platforms to ensure efficiency and transparency. Our activities are organized around two broad functional areas: investment banking and global securities. In investment banking, we work in industry, product and country groups. The industry groups include energy, financial institutions, financial sponsors, industrial and services, healthcare, media and telecom, real estate and technology. The product groups include M&A and financing products. In global securities, we engage in a broad range of activities across fixed income, currencies, commodities, derivatives and cash equities markets, including sales, structuring, trading, financing, prime brokerage, syndication and origination, with a focus on client-based and flow-based businesses, in line with growing client demand for less complex and more liquid products and structures.

Investment banking
Equity and debt underwriting
Equity capital markets originates, syndicates and underwrites equity in IPOs, common and convertible stock issues, acquisition financing and other equity issues. Debt capital markets originates, syndicates and underwrites corporate and sovereign debt.

Advisory services
Advisory services advises clients on all aspects of M&A, corporate sales and restructurings, divestitures and takeover defense strategies. The fund-linked products group is responsible for the structuring, risk management and distribution of structured mutual fund and alternative investment products and develops innovative products to meet the needs of its clients through specially tailored solutions.

Global securities
Credit Suisse provides access to a wide range of debt and equity securities, derivative products and financing opportunities across the capital spectrum to corporate, sovereign and institutional clients. Global securities is structured into the following areas:

Fixed income
Rates: Interest rate products makes markets in the government bond and associated OTC derivative swap markets of developed economies, and its products include government bonds, bond options, interest rate swaps and options, structured interest rate derivatives and solutions for institutions to structure and manage longevity risk. Foreign exchange provides market making and positioning in products such as spot and options for currencies in developed markets, dedicated research and strategy and structured advisory services. Listed derivatives provide innovative derivative product support, drawing on global execution capabilities, electronic trading systems and sophisticated analytics.

Credit: Credit products offers a full range of fixed income products and instruments to clients, ranging from standard debt issues and credit research to fund-linked products, derivatives instruments and structured products that address specific client needs. Credit derivatives trades and structures credit derivatives on investment grade and high yield credits. We are a leading dealer in flow business, which trades single-name CDS on individual credits, credit-linked notes and index swaps and structured products, providing credit hedging solutions to clients. Investment grade trades domestic corporate and sovereign debt, non-convertible preferred stock and short-term securities such as floating rate notes and >>>commercial paper. Leveraged finance provides capital raising and advisory services and core leveraged credit products such as bank loans, bridge loans and high yield debt for non-investment grade corporate and financial sponsor-backed companies.

Structured products trades, securitizes, syndicates, underwrites and provides research for various forms of securities, primarily >>>residential mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities (ABS), that are based on underlying pools of assets. The underwriting business handles securitizations for clients in most industry sectors. Our structured products business also includes secondary trading in >>>commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS). Further, in response to client needs, we are considering proposals to re-enter CMBS origination in a limited and conservative manner.

Emerging markets offers a full range of fixed income products and instruments, including sovereign and corporate securities, local currency derivative instruments and tailored emerging market investment products.

Commodities focuses on oil, petroleum and metals trading through an alliance with Glencore International AG, one of the world’s largest suppliers of a wide range of commodities and raw materials to industrial consumers.

Global structuring develops and delivers sophisticated financing products and provides financial advisory services for corporate and institutional clients, and develops sophisticated products for investor clients. In addition to identifying opportunities across asset classes, it provides a robust platform for the creation of sophisticated asset-side solutions.

Equity sales uses research, offerings and other products and services to meet the needs of clients including mutual funds, investment advisors, banks, pension funds, hedge funds, insurance companies and other global financial institutions.

Sales trading links sales and position trading teams. Sales traders are responsible for managing the order flow between our client and the marketplace and provide clients with research, trading ideas and capital commitments and identify trends in the marketplace in order to obtain the best and most effective execution.

Trading executes client and proprietary orders and makes markets in listed and OTC cash securities, exchange-traded funds and programs, providing liquidity to the market through both capital commitments and risk management.

Equity derivatives provides a full range of equity-related products, investment options and financing solutions, as well as sophisticated hedging and risk management expertise and comprehensive execution capabilities to financial institutions, hedge funds, asset managers and corporations.

Convertibles trading involves both secondary trading and market making and the trading of credit default and asset swaps and distributing market information and research.

Prime services provides a wide range of services to hedge funds and institutional clients, including prime brokerage, start-up services, capital introductions, securities lending, synthetics and innovative financing solutions.

AES® is a sophisticated suite of algorithmic trading strategies, tools and analytics operated by Credit Suisse to facilitate global equity trading. By employing algorithms to execute client orders and limit volatility, AES® helps institutions and hedge funds reduce market impact. AES® is a recognized leader in its field and provides access to exchanges in more than 35 countries worldwide via more than 45 leading trading platforms.

Arbitrage trading
Our arbitrage trading business focuses on quantitative and liquid trading strategies in the major global equity and fixed income markets.

Other products and activities include lending, private equity investments that are not managed by Asset Management, certain real estate investments and the distressed asset portfolios. Lending includes senior bank debt in the form of syndicated loans and commitments to extend credit to investment grade and non-investment grade borrowers.

Research and HOLT
Credit Suisse’s equity and fixed income businesses are supported by the research and HOLT functions.

Equity research uses in-depth analytical frameworks, proprietary methodologies and data sources to analyze approximately 3,000 companies worldwide and provides macroeconomic insights into this constantly changing environment.

HOLT offers one of the fastest and most advanced corporate performance, valuation and strategic analysis frameworks, tracking more than 20,000 companies in over 64 countries.

Asset Management

Business profile

Asset Management offers investment solutions and services globally to a wide range of clients, including pension funds, governments, foundations and endowments, corporations and individuals. We invest across a broad range of asset classes with a focus on alternative investment strategies, emerging markets, asset allocation and traditional investment strategies. Our investment professionals deliver strong investment performance that can be accessed through best-in-class products and holistic client solutions. We had CHF 425.8 billion of assets under management as of the end of 2010.

We are an industry leader in alternative investment strategies, with CHF 195.6 billion of assets under management as of the end of 2010. Alternative investment strategies include hedge fund strategies, private equity, real estate & commodities, credit investments, ETFs and index strategies. Our alternative investments business also has a strong footprint in emerging markets, including Brazil and China.

Traditional investment strategies, with assets under management of CHF 229.4 billion, include multi-asset class solutions and other traditional investment strategies, primarily in Switzerland, where we are an industry leader. In multi-asset class solutions, we provide tailored asset allocation products to clients around the world and have CHF 114.9 billion of assets under management. In other traditional investment strategies, with CHF 114.5 billion of assets under management, we invest in fixed income and equity markets and provide institutional pension advisory services.

We pursue partnerships with leading investment managers globally, and our strategic alliances and joint ventures allow us to provide our clients with strong investment capabilities across a broad array of asset classes. As part of our client-focused integrated business model, we are increasingly coordinating and leveraging our activities with Private Banking and Investment Banking. Through collaboration with both internal and external partners, we aspire to deliver best-in-class solutions to our clients.

We have made direct investments as well as investments in partnerships that make private equity and other investments in various portfolio companies and funds. We offer our employees opportunities to invest side by side with our clients in certain investments.

Key data - Asset Management
  in / end of
2010 2009 2008
Key data  
Net revenues (CHF million)  2,332 1,842 632
Income/(loss) before taxes (CHF million)  503 35 (1,185)
Assets under management (CHF billion)  425.8 416.0 411.5
Number of employees  2,900 3,100 3,100


Trends and competition
The asset management industry continued to recover from the global financial crisis during 2010. Investors remained cautious and hesitant to invest in riskier asset classes, and fundraising varied considerably across asset classes. In alternative investments, the hedge fund industry began to see renewed investor demand, particularly in the second half of 2010, with top-performing, brand-name managers capturing the majority of asset inflows. Credit strategies continued to attract client inflows due to the strong performance of most fixed income and credit markets. Illiquid fundraising remained challenging, particularly in private equity and real estate. Within traditional asset classes, investors withdrew cash from money market products and primarily re-invested in fixed income products. The demand for passive vehicles like ETFs and index products remained robust in 2010, while emerging markets debt and equity products continued their strong momentum.

The regulatory environment continued to evolve throughout 2010 as the US passed new regulations that limit a bank’s ability to invest in certain hedge funds and private equity, and the amount of banks’ capital in illiquid investment funds. These changes, in addition to proposed changes in the alternative investments industry in Europe, have accelerated the trend towards simpler, more regulated fund structures, reinforced by investor appetite for better transparency and risk management. While many of these regulatory measures have a multi-year implementation period, we view the proposed regulations as enhancing Credit Suisse’s competitive position given the alignment of proposed measures with our client-focused and capital-efficient strategy that we began implementing in 2008.

As capital markets strengthened, asset managers across the industry began to reinvest in their businesses and in new strategic initiatives. Expanding emerging markets capabilities, particularly in alternative investments, was a key initiative for many of our competitors. Alternative investment managers sought to broaden their product offerings and continued expanding into the traditional investment sector through the launch of long-only products and acquisitions. Long-term assets under management rose across the industry as most asset classes generated positive returns and investors began to reinvest accumulated cash holdings. Many hedge funds industry-wide reclaimed their high water marks and again generated performance fees.

Key initiatives
In 2010, we continued to implement our strategy focused on alternative investment strategies, emerging markets, asset allocation and the traditional businesses in Switzerland. We focused on:

delivering leading investment performance capabilities through our in-house funds and partnerships;

building higher margin, capital-efficient businesses;

leveraging the integrated banking model;

growing asset inflows through our multi-channel distribution network; and

expanding our emerging markets franchise across alternative investment and traditional products.

Key examples of our progress include:

six consecutive quarters of positive asset inflows;

acquiring a significant noncontrolling interest in York Capital Management, a premier global event driven hedge fund manager with a 19 year track record and broad-based product platform;

expanding our ranges of ETFs to over 50 across fixed income, equity, commodity and emerging markets products. Through our partnership with Investment Banking, we expanded trading to the London Stock Exchange and launched new products on the SIX Swiss Exchange, Xetra in Germany and Borsa Italiana in Italy;

the launching, in collaboration with Private Banking, of the first Swiss real estate fund that invests in diversified hospitality properties throughout Switzerland. The fund had strong demand from investors, raising CHF 900 million;

a new Brazilian corporate credit fund, raising almost CHF 800 million;

an emerging markets fund to pursue credit investments in global emerging markets;

spinning off our real estate private equity fund and our credit hedge fund Candlewood Investments, and selling our Australian property and credit funds;

launching the Credit Suisse Long/Short Liquid Index and Credit Suisse Merger Ard Index;

receiving the awards “Best Large Fixed-Interest Fund House in Switzerland”, runner-up in “Best Large Equity Fund House Switzerland” and runner-up in “Best Multi-asset Fund House Switzerland” by Morningstar; and

receiving two awards for our commodities platform. Futures and Options World recognized our commodity index products with the Silver Award for Best Innovation by a bank, broker or futures commission merchant. Additionally, the Credit Suisse Glencore Active Index Strategy Funds received the award for Commodity Deal of the Year from the Commodity Business Awards.

We expect this strategy to continue to increase net new assets and assets under management and improve our profitability. Key initiatives we will focus on going forward include:

providing clients with customized advice and solutions;

building our liquid alternatives product range in hedge funds and hedge funds of funds;

expanding our real estate product offering as opportunities emerge;

launching new private equity funds, particularly in secondary and funds of funds;

expanding our traditional fixed income and equities capabilities in Switzerland;

seeking to strengthen our relationship with Private Banking through further collaboration and the distribution of Asset Management products and services to Private Banking clients;

expanding our collaboration with Investment Banking and Private Banking on technological innovations to better serve our clients; and

continuing to improve operating efficiency by streamlining our business support operations.

Products and services
Asset Management offers institutional and individual clients a range of products, such as alternative and traditional products. We reach our clients through our own distribution teams, the Private Banking and Investment Banking divisions and through our and third-party distribution channels. We also offer investment strategies through joint ventures with external managers across various regions and asset classes to enhance results for shareholders and clients in new or strategic areas.

Alternative investment strategies
We are a market leader in alternative investments, with a range of products including private equity, real estate and liquid strategies, including single-manager hedge funds, multi-manager hedge funds, credit strategies and ETF and index strategies. We also offer a range of strategies focused on emerging markets where we target significant growth potential through a range of products including hedge funds, private equity, real assets, index strategies, fixed income and equity solutions.

We offer a broad array of private equity funds to meet client needs. We have the ability to tailor fund strategies to meet specific private equity needs of our clients through our customized investment fund group. Our mezzanine funds use subordinated debt along with equity to invest in private companies, while our secondary funds capitalize on preferences for early liquidity in existing private equity investments. We also provide investment vehicles in infrastructure, commodities and emerging markets.

Our real estate core business aims to provide investors with stable and attractive cash flows, applying active portfolio management to reduce volatility.

In liquid strategies, we offer access to a number of assets through both active and constrained investment strategies. Among our active strategies, our single-manager hedge fund platform provides access to leading in-house hedge fund managers and through partnerships with best-in-class partners. We also provide actively managed hedge funds of funds across several strategies, including event-driven, emerging markets, convertible arbitrage, fixed income arbitrage, global macro, managed futures, volatility arbitrage and long/short investing.

In addition, we offer highly liquid, systematic market exposure to equity, fixed income, real estate, commodity, volatility and hedge fund markets through constrained or passive investment strategies. Our indexed solutions business and ETF franchise allow institutions and individual clients to access a wide variety of asset classes in a cost-effective manner. Liquid strategies also includes the Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index, one of the world’s leading hedge fund indices.

Our credit strategies business focuses on the volatility of credit risk premiums of various debt instruments, capitalizing on economic fluctuations that impact premiums. Our performing credit strategies group specializes in the management of leveraged financial assets such as loans, high yield bonds and structured products.

In emerging markets we offer a range of Brazil-focused products through Credit Suisse Asset Management Brazil and Credit Suisse Hedging Griffo. Our Brazilian platform provides a range of institutional-quality products, including fixed income, equities and hedge solutions. Through our relationship with ICBC in China, we offer investment products to local clients through ICBC’s strong distribution network.

Traditional investment strategies
In the area of multi-asset class solutions, we provide clients around the world with innovative solutions and comprehensive management across asset classes to optimize client portfolios, with services that range from funds to fully customized solutions. Stressing investment principles such as risk management and asset allocation, we take an active, disciplined approach to investing. We develop and implement custom investment allocation strategies across asset classes for both private and institutional clients. These solutions can combine traditional investments, such as cash, bonds and equities, with alternative investments. Discretionary mandates are managed with an open architecture approach, allowing us to tap into the investment capabilities of the best asset managers globally.

