Washington, D.C.  20549

                                 SCHEDULE 14A

         Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                   Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.   )

 Filed by the Registrant [X]

 Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

 Check the appropriate box:

 [ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
 [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
      (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
 [X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
 [ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
 [ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to 240.14a-12

                     First Cash Financial Services, Inc.
               (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

 Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

 [X]  No fee required.

 [ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules
      14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

  1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
  2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
  3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
      pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
      the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
  4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
  5)  Total fee paid:

 [ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
 [ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
      Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
      fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
      statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

  1)  Amount Previously Paid:
  2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
  3)  Filing Party:
  4)  Date Filed:

 Dear Stockholder:

      We cordially invite  you to attend  our Annual Meeting,  which will  be
 held on  Thursday,  May 26, 2005,  at  10:00  a.m.  CDT at  the  First  Cash
 Financial Services,  Inc.  corporate  offices  located  at  690  East  Lamar
 Boulevard, Suite 400, Arlington, Texas, 76011.  At this meeting you will  be
 asked to act upon the proposals as contained herein.

      Your board of directors  recommends that you vote  in favor of each  of
 these proposals.  You  should read with care  the attached Proxy  Statement,
 which contains detailed information about these proposals.

      Your vote is important, and accordingly, we urge you to complete, sign,
 date and  return  your Proxy  card  promptly in  the  enclosed  postage-paid
 envelope.  The fact that you have returned your Proxy in advance will in  no
 way affect  your right  to vote  in person  should you  attend the  meeting.
 However, by signing and returning the Proxy, you have assured representation
 of your shares.

      We hope that you will be able to join us on May 26.

                               Very truly yours,

                               /s/ Rick Powell
                               Rick Powell
                               Chairman of the Board

                     First Cash Financial Services, Inc.
                     690 East Lamar Boulevard, Suite 400
                            Arlington, Texas 76011


                           To Be Held May 26, 2005

      Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of First
 Cash Financial Services, Inc. (the "Company") will be held at the First Cash
 Financial Services,  Inc.  corporate  offices  located  at  690  East  Lamar
 Boulevard, Suite 400, Arlington, Texas 76011 at 10:00 a.m. CDT on  Thursday,
 May 26, 2005, for the following purposes:

      1. To elect one Director;

      2. To ratify the selection of Hein & Associates LLP as independent
         auditors of the Company for the year ending December 31, 2005; and

      3. To transact such other business as may properly come before the

      Common stockholders of  record at the  close of business  on  April 12,
 2005 will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.

                               By Order of the Board of Directors,

                               /s/ Rick L. Wessel
 Arlington, Texas              Rick L. Wessel
 April 22, 2005                President, Secretary
                               and Treasurer

                     First Cash Financial Services, Inc.
                     690 East Lamar Boulevard, Suite 400
                            Arlington, Texas 76011

                               PROXY STATEMENT
                        Annual Meeting of Stockholders

      This Proxy Statement is being  furnished to stockholders in  connection
 with the solicitation  of proxies by  the board of  directors of First  Cash
 Financial Services, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), for use at
 the Annual Meeting of Stockholders  of the Company to  be held at the  First
 Cash Financial Services, Inc.  corporate offices located  at 690 East  Lamar
 Boulevard, Suite 400, Arlington, Texas 76011 at 10:00 a.m. CDT, on Thursday,
 May 26, 2005, and at any adjournments thereof for the purpose of considering
 and voting upon the matters set  forth in the accompanying Notice of  Annual
 Meeting of Stockholders.  This Proxy Statement and the accompanying form  of
 proxy are first being mailed to stockholders on or about April 22, 2005.

      The close of business on  April 12, 2005 has  been fixed as the  record
 date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote
 at the Annual Meeting and any adjournment  thereof.  As of the record  date,
 there were 16,093,640 shares of the  Company's common stock, par value  $.01
 per share ("Common Stock"), issued and outstanding.  The presence, in person
 or by proxy, of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock on  the
 record date  is necessary  to constitute  a quorum  at the  Annual  Meeting.
 Abstentions and broker non-votes will be counted as present for the purposes
 of determining the  presence of a  quorum.  Each  share of  Common Stock  is
 entitled to one vote  on all questions requiring  a stockholder vote at  the
 Annual Meeting.  A plurality of  the votes  of  the shares  of Common  Stock
 present in person or represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting is  required
 for the  approval  of  Item 1  as  set  forth in  the  accompanying  Notice.
 Stockholders may  not cumulate  their votes  in the  election of  directors.
 Abstentions and broker non-votes will not be counted as having been voted on
 Item 1 and  will have no  effect on  the vote.  The affirmative  vote  of  a
 majority of the shares of Common  Stock present or represented by proxy  and
 represented at the Annual  Meeting is required for  the approval of Item  2.
 Broker non-votes will not be counted as having been voted on Item 2 and will
 have no effect on the vote while  asbstentions will have the same effect  as
 votes against Item 2.

      All shares  represented  by  properly  executed  proxies,  unless  such
 proxies previously have been revoked, will be voted at the Annual Meeting in
 accordance  with  the  directions  on  the  proxies.   If  no  direction  is
 indicated, the  shares will  be voted  (i) TO  ELECT ONE  DIRECTOR; (ii)  TO
 even though executed and returned, may be  revoked at any time prior to  the
 voting of the proxy (a) by the execution and submission of a revised  proxy,
 (b) by written notice to the  Secretary of the Company  or (c) by voting  in
 person at the Annual Meeting.

                                ANNUAL REPORT

      The Annual  Report to  Stockholders, covering  the fiscal  year of  the
 Company, dated December 31, 2004, including audited financial statements, is
 enclosed herewith.  The Annual Report to Stockholders does not form any part
 of the material for solicitation of proxies.

      The Company will provide, without charge,  a copy of its Annual  Report
 on Form  10-K  upon  written  request  to  Rick  L. Wessel,  the  President,
 Secretary and Treasurer at 690 East Lamar Boulevard,  Suite 400,  Arlington,
 Texas 76011.  The Company will provide exhibits to its Annual Report on Form
 10-K, upon payment  of the reasonable  expenses incurred by  the Company  in
 furnishing such exhibits.

                                    ITEM 1

                            TO ELECT ONE DIRECTOR

      The Bylaws of  the Company  provide that  the board  of directors  will
 determine the  number  of directors,  but  shall  consist of  at  least  one
 director and no  more than 15  directors.  The  stockholders of the  Company
 elect the directors.  At each annual meeting of stockholders of the Company,
 successors of  the class  of  directors whose  term  expires at  the  annual
 meeting will be elected for a three-year term.  Any director elected to fill
 a vacancy or newly  created directorship resulting from  an increase in  the
 authorized number  of directors  shall hold  office for  a term  that  shall
 coincide with the remaining term of that class.  In no case will a  decrease
 in the number of directors shorten the term  of any incumbent director.  Any
 vacancy on the board howsoever resulting may be filled by a majority  of the
 directors then in office, even if less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining
 director.  The stockholders will elect one director for the coming year; the
 nominee,  Mr.  Phillip E. Powell,  presently serves  as  a director  of  the
 Company and will be elected for a term of three years.

