Naspers Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Reg. No 1925/001431/06)
Share Code: NPN
IZIN: ZAE000015889
Trading Statement
The Naspers group is presently finalising its interim report for the six months ended 30
September 2006. Shareholders are advised that the group continues to experience favourable
trading conditions in most of the markets in which it operates. This is reflected in operating
performance which remains broadly positive.
However, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which the group adopted on 1
April 2004, creates volatility in reported earnings, particularly as it relates to foreign
currency translations and fair value accounting.
As a consequence, it is anticipated that accounting charges arising in the period under review
and flowing from the application of IFRS, will result in earnings per share for the six months
ended 30 September being between 15% and 25% lower compared to the prior period’s
restated earnings per share of 370 cents.
In contrast, headline earnings per share for the period are expected to be between 15% and
25% higher compared to the prior period’s restated headline earnings per share of 361 cents.