Other traditional investment strategies include a suite of fixed income and equity funds that are managed primarily in Switzerland. These strategies provide our clients access to an array of global and regional investment strategies and sophisticated investment processes, efficiency, flexibility, liquidity and transparency.

Organizational and regional structure

Organizational structure

We operate in three global business divisions and reporting segments – Private Banking, Investment Banking and Asset Management. Consistent with our client-focused, capital-efficient business strategy, we coordinate activities in four market regions: Switzerland, EMEA, Americas and Asia Pacific. In addition, Shared Services provides centralized corporate services and business support, as well as effective and independent controls procedures in the following areas:

The CFO area comprises 15 functions, including New Business, Product Control, Financial Accounting, Group Controlling, Tax, Treasury, Investor Relations, Corporate Real Estate & Services, Expense Management, Supply Management and Operational Excellence.

The General Counsel area provides legal and compliance support to help protect the reputation of Credit Suisse. It does so by giving legal and regulatory advice and furnishing employees with the tools and expertise to comply with applicable internal policies and external laws, rules and regulations.

The CRO area comprises strategic risk management, credit risk management, risk analytics and reporting, and operational risk oversight activities, which cooperate closely to maintain a strict risk control environment and to help ensure that our risk capital is deployed wisely.

The CIO area partners with the business to leverage technology across the business to facilitate execution and product delivery, and designs innovative systems and platforms to meet the needs of our businesses and Shared Services. This area is organized around functional and regional departments.

The Talent, Branding and Communications area comprises human resources, corporate communications, corporate branding and advertising. Human Resources strives to attract, retain and develop staff, while also creating a stimulating working environment for all employees. Corporate Communications provides support in media relations, crisis management, executive and employee communications, branding and corporate sponsorship.

Other functions providing corporate services include One Bank Collaboration, Corporate Development and Public Policy. One Bank Collaboration facilitates cross-divisional collaboration initiatives throughout the Group and measures and controls collaboration revenues. Corporate Development manages the Group’s strategic planning cycle, proposes strategic planning initiatives and analyzes merger and acquisition opportunities, while Public Policy promotes and protects the interests of Credit Suisse and its reputation.

The CEOs of the divisions and regions report directly to the Group CEO, and, together with the CFO, CIO, CRO, General Counsel and Chief Talent, Branding and Communications Officer, they formed the Executive Board of Credit Suisse in 2010.

Our structure is designed to promote cross-divisional collaboration while leveraging resources and synergies within our four regions. The regions perform a number of essential functions to coordinate and support the global operations of the three divisions. On a strategic level, they are responsible for corporate development and the establishment of regional business plans, projects and initiatives. They also have an oversight role in monitoring financial performance. Each region is responsible for the regulatory relationships within its boundaries, as well as for regulatory risk management and the resolution of significant issues in the region as a whole or its constituent countries. Other responsibilities include client and people leadership and the coordination of the delivery of Shared Services and business support in the region.

Market regions


Switzerland, our home market, represents a broad business portfolio. We employ more than 21,700 people in Switzerland. The Private Banking division comprises our Wealth Management Clients and Corporate & Institutional Clients businesses. In Wealth Management Clients, we offer our clients a distinct value proposition combining a global reach with a structured advisory process and access to a broad range of sophisticated products and services tailored to different client groups, from private clients to >>>ultra-high-net-worth individuals. In Corporate & Institutional Clients, we provide premium advice and solutions within a broad range of banking services, including lending, cash and liquidity management, trade finance, corporate finance, investment solutions, global custody and asset and liability management. Clients include small and medium-sized enterprises, global corporations and commodity traders, banks and Swiss pension funds. The Investment Banking division offers a full range of financial services to its Swiss client base, holding market-leading positions in the Swiss debt and capital markets as well as in mergers and acquisition advisory. The Asset Management division has a market-leading position in the Swiss traditional business, and also offers a broad range of alternative investment products and multi-asset class solutions.


We are active in 26 countries across the EMEA region with approximately 9,200 employees working in 78 offices. Our regional headquarters is in the UK, but we have an onshore presence in every major EMEA country. The EMEA region encompasses both developed markets, such as France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, and emerging markets, including Russia, Poland, Turkey and Middle East. We continue to expand our geographic footprint, opening our first office in the Nordic region in Stockholm and expanding our presence in South Africa. We implement our client-focused integrated strategy at the country level, serving corporate, government, institutional and private clients. All three divisions are strongly represented in the EMEA region, with the Investment Banking division providing a full spectrum of financial advisory services with strong market shares across many key products and markets. Private Banking continues to generate strong net new asset flows in the region and continues to further develop its ultra-high-net-worth and Single Family Office offerings. The Asset Management division continues to focus on the distribution of a variety of investment products and the expansion of its ETF platform. To leverage our cross-divisional capabilities, we foster collaboration among employees across divisions to deliver innovative and tailored solutions to our clients.


Americas comprises our operations in the US, Canada, the Caribbean and Latin America with approximately 12,100 employees. In the US, our emphasis is on our core client-focused and flow-based businesses in Investment Banking, and on building on the market share gains we have achieved in a capital-efficient manner. In Private Banking, we see considerable potential to leverage our cross-divisional capabilities, as we further develop our onshore wealth management platform in the US, Brazil and Mexico. Continued growth of our alternative investments business is at the heart of our focused growth strategy in Asset Management. In Canada, we continue to expand our fast-growing securities businesses and leverage our banking advisory strength. In Latin America, particularly in our key markets of Brazil and Mexico, we continue to focus on providing clients with a full range of cross-divisional services.

Asia Pacific

Credit Suisse is present in 12 Asia Pacific markets with 7,100 employees, giving it one of the broadest footprints among international banks in the region. We have invested substantially in our presence in key major markets, including Australia, China, India and Japan, broadened the scope of our offerings in countries where we have built a competitive advantage and continued to grow emerging markets franchises. Private Banking has its principal centers in Singapore and Hong Kong, opening recently in key onshore wealth markets such as Australia and Japan, leveraging our Investment Banking and Asset Management activities to deliver integrated solutions to clients. The Investment Banking division continues to expand its coverage footprint in major markets, and we are one of the dominant players in Southeast Asia. We received a license from the Reserve Bank of India to establish a bank branch in Mumbai and acquired stock exchange trading rights in the Philippines. Asset Management in Asia Pacific operates as a globally integrated business in close collaboration with the Private Banking and Investment Banking divisions to deliver quality investment performance with a focus on alternative investments, asset allocation and emerging markets.

Regulation and supervision


Our operations are regulated by authorities in each of the jurisdictions in which we have offices, branches and subsidiaries. Central banks and other bank regulators, financial services agencies, securities agencies and exchanges and self-regulatory organizations are among the regulatory authorities that oversee our banking, investment banking and asset management businesses. The supervisory and regulatory regimes of the countries in which we operate will determine to some degree our ability to expand into new markets, the services and products that we will be able to offer in those markets and how we structure specific operations. We are in compliance with our regulatory requirements in all material respects and in compliance with regulatory capital requirements.

There is coordination among our primary regulators in Switzerland, the US and the UK. The principal regulatory structures that apply to our operations are discussed below.

In response to the extremely challenging financial and credit market conditions that began in the second half of 2007, regulators, including our primary regulators, have focused on reforming the regulatory framework for financial services firms. Some of the more significant recently proposed and enacted regulations are noted below. For information on risks that may arise from an increase in regulation, refer to IX – Additional information – Risk factors.

Regulatory proposals and developments

Governments and regulatory authorities around the world have responded to the financial crisis by proposing and enacting numerous reforms of the regulatory framework for financial services firms such as the Group. In particular, a number of reforms have been proposed and enacted by supranational organizations and in Switzerland, the US, the EU and the UK that could potentially have a material effect on our business. Although we expect regulatory-related costs and capital requirements for all major financial services firms (including the Group) to increase, we cannot predict the likely impact of proposed regulations on our businesses or results. As these and other financial reform proposals are considered, we believe the regulatory response must be closely coordinated on an international basis to provide a level playing field and must be carefully balanced to ensure a strong financial sector and global economy. These regulatory developments could result in additional costs or limit or restrict the way we conduct our business. We believe, however, that we are well positioned for regulatory reform, as we have reduced risk and maintained strong capital, funding and liquidity.

In December 2010, the BCBS issued the Basel III framework, with higher minimum capital requirements and new conservation and countercyclical buffers, revised risk-based capital measures, a leverage ratio and liquidity standards. The framework is designed to strengthen the resilience of the banking sector. The Basel III international framework for liquidity risk measurement, standards and monitoring includes a liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) and a net stable funding ratio (NSFR). The LCR, which is expected to be introduced January 1, 2015 following an observation period beginning in 2011, addresses liquidity risk over a 30-day period and is in line with our liquidity risk management framework and our revised liquidity principles with FINMA. The NSFR, which is expected to be introduced January 1, 2018 following an observation period beginning in 2012, establishes criteria for a minimum amount of stable funding based on the liquidity of a bank’s assets and activities over a one-year horizon and is in line with our liquidity risk management framework. The ratio of available stable funding to the amount of required stable funding must be greater than 100%. The BCBS has stated that it will review the effect of these liquidity standards on financial markets, credit extension and economic growth to address unintended consequences. The new capital standards and capital buffers will require banks to hold more capital, mainly in the form of common equity. The new capital standards will be phased in from January 1, 2013 through January 1, 2019. The BCBS agreement was adopted by the >>>G-20 nations in November 2010. Each G-20 nation will now need to implement the rules, and stricter or different requirements may be adopted by any G-20 nation.

Under Basel III, the minimum tier 1 common equity ratio will increase from 2% to 4.5% and will be phased in from January 1, 2013 through January 1, 2015. This tier 1 common equity ratio will have certain regulatory deductions or other adjustments to common equity that will be phased in from January 1, 2014 through January 1, 2018 including deduction of deferred tax assets for tax-loss carryforwards and adjustments for unfunded pension liabilities. In addition, increases in the tier 1 capital ratio from 4% to 6% will be phased in from January 1, 2013 through January 1, 2015.

Basel III also introduces an additional 2.5% tier 1 common equity requirement, known as a capital conservation buffer, to absorb losses in periods of financial and economic stress. Banks that do not maintain this buffer will be limited in their ability to pay dividends or make discretionary bonus payments or other earnings distributions. The new capital conservation buffer will be phased in from January 1, 2016 through January 1, 2019.

Basel III also provides for a countercyclical buffer that could require banks to hold up to an additional 2.5% of common equity or other capital that would be available to fully absorb losses. This requirement is expected to be imposed only rarely by national regulatory authorities based on credit exposure and certain other circumstances. Both the amount and the implementation of the countercyclical buffer require action by national regulatory authorities.

Most capital instruments that no longer meet the stricter criteria for inclusion in tier 1 common equity will be excluded beginning January 1, 2013. Capital instruments that no longer qualify as non-common tier 1 capital or tier 2 capital will be phased out over a 10-year period beginning January 1, 2013. In addition, instruments with an incentive to redeem prior to their stated maturity, if any, will be phased out.

In early October 2010, the Expert Commission appointed by the Swiss Federal Council released its report with recommendations on how to address the “too big to fail” issues relating to big banks. The recommendations include capital and liquidity requirements and proposals regarding risk diversification and emergency plans designed to maintain systemically important functions even in the event of threatened insolvency. The recommendations on capital requirements build on Basel III, but go beyond its minimum standards and the current “Swiss finish”. In December 2010, the Swiss Federal Council made a submission for legislative proposals to amend the Banking Act in 2011 based on the report by the Expert Commission. The consultation period will last until March 23, 2011. The Swiss Parliament is expected to consider many of the recommendations beginning in June 2011.

The Expert Commission proposes to add a capital buffer to the Basel III minimum requirements equal to 8.5% of RWAs, which would consist of at least 5.5% in the form of common equity and up to 3% in the form of contingent capital with a high trigger. A high trigger means the bonds could be required to convert into common equity in the event the common equity tier 1 ratio falls below an agreed threshold. The Expert Commission also proposes to add a progressive capital component equal to 6% of RWAs, which could consist entirely of contingent capital with lower triggers or other qualifying instruments. The qualifying terms of contingent capital will need to be determined by FINMA in accordance with Swiss law.

The Expert Commission recommended that the Swiss capital requirements track the phase-in of the Basel III requirements. If enacted into law, the Bank and the Group would be required to have common equity of at least 10% of RWAs and contingent capital or other qualifying capital of another 9% of RWAs by January 1, 2019. These recommended requirements may change depending on the market share and size of the big banks and the terms of the requirements enacted into law by the Swiss Parliament. Assuming the Expert Commission’s recommendations become law, Credit Suisse believes that it can meet the new requirements within the prescribed time frame by building capital through earnings and by issuing contingent capital or other instruments that qualify for the buffer and progressive capital components.

In June 2010, the BCBS announced its decision to postpone the implementation of the revisions to the >>>Basel II market risk framework to no later than December 31, 2011. On November 10, 2010, the Swiss Federal Council decided to follow the proposal of FINMA and implement the revisions to the Basel II market risk framework for FINMA regulatory capital purposes by the original implementation date of January 2011. The implementation of the Basel II.5 revisions for BIS purposes would have increased our RWAs as of the end of 2010 by approximately CHF 29 billion and reduced tier 1 capital as of the end of 2010 by approximately CHF 2.5 billion, resulting in a tier 1 ratio of 14.2% under Basel II.5 on January 1, 2011. We expect the combined Basel II.5 and Basel III revisions to increase our RWAs to approximately CHF 400 billion on January 1, 2013, before mitigation. We expect to mitigate this increase by reducing RWAs by approximately CHF 50 to 70 billion in exit businesses, structured products, emerging markets and >>>derivatives.

For further information on capital, refer to III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Treasury management – Capital management.

In July 2010, the US enacted the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the Dodd-Frank Act). Although the Dodd-Frank Act provides a broad framework for regulatory changes, implementation will require further detailed rulemaking over several years by different regulators, including the Department of the Treasury, the Fed, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the newly created Financial Stability Oversight Council (the Council). In imposing heightened capital, leverage, liquidity and other prudential standards on foreign banking organizations such as the Group, the Fed is directed to take into account the principle of national treatment and equality of competitive opportunity, and the extent to which the foreign bank is subject to comparable home country standards.

The Dodd-Frank Act will limit the ability of banking entities to sponsor or invest in private equity or hedge funds or to engage in certain types of proprietary trading in the US, and provides regulators with tools to provide greater capital, leverage and liquidity requirements and other prudential standards, particularly for financial institutions that pose significant systemic risk.