      Unless otherwise instructed  or unless authority  to vote is  withheld,
 the enclosed proxy  will be  voted for the  election of  the nominee  listed
 herein.  Although the board of directors of the Company does not contemplate
 that the nominee will be unable to  serve, if such a situation arises  prior
 to the Annual Meeting, the person named in the enclosed proxy will vote  for
 the election  of such  other person  as may  be nominated  by the  board  of

      The board  of  directors of  the  Company consists  of  five  directors
 divided into three  classes.  At  each annual meeting  of stockholders,  one
 class is  elected to  hold office  for a  term of  three years.    Directors
 serving until the  earlier of (i)  resignation or (ii)  expiration of  their
 terms at the annual  meeting of stockholders in  the years indicated are  as
 follows: 2005  -  Mr. Phillip E.  Powell;  2006  -  Messrs.  Rick L. Wessel,
 Richard T. Burke  and  Joe R  Love;  and 2007  -  Ms. Tara U. MacMahon.  All
 officers serve  at the  discretion of  the board  of directors.   No  family
 relationships exist between any director and executive officer, except  that
 Mr. John C. Powell, vice president of information technology, is the brother
 of Mr. Phillip E. Powell,  the chairman of  the board of  the Company.   The
 Director standing for election at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders is  the

      Phillip E. Powell,  age 54,  has served as  a director  of the  Company
 since March 1990, served  as president from March  1990 until May 1992,  and
 served as chief executive  officer from May 1992  until December 2004.   Mr.
 Powell has  been engaged  in the  financial services  industry for  over  29

 Directors Not Standing For Election

      Tara U. MacMahon, age 47, has served as a director of the Company since
 June 2001. Ms. MacMahon  is the founder and  has served as managing  general
 partner of Tara Capital Management LP, an investment management and advisory
 firm for ten years.  Ms. MacMahon  has 24 years experience in the  financial
 services industry.  Ms. MacMahon holds an MBA  from the  Harvard  University
 Graduate School of Business Administration.

      Rick L. Wessel, age  46, has served as  secretary and treasurer of  the
 Company since May 1992,  as president  since May 1998,  as a director  since
 November 1992 and as chief financial officer from May 1992 to December 2002.
 Prior to  February  1992,  Price Waterhouse  LLP  employed  Mr.  Wessel  for
 approximately nine years.

      Richard T. Burke, age 61, has served as a director of the Company since
 December 1993. Mr. Burke  is the founder and,  until February 1988, was  the
 chief executive  officer of  UnitedHealth Group,  a leading  company in  the
 managed health care industry.  Mr. Burke remains a director of  UnitedHealth
 Group.  From 1995  until February 2001,  Mr. Burke was  the owner and  chief
 executive officer of the Phoenix Coyotes, a professional sports franchise of
 the National Hockey League.  Mr. Burke is also a director of Meritage  Homes

      Joe R. Love,  age 66, has  served as a  director of  the Company  since
 December 1991.  Mr. Love has served as chairman of CCDC, Inc., a real estate
 development firm, since October 1976.  Mr. Love is the owner of Surrey, LLC,
 a golf and residential community in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

 Board of Directors, Committees and Meetings

      The board  of  directors held  eight  meetings during  the  year  ended
 December 31,  2004.   Each director  attended, either  telephonically or  in
 person, 100% of the board meetings during the year ended December 31,  2004.
 The Audit, Compensation, and Nominating and Corporate Governance  Committees
 each consist of Richard  T. Burke, Joe R.  Love and Tara  U. MacMahon.   The
 Audit Committee held eight meetings during the year ended December 31, 2004,
 the Compensation Committee held two meetings during the year ended  December
 31, 2004  and the  Nominating and  Corporate Governance  Committee held  one
 meeting during the year ended December 31, 2004.  Each member attended  100%
 of the committee meetings, either in person or telephonically.

      Audit Committee.  The Audit Committee is responsible for the  oversight
 of  the  Company's  accounting  and  financial  reporting  processes.   This
 includes the selection and engagement of the Company's independent  auditors
 and review of the scope of the annual  audit, audit fees and results of  the
 audit.  The Audit  Committee reviews and discusses  with management and  the
 board of directors such matters as accounting policies, internal  accounting
 controls, procedures  for  preparation  of financial  statements  and  other
 financial  disclosures,  scope  of  the  audit,  the  audit  plan  and   the
 independence  of  such accountants.  In  addition, the  Audit Committee  has
 oversight  over  the  Company's  internal audit  function.   The  Board  has
 determined that Mssrs. Burke and Love are each an audit committee  financial
 expert as  defined  by  Item 401(h)  of  Regulation S-K  of  the  Securities
 Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("Exchange Act"), and each are  independent
 under the listing standards of The Nasdaq Stock Market ("Nasdaq").

      Compensation  Committee.    The  Compensation  Committee  approves  the
 standards  for  salary  ranges  for  executive,  managerial  and   technical
 personnel of the  Company and  establishes, subject  to existing  employment
 contracts, the  specific  compensation  and  bonus  plan  of  all  corporate
 officers.  In  addition, the Compensation  Committee oversees the  Company's
 stock option plans and the incentive plans.

      Nominating and  Corporate Governance  Committee.   The  Nominating  and
 Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for making recommendations  to
 the board of directors concerning the governance structure and practices  of
 the Company, including the size of the  board of directors and the size  and
 composition of various committees of the  board of directors.  In  addition,
 the  Nominating  and  Corporate  Governance  Committee  is  responsible  for
 identifying individuals believed  to be qualified  to become board  members,
 and to  recommend  to  the board  the  nominees  to stand  for  election  as
 directors at the annual meeting of stockholders.

 Directors' Fees

      For the year ended  December 31, 2004, Ms.  MacMahon and Messrs.  Burke
 and Love  each  received $25,000  as  compensation for  attending  the  2004
 meetings  of  the board  of  directors  and committee  meetings thereof.  In
 addition,  the  directors  are  reimbursed  for  their  reasonable  expenses
 incurred for each board and committee meeting attended.  See "Compensation -
 Stock Options and Warrants" for a discussion of options and warrants  issued
 to directors.

 Corporate Governance

      The board  of directors  has adopted  a Code  of Ethics  to govern  the
 conduct of all of the officers, directors and employees of the Company.   In
 addition, the  board  has adopted  charters  for the  Audit  Committee,  the
 Compensation  Committee   and   the  Nominating  and  Corporate   Governance
 Committee.  The Code and committee charters can be accessed on the Company's
 website at www.firstcash.com.

 Director Independence

      The board  of directors  has determined  that,  with the  exception  of
 Phillip E. Powell,  chairman  and  former  chief executive  officer  of  the
 Company, and Rick L. Wessel, president of the Company, all of its directors,
 including all of the members of the Audit, Compensation, and Nominating  and
 Corporate Governance Committees, are "independent" as defined by Nasdaq  and
 the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  and  for  purposes   of
 Section 162(m) of  the  Internal  Revenue Code  of  1986,  as  amended  (the
 "Code").  No director is deemed  independent unless the board  affirmatively
 determines that the director has no material relationship with the  Company,
 either directly or as an officer, stockholder or partner of an  organization
 that has a relationship with the Company.  In making its determination,  the
 board observes all criteria for independence established by the rules of the
 SEC and Nasdaq.  In addition,  the board considers all commercial,  banking,
 consulting, legal, accounting,  charitable or  other business  relationships
 any director may have with the Company.