US regulators will also be able to restrict the size and growth of systemically significant non-bank financial companies and large interconnected bank holding companies and will be required to impose bright-line debt-to-equity ratio limits on financial companies that the Council determines pose a grave threat to financial stability. The Dodd-Frank Act will furthermore create an extensive framework for the regulation of >>>OTC derivatives and requires broader regulation of hedge funds and private equity funds, as well as credit agencies. The Dodd-Frank Act also establishes a new regime for the orderly liquidation of systemically significant financial companies and authorizes assessments on financial institutions with USD 50 billion or more in consolidated assets to repay outstanding debts owed to the Treasury in connection with a liquidation under the new insolvency regime. In addition, the Dodd-Frank Act requires issuers with listed securities, which may include foreign private issuers like the Group, to establish a claw-back policy to recoup erroneously awarded compensation in the event of an accounting restatement. The Dodd-Frank Act also grants the SEC discretionary rule-making authority to impose a new fiduciary standard on brokers, dealers and investment advisers and expands the extraterritorial jurisdiction of US courts over actions brought by the SEC or the US with respect to violations of the antifraud provisions in the Securities Act, Exchange Act and Advisers Act. Other current reform proposals could also potentially have a material effect on our businesses. Implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act and related final regulations could result in additional costs or limit or restrict the way we conduct our business, although uncertainty remains about the details, impact and timing of these reforms.

The EU and the UK have also proposed and enacted regulations to address systemic risk, to reform compensation practices and to further regulate the securities industry. EU leaders have agreed that member states should impose a levy on financial institutions to ensure fair burden sharing and create incentives to contain systemic risks. While there is currently no consensus among member states on details of how the levies should be designed, the UK, Germany and France have said they would impose such levies. In June 2010, the UK proposed a levy attributable to the UK operations of large banks on certain funding. Under proposed legislation, the levy would come into effect from January 1, 2011 at a rate of 7.5 basis points for short-term liabilities and 3.75 basis points for long-term equity and liabilities.

In July 2010, the European Parliament approved amendments to the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD), including restrictions on the bonuses of senior management and certain other employees who could have a material impact on risk. These restrictions include limiting the portion that may be paid initially in cash and imposing deferrals and “at risk” requirements for a large portion of such bonuses. The amended directive requires member states to adopt national rules ensuring that institutions have compliant remuneration principles by January 2011, which are applicable to compensation awarded for services in 2010.

In September 2010, the EU Council of Ministers, the EU Commission and the European Parliament reached agreement on a new EU supervisory framework. The framework created four new supervisory bodies: the European Banking Authority, the European Securities and Markets Authority, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, with responsibility for micro-prudential regulation, safeguarding financial soundness at the level of individual financial firms and protecting consumers of financial services, and the European Systemic Risk Board, with responsibility for macro-prudential oversight, monitoring potential threats to financial stability that arise from macro-economic developments.

In September 2010, the EU Commission published a proposal for a regulation on short selling and certain aspects of credit defaults swaps, which is expected to enter into force on July 1, 2012. The proposed regulation is intended to enhance disclosure obligations for short positions relating to EU shares, EU sovereign debt and >>>CDS relating to EU sovereign debt issuers and would restrict uncovered, or naked, short selling.

In September 2010, the EU Commission published its proposal for a Regulation on OTC derivatives, Central Counterparties and Trade Repositories. The proposed regulation would require certain standardized OTC derivatives contracts to be centrally cleared and require market participants to file information on non-cleared OTC derivatives trades with central trade repositories.

In October 2010, the EU Commission published a communication setting out certain proposals for the taxation of the financial sector and a communication on a proposed EU framework for crisis management in the financial sector that would apply to all credit institutions and some investment firms whose failure presents a risk to the stability of the financial system. The EU Commission intends to publish a legislative proposal on the crisis management framework in 2011.

In December 2010, the EU Commission published a consultation on a review of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). The consultation sets out a number of significant proposals, including a proposal for harmonizing the conduct of cross-border business by non-EU investment firms and credit institutions and proposals relating to broker crossing systems and trading activities that are currently outside MiFID’s scope, new conduct of business requirements, and enhancements to the regulation of underwriting and placing. The EU Commission plans to propose amendments to MiFID in 2011.

Other governmental bodies are considering imposing taxes on, or limiting the tax deductibility of, certain large bonuses.


Although Credit Suisse Group is not a bank according to the Swiss Federal Law on Banks and Savings Banks of November 8, 1934, as amended (Bank Law), and its Implementing Ordinance of May 17, 1972, as amended (Implementing Ordinance), the Group is required, pursuant to the provisions on consolidated supervision of financial groups and conglomerates of the Bank Law, to comply with certain requirements for banks, including with respect to capital adequacy, solvency and risk concentration on a consolidated basis and reporting obligations. Effective January 1, 2009, the Swiss Federal Banking Commission was merged into FINMA. Our banks in Switzerland are regulated by FINMA on a legal entity basis and, if applicable, on a consolidated basis.

Our banks in Switzerland operate under banking licenses granted by FINMA pursuant to the Bank Law and the Implementing Ordinance. In addition, certain of these banks hold securities dealer licenses granted by FINMA pursuant to the Swiss Federal Act of Stock Exchanges and Securities Trading (SESTA).

FINMA is the sole bank supervisory authority in Switzerland and is independent from the SNB. Under the Bank Law, FINMA is responsible for the supervision of the Swiss banking system. The SNB is responsible for implementing the government’s monetary policy relating to banks and securities dealers and for ensuring the stability of the financial system.

Our banks in Switzerland are subject to close and continuous prudential supervision and direct audits by FINMA. Under the Bank Law, our banks are subject to inspection and supervision by an independent auditing firm recognized by FINMA, which is appointed by the bank’s board of directors and required to perform annual audits of the bank’s financial statements and to assess whether the bank is in compliance with laws and regulations, including the Bank Law, the Implementing Ordinance and FINMA regulations.

Under the Bank Law, a bank must maintain an adequate ratio between its capital resources and its total >>>risk-weighted assets. This requirement applies to the Group on a consolidated basis. For purposes of complying with Swiss capital requirements, bank regulatory capital is divided into tier 1 and tier 2 capital.

Our regulatory capital is calculated on the basis of US GAAP, with certain adjustments required by, or agreed with, FINMA. The Group is required by FINMA to maintain a minimum regulatory capital ratio, set by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and Swiss capital adequacy regulations, of 8% measured on a consolidated basis, calculated by dividing total eligible capital, adjusted for certain deductions, by aggregate risk-weighted assets.

The Group became subject to the requirements of the >>>Basel II capital adequacy standards on January 1, 2008, subject to a “Swiss finish” under the Capital Adequacy Ordinance. In November 2008, we agreed to a decree issued by FINMA requiring that we comply with new capital adequacy ratios, in lieu of the “Swiss finish”, and leverage capital requirements by the year 2013. The new capital adequacy target will be in a range between 50% and 100% above the Pillar I requirements under Basel II. In addition, the decree includes leverage capital requirements that require us to maintain by 2013 a ratio of core eligible capital to total assets (on a non-risk-weighted basis) of 3% at the Group and Bank consolidated level and 4% at the Bank legal entity level. Total assets are adjusted for purposes of calculating the leverage ratio, and adjustments relate to assets from Swiss lending activities and assets excluded in determining regulatory core capital. These requirements, which will be phased in, are intended to be counter-cyclical, with the expected capital adequacy target level 100% above the Pillar I requirements, and a leverage ratio above the minimum 3% or 4%, during good times.

Banks are required to maintain a specified liquidity ratio under Swiss law. According to FINMA, the Group is required to maintain adequate levels of liquidity on a consolidated basis and is not required to comply with the detailed calculations for banks. In April 2010, we agreed on revised liquidity principles with FINMA, following its consultation with the SNB to ensure that the Group and the Bank have adequate holdings on a consolidated basis of liquid, unencumbered, high-quality securities available in a crisis situation for designated periods of time. The principles went into effect as of the end of 2Q10. The principles may be modified to reflect the final BCBS liquidity requirements.

For further information on our capital and liquidity, refer to III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Treasury management – Capital management. For information on liquidity and capital standards under the BCBS Basel III framework, the report of the Swiss Expert Commission on “too big to fail” issues relating to big banks, and the revisions to the Basel II market risk framework (Basel II.5), refer to Regulatory developments and proposals.

Under Swiss banking law, banks and securities dealers are required to manage risk concentration within specific limits. Aggregated credit exposure to any single counterparty or a group of related counterparties must bear an adequate relationship to the bank’s eligible capital, taking into account counterparty risks and >>>risk mitigation instruments.

Under the Bank Law and SESTA, Swiss banks and securities dealers are obligated to keep confidential the existence and all aspects of their relationships with customers. These customer confidentiality laws do not, however, provide protection with respect to criminal offenses such as insider trading, money laundering, terrorist financing activities, tax fraud or evasion or prevent the disclosure of information to courts and administrative authorities.

Swiss rules and regulations to combat money laundering and terrorist financing are comprehensive and require banks and other financial intermediaries to thoroughly verify and document customer identity before commencing business. In addition, these rules and regulations include obligations to maintain appropriate policies for dealings with politically exposed persons and procedures and controls to detect and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing activities, including reporting suspicious activities to authorities.

Our securities dealer activities in Switzerland are conducted primarily through the Bank and are subject to regulation under SESTA, which regulates all aspects of the securities dealer business in Switzerland, including regulatory capital, risk concentration, sales and trading practices, record-keeping requirements and procedures and periodic reporting procedures. Securities dealers are supervised by FINMA.

Our asset management activities in Switzerland, which include the establishment and administration of mutual funds registered for public distribution, are conducted under the supervision of FINMA.

Effective January 1, 2010, compensation design and its implementation and disclosure must comply with standards promulgated by FINMA under its Circular on Remuneration Schemes.


Our banking operations are subject to extensive federal and state regulation and supervision in the US. Our direct US offices are composed of a New York branch (New York Branch), a Florida international administrative office and a representative office in California. Each of these offices is licensed with, and subject to examination and regulation by, the state banking authority in the state in which it is located.

The New York Branch is licensed by the Superintendent of Banks of the State of New York (Superintendent), examined by the New York State Banking Department, and subject to laws and regulations applicable to a foreign bank operating a New York branch. Under the New York Banking Law, the New York Branch must maintain eligible assets with banks in the state of New York. The amount of eligible assets required, which is expressed as a percentage of third-party liabilities, would increase if the New York Branch is no longer designated well rated by the Superintendent.

The New York Banking Law authorizes the Superintendent to take possession of the business and property of the New York Branch under circumstances generally including violations of law, unsafe or unsound practices or insolvency. In liquidating or dealing with the New York Branch’s business after taking possession, the Superintendent would only accept for payment the claims of depositors and other creditors (unaffiliated with us) that arose out of transactions with the New York Branch. After the claims of those creditors were paid out of the business and property of the Bank in New York, the Superintendent would turn over the remaining assets, if any, to us or our liquidator or receiver.

Under New York Banking Law, the New York Branch is generally subject to single borrower lending limits expressed as a percentage of the worldwide capital of the Bank.

Our operations are also subject to reporting and examination requirements under US federal banking laws. Our US non-banking operations are subject to examination by the Fed in its capacity as our US umbrella supervisor. The New York Branch is also subject to examination by the Fed and is subject to Fed requirements and limitations on the acceptance and maintenance of deposits and restrictions on the payment of interest on demand deposits (although the prohibition on the payment of interest on demand deposits will be removed under the Dodd-Frank Act). Because the New York Branch does not engage in retail deposit taking, it is not a member of, and its deposits are not insured by, the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

US federal banking laws provide that a state-licensed branch (such as the New York Branch) or agency of a foreign bank may not, as a general matter, engage as principal in any type of activity that is not permissible for a federally licensed branch or agency of a foreign bank unless the Fed has determined that such activity is consistent with sound banking practice. US federal banking laws also subject a state branch or agency to single borrower lending limits based on the capital of the entire foreign bank. Under the Dodd-Frank Act, lending limits will take into account credit exposure arising from derivative transactions, securities borrowing and lending transactions and >>>repurchase and >>>reverse repurchase agreements with counterparties. In addition, regulations which the Council may adopt could affect the nature of the activities which the Bank (including the New York Branch) may conduct, and may impose restrictions and limitations on the conduct of such activities.

The Fed may terminate the activities of a US branch or agency of a foreign bank if it finds that the foreign bank: (i) is not subject to comprehensive supervision in its home country; or (ii) has violated the law or engaged in an unsafe or unsound banking practice in the US.

A major focus of US policy and regulation relating to financial institutions has been to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. These laws and regulations impose obligations to maintain appropriate policies, procedures and controls to detect, prevent and report money laundering and terrorist financing, verify the identity of customers and comply with economic sanctions. Any failure to maintain and implement adequate programs to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, and violations of such economic sanctions, laws and regulations, could have serious legal and reputational consequences. We take our obligations to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing in the US and globally very seriously, while appropriately respecting and protecting the confidentiality of clients. We have policies, procedures and training intended to ensure that our employees comply with “know your customer” regulations and understand when a client relationship or business should be evaluated as higher risk for us.

On March 23, 2000, Credit Suisse Group and the Bank became financial holding companies for purposes of US federal banking law and, as a result, may engage in a broad range of non-banking activities in the US, including insurance, securities, private equity and other financial activities. Credit Suisse Group is still required to obtain the prior approval of the Fed (and potentially other US banking regulators) before acquiring, directly or indirectly, the ownership or control of more than 5% of any class of voting shares of (or otherwise controlling) any US bank, bank holding company or many other US depositary institutions and their holding companies, and the New York Branch is also restricted from engaging in certain tying arrangements involving products and services, and in certain transactions with certain of its affiliates. If Credit Suisse Group or the Bank ceases to be well-capitalized or well-managed under applicable Fed rules, or otherwise fails to meet any of the requirements for financial holding company status, it may be required to discontinue certain financial activities or terminate its New York Branch. Credit Suisse Group’s ability to undertake acquisitions permitted by financial holding companies could also be adversely affected.

Our US-based broker-dealers are subject to extensive regulation by US regulatory authorities. The SEC is the federal agency primarily responsible for the regulation of broker-dealers, investment advisers and investment companies, while the CFTC is the federal agency primarily responsible for the regulation of futures commission merchants, commodity pool operators and commodity trading advisors. In addition, the Department of the Treasury has the authority to promulgate rules relating to US Treasury and government agency securities, the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) has the authority to promulgate rules relating to municipal securities, and the MSRB also promulgates regulations applicable to certain securities credit transactions. In addition, broker-dealers are subject to regulation by securities industry self-regulatory organizations, including the Financial Industry Regulation Authority (FINRA) (formed in July 2007 by the merger of the former National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. and the member regulation, enforcement and arbitration functions of the New York Stock Exchange), and by state securities authorities. For futures activities, broker-dealers are subject to futures industry self-regulatory organizations such as the National Futures Association.

Our US broker-dealers are registered with the SEC and in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, and our US futures commission merchants and commodity trading advisors are registered with the CFTC. Our US registered entities are subject to extensive regulatory requirements that apply to all aspects of their securities and futures activities, including: capital requirements; the use and safekeeping of customer funds and securities; the suitability of customer investments; record-keeping and reporting requirements; employee-related matters; limitations on extensions of credit in securities transactions; prevention and detection of money laundering and terrorist financing; procedures relating to research analyst independence; procedures for the clearance and settlement of trades; and communications with the public.

Our US broker-dealers are also subject to the SEC’s net capital rule, which requires broker-dealers to maintain a specified level of minimum net capital in relatively liquid form. Compliance with the net capital rule could limit operations that require intensive use of capital, such as underwriting and trading activities and the financing of customer account balances and also could restrict our ability to withdraw capital from our broker-dealers. Our US broker-dealers are also subject to the net capital requirements of FINRA and, in some cases, other self-regulatory organizations.

Certain of our US broker-dealers are also registered as futures commission merchants and subject to the capital and other requirements of the CFTC.

Our securities and asset management businesses include legal entities registered and regulated as investment advisers by the SEC. The SEC-registered mutual funds that we advise are subject to the Investment Company Act of 1940. For pension fund customers, we are subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and similar state statutes. We are subject to the Commodity Exchange Act for investment vehicles we advise that are commodity pools.


Since it was announced in 1999, the EU’s Financial Services Action Plan has given rise to numerous measures (both directives and regulations) aimed at increasing integration and harmonization in the European market for financial services. While regulations have immediate and direct effect in member states, directives must be implemented through national legislation. As a result, the terms of implementation of directives are not always consistent from country to country. The EU has established a European Systemic Risk Board for macro-prudential oversight of the financial system, a European Banking Authority, a European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority and a European Securities and Markets Authority. These institutions will be responsible for promoting consistency between national regulators in the implementation of EU legislation.

The CRD, implemented in various EU countries including the UK, applies the >>>Basel II capital framework for banking groups operating in the EU. The CRD has been amended by CRD II, which governs own funds, large exposures, supervisory arrangements, qualitative standards for liquidity risk management and securitization, and which came into force on December 31, 2010, and by CRD III, which governs both the disclosure and content of remuneration policies, effective January 1, 2011, and capital requirements for trading books and re-securitizations and disclosure of securitization exposures, effective December 31, 2011.

MiFID establishes high-level organizational and business conduct standards that apply to all investment firms. These include standards for managing conflicts of interest, best execution, customer classification and suitability requirements for customers. MiFID sets standards for regulated markets (i.e., exchanges) and multilateral trading facilities and sets out pre-trade and post-trade price transparency requirements for equity trading. MiFID also sets standards for the disclosure of fees and other payments received from or paid to third parties in relation to investment advice and services and regulates investment services relating to commodity derivatives. In relation to these and other investment services and activities, MiFID provides a “passport” for investment firms, enabling them to conduct cross-border activities and establish branches throughout Europe on the basis of authorization from their home state regulator.


The UK FSA is the principal statutory regulator of financial services activity in the UK, deriving its powers from the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA). The FSA regulates banking, insurance, investment business and the activities of mortgage intermediaries. The FSA generally adopts a risk-based approach, supervising all aspects of a firm’s business, including capital resources, systems and controls and management structures, the conduct of its business, anti-money laundering and staff training. The FSA has wide investigatory and enforcement powers, including the power to require information and documents from financial services businesses, appoint investigators, apply to the court for injunctions or restitution orders, prosecute criminal offenses, impose financial penalties, issue public statements or censures and vary, cancel or withdraw authorizations it has granted. In June 2010, the UK Government announced that the FSA will be replaced by three new agencies: the Prudential Regulation Authority, a subsidiary of the Bank of England, which will be responsible for the prudential regulation of banks and larger investment firms; the Consumer Protection and Markets Authority which will regulate markets and the conduct of financial firms providing services to consumers; and the Financial Policy Committee of the Bank of England, which will be responsible for macro-prudential regulation.

As a member state of the EU, the UK is required to implement EU directives into national law. The regulatory regime for banks operating in the UK conforms to required EU standards including compliance with capital adequacy standards, customer protection requirements, conduct of business rules and anti-money laundering rules. These standards, requirements and rules are similarly implemented, under the same directives, throughout the other member states of the EU in which we operate and are broadly comparable in scope and purpose to the regulatory capital and customer protection requirements imposed under US law.

The London branch of Credit Suisse (London Branch), Credit Suisse International and Credit Suisse (UK) Limited are authorized to take deposits. We also have a number of entities authorized to conduct investment business and asset management activities. In deciding whether to grant authorization, the FSA must first determine whether a firm satisfies the threshold conditions for authorization, including the requirement for the firm to be fit and proper. In addition to regulation by the FSA, certain wholesale money markets activities are subject to the Non-Investment Products Code, a voluntary Code of Conduct published by the Bank of England which FSA-regulated firms are expected to follow when conducting wholesale money market business.

The London Branch will be required to continue to comply principally with Swiss home country regulation. However, as a response to the global financial crisis, the FSA made changes to its prudential supervision rules in its Handbook of Rules and Guidance, applying a principle of “self-sufficiency”, that a UK branch of European Economic Area (EEA) and non-EEA financial institutions would no longer be permitted to rely on capital held by other members of its group. The FSA, from December 1, 2009, has required UK branches of EEA and non-EEA financial institutions to maintain adequate liquidity resources, both as to quantity and quality of capital reserves. The London Branch is required to ensure that its liquidity resources are under the day-to-day supervision of the London Branch senior management, held in a custodian account in the name of the London Branch, unencumbered and attributed to the London Branch balance sheet. In addition, the FSA requires Credit Suisse International and Credit Suisse (UK) Limited to maintain a minimum capital ratio and to monitor and report large exposures in accordance with the rules implementing the Capital Requirements Directive.

Our London broker-dealer subsidiaries and asset management companies are authorized under the FSMA and are subject to regulation by the FSA. In deciding whether to authorize an investment firm in the UK, the FSA will consider threshold conditions for suitability, including the general requirement for a firm to be fit and proper. The FSA is responsible for regulating most aspects of an investment firm’s business, including its regulatory capital, sales and trading practices, use and safekeeping of customer funds and securities, record-keeping, margin practices and procedures, registration standards for individuals carrying on certain functions, anti-money laundering systems and periodic reporting and settlement procedures.

On January 1, 2011, the FSA implemented the requirements of CRD III in its revised code of practice on remuneration policies became effective, requiring both EEA and non-EEA banks, building societies and investment firms to have in place remuneration policies that are consistent with effective risk management. It also includes twelve principles covering areas of governance, performance measurement and composition of remuneration, to help firms understand how the FSA will assess compliance.

Operating and financial review

Operating environment

Credit Suisse

Core Results

Key performance indicators

Private Banking

Investment Banking

Asset Management

Corporate Center

Results overview

Assets under management

Critical accounting estimates

Operating environment

Global economic growth continued in 2010, but with significant regional differences. European sovereign debt concerns were a dominant issue during the year and weighed on financial markets. Expansionary monetary policies were maintained in most major countries. The majority of equity markets posted positive returns over 2010 and bond yields declined. Volatility in currency markets was high, with both the Swiss franc and yen benefiting from their safe haven status.

Economic environment

The global economy continued its gradual recovery in 2010, though at a moderate pace, driven by global manufacturing gains in the first half of the year, renewed credit and equity market activity and increased US consumer spending. The improvement in economic activity varied among countries and regions, however, and the sustainability of the recovery remained uncertain as high unemployment rates continued to weigh on economies around the world. While US consumer confidence was little changed over 2010, business confidence in manufacturing and services improved, particularly in the fourth quarter. Emerging markets, particularly in Asia, showed strong growth, especially in the first half of the year. Most EU countries, notably Germany, reported solid growth, and the expansion in the US continued. Central banks around the world, including the US Federal Reserve (Fed), Bank of England and European Central Bank (ECB), maintained historically low interest rates. However, a number of central banks, particularly in the emerging markets, began to tighten their monetary and fiscal policies. The Chinese central bank raised reserve requirement ratios and its policy rate. Policy rates were also raised in other countries including Australia, Brazil, Canada, India and Sweden. Inflationary pressures remained subdued in most developed countries. While food and energy-related effects kept headline inflation rates at elevated levels, core inflation rates reached multi-year lows in most EU countries and the US.

Sovereign debt concerns in Europe (mainly in Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain) dominated financial markets in 2010. European governments constructed an aid package in order to support troubled EU governments. Further support came from the ECB and the International Monetary Fund, with the resulting crisis facility contributing to stabilizing the markets.

In Switzerland, the favorable economic trend continued and the unemployment rate was lower at the end of 2010 compared to the end of 2009. Swiss consumer confidence increased in 2010, especially during the first six months of the year. The Swiss franc appreciated significantly against most major currencies, presenting some risk for Swiss exports and tourism and impacting assets under management, revenues and profits at Swiss financial institutions. The Swiss National Bank intervened heavily in the currency market in the second quarter to prevent excessive appreciation.

Based on strong earnings and a low interest rate environment, equity markets, especially in the US, performed well. The US equity market gained 13%, outperforming emerging markets in Asia and Latin America (refer to the charts “Equity markets”). European equity markets, impacted by the sovereign debt problems in some European countries, reported an average gain of 4%, but with large divergences among markets. For example, the German equity market outperformed the French equity market by more than 15%. The Swiss equity market only gained 3%, partly reflecting the underperformance of the banking sector in 2010. Volatility peaked in the second quarter and ended the year at lower levels than the end of 2009 (refer to the charts “Equity markets”).

Government bond yields across most major markets declined during the first three quarters. In the third quarter, two-year US treasuries traded at a record low yield of 0.42%, and the yield on ten-year US treasuries dropped below 2.5%. Only in the fourth quarter did bond yields begin to increase after the Fed's announcement of its intention to purchase USD 600 billion of treasuries, extending its quantitative easing program (refer to the charts “Yield curves”). Credit spreads widened over the course of the year, and the European credit market suffered from the sovereign debt concerns in some European countries (refer to the charts “Credit spreads”).

In currency markets, the US dollar appreciated against the euro in the first half of 2010 due to sovereign debt concerns within the EU and heightened risk aversion. The easing of sovereign debt concerns and continued low US interest rates supported the euro in the second half of 2010. The British pound depreciated against the US dollar due to weak growth in the UK. The Swiss franc appreciated against most major currencies, with the exception of the yen, which benefited from its own safe haven status and narrowing interest rate differentials. Several emerging market governments and central banks, including Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand and Turkey, also experimented with intervention or more unconventional capital-control mechanisms to dampen currency appreciation.

Most commodity prices performed strongly in 2010. Agricultural commodities reported gains of more than 40% due to crop failures in several markets and regions. Gold prices benefited from strong demand and low interest rates, and reached all-time highs above USD 1,400 per ounce in December 2010. The Credit Suisse Commodity Benchmark ended the year 15% higher.

Sector environment

2010 was a volatile year for the banking sector. European bank stocks ended the year 15% lower. Banks in the US were much stronger and outperformed the world index (refer to the charts “Equity markets”) .

Regulators and governments continued regulatory reform, including measures on capital and liquidity requirements, compensation and systemic risk mitigation. For further information, refer to I – Information on the Company – Regulation and supervision and III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Treasury management – Capital management.

The funding situation for European banks was difficult in the first half 2010, and only improved after the Committee of European Banking Supervisors published the results of stress tests in the third quarter. But many smaller European banks still experienced ongoing difficulties and significantly higher prices in fundraising.

The wealth management sector benefited from better markets than a year ago, but investors remained risk-averse and continued to prefer less complex financial products. The industry faced increased regulatory scrutiny, especially relating to the international exchange of information and client data, and continued to be a focus of tax authorities, creating uncertainty for the sector. Foreign currency weakness had a negative impact for institutions reporting in strong home currencies such as the Swiss franc. The wealth management industry continued to evolve, reflecting increasing requirements relating to investment advice, client information, documentation and cross-border compliance. Interest rates in Switzerland remained at historical lows. Retail banking in Switzerland reflected strong competition in the mortgage business, resulting in continued margin pressure.

In the investment banking sector, 2010 had reasonably healthy volumes, particularly in the US for fixed income. Global equity market volumes showed improved activity in European stocks, but were lower in the US compared with 2009. Capital markets remained challenged due to the economic uncertainty, in particular in the first half of the year. European debt underwriting volumes declined in 2010, primarily due to lower investment grade issuance. Announced mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity and syndicated lending rebounded significantly from the depressed levels in 2009 (refer to the table “Market volumes”). The global fee pool was above its historical average and 13% higher than in 2009, but still below the pre-crisis level of 2007. Equity capital markets contributed 31%, debt capital markets 28% and M&A activity 24% to the global fee pool. Fees from loans more than doubled compared to 2009 and accounted for 16% of the total fee pool.

In the asset management sector, hedge funds achieved low double-digit returns in 2010, with the Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index gaining 11%. Fundraising volumes varied considerably across asset classes. In alternative investments, the hedge fund industry began to see renewed investor demand, particularly in the second half of the year, and total assets under management by hedge funds in 2010 increased 20% to USD 1.9 trillion. Credit strategies continued to attract client inflows. Within traditional asset classes, investors withdrew cash from money market products and re-invested in fixed income products. The demand for passive vehicles such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and index products remained robust in 2010.

Market volumes (growth in % year on year)
2010 Global Europe
Equity trading volume 1 5 10
Announced mergers and acquisitions 2 23 14
Completed mergers and acquisitions 2 (23)
Equity underwriting 2 (10) (41)
Debt underwriting 2 5 (19)
Syndicated lending - investment-grade 2 60
1    London Stock Exchange, Borsa Italiana, Deutsche Börse, BME and Euronext. Global also includes New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ.   2    Dealogic.