 Director Qualifications

      In discharging its responsibilities to nominate candidates for election
 to the  Board, the  Nominating and  Corporate Governance  Committee has  not
 specified any minimum qualifications for serving on the Board.  However, the
 Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee endeavors to evaluate, propose
 and approve  candidates  with business  experience  and personal  skills  in
 finance, marketing, financial reporting and other areas that may be expected
 to contribute to an effective Board. The Nominating and Corporate Governance
 Committee seeks to assure that the Board is composed of individuals who have
 experience relevant to  the needs of  the Company and  who have the  highest
 professional and personal ethics, consistent  with the Company's values  and
 standards. Candidates should be committed to enhancing stockholder value and
 should have sufficient time to carry out their duties and to provide insight
 and practical wisdom based on experience.  Each director must represent  the
 interests of all shareholders.

 Identifying and Evaluating Nominees for Directors

      The Nominating  and  Corporate  Governance  Committee  will  utilize  a
 variety of methods  for identifying  and evaluating  nominees for  director.
 Candidates may  come  to  the attention  of  the  Nominating  and  Corporate
 Governance Committee  through  current Board  members,  professional  search
 firms, shareholders or other persons. These candidates will be evaluated  at
 regular or  special  meetings of  the  Nominating and  Corporate  Governance
 Committee, and may be considered at any point during the year.  As described
 above, the  Nominating  and  Corporate Governance  Committee  will  consider
 properly submitted  shareholder nominations  for candidates  for the  Board.
 Following verification  of  the  shareholder  status  of  persons  proposing
 candidates,  recommendations  will  be  aggregated  and  considered  by  the
 Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. If any materials are provided
 by a shareholder in connection with the nomination of a director  candidate,
 such materials will be forwarded to the Nominating and Corporate  Governance
 Committee.  The Nominating  and  Corporate Governance  Committee  will  also
 review materials provided by professional search  firms or other parties  in
 connection with a nominee who is not proposed by a shareholder.

 Procedure for Contacting Directors

      The board of directors has established a procedure for stockholders  to
 send communications to  the board.   Stockholders may  communicate with  the
 board generally or with a  specific director at any  time by writing to  the
 Company's Corporate  Secretary  at the  Company's  address, 690  East  Lamar
 Blvd., Suite 400,  Arlington, Texas 76011.   The Secretary  will review  all
 messages received and will forward any message that reasonably appears to be
 a communication from a  stockholder about a  matter of stockholder  interest
 that is intended  for  communication to  the board.  Communications will  be
 sent as soon as practicable  to the  director to whom they are addressed, or
 if addressed to the board generally,  to the Chairman of the Nominating  and
 Corporate Governance  Committee.    Because  other  appropriate  avenues  of
 communication exist for matters that are  not of stockholder interest,  such
 as general business complaints  or employee grievances, communications  that
 do not relate to  matters of stockholder interest  will not be forwarded  to
 the board.  The Corporate Secretary has the option, but not the  obligation,
 to forward these  other communications  to appropriate  channels within  the

 Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

      Based solely on the reports furnished  pursuant to Section 16a-3(e)  of
 the Exchange  Act,  all reports  as  required  under Section  16(a)  of  the
 Exchange Act were filed  on a timely basis  during the year ending  December
 31, 2004, except in November 2004  Mr. Joe R. Love reported one  transaction
 (a sale of 10,000 shares of common stock) four days late on a Form 4.

 Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation in Compensation

      The Compensation Committee reviews compensation paid to management  and
 recommends to  the board  of directors  appropriate executive  compensation.
 Ms. MacMahon and Messrs. Burke and Love serve as members of the Compensation
 Committee and are not employed by the Company.


                                    ITEM 2


      On  March 12,  2004,  the  Company,  at  the  direction  of  the  Audit
 Committee, notified its  independent accountant, Deloitte  &  Touche LLP, of
 its dismissal as independent accountants, except  with respect to audit  and
 audit related services pertaining to the  year ended December 31, 2003.  The
 change was  the  result  of  a  proposal  and  competitive  bidding  process
 involving several accounting firms.  Effective  April 16, 2004,  Deloitte  &
 Touche LLP's  engagement was  terminated and  they no  longer provide  audit
 services nor do they serve as the Company's auditor.

      The  Audit Committee  selected Hein  &  Associates LLP  as  independent
 accountants to audit the books, records and accounts of the Company for  the
 year ending  December 31, 2004.  The board  has  endorsed this  appointment.
 Hein & Associates LLP was engaged  in March 2004 as the Company's  principal

      Deloitte & Touche,  LLP previously audited  the consolidated  financial
 statements of the Company and during  the two years ended December 31,  2003
 provided both audit and non-audit services.  Deloitte & Touche LLP's  report
 on the Company's 2003  financial statements was issued  on March 8, 2004  in
 conjunction with the filing of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K  for
 the year ended  December 31, 2003.  The audit  reports  of Deloitte & Touche
 LLP on the consolidated  financial statements of the  Company as of and  for
 the years ended  December 31, 2003  and  2002,  did not contain any  adverse
 opinion or disclaimer of opinion, nor were they qualified or modified as  to
 uncertainty, audit  scope, or  accounting principles,  except as  set  forth
 below.  The  audit reports  for 2002  and 2003  were modified  to reflect  a
 change in the Company's method of accounting for amortization of goodwill in
 2002  in  accordance  with  FASB  Statement  No.  142,  Goodwill  and  Other
 Intangible Assets.  The audit  report for  2003  was modified  to reflect  a
 change in  the  Company's method  of  accounting  for its  50%  owned  joint
 venture, Cash  &  Go, Ltd., in  2003 in accordance with FASB  Interpretation
 46(R),  Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities.  The audit reports  for
 2003 and  2002  were  restated to  correct  the  classification  of  certain
 transactions between sections of the Statement of Cash Flows.

      During  the  fiscal  years  ended  December  31,  2003  and  2002,  and
 the  subsequent  interim  period  through  April 16,  2004,  there  were  no
 disagreements between the Company and Deloitte & Touche LLP on any matter of
 accounting  principles  or  practices,  financial  statement  disclosure, or
 auditing  scope or  procedure  (within the meaning of  Item 304(a)(1)(iv) of
 Regulation S-K)  and  there  were  no reportable events  (as defined by Item
 304(a)(1)(v) of Regulation S-K).

      During the  fiscal years  ended December  31, 2003  and 2002,  and  the
 subsequent interim period through  March 12, 2004,  neither the Company  nor
 anyone  on  its  behalf  consulted with  Hein  &  Associates  LLP  regarding
 any  of  the  matters   or   events  set  forth  in  Item  304(a)(2)(i)  and
 (ii) of Regulation S-K.  Hein & Associates LLP has served as the independent
 accountant engaged to audit  the First Cash 401(k)  Plan for the three  most
 recent years ended December 31, 2003  and is currently engaged to audit  the
 First Cash 401(k) Plan for the year ended December 31, 2004.

 Principal Accountant Fees and Services

      Aggregate fees for  professional services rendered  for the Company  by
 Hein & Associates  LLP  and  Deloitte & Touche,  LLP  for  the  years  ended
 December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively, were as follows:

      Services Provided:                          2004               2003
      -----------------                         --------           --------
      Audit                                    $ 195,900 (1)      $ 140,000
      Audit Related                                    -                  -
      Tax                                              -                  -
      Financial Information Systems                    -                  -
      Design & Implementation Fees
      All Other                                    8,000                  -
                                                --------           --------
      Total                                    $ 203,900          $ 140,000
                                                ========           ========

      (1) Of these  fees paid by  the Company, $158,300  was paid  to Hein  &
 Associates LLP and $37,600 was paid to Deloitte & Touche, LLP.

      The audit fees for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 were  for
 the audits of the consolidated financial statements of the Company, internal
 control auditing and reporting  as required by  Sarbanes Oxley Section  404,
 issuance of consents, and  review of the  Company's Securities and  Exchange
 Commission filings.