Credit Suisse

In 2010, we recorded net income attributable to shareholders of CHF 5,098 million. Diluted earnings per share were CHF 3.89. Return on equity attributable to shareholders was 14.4%. We continued to reduce risk and further strengthened our capital position with a BIS tier 1 ratio of 17.2%.

  in % change
2010 2009 2008 10 / 09 09 / 08
Statements of operations (CHF million)  
Net interest income  6,541 6,891 8,536 (5) (19)
Commissions and fees  14,078 13,750 14,812 2 (7)
Trading revenues  9,338 12,151 (9,880) (23)
Other revenues  1,429 502 (4,200) 185
Net revenues  31,386 33,294 9,268 (6) 259
Provision for credit losses  (79) 506 813 (38)
Compensation and benefits  14,599 15,013 13,254 (3) 13
General and administrative expenses  7,231 7,701 7,809 (6) (1)
Commission expenses  2,148 1,997 2,294 8 (13)
Total other operating expenses  9,379 9,698 10,103 (3) (4)
Total operating expenses  23,978 24,711 23,357 (3) 6
Income/(loss) from continuing operations before taxes  7,487 8,077 (14,902) (7)
Income tax expense/(benefit)  1,548 1,835 (4,596) (16)
Income/(loss) from continuing operations  5,939 6,242 (10,306) (5)
Income/(loss) from discontinued operations  (19) 169 (531)
Net income/(loss)  5,920 6,411 (10,837) (8)
Less net income/(loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests  822 (313) (2,619) (88)
Net income/(loss) attributable to shareholders  5,098 6,724 (8,218) (24)
   of which from continuing operations  5,117 6,555 (7,687) (22)
   of which from discontinued operations  (19) 169 (531)
Earnings per share (CHF)  
Basic earnings/(loss) per share from continuing operations  3.93 5.14 (7.51) (24)
Basic earnings/(loss) per share  3.91 5.28 (8.01) (26)
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share from continuing operations  3.91 5.01 (7.51) (22)
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share  3.89 5.14 (8.01) (24)
Return on equity (%)  
Return on equity attributable to shareholders  14.4 18.3 (21.1)
Return on tangible equity attributable to shareholders 1 19.8 25.1 (29.3)
Number of employees (full-time equivalents)  
Number of employees  50,100 47,600 47,800 5 0
1    Based on tangible shareholders' equity attributable to shareholders, which is calculated by deducting goodwill and other intangible assets from total shareholders' equity attributable to shareholders. Management believes that the return on tangible shareholders' equity attributable to shareholders is meaningful as it allows consistent measurement of the performance of businesses without regard to whether the businesses were acquired.

Credit Suisse and Core Results 
  Core Results Noncontrolling interests without SEI Credit Suisse
in 2010 2009 2008 2010 2009 2008 2010 2009 2008
Statements of operations (CHF million)  
Net revenues  30,625 33,617 11,862 761 (323) (2,594) 31,386 33,294 9,268
Provision for credit losses  (79) 506 813 0 0 0 (79) 506 813
Compensation and benefits  14,562 14,927 13,179 37 86 75 14,599 15,013 13,254
General and administrative expenses  7,194 7,604 7,739 37 97 70 7,231 7,701 7,809
Commission expenses  2,148 1,997 2,294 0 0 0 2,148 1,997 2,294
Total other operating expenses  9,342 9,601 10,033 37 97 70 9,379 9,698 10,103
Total operating expenses  23,904 24,528 23,212 74 183 145 23,978 24,711 23,357
Income/(loss) from continuing operations before taxes    6,800 8,583 (12,163) 687 (506) (2,739) 7,487 8,077 (14,902)
Income tax expense/(benefit)  1,548 1,835 (4,596) 0 0 0 1,548 1,835 (4,596)
Income/(loss) from continuing operations  5,252 6,748 (7,567) 687 (506) (2,739) 5,939 6,242 (10,306)
Income/(loss) from discontinued operations  (19) 169 (531) 0 0 0 (19) 169 (531)
Net income/(loss)  5,233 6,917 (8,098) 687 (506) (2,739) 5,920 6,411 (10,837)
Less net income/(loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests    135 193 120 687 (506) (2,739) 822 (313) (2,619)
Net income/(loss) attributable to shareholders  5,098 6,724 (8,218) 0 0 0 5,098 6,724 (8,218)
Statement of operations metrics (%)  
Cost/income ratio  78.1 73.0 195.7 76.4 74.2 252.0
Pre-tax income margin  22.2 25.5 (102.5) 23.9 24.3 (160.8)
Effective tax rate  22.8 21.4 37.8 20.7 22.7 30.8
Net income margin 1 16.6 20.0 (69.3) 16.2 20.2 (88.7)
1    Based on amounts attributable to shareholders.

Differences between Group and Bank

Except where noted, the business of the Bank is substantially the same as the business of Credit Suisse Group, and substantially all of the Bank’s operations are conducted through the Private Banking, Investment Banking and Asset Management segments. These segment results are included in Core Results. Certain other assets, liabilities and results of operations are managed as part of the activities of the three segments, however, since they are legally owned by the Group, they are not included in the Bank’s financial statements. These related principally to the activities of Clariden Leu, Neue Aargauer Bank and BANK-now, which are managed as part of Private Banking, and hedging activities relating to share-based compensation awards. Core Results also includes certain Group corporate center activities that are not applicable to the Bank.

These operations and activities vary from period to period and give rise to differences between the Bank’s assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, including pensions and taxes, and those of the Group. For further information on the Bank refer to Note 39 – Subsidiary guarantee information in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group and VII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank).

Differences between Group and Bank businesses
Entity Principal business activity
Clariden Leu  Banking and securities
Neue Aargauer Bank  Banking (in the Swiss canton of Aargau)
BANK-now  Private credit and car leasing (in Switzerland)
Financing vehicles of the Group    Special purpose vehicles for various funding activities of the Group, including for purposes of raising capital

Comparison of consolidated statements of operations
  Group Bank
in 2010 2009 2008 2010 2009 2008
Statements of operations (CHF million)  
Net revenues  31,386 33,294 9,268 29,598 31,993 7,305
Total operating expenses  23,978 24,711 23,357 23,451 24,176 22,347
Income/(loss) from continuing operations before taxes  7,487 8,077 (14,902) 6,271 7,357 (15,839)
Income tax expense/(benefit)  1,548 1,835 (4,596) 1,258 1,794 (4,922)
Income/(loss) from continuing operations  5,939 6,242 (10,306) 5,013 5,563 (10,917)
Income/(loss) from discontinued operations  (19) 169 (531) (19) 169 (531)
Net income/(loss)  5,920 6,411 (10,837) 4,994 5,732 (11,448)
Less net income/(loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests  822 (313) (2,619) 802 (697) (3,379)
Net income/(loss) attributable to shareholders  5,098 6,724 (8,218) 4,192 6,429 (8,069)

Comparison of consolidated balance sheets
  Group Bank
end of 2010 2009 2010 2009
Balance sheet statistics (CHF million)  
Total assets  1,032,005 1,031,427 1,008,761 1,010,482
Total liabilities  988,990 983,099 969,597 964,731

  Group Bank
end of 2010 2009 2010 2009
Capitalization (CHF million)  
Due to banks  37,493 36,214 47,675 50,081
Customer deposits  287,564 286,694 263,767 258,697
Central bank funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions    168,394 191,687 168,394 191,587
Long-term debt  173,752 159,365 171,140 156,676
Other liabilities  321,787 309,139 318,621 307,690
Total liabilities  988,990 983,099 969,597 964,731
Total equity  43,015 48,328 39,164 45,751
Total capitalization  1,032,005 1,031,427 1,008,761 1,010,482

Capital adequacy
  Group Bank
end of 2010 2009 2010 2009
Capital (CHF million)  
Tier 1 capital  37,725 36,207 35,310 34,695
   of which hybrid instruments  11,098 12,198 10,589 11,617
Total eligible capital  47,799 45,728 47,569 46,320
Capital ratios (%)  
Tier 1 ratio  17.2 16.3 17.1 16.5
Total capital ratio  21.9 20.6 23.1 22.0

Dividends of the Bank to the Group
end of 2010 2009
Per share issued (CHF)  
Dividend 1, 2 0.23 68.19
Registered shares of CHF 100.00 nominal value each. As of December 31, 2010 and 2009, total share capital consisted of 43,996,652 registered shares.
1    Dividends are determined in accordance with Swiss law and the Bank's articles of incorporation. For more information, refer to VIII – Parent company financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank)   2    In 2008, 2007 and 2006, dividends per share issued were CHF 0.23, CHF 59.10 and CHF 0.23, respectively.

Core Results

For 2010, net income attributable to shareholders was CHF 5,098 million. Private Banking had stable net revenues, despite a challenging operating environment, and attracted CHF 54.6 billion of net new assets, with strong inflows in both the international and the Swiss regions. Investment Banking had net revenues of CHF 16,214 million, with strong underwriting and advisory revenues and solid equity sales and trading revenues but significantly lower fixed income sales and trading revenues. Results were impacted by subdued client flows compared with 2009, but also reflected continued market share momentum across products and regions. Asset Management net revenues were up 27%, mainly reflecting significant investment-related gains in 2010 compared to significant losses in 2009, partially offset by lower gains on equity participations. Asset Management net new assets were CHF 20.6 billion, up substantially from CHF 0.4 billion in 2009.

  in % change
2010 2009 2008 10 / 09 09 / 08
Statements of operations (CHF million)  
Net interest income  6,474 6,763 8,409 (4) (20)
Commissions and fees  14,131 13,702 14,755 3 (7)
Trading revenues  9,328 12,127 (9,853) (23)
Other revenues  692 1,025 (1,449) (32)
Net revenues  30,625 33,617 11,862 (9) 183
Provision for credit losses  (79) 506 813 (38)
Compensation and benefits  14,562 14,927 13,179 (2) 13
General and administrative expenses  7,194 7,604 7,739 (5) (2)
Commission expenses  2,148 1,997 2,294 8 (13)
Total other operating expenses  9,342 9,601 10,033 (3) (4)
Total operating expenses  23,904 24,528 23,212 (3) 6
Income/(loss) from continuing operations before taxes  6,800 8,583 (12,163) (21)
Income tax expense/(benefit)  1,548 1,835 (4,596) (16)
Income/(loss) from continuing operations  5,252 6,748 (7,567) (22)
Income/(loss) from discontinued operations  (19) 169 (531)
Net income/(loss)  5,233 6,917 (8,098) (24)
Less net income/(loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests  135 193 120 (30) 61
Net income/(loss) attributable to shareholders  5,098 6,724 (8,218) (24)
   of which from continuing operations  5,117 6,555 (7,687) (22)
   of which from discontinued operations  (19) 169 (531)
Statement of operations metrics (%)  
Cost/income ratio  78.1 73.0 195.7
Pre-tax income margin  22.2 25.5 (102.5)
Effective tax rate  22.8 21.4 37.8
Net income margin 1 16.6 20.0 (69.3)
Number of employees (full-time equivalents)  
Number of employees  50,100 47,600 47,800 5 0
1    Based on amounts attributable to shareholders.

Core Results include the results of our three segments, the Corporate Center and discontinued operations. Core Results exclude revenues and expenses in respect of noncontrolling interests in which we do not have SEI. The Corporate Center includes parent company operations such as Group financing, expenses for projects sponsored by the Group and certain expenses and revenues that have not been allocated to the segments. In addition, the Corporate Center includes consolidation and elimination adjustments required to eliminate intercompany revenues and expenses.

Our Core Results are impacted by changes in credit spreads on Credit Suisse vanilla debt carried at >>>fair value. In the second quarter of 2009, we entered into a transaction designed to reduce the volatility of these changes. In the transaction (the >>>FVOD transaction) we made loans, which we carry at fair value, to Alpine Securitization Corp. (Alpine), a multi-seller >>>commercial paper (CP) conduit administered by Credit Suisse. The FVOD transaction was designed to offset a significant portion of the volatility in credit spread movements on Credit Suisse vanilla debt. For information on the impact of accounting changes on the FVOD transaction effective the first quarter of 2010, refer to Accounting changes adopted in first quarter 2010.

For segment reporting purposes, the cumulative fair value gains of CHF 1.5 billion on Credit Suisse debt as of the opening 2010 balance sheet are charged to the segments on a straight-line amortization basis, and the difference between this amortization and the fair valuation on this Credit Suisse debt from changes in credit spreads is included in the Corporate Center. Our Core Results are also impacted by fair valuation gains/losses on cross currency swaps relating to our long-term debt. These fair valuation gains/losses on the cross currency swaps are recorded in the Corporate Center, reflect the volatility in the basis between the relevant currency yield curves and, over the life of the swaps, will result in no net gains/losses.

In managing the business, revenues are evaluated in the aggregate, including an assessment of trading gains and losses and the related interest income and expense from financing and hedging positions. For this reason, individual revenue categories may not be indicative of performance.

Certain reclassifications have been made to prior periods to conform to the current presentation.

Results overview

2010 versus 2009

In 2010, we recorded net income attributable to shareholders of CHF 5,098 million, down 24% compared to 2009. Net revenues were CHF 30,625 million, down 9%, and total operating expenses were CHF 23,904 million, down 3%, compared to 2009. Our 2010 Core Results included fair value gains of CHF 341 million on Credit Suisse vanilla debt. CHF 249 million of fair value losses were charged to the segments (primarily Investment Banking), reflecting the straight-line amortization, and CHF 590 million of fair value gains were included in the Corporate Center. Provision for credit losses were net releases of CHF 79 million compared to net provisions of CHF 506 million as of the end of 2009, reflecting the improved credit environment. Total operating expenses declined slightly, mainly due to the foreign exchange translation impact and lower performance-related compensation.

In Private Banking, net revenues of CHF 11,631 million were stable compared to 2009. Results in 2010 were impacted by the weakening of the average rate of the US dollar and euro against the Swiss franc compared to 2009, adversely affecting net revenues in Wealth Management Clients by approximately CHF 350 million and income before taxes by approximately CHF 250 million. Recurring revenues, representing 78% of net revenues, were stable. In an ongoing low interest rate environment, stable net interest income reflected slightly lower loan and deposit margins on slightly higher average volumes. Recurring commissions and fees were up 3% and average assets under management increased 9.9%. Investor behavior remained cautious during 2010, reflected in investments in less complex, lower-margin products, also within managed investment products, and a significant portion of assets under management in cash. Transaction-based revenues decreased slightly, reflecting lower client activity. The decline was driven by lower revenues from integrated solutions and brokerage fees and gains from the sale of real estate and >>>auction rate securities (ARS) in 2009, partially offset by higher product issuing fees and lower fair value losses on the Clock Finance transaction compared to 2009.

In Investment Banking, net revenues of CHF 16,214 million decreased 21% compared to 2009. Approximately CHF 1.3 billion of 2009 revenues were due to the normalization of market conditions that had become severely dislocated in the fourth quarter of 2008. In addition, 2010 results in many businesses were impacted by lower levels of client trading activity compared to 2009. We continued to make progress in the implementation of our client-focused, capital-efficient strategy and continued to increase our market share across most businesses and regions. Fixed income sales and trading revenues were resilient, although significantly lower compared to 2009, reflecting a challenging environment for the industry affected by macroeconomic uncertainties. Results were driven by >>>residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS), credit, global rates and emerging markets trading. Revenues in global rates and credit, including leveraged finance and investment grade trading, although solid, reflected less favorable market conditions than in 2009 and market volatility triggered by sovereign debt concerns in Europe in 2010. Revenues in RMBS and leveraged finance trading benefited from an increase in investor demand for yield-driven products. Equity sales and trading results were solid, although lower compared to a strong 2009, reflecting lower levels of client trading activity. Results were driven by revenues in cash equities, prime services and >>>derivatives. In 2010, we improved our market share while maintaining our leading market share rankings in cash equities and prime services. We had strong underwriting and advisory results, reflecting an increase in industry-wide capital issuance levels, an increase in completed M&A market share and improved share of wallet with clients. We had near-record revenues in debt underwriting, driven by higher industry-wide high yield issuance volumes, and improved advisory revenues, reflecting an increase in completed M&A market share. Equity underwriting revenues were in line with lower industry-wide equity issuance levels, particularly in follow-on and convertible issuances, partially offset by a significant increase in initial public offering (IPO) volumes. Results included net fair value losses on Credit Suisse vanilla debt of CHF 232 million in 2010, compared to net fair value losses of CHF 397 million in 2009, and significant allocated funding costs.

In Asset Management, net revenues of CHF 2,332 million were up 27% compared to CHF 1,842 million in 2009, primarily reflecting investment-related gains compared to losses in 2009, partially offset by lower income from equity participations. Investment-related gains were CHF 420 million, compared to losses of CHF 365 million in 2009, reflecting improved equity markets. Asset management fees of CHF 1,412 million were up 3%, reflecting higher average assets under management. Average assets under management increased 2.2% to CHF 427.8 billion and were adversely impacted by foreign exchange-related movements and the spin-off of non-core businesses. Placement, transaction and other fees of CHF 143 million were down 15%, reflecting losses related to investments held by Asset Management Finance LLC (AMF) and lower revenues from integrated solutions, partially offset by higher private equity placement and real estate transaction fees. Performance fees and carried interest of CHF 187 million were down 15% from lower performance fees from Hedging-Griffo and from diversified investments relating to management of the Partner Asset Facility (PAF), partially offset by carried interest relating to realized private equity gains. Equity participations income of CHF 41 million was down 88% from 2009, which included significant gains from the sale of part of the traditional investments business to Aberdeen Asset Management (Aberdeen) and the sale of Polish and Korean joint ventures. Other revenues in 2010 and 2009 primarily reflected gains on the sale of securities purchased from money market funds and securities acquired from client securities lending portfolios. Net revenues before securities purchased from money market funds and investment-related gains of CHF 1,769 million were down 16%, primarily due to lower revenues from equity participations.

In Corporate Center, the decreased loss of CHF 660 million compared to CHF 1,948 million primarily reflected lower litigation provisions and fair value gains on Credit Suisse vanilla debt versus losses in 2009. The 2010 loss included a charge of CHF 404 million for the UK levy on variable compensation and CHF 216 million of litigation provisions, partly offset by CHF 590 million of fair value gains on our long-term vanilla debt, which reflected the positive difference between the straight-line amortization charged to the segments and the net impact of fair valuation adjustments on Credit Suisse debt from widening credit spreads.

Provision for credit losses were net releases of CHF 79 million, with releases of CHF 97 million in Investment Banking and net provisions of CHF 18 million in Private Banking.

Total operating expenses were CHF 23,904 million, down 3%, mainly due to the foreign exchange translation impact and lower performance-related variable compensation, partially offset by an increase in salaries and benefits, reflecting higher base salaries and increased headcount, and the CHF 404 million charge relating to the UK levy on variable compensation. 2010 performance-related variable compensation accruals reflected lower risk-adjusted profitability, the higher base salaries and a higher proportion of performance-related variable compensation deferred through share-based, restricted cash and other awards. Compensation and benefits included significantly lower expenses relating to the PAF. General and administrative expenses decreased 5%, reflecting the foreign exchange translation impact and a significant decrease in litigation provisions and charges, offset in part by higher professional fees and IT costs.

The Core Results effective tax rate was 22.8% in 2010, compared to 21.4% in 2009. The effective tax rate reflected the geographical mix of results and included the recognition of additional deferred tax assets, a decrease of deferred tax liability balances in Switzerland and the release of tax contingency accruals. Overall, net deferred tax assets increased CHF 186 million to CHF 9,005 million as of the end of 2010. For further information, refer to Note 26 – Tax in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group.

Assets under management from continuing operations were CHF 1,253.0 billion as of the end of 2010, an increase of 2.0% compared to the end of 2009. In 2010, we reported net new assets of CHF 69.0 billion, up 56.1% compared to 2009. We had net new assets of CHF 54.6 billion in Private Banking and CHF 20.6 billion in Asset Management.

2009 versus 2008

In 2009, we recorded net income attributable to shareholders of CHF 6,724 million, compared to a net loss attributable to shareholders of CHF 8,218 million in 2008. Net revenues were CHF 33,617 million compared to CHF 11,862 million in 2008. Total operating expenses were CHF 24,528 million, up CHF 1,316 million, or 6%. Our 2009 results included fair value losses of CHF 4,458 million on Credit Suisse vanilla debt, mostly offset by gains of CHF 3,708 million from the >>>FVOD transaction. CHF 423 million of the net fair value losses were charged to the segments (primarily Investment Banking) and CHF 327 million of net fair value losses were included in the Corporate Center.

In Private Banking, we realigned our client coverage into Wealth Management Clients and Corporate & Institutional Clients. Swiss private client coverage is now part of Wealth Management Clients, which covers all individual clients, including >>>affluent, >>>high-net-worth and >>>ultra-high-net-worth clients. Corporate & Institutional Clients provides banking services to corporates and institutions in Switzerland.

In Private Banking, net revenues were CHF 11,662 million, a decline of 10% from 2008. Recurring revenues, representing 77% of net revenues, declined 11%, mainly reflecting a decrease in recurring commissions and fees. Lower recurring commissions and fees reflected a 6.4% decrease in average assets under management and a shift into lower margin investments, also within managed investment products, resulting from cautious investor behavior, offset in part by strong performance fees from Hedging-Griffo. Net interest income decreased 3% due to lower margins on slightly lower average loan volumes, mostly offset by higher margins on higher average deposit volumes. Transaction-based revenues were down 6%, reflecting fair value losses from the Clock Finance transaction of CHF 118 million in 2009, compared to fair value gains of CHF 110 million in 2008. Excluding the impact of the Clock Finance transaction in 2009 and 2008, respectively, transaction based revenues increased 2%, as significantly higher integrated solutions revenues were mostly offset by lower product issuing fees, foreign exchange income from client transactions and brokerage fees.

In Investment Banking, net revenues increased to a record CHF 20,537 million from negative CHF 1,971 million in 2008. Our key client businesses generated revenues of CHF 18.2 billion, reflecting solid contributions from global rates and foreign exchange, cash equities, US RMBS secondary trading, prime services, flow and corporate derivatives and high grade trading. Our repositioned businesses had revenues of CHF 5.4 billion for the year, driven by our US leveraged finance, emerging markets trading, corporate lending, trading strategies and convertibles businesses. We had losses of CHF 2.7 billion in our exit businesses, primarily driven by valuation reductions in >>>commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS). Approximately CHF 1.3 billion of revenues in the first quarter from our ongoing businesses were due to more normalized market conditions. Debt underwriting revenues increased significantly, primarily due to strong results in leveraged finance, which reflected a significant increase in industry-wide high yield issuance, as 2009 was the second highest year on record for high yield issuance, and fee revenues in 2009 compared to fee losses of CHF 200 million in 2008. Equity underwriting revenues increased, driven by a significant increase in industry-wide equity issuance volumes and an increase in market share across most product categories and regions. Advisory and other fees decreased due to significantly lower levels of global completed M&A activity and a decline in completed M&A market share. Fixed income trading revenues increased significantly, primarily due to revenues, including valuation gains, in our combined structured products and US leveraged finance businesses compared to net valuation reductions in 2008, mostly in exit businesses. We had significant valuation reductions in CMBS as we reduced our risk exposures, compared to substantially higher valuation reductions in 2008. We also had revenues in our corporate lending and emerging markets businesses compared to losses in 2008. In addition, we had strong revenues in 2009 in many of our client and >>>flow-based businesses, including our US RMBS secondary trading and global rates and foreign exchange businesses, and revenues in our commodities business compared to losses in 2008, mostly in exit businesses. Our results reflected significant market share gains in many of our fixed income businesses. Equity trading revenues increased significantly, primarily due to revenues in certain businesses compared to significant losses in the second half of 2008 in the convertibles business, illiquid trading strategies and equity derivatives. We substantially reduced our trading positions relating to illiquid equity trading strategies. We had higher revenues from our fund-linked products and prime services businesses. Results in our cash equities business continued to be strong. Our results also included net fair value losses on Credit Suisse debt of CHF 397 million in 2009 (including CHF 365 million of gains in the first quarter and CHF 762 million of charges reflecting the straight-line amortization following the FVOD transaction), compared to fair value gains of CHF 4,654 million in 2008, and higher allocated funding costs.

In Asset Management, net revenues almost tripled to CHF 1,842 million compared to 2008, primarily reflecting gains from securities purchased from our money market funds compared to significant losses in 2008, lower investment-related losses and higher income from equity participations, including aggregate gains of CHF 286 million from the Aberdeen transaction and the sale of the two joint ventures. Net revenues before securities purchased from our money market funds and investment-related losses of CHF 2,098 million were up 6%, primarily due to the higher income from equity participations, partially offset by lower management and placement fees. Average assets under management decreased 18.7% in 2009. Asset management fees of CHF 1,376 million were down 13%, primarily from significantly lower revenues in multi-asset class solutions, reflecting the decline in average assets under management and lower margins. Placement, transaction and other fees declined 27%, reflecting the difficult fundraising environment in 2009, partially offset by higher revenues from integrated solutions. Performance fees and carried interest increased 44%, primarily from performance fees from Hedging-Griffo and from diversified investments relating to management of the PAF. Equity participations income primarily reflected the gains from the Aberdeen transaction and the sale of the two joint ventures. 2008 revenues included an impairment charge on the Korean joint venture. Other revenues in 2009 included gains on the sale of securities purchased from money market funds compared to significant losses in 2008. Other revenues in 2008 included losses associated with proprietary hedge fund positions.

Corporate Center loss from continuing operations before taxes of CHF 1,948 million primarily reflected litigation provisions of CHF 705 million relating to the US economic sanctions matter and ARS, the negative difference between the straight-line amortization and the net impact on valuation adjustments on Credit Suisse debt from changes in credit spreads of CHF 327 million, the elimination of the CHF 228 million Aberdeen gain in discontinued operations that was reported in Asset Management and CHF 100 million for captive insurance settlements for non-credit-related provisions in Wealth Management Clients.

Provision for credit losses was CHF 506 million in 2009, with CHF 326 million in Investment Banking and CHF 180 million in Private Banking.

Total operating expenses increased 6% compared to 2008, reflecting higher compensation and benefits, partially offset by lower commission expenses and a slight decrease in general and administrative expenses. The increase in compensation and benefits was due to higher performance-related compensation, reflecting improved risk-adjusted profitability in Investment Banking and the deferral of compensation under the cash retention award (CRA) program in 2008, of which CHF 822 million was expensed in 2009. 2008 included CHF 596 million of severance and other compensation expenses associated with the accelerated implementation of our strategy. Compensation and benefits included CHF 629 million of compensation expense relating to the PAF, of which CHF 383 million were gains reflected in trading revenues that were reclassified in Corporate Center, as the PAF gains and offsetting compensation expense were included in Investment Banking trading revenues. General and administrative expenses were slightly lower, reflecting decreases in most expense categories, primarily professional fees, travel and entertainment and goodwill and intangible assets impairments, mostly offset by higher non-credit related provisions, information technology (IT) and occupancy expenses.

The Core Results effective tax rate was 21.4% in 2009, compared to 37.8% in 2008. The effective tax rate primarily reflected foreign exchange translation gains of CHF 460 million relating to deferred tax assets on tax loss carry forwards recorded in UK entities, net release of CHF 156 million of tax contingency accruals following the favorable resolution of certain tax matters, together with the geographical mix of results. The foreign exchange movements arose due to tax loss carry-forwards denominated in British pounds, which differs from the functional currency of the reporting entities. UK tax law was enacted during 2009 which had the effect of removing these foreign exchange movements going forward. Net deferred tax assets decreased CHF 951 million, or 9.7%, to CHF 8,819 million as of the end of 2009, including foreign exchange translation impacts. For further information, refer to Note 26 – Tax in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group.

Assets under management from continuing operations were CHF 1,229.0 billion as of the end of 2009, an increase of CHF 122.9 billion, or 11.1%, compared to the end of 2008. We had net new assets of CHF 41.6 billion in Private Banking and CHF 0.4 billion in Asset Management.