      All fees included under  the category "All Other"  were paid to Hein  &
 Associates LLP in connection with the audit of the Company's 401(K) Plan for
 the year ended December 31, 2003.

 Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures

      The 2004  and 2003  audit and  non-audit services  provided by  Hein  &
 Associates LLP  and  Deloitte  &  Touche, LLP  were approved  by  the  Audit
 Committee.   The  non-audit  services  which  were  approved  by  the  Audit
 Committee were also  reviewed to ensure  compatibility with maintaining  the
 auditor's independence.

      The Audit Committee  implemented pre-approval  policies and  procedures
 related to  the provision  of audit  and non-audit  services.   Under  these
 procedures, the Audit Committee pre-approves both the type of services to be
 provided by the  Company's independent  accountants and  the estimated  fees
 related to these services.  During the approval process, the Audit Committee
 considers  the impact  of the  types  of services  and  the related fees  on
 the  independence of the  auditor.  The  services and fees  must be  deemed
 compatible with  the maintenance  of the  auditor's independence,  including
 compliance with SEC rules and regulations.

      Throughout the year, the Audit Committee  reviews any revisions to  the
 estimates of audit and non-audit fees initially approved.

 Ratification of Independent Auditors

      In the event the stockholders do  not ratify the appointment of Hein  &
 Associates LLP  as independent  auditors for  the year  ending  December 31,
 2005, the adverse vote  will be considered  as a direction  to the board  of
 directors to select other auditors for the following year.  However, because
 of the difficulty in making any  substitution of auditors so long after  the
 beginning of the year ending December 31, 2005, it is contemplated that  the
 appointment for the year ending December 31, 2005 will be permitted to stand
 unless the board finds other good reason for making a change.

      Representatives of Hein & Associates LLP are expected to be present  at
 the meeting, with the opportunity to make  a statement if desired to do  so.
 Such representatives  are  also  expected to  be  available  to  respond  to
 appropriate questions.


                              EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

      The following table lists the executive  officers of the Company as  of
 the date hereof and the capacities in which they serve.

            Name               Age     Position
            --------------     ---     --------
            J. Alan Barron      44     Chief Executive Officer and Chief
                                         Operating Officer
            Rick L. Wessel      46     President, Secretary and Treasurer
            R. Douglas Orr      44     Executive Vice President and Chief
                                         Financial Officer
            John C. Powell      50     Senior Vice President and Director
                                         of Information Technology

      J. Alan  Barron  joined  the  Company in  January  1994  as  its  chief
 operating officer.  Mr. Barron served  as the  chief operating officer  from
 January 1994 to  May 1998 and  from  January 2003  to the present.  For  the
 period from May 1998 to  January 2003 Mr. Barron  served as the  president -
 pawn operations.  Effective  January 1, 2005,  Mr. Barron  was elected chief
 executive officer.  Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Barron spent two years
 as chief financial officer for a  nine-store privately held pawnshop  chain.
 Prior to his employment  as chief financial officer  of this privately  held
 pawnshop chain,  Mr. Barron spent  five years in  the Fort  Worth office  of
 Price Waterhouse LLP.

      R. Douglas Orr joined the Company in July 2002 as the vice president of
 finance.  In January 2003, Mr. Orr was promoted to chief financial  officer.
 Effective January 1, 2005, Mr. Orr was elected executive vice president  and
 chief financial officer.  Prior  to  joining the Company,  Mr. Orr spent  14
 years at Ray & Berndtson, a global executive search firm, where he served in
 a variety  of management  and financial  roles including  vice president  of
 financial planning and analysis,  vice president  and  controller  and  vice
 president of knowledge.  Prior to his employment at Ray & Berndtson, Mr. Orr
 spent four years in the Fort Worth office of Price Waterhouse LLP.

      John C. Powell  served  as a  systems consultant  to the  Company  from
 February 2002 through July 2002 and joined the Company on a full-time  basis
 in August 2002.  In January 2003, Mr. Powell was promoted to vice  president
 of  information  technology.   Effective  January 1,  2005,  Mr. Powell  was
 elected senior vice president and director of information technology.  Prior
 to joining the Company, Mr. Powell spent 18 years with AMR/American Airlines
 as a senior system engineer  and  software architect and  an additional  two
 years in the  same capacity with  Sabre/EDS after its  spin-off from AMR  in
 March of 2000.

      Biographical  information  with  respect to Mr. Wessel  was  previously
 provided under Item 1.

                               STOCK OWNERSHIP

      The table below  sets forth information  to the best  of the  Company's
 knowledge with respect to the total number of shares of the Company's Common
 Stock beneficially owned by each person known to the Company to beneficially
 own more than 5%  of its Common Stock,  each director, each named  executive
 officer, and  the total  number  of shares  of  the Company's  Common  Stock
 beneficially owned by all directors and officers as a group, as reported  by
 each such person, as of April 12, 2005.  On that date, there were 16,093,640
 shares of voting Common Stock issued and outstanding.

                                                Shares Beneficially
           Officers, Directors                       Owned (2)
          and 5% Stockholders (1)              Number        Percent
          -------------------------------    ---------       -------
          Richard T. Burke (3)               2,374,500        14.38%
          Rick L. Wessel (4)                   959,950         5.74
          Phillip E. Powell (5)                607,000         3.69
          J. Alan Barron (6)                   605,115         3.66
          Joe R. Love (7)                      452,609         2.76
          R. Douglas Orr (8)                   226,875         1.39
          John C. Powell (9)                   106,875         0.66
          Tara U. MacMahon (10)                 85,000         0.53
          All officers and directors
           as a group (8 persons)            5,417,924        29.07

 (1) The addresses of the persons shown in the above table are 690 East Lamar
 Boulevard, Suite 400, Arlington, Texas 76011.

 (2) Unless otherwise noted, each person has sole voting and investment power
 over the shares listed opposite his name, subject to community property laws
 where applicable.  Beneficial ownership includes both outstanding shares  of
 Common Stock and shares of Common Stock such person has the right to acquire
 within 60 days of April 12, 2005, upon exercise of outstanding warrants  and

 (3) Includes  a warrant to purchase  150,000 shares at a  price of $5.33 per
 share to expire in February 2013, a  warrant to purchase 37,500 shares at  a
 price of $5.33 per share to expire in April 2012, a stock option to purchase
 75,000 shares at a price of  $1.33 per share to  expire in December 2010,  a
 stock option to  purchase 15,000 shares  at a price  of $6.67  per share  to
 expire in January 2013, a stock option to purchase 37,500 shares at a  price
 of $19.33 per share to  expire in January 2014,  a stock option to  purchase
 15,000 shares at a price of  $25.00 per share to  expire in January 2015,  a
 stock option to purchase  15,000 shares at  a price of  $30.00 per share  to
 expire in January 2015, a stock option to purchase 15,000 shares at a  price
 of $35.00 per share to  expire in January 2015,  a stock option to  purchase
 15,000 shares at a price of  $40.00 per share to  expire in January 2015,  a
 stock option to purchase  15,000 shares at  a price of  $45.00 per share  to
 expire in January 2015, a stock option to purchase 15,000 shares at a  price
 of $50.00  per share  to expire  in  January 2015,  and  a stock  option  to
 purchase 15,000 shares at a price of  $55.00 per share to expire in  January
 2015.  Excludes  15,000 shares of  Common Stock owned  by Mr. Burke's  wife,
 which Mr. Burke disclaims beneficial ownership.

 (4) Includes  a warrant to  purchase 93,500 shares  at a price  of $5.33 per
 share to expire in  April 2012, a  warrant to purchase  120,000 shares at  a
 price of $7.67 per share to expire in  May 2013, a stock option to  purchase
 90,000 shares at a price of  $19.33 per share to  expire in January 2014,  a
 stock option to purchase  45,000 shares at  a price of  $25.00 per share  to
 expire in January 2015, a stock option to purchase 45,000 shares at a  price
 of $30.00 per share to  expire in January 2015,  a stock option to  purchase
 45,000 shares at a price of  $35.00 per share to  expire in January 2015,  a
 stock option to purchase  45,000 shares at  a price of  $40.00 per share  to
 expire in January 2015, a stock option to purchase 45,000 shares at a  price
 of $45.00 per share to  expire in January 2015,  a stock option to  purchase
 45,000 shares at a price of $50.00 per share to expire in January 2015,  and
 a stock option to purchase 45,000 shares at  a price of $55.00 per share  to
 expire in January 2015.

 (5) Includes  a warrant to purchase  100,000 shares at a  price of $6.73 per
 share to expire in April 2013, a stock option to purchase 112,500 shares  at
 a price of $19.33  per share to expire  in January 2014,  a stock option  to
 purchase 20,000 shares at a price of  $25.00 per share to expire in  January
 2015, a stock  option to purchase  20,000 shares at  a price  of $30.00  per
 share to expire in January 2015, a stock option to purchase 20,000 shares at
 a price of $35.00  per share to expire  in January 2015,  a stock option  to
 purchase 20,000 shares at a price of  $40.00 per share to expire in  January
 2015, a stock  option to purchase  20,000 shares at  a price  of $45.00  per
 share to expire in January 2015, a stock option to purchase 20,000 shares at
 a price of $50.00 per share to expire in January 2015, and a stock option to
 purchase 20,000 shares at a price of  $55.00 per share to expire in  January

 (6) Includes  a warrant to  purchase 19,500 shares  at a price  of $8.67 per
 share to expire in June 2013, a stock option to purchase 67,500 shares at  a
 price of $19.33  per share  to expire  in January  2014, a  stock option  to
 purchase 50,000 shares at a price of  $25.00 per share to expire in  January
 2015, a stock  option to purchase  50,000 shares at  a price  of $30.00  per
 share to expire in January 2015, a stock option to purchase 50,000 shares at
 a price of $35.00  per share to expire  in January 2015,  a stock option  to
 purchase 50,000 shares at a price of  $40.00 per share to expire in  January
 2015, a stock  option to purchase  50,000 shares at  a price  of $45.00  per
 share to expire in January 2015, a stock option to purchase 50,000 shares at
 a price of $50.00 per share to expire in January 2015, and a stock option to
 purchase 50,000 shares at a price of  $55.00 per share to expire in  January

 (7) Includes  a warrant to purchase  150,000 shares at a  price of $5.33 per
 share to expire in February 2013, a  warrant to purchase 25,000 shares at  a
 price of $5.33 per share to expire in April 2012, a stock option to purchase
 37,500 shares at a price of $6.67 per share to expire in April 2009, a stock
 option to purchase 15,000 shares at a price of $6.67 per share to expire  in
 January 2013, a stock option to purchase 15,000 shares at a price of  $19.33
 per share  to expire  in January  2014, a  stock option  to purchase  10,000
 shares at a price  of $25.00 per share  to expire in  January 2015, a  stock
 option to purchase 10,000 shares at a price of $30.00 per share to expire in
 January 2015, a stock option to purchase 10,000 shares at a price of  $35.00
 per share  to expire  in January  2015, a  stock option  to purchase  10,000
 shares at a price  of $40.00 per share  to expire in  January 2015, a  stock
 option to purchase 10,000 shares at a price of $45.00 per share to expire in
 January 2015, a stock option to purchase 10,000 shares at a price of  $50.00
 per share  to expire  in January  2015, a  stock option  to purchase  10,000
 shares at a price of $55.00 per share to expire in January 2015, and 140,109
 shares of common stock all of  which are beneficially owned by an  affiliate
 of Mr. Love.

 (8) Includes  a stock option to  purchase 4,175 shares at  a price of $19.33
 per share  to expire  in October  2013, a  stock option  to purchase  30,000
 shares at a price  of $25.00 per share  to expire in  January 2015, a  stock
 option to purchase 30,000 shares at a price of $30.00 per share to expire in
 January 2015, a stock option to purchase 30,000 shares at a price of  $35.00
 per share  to expire  in January  2015, a  stock option  to purchase  30,000
 shares at a price  of $40.00 per share  to expire in  January 2015, a  stock
 option to purchase 30,000 shares at a price of $45.00 per share to expire in
 January 2015, a stock option to purchase 30,000 shares at a price of  $50.00
 per share to expire in January 2015,  and a stock option to purchase  30,000
 shares at a price of $55.00 per share to expire in January 2015.

 (9) Includes  a stock option to  purchase 1,875 shares at  a price of $19.33
 per share  to expire  in October  2013, a  stock option  to purchase  15,000
 shares at a price  of $25.00 per share  to expire in  January 2015, a  stock
 option to purchase 15,000 shares at a price of $30.00 per share to expire in
 January 2015, a stock option to purchase 15,000 shares at a price of  $35.00
 per share  to expire  in January  2015, a  stock option  to purchase  15,000
 shares at a price  of $40.00 per share  to expire in  January 2015, a  stock
 option to purchase 15,000 shares at a price of $45.00 per share to expire in
 January 2015, a stock option to purchase 15,000 shares at a price of  $50.00
 per share to expire in January 2015,  and a stock option to purchase  15,000
 shares at a price of $55.00 per share to expire in January 2015.

 (10) Includes a  stock option to purchase 15,000 shares at a price of $19.33
 per share  to expire  in January  2014, a  stock option  to purchase  10,000
 shares at a price  of $25.00 per share  to expire in  January 2015, a  stock
 option to purchase 10,000 shares at a price of $30.00 per share to expire in
 January 2015, a stock option to purchase 10,000 shares at a price of  $35.00
 per share  to expire  in January  2015, a  stock option  to purchase  10,000
 shares at a price  of $40.00 per share  to expire in  January 2015, a  stock
 option to purchase 10,000 shares at a price of $45.00 per share to expire in
 January 2015, a stock option to purchase 10,000 shares at a price of  $50.00
 per share to expire in January 2015,  and a stock option to purchase  10,000
 shares at a price of $55.00 per share to expire in January 2015.


 Executive Compensation

      The following table sets forth compensation  with respect to the  chief
 executive officer and other executive officers  of the Company who  received
 total annual salary and bonus for the year ended December 31, 2004 in excess
 of $100,000.  Also included in  the following table is compensation for  the
 years ended December 31, 2003 and 2002:

                             Summary Compensation Table
                               Annual Compensation  Compensation - Awards
                               -------------------  ---------------------
 Name and Principal   Fiscal                         Options/      All Other
      Position         Year    Salary     Bonus    Warrants (1) Compensation (2)
      --------         ----    ------     -----    ------------ ------------
 Phillip E. Powell     2004   $660,000   $333,000    112,500           -
   Chief Executive     2003    600,000    810,000    375,000           -
   Officer             2002    500,000    500,000    225,000           -

 Rick L. Wessel        2004   $495,000   $322,000     90,000           -
   President,          2003    450,000    610,000    210,000           -
   Secretary           2002    350,000    387,500    150,000           -
   and Treasurer

 J. Alan Barron        2004   $385,000   $300,000     67,500           -
   Chief Operating     2003    350,000    400,000    135,000           -
   Officer             2002    285,000    250,000     75,000           -

 R. Douglas Orr        2004   $185,000   $125,000     37,500           -
   Chief Financial     2003    160,000    100,000     45,000           -
   Officer             2002     65,591     25,000     15,000           -

 John C. Powell        2004   $165,000   $ 50,000      7,500           -
   Vice President of   2003    140,000     40,000     30,000           -
   Information         2002     95,010     10,000     15,000           -

 (1)  See "- Employment Agreements" and  "- Stock Options and  Warrants"
      for a discussion of the terms of long-term compensation awards.