Core Results reporting by division
  in % change
2010 2009 2008 10 / 09 09 / 08
Net revenues (CHF million)  
   Wealth Management Clients  9,829 9,871 10,697 0 (8)
   Corporate & Institutional Clients  1,802 1,791 2,210 1 (19)
Private Banking  11,631 11,662 12,907 0 (10)
Investment Banking  16,214 20,537 (1,971) (21)
Asset Management  2,332 1,842 632 27 191
Corporate Center  448 (424) 294
Net revenues  30,625 33,617 11,862 (9) 183
Provision for credit losses (CHF million)  
   Wealth Management Clients  70 33 141 112 (77)
   Corporate & Institutional Clients  (52) 147 (8)
Private Banking  18 180 133 (90) 35
Investment Banking  (97) 326 679 (52)
Corporate Center  0 0 1 (100)
Provision for credit losses  (79) 506 813 (38)
Total operating expenses (CHF million)  
   Wealth Management Clients  7,231 6,940 8,047 4 (14)
   Corporate & Institutional Clients  956 891 877 7 2
Private Banking  8,187 7,831 8,924 5 (12)
Investment Banking  12,780 13,366 11,142 (4) 20
Asset Management  1,829 1,807 1,817 1 (1)
Corporate Center  1,108 1,524 1,329 (27) 15
Total operating expenses  23,904 24,528 23,212 (3) 6
Income/(loss) from continuing operations before taxes (CHF million)  
   Wealth Management Clients  2,528 2,898 2,509 (13) 16
   Corporate & Institutional Clients  898 753 1,341 19 (44)
Private Banking  3,426 3,651 3,850 (6) (5)
Investment Banking  3,531 6,845 (13,792) (48)
Asset Management  503 35 (1,185)
Corporate Center  (660) (1,948) (1,036) (66) 88
Income/(loss) from continuing operations before taxes  6,800 8,583 (12,163) (21)

Core Results reporting by region
  in % change
2010 2009 2008 10 / 09 09 / 08
Net revenues (CHF million)  
Switzerland  8,416 8,800 10,096 (4) (13)
EMEA  7,145 9,009 138 (21)
Americas  11,558 12,794 660 (10)
Asia Pacific  3,058 3,438 674 (11) 410
Corporate Center  448 (424) 294
Net revenues  30,625 33,617 11,862 (9) 183
Income before taxes (CHF million)  
Switzerland  2,913 3,295 4,426 (12) (26)
EMEA  417 2,146 (6,642) (81)
Americas  3,762 4,262 (6,923) (12)
Asia Pacific  368 828 (1,988) (56)
Corporate Center  (660) (1,948) (1,036) (66) 88
Income/(loss) from continuing operations before taxes  6,800 8,583 (12,163) (21)
A significant portion of our business requires inter-regional coordination in order to facilitate the needs of our clients. The methodology for allocating our results by region is dependent on management judgment. For Private Banking, results are allocated based on the management reporting structure of our relationship managers and the region where the transaction is recorded. For Investment Banking, trading results are allocated based on where the risk is primarily managed and fee-based results are allocated where the client is domiciled. For Asset Management, results are allocated based on the location of the investment advisors and sales teams.

Capital trends

Our consolidated Bank for International Settlements (BIS) tier 1 ratio under >>>Basel II was strong at 17.2% as of the end of 2010, compared to 16.3% as of the end of 2009. The increase reflected decreased risk-weighted assets and increased tier 1 capital.

Our Board of Directors will propose a distribution of CHF 1.30 per share out of reserves from capital contributions for 2010 at the annual general meeting (AGM) on April 29, 2011. Due to a change in Swiss tax law that came into force in January 2011, the distribution will be free of Swiss withholding tax and will not be subject to income tax for Swiss resident individuals holding the shares as a private investment. The proposal is subject to approval by shareholders at the AGM.

For further information on capital trends, refer to III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Treasury management.

Risk trends

In 2010, our overall >>>position risk, measured on the basis of our economic capital model, decreased 10% compared to 2009. Excluding the US dollar translation impact, position risk decreased 2%. The average >>>value-at-risk (VaR) in 2010 decreased 20% to CHF 110 million from 2009, reflecting a reduction in market volatility, partially offset by increased risk in support of our client flow businesses. For further information on risk trends, refer to III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Risk management.

Management and Board of Directors changes

Renato Fassbind retired as Chief Financial Officer on October 1, 2010, and David Mathers, who had served as the Chief Operating Officer and Head of Finance for Investment Banking, assumed the role. Renato Fassbind will remain with Credit Suisse as a senior advisor.

Osama S. Abbasi was appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Credit Suisse Asia Pacific and a member of the Executive Board of Credit Suisse Group and Credit Suisse, effective October 1, 2010, succeeding Kai Nargolwala, who was appointed non-executive Chairman, Credit Suisse Asia Pacific. Mr. Abbasi was head of the equities department of Investment Banking in Asia Pacific and a member of the Investment Banking Management Committee, Global Equity Management Committee and the Asia Pacific Operating Committee.

As of July 2010, Eric Varvel was appointed CEO of Investment Banking and Fawzi Kyriakos-Saad, former CEO of Russia, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Turkey, and Co-Head of the Global Emerging Markets Council, succeeded him as CEO of Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Antonio Quintella, former CEO of Brazil and Co-Head of the Global Emerging Markets Council, became CEO of Americas, succeeding Rob Shafir, who remains CEO of Asset Management.

In November, Paul Calello, Chairman of Investment Banking and a member of our Executive Board, passed away from non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

At our AGM in April 2010, Jassim Bin Hamad J. J. Al Thani, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Qatar Islamic Bank, and Robert H. Benmosche, President and CEO of American International Group were elected as new members of the Board of Directors. The Board proposes the following members be re-elected, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Jean Lanier and Anton van Rossum, subject to their election by the shareholders.

Regulatory proposals

Government leaders and regulators continued to focus on reform of the financial services industry, including capital, leverage and liquidity requirements, changes in compensation practices and systemic risk. >>>G-20 leaders pledged to increase regulation and improve coordination of oversight of banks and financial institutions.

For information on the liquidity principles agreed with the FINMA, the liquidity and capital standards under the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Basel III framework, the report of the Swiss Expert Commission on “Too Big to Fail” issues relating to big banks, and the revisions to the >>>Basel II market risk framework (Basel II.5), refer to III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Treasury management. For information on other regulatory developments and proposals, refer to I – Information on the company – Regulation and supervision.

Compensation and benefits

Compensation and benefits for a given year reflect the strength and breadth of the business results and staffing levels and include fixed components, such as salaries, benefits and the amortization of share-based and other deferred compensation from prior-year awards, and a variable component. The variable component reflects the performance-based variable compensation for the current year. The portion of the performance-based compensation for the current year deferred through share-based and other awards is expensed in future periods and is subject to vesting and other conditions.

Our shareholders’ equity reflects the effect of share-based compensation, including the impact of related share repurchases and other hedging activities. Equity is generally unaffected by the granting and vesting of share-based awards, including through the issuance of shares from approved conditional capital. Share-based compensation expense (which is generally based on >>>fair value at the time of grant) reduces equity, however the recognition of the obligation to deliver the shares increases equity by a corresponding amount. When Credit Suisse purchases shares from the market to meet its obligation to employees, these purchased treasury shares reduce equity by the amount of the purchase price. Treasury shares are managed in aggregate and are not allocated to specific obligations under any particular share-based compensation program. Shareholders’ equity also includes, as additional paid-in capital, the excess tax benefits/charges that arise at settlement of share-based awards. For further information, refer to the Consolidated statements of changes in equity, Note 27 – Employee deferred compensation and Note 26 – Tax – Tax benefits associated with share-based compensation in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group.

Changes to our compensation structure

The 2010 compensation structure is based on existing compensation principles and responds to shareholder feedback, regulatory initiatives and dialogue and political as well as public concerns. Our 2010 compensation reflected changes to variable compensation awards to increase the amount of deferred compensation and to simplify the share-based and other awards. The new features of our compensation design are described below.

The threshold for participation in variable deferred compensation awards has been lowered from CHF 125,000 to CHF 50,000, and the proportion of variable deferred compensation has been increased.

Variable deferred compensation awards granted to employees up to and including the level of vice president will be in the form of share awards. Share awards granted as part of 2010 variable awards will vest over four years. The upside and downside potential is based solely on changes in the Group’s share price over four years.

50% of the variable deferred awards granted to members of the Executive Board, managing directors and directors will be in the form of share awards and 50% in Adjustable Performance Plan awards. Adjustable Performance Plan awards are cash-based awards that vest over four years, on a pro rata basis. Outstanding awards will be adjusted upwards or downwards based on the Group’s return on equity (ROE). For revenue-generating employees of each division, if the division is loss-making, outstanding awards for employees of that division will be adjusted downward. If the division generates a loss and the Group’s ROE is negative, the greater of the two adjustments will apply. For employees in Shared Services and other support functions all outstanding Adjustable Performance Plan awards are linked to the Group ROE. Only a negative Group ROE will trigger a negative adjustment of outstanding Adjustable Performance Plan awards for these employees. This link to Group performance is intended to ensure that the compensation of employees in support functions is not directly linked to the performance of the businesses they support.

Managing directors in Investment Banking will receive variable cash compensation in the form of restricted cash, which vests ratably over a two-year period and are subject to repayment if certain claw-back events occur.

As of January 1, 2010, we increased the fixed compensation for Executive Board members, managing directors, directors and certain vice-presidents and correspondingly decreased their variable compensation for 2010. This shift in the compensation structure was influenced by regulators to ensure a more balanced mix between fixed and variable compensation.

Recent developments

During 4Q10, Asset Management completed the acquisition of a significant noncontrolling interest in York Capital Management, a global hedge fund manager, based in New York.

As of November 17, 2010, the Group owned 99.95% of the share capital of Neue Aargauer Bank AG following its tender offer for shares not owned by the Group. The Group has applied for the cancellation of the remaining shares pursuant to Art. 33 of the Swiss Federal Act on Stock Exchanges and Securities Trading.

In February 2011, we entered into definitive agreements to issue an aggregate of CHF 5.9 billion Tier 1 Buffer Capital Notes (Tier 1 BCNs) for cash or in exchange for tier 1 capital notes issued in 2008. The purchase or exchange will occur no earlier than October 2013, the first call date of the Tier 1 Capital Notes. The Tier 1 BCNs will be converted into our ordinary shares if our reported common equity tier 1 ratio falls below 7%.

In February 2011, we issued USD 2 billion Tier 2 Buffer Capital Notes due 2041 (Tier 2 BCNs). The Tier 2 BCNs are subordinated notes and may be redeemed by the issuer at any time from August 2016. The Tier 2 BCNs will be converted into our ordinary shares if, prior to Basel III, our core tier 1 ratio falls below 7% or, under Basel III, our common equity tier 1 ratio falls below 7%.

For more information on the terms of the Tier 1 BCNs and Tier 2 BCNs, refer to III – Treasury, Risk, Balance sheet and Off-balance sheet – Treasury management – Capital issuances.

Allocations and funding

Revenue sharing and cost allocation

Responsibility for each product is allocated to a segment, which records all related revenues and expenses. Revenue-sharing and service level agreements govern the compensation received by one segment for generating revenue or providing services on behalf of another. These agreements are negotiated periodically by the relevant segments on a product-by-product basis.

The aim of revenue-sharing and service level agreements is to reflect the pricing structure of unrelated third-party transactions.

Corporate services and business support in finance, operations, including human resources, legal and compliance, risk management and IT are provided by the Shared Services area. Shared Services costs are allocated to the segments and Corporate Center based on their requirements and other relevant measures.


We centrally manage our funding activities. New securities for funding and capital purposes are issued primarily by the Bank. The Bank lends funds to our operating subsidiaries and affiliates on both a senior and subordinated basis, as needed, the latter typically to meet capital requirements, or as desired by management to capitalize on opportunities. Capital is distributed to the segments considering factors such as regulatory capital requirements, utilized economic capital and the historic and future potential return on capital.

Transfer pricing, using market rates, is used to record net revenues and expense in each of the segments for this capital and funding. Our funds transfer pricing system is designed to allocate to our businesses funding costs in a way that incentivizes their efficient use of funding. Our funds transfer pricing system is an essential tool that allocates to the businesses the short-term and long-term costs of funding their balance sheet and the costs associated with funding liquidity and balance sheet items, such as goodwill, which are beyond the control of individual businesses. This is of greater importance in a stressed capital markets environment where raising funds is more challenging and expensive. Under this system, our businesses are also credited to the extent they provide long-term stable funding.

Accounting changes adopted in the first quarter 2010

The adoption of new accounting principles under US GAAP on January 1, 2010 governing when an entity should be consolidated resulted in an increase in assets of CHF 15 billion to the opening first quarter 2010 consolidated balance sheet and a reduction of approximately CHF 2 billion in opening first quarter 2010 retained earnings. The reduction in retained earnings was related to the consolidation of Alpine and represents Alpine’s cumulative losses from the >>>FVOD transaction of CHF 3.7 billion before tax. Alpine’s losses did not affect tier 1 capital as these fair value losses on Credit Suisse debt are excluded from the determination of regulatory capital. The consolidation of Alpine and other entities under these new rules did not have an impact on tier 1 capital or risk-weighted assets because of the securitization framework used under >>>Basel II, which differs from US GAAP.

After the consolidation of Alpine, the remaining net gains on Credit Suisse debt of CHF 1.5 billion continue to be charged to the segments on a straight-line amortization basis. Any difference between this amortization and the valuation adjustments on this Credit Suisse debt from changes in credit spreads continue to be included in Corporate Center.

Fair valuations

>>>Fair value can be a relevant measurement for financial instruments when it aligns the accounting for these instruments with how we manage our business. The levels of the fair value hierarchy as defined by the relevant accounting guidance are not a measurement of economic risk, but rather an indication of the observability of prices or valuation inputs. For further information, refer to Note 1 – Summary of significant accounting policies and Note 33 – Financial instruments in V – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse Group.

The fair value of the majority of the Group’s financial instruments is based on quoted prices in active markets (level 1) or observable inputs (level 2). These instruments include government and agency securities, certain CP, most investment grade corporate debt, certain high yield debt securities, exchange-traded and certain >>>over-the-counter (OTC) derivative instruments and most listed equity securities.

In addition, the Group holds financial instruments for which no prices are available and which have little or no observable inputs (level 3). For these instruments, the determination of fair value requires subjective assessment and varying degrees of judgment depending on liquidity, concentration, pricing assumptions and the risks affecting the specific instrument. In such circumstances, valuation is determined based on management’s own assumptions about the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability (including assumptions about risk). These instruments include certain high yield debt securities, distressed debt securities, certain OTC derivatives, certain >>>collateralized debt obligations (CDO), certain asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities, certain loans, certain loans held-for-sale, non-traded equity securities, private equity and other long-term investments.

Models were used to value many level 2 and level 3 products. Models are developed internally and are reviewed by functions independent of the front office to ensure they are appropriate for current market conditions. The models require subjective assessment and varying degrees of judgment depending on liquidity, concentration, pricing assumptions and risks affecting the specific instrument. The models consider observable and unobservable parameters in calculating the value of these products, including certain indices relating to these products. Consideration of these indices is more significant in periods of lower market activity.

As of the end of 2010, 57% and 43% of our total assets and total liabilities, respectively, were measured at fair value.

While the majority of our level 3 assets are recorded in Investment Banking, some are recorded in Asset Management, specifically certain private equity investments. Total assets recorded as level 3 declined by CHF 9.0 billion during 2010, primarily reflecting decreases in loans, trading assets and other investments. These decreases mainly reflected foreign exchange translation impacts and sales and transfers to level 2, partly offset by realized and unrealized gains.

Our level 3 assets, excluding noncontrolling interests and assets of consolidated VIEs that are not risk-weighted assets under >>>Basel II, were CHF 39.0 billion, compared to CHF 52.7 billion as of the end of 2009. As of the end of 2010, these assets comprised 4% of total assets and 7% of total assets measured at fair value, both adjusted on the same basis, compared to 5% and 9% as of the end of 2009, respectively.

We believe that the range of any valuation uncertainty, in the aggregate, would not be material to our financial condition, however, it may be material to our operating results for any particular period, depending, in part, upon the operating results for such period.


Headcount at the end of 2010 was 50,100, up 2,500 from the end of 2009 and up 2,300 from the end of 2008. For additional information on personnel, refer to IV – Corporate governance and Compensation.

Key performance indicators

To benchmark our achievements, we have defined a set of KPIs for which we have targets to be achieved over a three to five year period across market cycles.

Our key performance indicators (KPIs) are targets to be achieved over a three to five year period across market cycles. Our KPIs are assessed annually as part of our normal planning process. In the first quarter of 2011, we adjusted our KPIs and the KPIs for Private Banking and Asset Management to reflect our strategic plan, the regulatory environment and the market cycle over a three to five year period.


We targeted collaboration revenues in excess of CHF 10 billion annually by 2012. Integrated bank collaboration revenues were CHF 4.4 billion for 2010. Going forward, we will target collaboration revenues of 18% to 20% of net revenues.

For net new assets, we target a growth rate above 6%. In 2010, we recorded a net new asset growth rate of 5.6%.

Efficiency and performance

For total shareholder return, we target superior share price appreciation plus dividends compared to our peer group. For 2010, total shareholder return was negative 23.3%. The 2010 average total shareholder return of our peer group was 0.2%.

For return on equity attributable to shareholders, we targeted an annual rate of return above 18%. The return on equity attributable to shareholders was 14.4% in 2010. Going forward, in light of our strategic plan, we will target an annualized return on equity attributable to shareholders above 15%.

We targeted a Core Results cost/income ratio of 65%. Our Core Results cost/income ratio was 78.1% for 2010. Going forward, we will target a pre-tax income margin above 28%.


For the BIS tier 1 ratio, we targeted a minimum ratio of 12.5%. The BIS tier 1 ratio was 17.2% as of the end of 2010. Going forward, our capital targets will be based upon compliance with the Swiss “Too Big to Fail” and Basel III capital standards.

in / end of Target going forward Current target 2010 2009 2008
Collaboration revenues (CHF billion)  18 - 20% of net revenues CHF 10 billion annually by 2012 4.4 5.2 5.2
Net new asset growth (%)  Above 6% Above 6% 5.6 4.0 (0.2)
Efficiency and performance (%)  
Total shareholder return (Credit Suisse) 1 Superior return vs. peer group Superior return vs. peer group (23.3) 80.1 (56.1)
   Total shareholder return of peer group 1, 2 0.2 35.2 (55.0)
Return on equity attributable to shareholders  Above 15% Above 18% 14.4 18.3 (21.1)
Core Results cost/income ratio  Pre-tax income margin above 28% Below 65% 78.1 73.0 195.7
Capital (%)  
BIS tier 1 ratio (Basel II)    Compliance with Swiss "Too Big to Fail" and Basel III Above 12.5% 17.2 16.3 13.3
1    Source: Bloomberg. Total shareholder return is calculated as equal to the appreciation or depreciation of a particular share, plus any dividends, over a given period, expressed as a percentage of the share's value as of the beginning of the period.   2    The peer group for this comparison comprises Bank of America, Barclays, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase and UBS. The total shareholder return of this peer group is calculated as a simple, unweighted average of the return reported by Bloomberg for each of the members of the peer group.

Private Banking

In 2010, we reported net revenues of CHF 11,631 million and income before taxes of CHF 3,426 million despite a challenging operating environment, characterized by low interest rates, low client activity and cautious investor behavior and the appreciation of the Swiss franc against the euro and the US dollar. We attracted net new assets of CHF 54.6 billion, up 31.3% compared to 2009, with strong inflows in both the international and the Swiss regions.

  in / end of % change
2010 2009 2008 10 / 09 09 / 08
Statements of operations (CHF million)  
Net revenues  11,631 11,662 12,907 0 (10)
Provision for credit losses  18 180 133 (90) 35
Compensation and benefits  4,737 4,651 4,260 2 9
General and administrative expenses  2,793 2,580 3,919 8 (34)
Commission expenses  657 600 745 10 (19)
Total other operating expenses  3,450 3,180 4,664 8 (32)
Total operating expenses  8,187 7,831 8,924 5 (12)
Income before taxes  3,426 3,651 3,850 (6) (5)
   of which Wealth Management Clients  2,528 2,898 2,509 (13) 16
   of which Corporate & Institutional Clients  898 753 1,341 19 (44)
Statement of operations metrics (%)  
Cost/income ratio  70.4 67.1 69.1
Pre-tax income margin  29.5 31.3 29.8
Utilized economic capital and return  
Average utilized economic capital (CHF million)  6,493 6,151 6,030 6 2
Pre-tax return on average utilized economic capital (%) 1 53.2 59.8 64.4
Number of employees (full-time equivalents)  
Number of employees  25,600 24,300 24,400 5 0
1    Calculated using a return excluding interest costs for allocated goodwill.

Results (continued)
  in / end of % change
2010 2009 2008 10 / 09 09 / 08
Net revenues (CHF million)  
Net interest income  4,931 5,000 5,157 (1) (3)
Total non-interest income  6,700 6,662 7,750 1 (14)
Net revenues  11,631 11,662 12,907 0 (10)
Net revenue detail (CHF million)  
Recurring  9,036 8,980 10,041 1 (11)
Transaction-based  2,595 2,682 2,866 (3) (6)
Net revenues  11,631 11,662 12,907 0 (10)
Provision for credit losses (CHF million)  
New provisions  289 419 288 (31) 45
Releases of provisions  (271) (239) (155) 13 54
Provision for credit losses  18 180 133 (90) 35
Balance sheet statistics (CHF million)  
Net loans  182,880 176,009 174,904 4 1
   of which Wealth Management Clients 1 130,435 125,671 123,796 4 2
   of which Corporate & Institutional Clients  52,445 50,338 51,108 4 (2)
Deposits  245,108 257,650 246,787 (5) 4
   of which Wealth Management Clients 1 194,013 210,718 203,675 (8) 3
   of which Corporate & Institutional Clients  51,095 46,932 43,112 9 9
Number of relationship managers  
Switzerland  2,020 1,980 1,980 2 0
EMEA  1,260 1,190 1,250 6 (5)
Americas  560 550 540 2 2
Asia Pacific  360 360 410 0 (12)
Wealth Management Clients  4,200 4,080 4,180 3 (2)
Corporate & Institutional Clients (Switzerland)  490 490 490 0 0
Number of relationship managers  4,690 4,570 4,670 3 (2)
1    Wealth Management Clients covers individual clients, including affluent, high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth clients.

Results overview

For 2010, we reported income before taxes of CHF 3,426 million, down 6% compared to 2009. Net revenues of CHF 11,631 million were stable compared to 2009. Results in 2010 were impacted by the weakening of the average rate of the US dollar and euro against the Swiss franc compared to 2009, adversely affecting net revenues in Wealth Management Clients by approximately CHF 350 million and income before taxes by approximately CHF 250 million.

Recurring revenues, representing 78% of net revenues, were stable. In an ongoing low interest rate environment, stable net interest income reflected slightly lower loan and deposit margins on slightly higher average volumes. Recurring commissions and fees were up 3% and average assets under management increased 9.9%. Investor behavior remained cautious during 2010, reflected in investments in less complex, lower-margin products, also within managed investment products, and a significant portion of assets under management in cash. Transaction-based revenues decreased slightly, reflecting lower client activity. The decline was driven by lower revenues from integrated solutions and brokerage fees and gains from the sale of real estate and >>>ARS in 2009, partially offset by higher product issuing fees and fair value losses on the Clock Finance transaction of CHF 50 million compared to CHF 118 million in 2009. Excluding the fair value losses on the Clock Finance transaction in 2010 and 2009, transaction-based revenues decreased 6%.

We recorded substantially lower net provisions for credit losses of CHF 18 million compared to CHF 180 million in 2009, primarily reflecting net releases of CHF 52 million compared to net provisions of CHF 147 million in 2009 in Corporate & Institutional Clients.

Total operating expenses were CHF 8,187 million, up 5% compared to 2009. General and administrative expenses increased 8%, primarily reflecting insurance proceeds of CHF 100 million in 2009, higher marketing and sales expenses and ongoing investments in our client advisory services and international platforms, mainly IT investments, in 2010. Compensation and benefits increased slightly, primarily due to increases in headcount and base salaries, partially offset by lower performance-related compensation, reflecting higher base salaries and a higher proportion of performance-related variable compensation deferred through share-based and other awards.

Assets under management as of the end of 2010 were CHF 932.9 billion, up 2.0% compared to 2009. The increase reflected strong net new assets and positive equity and bond market movements, mostly offset by adverse foreign exchange-related movements, mainly due to the weakening of the euro and the US dollar against the Swiss franc. Net new assets of CHF 54.6 billion benefited from strong inflows in all regions and were up 31.3% compared to 2009. Wealth Management Clients contributed net new assets of CHF 45.3 billion. Over 80% of these net new assets were from international regions, with particularly strong inflows from emerging markets and the >>>ultra-high-net-worth client segment. Switzerland contributed net new assets of CHF 17.6 billion, including CHF 9.3 billion from Corporate & Institutional Clients. While assets under management as of the end of 2010 were 2.0% higher, average assets under management increased 9.9% compared to 2009.

During 2009, we realigned our client coverage into Wealth Management Clients and Corporate & Institutional Clients. Swiss private client coverage is now part of Wealth Management Clients, which covers all individual clients, including >>>affluent, >>>high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth clients. Corporate & Institutional Clients provides banking services to corporates and institutions in Switzerland. In 2009, we changed the allocation of the term spread credit on stable deposit funding and the term spread charge on loans. Reclassifications have been made to prior periods to conform to the current presentation.

For 2009, we reported income before taxes of CHF 3,651 million, down 5% compared to 2008. Net revenues of CHF 11,662 million declined 10% from 2008. Recurring revenues, representing 77% of net revenues, declined 11%, mainly reflecting a decrease in recurring commissions and fees. Lower recurring commissions and fees reflected a 6.4% decline in average assets under management and a shift into lower margin investments, also within managed investment products, resulting from cautious investor behavior, offset in part by strong performance fees from Hedging-Griffo. Net interest income decreased 3% due to lower margins on slightly lower average loan volumes, mostly offset by higher margins on higher average deposit volumes. Transaction-based revenues were down 6%, reflecting fair value losses from the Clock Finance transaction of CHF 118 million in 2009, compared to fair value gains of CHF 110 million in 2008. Excluding the impact of the Clock Finance transaction in 2009 and 2008, respectively, transaction-based revenues increased 2%, as significantly higher integrated solutions revenues were mostly offset by lower product issuing fees, foreign exchange income from client transactions and, to a lesser extent, brokerage fees.

We recorded moderate net provisions for credit losses of CHF 180 million, substantially relating to our corporate and institutional loan portfolio, with net provisions of CHF 147 million in Corporate & Institutional Clients and net provisions of CHF 33 million in Wealth Management Clients.

Total operating expenses were CHF 7,831 million, down 12% compared to 2008. 2008 had significant non-credit-related provisions, including CHF 766 million of net provisions related to ARS and a charge of CHF 190 million relating to the close-out of a client’s account. General and administrative expenses across other expense categories declined, reflecting our cost containment efforts. Compensation and benefits increased 9%, mainly as performance-related compensation was lower in 2008, due to the deferral of compensation under the CRA program in 2008 and the impact of the amortization of deferred compensation from the CRA program and other prior-year awards in 2009.

Assets under management as of the end of 2009 were CHF 914.9 billion, up 16.0% compared to 2008. This increase reflected the impact from positive market movements and strong net new assets, offset in part by adverse foreign exchange-related movements, mainly due to the weakening of the US dollar against the Swiss franc. Net new assets of CHF 41.6 billion benefited from healthy inflows in all regions. We generated CHF 29.8 billion of net new assets in our international businesses and CHF 11.8 billion in our Swiss business. A tax amnesty in Italy caused net client outflows of CHF 5.6 billion in the fourth quarter of 2009, negatively impacting net new assets in EMEA and Switzerland.

Assets under management - Private Banking
  in / end of % change
2010 2009 2008 10 / 09 09 / 08
Assets under management by region (CHF billion)  
Switzerland  323.7 328.2 301.3 (1.4) 8.9
EMEA  268.6 277.3 243.2 (3.1) 14.0
Americas  137.2 129.6 103.2 5.9 25.6
Asia Pacific  78.5 67.7 46.5 16.0 45.6
Wealth Management Clients  808.0 802.8 694.2 0.6 15.6
Corporate & Institutional Clients (Switzerland)  124.9 112.1 94.7 11.4 18.4
Assets under management  932.9 914.9 788.9 2.0 16.0
Average assets under management (CHF billion)  
Average assets under management  941.8 857.2 916.3 9.9 (6.4)
Assets under management by currency (CHF billion)  
USD  300.9 298.2 264.8 0.9 12.6
EUR  220.7 248.4 212.1 (11.2) 17.1
CHF  292.3 269.9 229.7 8.3 17.5
Other  119.0 98.4 82.3 20.9 19.6
Assets under management  932.9 914.9 788.9 2.0 16.0
Net new assets by region (CHF billion)  
Switzerland  8.3 5.5 2.5 50.9 120.0
EMEA  15.1 10.3 16.4 46.6 (37.2)
Americas  9.5 8.0 16.8 18.8 (52.4)
Asia Pacific  12.4 11.5 8.2 7.8 40.2
Wealth Management Clients  45.3 35.3 43.9 28.3 (19.6)
Corporate & Institutional Clients (Switzerland)  9.3 6.3 7.0 47.6 (10.0)
Net new assets  54.6 41.6 50.9 31.3 (18.3)
Growth in assets under management (CHF billion)  
Net new assets  45.3 35.3 43.9
Other effects  (40.1) 73.3 (243.5)
   of which market movements  36.8 83.3 (183.8)
   of which currency  (70.8) (4.1) (54.5)
   of which other  (6.1) (5.9) (5.2)