 (2)  The aggregate amount of other compensation is less than the lesser of
      $50,000 or 10% of the sum of such executive officer's annual salary and

 Employment Agreements

      On March 14, 2005, Mr. Barron has entered into an employment agreement,
 effective January 1,  2005, with the  Company through December  31, 2009  to
 serve as the chief executive officer and the chief operating officer of  the
 Company; at the discretion of the  board this agreement may be extended  for
 additional  successive  periods  of  one  year   each  on  each  January   1
 anniversary.  The agreement provides for: (i) a base salary of $500,000 with
 increases at the discretion  of the Compensation  Committee; (ii) an  annual
 bonus at the discretion of  the Compensation Committee;  (iii) participation
 in compensation plans at the discretion of the Compensation Committee;  (iv)
 certain fringe benefits  including club  membership, car,  vacation, a  term
 life insurance policy  with a beneficiary  designated by Mr.  Barron in  the
 amount of $2 million;  and (v) reimbursement  of business related  expenses.
 Mr. Barron  has agreed  not to  compete  with the  Company, not  to  solicit
 employees of the Company, and not to solicit customers of the Company for  a
 period of time following his termination.

      On March 14, 2005, Mr. Wessel has entered into an employment agreement,
 effective January 1,  2005, with the  Company through December  31, 2009  to
 serve as the president of the Company;  at the discretion of the board  this
 agreement may be extended for additional successive periods of one year each
 on  each  January 1  anniversary.  The agreement  provides for:  (i) a  base
 salary of  $550,000 with  increases at  the discretion  of the  Compensation
 Committee; (ii)  an  annual bonus  at  the discretion  of  the  Compensation
 Committee; (iii) participation  in compensation plans  at the discretion  of
 the Compensation  Committee; (iv)  certain  fringe benefits  including  club
 membership, car, vacation, a term life  insurance policy with a  beneficiary
 designated by Mr. Wessel in the amount of $4 million; and (v)  reimbursement
 of business related expenses.  Mr. Wessel has agreed not to compete with the
 Company, not  to  solicit employees  of  the  Company, and  not  to  solicit
 customers of the Company for a period of time following his termination.

 Consulting Agreement

      On March 14, 2005, Mr. Powell has entered into a consulting  agreement,
 effective January 1,  2005, with the  Company through December  31, 2014  to
 perform such services as may  be requested  by the  Board of Directors.  The
 agreement provides for: (i) annual payments of $500,000; (ii) certain  other
 benefits including  club  membership, car,  health  insurance, a  term  life
 insurance policy with a beneficiary designated  by Mr. Powell in the  amount
 of $4 million;  and  (iii) reimbursement of business  related expenses.  Mr.
 Powell has agreed not to compete with the Company, not to solicit  employees
 of the Company, and not to solicit customers of the Company while serving as
 a consultant  and  for  a  period  of  time  following  termination  of  the
 consulting agreement.

 Stock Options and Warrants

      The following table shows stock option and warrant grants made to named
 executive officers during the year ended December 31, 2004:

                    Individual Grants of Stock Option/Warrant Grants Made
                           During the Year Ended December 31, 2004
                              Percentage                                   Potential Realizable
                               of Total                                          Value at
                               Options/                                       Assumed Annual
                   Options/    Warrants                                       Rates of Stock
                   Warrants   Granted to     Exercise                       Price Appreciation
                   Granted   Employees in     Price        Expiration         for Option and
   Name            (Shares)  Each Period   (Per Share)        Date           Warrant Terms (1)
 ----------------- --------  ------------  ----------- -----------------  ----------------------
                                                                               5%         10%
                                                                          ----------  ----------
 Phillip E. Powell  112,500     24.8%        $ 19.33   January 29, 2014  $ 1,367,600 $ 3,465,800
 Rick L. Wessel      90,000     19.8           19.33   January 29, 2014    1,094,100   2,772,600
 J. Alan Barron      67,500     14.9           19.33   January 29, 2014      820,600   2,079,500
 R. Douglas Orr      37,500      8.3           19.33   January 29, 2014      455,900   1,155,300
 John C. Powell       7,500      1.7           19.33   January 29, 2014       91,200     231,100

 (1)   The actual value, if any, will depend upon the excess of the stock
 price over the exercise price on the date of exercise, so that there is
 no assurance the value realized would be at or near the present value.

                        December 31, 2004 Stock Option and Warrant Values
                                             Number of Unexercised        Value of Unexercised
                                           Stock Options and Warrants        In-The-Money
                      Shares                 at December 31, 2004      Stock Options and Warrants
                   Acquired on    Value            (Shares)               December 31, 2004 (1)
   Name             Exercise    Realized   Exercisable  Unexercisable  Exercisable  Unexercisable
 ----------------- ----------  ----------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------------
 Phillip E. Powell  1,059,500 $17,726,000   352,500 (2)         -      $ 2,862,500             -
 Rick L. Wessel       183,000   2,561,200   618,500 (3)         -        5,024,700             -
 J. Alan Barron       138,000   1,638,600   437,000 (4)         -          935,500             -
 R. Douglas Orr         8,000      88,300   214,200 (5)    73,100 (5)       82,100   $ 1,029,000
 John C. Powell         7,500      76,800   106,900 (6)    43,100 (6)       39,500       762,800

 (1)  Computed based upon the differences between aggregate fair market value
 and aggregate exercise price.

 (2)  Includes a warrant to purchase 100,000 shares at a price of $6.73 per
 share and options to purchase 252,500 shares at prices ranging from $19.33
 to $55.00 per share.

 (3)  Includes warrants to purchase 213,500 shares at prices ranging from
 $5.33 to $7.67 per share and options to purchase 405,000 shares at prices
 ranging from $19.33 to $55.00 per share.

 (4)  Includes a warrant to purchase 19,500 shares at a price of $8.67 per
 share and options to purchase 417,500 shares at prices ranging from $19.33
 to $55.00 per share.

 (5)  Includes options to purchase 287,300 shares at prices ranging from
 $5.33 to $55.00 per share.

 (6)  Includes a warrant to purchase 15,000 shares at a price of $5.33 per
 share and options to purchase 135,000 shares at prices ranging from $6.67
 to $55.00 per share.

      Warrants and options held by other directors: On April 12, 2005,  other
 directors held warrants to purchase 362,500  shares at a price of $5.33  per
 share, expiring between April 2012 and February 2013 and options to purchase
 455,000 shares at prices  ranging from $1.33 to  $55.00 per share,  expiring
 between April 2009 and January 2015.

      Warrants and options held by other employees: On April 12, 2005,  other
 employees held warrants to  purchase 90,900 shares at  a price of $5.33  per
 share, expiring between February 2008 and April 2012 and options to purchase
 901,350 shares at prices  ranging from $2.67 to  $55.00 per share,  expiring
 between February 2008 and January 2015.

      Options issued to named  executive officers and non-employee  directors
 in 2004 and 2005:  During the period January 1, 2004 through April 12, 2005,
 the  Company  has  issued  to  named  executive  officers  and  non-employee
 directors options to purchase 1,747,500 shares at prices ranging from $19.33
 to $55.00 per share, expiring between January 2014 and January 2015.

      Except for  the  stock  option  plans  and  the  issuance  of  warrants
 described herein, the Company has not established, nor does it provide  for,
 defined benefit or actuarial plans.   The Company has not granted any  stock
 appreciation rights.

 Certain Transactions

      In January  2004,  Mr. Joe R. Love  was  issued an  option to  purchase
 15,000 shares  of common  stock at  an exercise  price of  $19.33 per  share
 expiring in January 2014.  In January 2004, Mr. Richard T. Burke was  issued
 an option to purchase 37,500 shares of common stock at an exercise price  of
 $19.33 per share expiring  in January 2014.   In January  2004, Ms. Tara  U.
 MacMahon was issued an option to  purchase 15,000 shares of common stock  at
 an exercise price of $19.33 per share expiring in January 2014.

 Report of the Audit Committee

      The ultimate responsibility  for good corporate  governance rests  with
 the board, whose primary role is oversight, counseling and direction to  the
 Company's management in the best long-term interests of the Company and  its
 stockholders.  The Audit Committee, in accordance with its charter, has been
 established for  the  purpose of  overseeing  the accounting  and  financial
 reporting processes  of  the Company  and  audits of  the  Company's  annual
 financial statements.  As described more  fully in its charter, the  purpose
 of the Audit Committee is  to assist the board  in its general oversight  of
 the Company's financial  reporting, internal controls  and audit  functions.
 Management is responsible for the preparation, presentation and integrity of
 the Company's financial statements; establishing and applying accounting and
 financial  reporting  principles;  designing  and  implementing  systems  of
 internal controls; and establishing procedures designed to reasonably assure
 compliance with accounting standards, applicable laws and regulations.   The
 Company's  independent  auditing  firm  is  responsible  for  performing  an
 independent audit  of the  consolidated financial  statements in  accordance
 with generally accepted  auditing standards.  In accordance  with  law,  the
 Audit  Committee  has  ultimate  authority  and  responsibility  to  select,
 compensate,  evaluate   and,  when   appropriate,  replace   the   Company's
 independent auditors.  The Audit Committee  has the authority to engage  its
 own outside advisers, including experts  in particular areas of  accounting,
 as it  determines  appropriate, apart  from  counsel or  advisers  hired  by
 management.  All of the members of the Audit Committee meet the independence
 and experience requirements of Nasdaq and  the SEC.  The board of  directors
 has determined that two of the Committee's members, Richard T. Burke and Joe
 R. Love, qualify as  "audit committee financial experts"  as defined by  the

      The  Audit  Committee  members  are  not  professional  accountants  or
 auditors, and their functions  are not intended to  duplicate or to  certify
 the activities of management and the independent auditors, nor can the Audit
 Committee certify  that the  independent  auditors are  "independent"  under
 applicable rules.  The Audit Committee serves a board-level oversight  role,
 in which it  provides advice, counsel  and direction to  management and  the
 auditors on  the basis  of the  information  it receives,  discussions  with
 management and the  auditors, and the  experience of  the Audit  Committee's
 members in business, financial and accounting matters.  Stockholders  should
 understand that the designation of "an audit committee financial expert"  is
 an  SEC  disclosure  requirement  related  to  Messrs.  Burke's  and  Love's
 experience and understanding with respect to certain accounting and auditing
 matters.  The designation  does not  impose on  Messrs. Burke  or  Love  any
 duties, obligations or liability greater than  generally imposed on them  as
 members of the  Audit Committee and  the board, and  this designation as  an
 audit committee financial expert pursuant to  this SEC requirement does  not
 affect the duties, obligations or liability of any other member of the Audit
 Committee or the board.

      In this  context,  the committee  has  met and  held  discussions  with
 management and Hein  &  Associates LLP ("Hein"),  the Company's  independent
 public accountants  for  the  year ended  December  31,  2004.    Management
 represented to  the  committee  that the  Company's  consolidated  financial
 statements were prepared  in accordance with  generally accepted  accounting
 principles, and the  committee has reviewed  and discussed the  consolidated
 financial statements with management and Hein.  The committee discussed with
 Hein the matters required to be discussed by Statement of Auditing  Standard
 No. 61,  under  which  Hein must  provide  us  with  additional  information
 regarding the scope  and results  of its  audit of  the Company's  financial

      In addition, the  committee has  discussed with  Hein its  independence
 from the  Company  and its  management,  including matters  in  the  written
 disclosures required by  the Independence  Standards  Board  Standard  No. 1
 (Independence Discussions with Audit Committees).

      The  committee  discussed   with  the   Company's  independent   public
 accountants the overall scope  and  plans for their  respective audits.  The
 committee met with Hein, with and without management present, to discuss the
 results of  its  examinations, the  evaluations  of the  Company's  internal
 controls, and the overall quality of the Company's financial reporting.

      In reliance  on the  reviews and  discussions  referred to  above,  the
 committee recommended to the board of directors, and the board has approved,
 that the audited financial  statements be included  in the Company's  Annual
 Report on Form  10-K for the  year ended December  31, 2004  filed with  the
 Securities and Exchange Commission.

 The Audit Committee:  Richard T. Burke, Joe R. Love and Tara U. MacMahon

 Report of the Compensation Committee


      The Compensation Committee  of the  board of  directors supervises  the
 Company's executive compensation.   The Company  seeks to provide  executive
 compensation that will  support the achievement  of the Company's  financial
 goals  while  attracting  and  retaining talented executives  and  rewarding
 superior  performance.   In  performing  this   function,  the  Compensation
 Committee  reviews  executive  compensation  surveys  and  other   available
 information and may from time to time consult with independent  compensation

      The Company seeks to  provide an overall level  of compensation to  the
 Company's executives  that are  competitive within  the  pawnshop/short-term
 advance industry and other companies of comparable size, growth, performance
 and complexity.   Compensation  in any  particular case  may vary  from  any
 industry average on the basis of annual and long-term Company performance as
 well as individual  performance.  The  Compensation Committee will  exercise
 its discretion to set compensation where in its judgment external,  internal
 or individual circumstances warrant it.  In general, the Company compensates
 its  executive  officers  through  a  combination  of  base  salary,  annual
 incentive compensation in the form of  cash bonuses and long-term  incentive
 compensation in the form of stock options.

 Base Salary

      Base salary  levels  for  the  Company's  executive  officers  are  set
 generally to be competitive  in relation to the  salary levels of  executive
 officers in other companies within the pawnshop/short-term advance  industry
 or other companies of comparable  size, growth, performance and  complexity,
 taking into consideration the  executive officer's position,  responsibility
 and need for special expertise.  In reviewing salaries in individual  cases,
 the Compensation Committee also takes into account individual experience and

 Annual Incentive Compensation

      The  Compensation  Committee  has  historically  structured  employment
 arrangements with incentive compensation.  Payment of bonuses has  generally
 depended  upon  the   Company's  achievement  of   pre-tax  income   targets
 established at  the  beginning of  each  fiscal year  or  other  significant
 corporate   objectives.   Individual  performance  is  also  considered   in
 determining  bonuses.  Certain  senior executives  receive annual  incentive
 compensation   through  the  stockholder   approved  Executive   Performance
 Incentive  Plan  that   provides  for  the   payment  of  annual   incentive
 compensation to participants based upon the achievement of performance goals
 established annually  by the  Compensation Committee  based on  one or  more
 specified performance criteria.  The Compensation Committee also administers
 the calculation of amounts earned under the Executive Performance  Incentive

 Long-Term Incentive Compensation

      The Company provides long-term incentive compensation through its stock
 option plans, which are  described elsewhere in this  proxy statement.   The
 number  of  shares  covered  by  any  grant is  generally determined  by the
 then  current stock  price,  subject in  certain  circumstances,  to vesting
 requirements.  In  special cases,  however, grants  may be  made to  reflect
 increased responsibilities or reward extraordinary performance.

 Chief Executive Officer Compensation

      Mr. Powell was elected  to the position of  chief executive officer  in
 May 1992.   Mr. Powell's  salary  was increased  from $600,000  to  $660,000
 effective January 1, 2004.  Mr. Powell received a bonus under the  Executive
 Performance Incentive Plan in the amount  of $333,000 during the year  ended
 December 31, 2004.   Mr. Powell  received  common stock  warrant and  option
 grants based upon  the overall performance  of the Company  during the  year
 ended December 31, 2004, as described in the section "Compensation".

      The overall  goal  of the  Compensation  Committee is  to  insure  that
 compensation policies are established that are consistent with the Company's
 strategic business objectives and that provide incentives for the attainment
 of those objectives.  This  is  affected in  the context  of a  compensation
 program that  includes base  pay, annual  incentive compensation  and  stock

 The Compensation  Committee:   Richard T. Burke, Joe R. Love and Tara U.

 Report of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee


      The Nominating and  Corporate Governance Committee  is responsible  for
 making recommendations to the board  of directors concerning the  governance
 structure and practices of the Company,  including the size of the board  of
 directors and the size and composition of various committees of the board of
 directors.  In addition, the  Nominating and Corporate Governance  Committee
 is responsible  for  identifying individuals  believed  to be  qualified  to
 become board members, and  to recommend to the  board the nominees to  stand
 for election as directors at the annual meeting of stockholders.

 Nomination for 2005 Election of Director

      The committee met and  recommended to the board  of directors that  Mr.
 Powell be  nominated to  stand for  reelection to  the board  at the  Annual
 Meeting on May 26, 2005.

 The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee:  Richard T. Burke, Joe R.
 Love and Tara U. MacMahon

 Stock Price Performance Graph

      The  Stock  Price  Performance  Graph  set  forth  below  compares  the
 cumulative total stockholder return on the  Common Stock of the Company  for
 the  period  from  December 31, 1999  through  December 31, 2004,  with  the
 cumulative total return on the Nasdaq Composite Index and a peer group index
 over the  same period  (assuming the  investment of  $100 in  the  Company's
 Common Stock, the  Nasdaq Composite  Index and the  peer group).   The  peer
 group  selected  by   the  Company  includes   the  Company,  Cash   America
 International, Inc., EZCORP, Inc., and ACE Cash Express, Inc.

                      [ PERFORMANCE GRAPH APPEARS HERE ]

                   12/31/99  12/31/00  12/31/01  12/31/02  12/31/03  12/31/04
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
 FCFS                100       27.27     82.42    123.77    310.80    323.76
 Peer Group          100       41.88     65.93     88.45    213.14    292.07
 Nasdaq Composite    100       60.31     47.84     33.07     49.45     53.81

                                OTHER MATTERS

      Management is not aware of any other matters to be presented for action
 at the meeting.  However, if any  other matter is properly presented, it  is
 the intention of the persons named in the enclosed form of proxy to vote  in
 accordance with their best judgment on such matter.

                             COST OF SOLICITATION

      The Company will bear the costs of the solicitation of proxies from its
 stockholders.   In addition  to the  use of  mail, directors,  officers  and
 regular employees  of  the Company  in  person  or may  solicit  proxies  by
 telephone  or  other means  of communication.  The  directors, officers  and
 employees of  the  Company will  not  be compensated  additionally  for  the
 solicitation but may be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses in  connection
 with the  solicitation.  Arrangements  are  also being  made with  brokerage
 houses and any other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries of the  forwarding
 of solicitation material to  the beneficial owners of  the Company, and  the
 Company will reimburse the brokers, custodians, nominees and fiduciaries for
 their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.

                            STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

       Proposals by  stockholders intended  to be  presented at  this  Annual
 Meeting of Stockholders must have been received by the Company for inclusion
 in the Company's proxy statement and form of proxy relating to that  meeting
 no later than January 21, 2006.  Moreover, with respect to any proposal by a
 stockholder not seeking to have the proposal included in the proxy statement
 but seeking  to  have the  proposal  considered  at the  Annual  Meeting  of
 Stockholders to  be held  in 2006,  such  stockholder must  provide  written
 notice of such  proposal to the  Secretary of the  Company at the  principal
 executive  offices  of  the  Company  by  December 22, 2005.   In  addition,
 stockholders must comply in all respects  with the rules and regulations  of
 the Securities and  Exchange Commission then  in effect  and the  procedural
 requirements of the Company's Bylaws.

                               By Order of the Board of Directors,

                               /s/ Rick L. Wessel
 Arlington, Texas              Rick L. Wessel
 April 22, 2005                President,
                               Secretary and Treasurer

                               REVOCABLE PROXY

                        ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                 MAY 26, 2005


 The undersigned  stockholder  of  First Cash Financial Services,  Inc.  (the
 "Company") hereby  appoints Rick Powell  and  Rick L. Wessel  the  true  and
 lawful attorneys, agents and proxies of  the undersigned with full power  of
 substitution for and in the name of the undersigned, to vote all the  shares
 of Common Stock of First Cash Financial Services, Inc. which the undersigned
 may be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of First  Cash
 Financial Services, Inc. to  be held  at the  First Cash Financial Services,
 Inc.  corporate  offices  located  at  690  East  Lamar  Blvd.,  Suite  400,
 Arlington, Texas on Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 10:00  a.m.,  and any and  all
 adjournments thereof, with  all of the  powers which  the undersigned  would
 posses if personally present, for the  following purposes.  Please  indicate
 for, withhold, against,  or abstain with  respect to each  of the  following

 1. Election of Mr. Powell as director (the Board      For   Withhold
    of Directors recommends a vote FOR)               -----  --------
                                                      [   ]   [   ]

 2. Ratification of the selection of Hein &
    Associates LLP as Independent auditors of the      For   Against  Abstain
    Company for the year ending December 31, 2005     -----  -------  -------
    (the Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR)    [   ]   [   ]    [   ]

 3. Other Matters:
    In their discretion, the proxies are authorized
    to vote upon such other business as may properly
    come before the meeting.

 This proxy will be voted for  the choice specified.  The undersigned  hereby
 acknowledges receipt of  the Notice of  Annual Meeting  and Proxy  Statement
 dated April 22, 2005 as well as the Annual Report for the fiscal year  ended
 December 31, 2004.


 DATED:________________   ___________________________________________________
                          (Signature if jointly held)
                          (Printed Name)

                          Please  sign  exactly  as  name  appears  on  stock
                          certificate(s).   Joint  owners should  each  sign.
                          Trustees and  others  acting  in  a  representative
                          capacity should indicate the capacity in which they