Washington, D.C. 20549
For the month of June, 2018
Commission File Number: 001-14475
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
(Translation of registrant’s name into English)
Av. Eng° Luís Carlos Berrini, 1376 - 28º andar
São Paulo, S.P.
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F:
Form 20-F |
X |
Form 40-F |
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):
Yes |
No |
X |
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7):
Yes |
No |
X |
MARCH 31, 2018
(A free translation of the original in Portuguese)
Independent auditor's report
To the Board of Directors and Stockholders
Telefônica Brasil S.A.
We have reviewed the accompanying parent company and consolidated interim accounting information of Telefônica Brasil S.A. ("Company"), included in the Quarterly Information Form (ITR) for the quarter ended March 31, 2018, comprising the balance sheet at that date and the statements of income and comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the quarter then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
Management is responsible for the preparation of the parent company interim accounting information in accordance with the accounting standard CPC 21 - "Interim Financial Reporting", of the Brazilian Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC), and of the consolidated interim accounting information in accordance with CPC 21 and International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 - "Interim Financial Reporting" issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), as well as the presentation of this information in accordance with the standards issued by the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), applicable to the preparation of the Quarterly Information (ITR). Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim financial information based on our review.
Scope of review
We conducted our review in accordance with Brazilian and International Standards on Reviews of Interim Financial Information (NBC TR 2410 - "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" and ISRE 2410 - "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity", respectively). A review of interim information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Brazilian and International Standards on Auditing and consequently did not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
Conclusion on the parent company interim information
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying parent company interim accounting information included in the Quarterly Information referred to above has not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with CPC 21 applicable to the preparation of the Quarterly Information, and presented in accordance with the standards issued by the CVM.
Conclusion on the consolidated interim information
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying consolidated interim accounting information included in the Quarterly Information referred to above has not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with CPC 21 and IAS 34 applicable to the preparation of the Quarterly Information, and presented in accordance with the standards issued by the CVM.
Other matters
Statement of value added
We have also reviewed the parent company and consolidated statements of value added for the quarter ended March 31, 2018. These statements are the responsibility of the Company's management and are required to be presented in accordance with standards issued by the CVM applicable to the preparation of Quarterly Information (ITR) and are considered supplementary information under IFRS, which do not require the presentation of the statement of value added. These statements have been submitted to the same review procedures described above and, based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that they have not been prepared, in all material respects, in a manner consistent with the parent company and consolidated interim accounting information taken as a whole.
São Paulo, April 20, 2018
Auditores Independentes
CRC 2SP000160/O-5
Estela Maris Vieira de Souza
Contadora CRC 1RS046957/O-3
TELEFÔNICA BRASIL S.A. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Balance Sheets | ||||||||||||||||||||
At March 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
(In thousands of reais) |
(A free translation of the original in Portuguese) | |||||||||
| |
Company |
Consolidated |
Company |
Consolidated | ||||||||
Note |
03.31.18 |
12.31.17 |
03.31.18 |
12.31.17 |
Note |
03.31.18 |
12.31.17 |
03.31.18 |
12.31.17 |
Current assets |
17,637,738 |
16,668,039 |
17,910,377 |
16,731,666 |
Current liabilities |
18,023,825 |
18,819,861 |
17,713,525 |
17,862,531 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
3 |
3,857,949 |
3,681,173 |
4,354,491 |
4,050,338 |
Personnel, social charges and benefits |
14 |
523,654 |
648,957 |
584,873 |
723,380 |
Trade accounts receivable |
4 |
8,346,384 |
8,413,403 |
8,770,683 |
8,588,466 |
Trade accounts payable |
15 |
8,093,626 |
8,560,844 |
7,288,396 |
7,447,100 |
Inventories |
5 |
486,209 |
324,711 |
510,641 |
348,755 |
Income and social contribution taxes payable |
6 |
- |
- |
301,740 |
4,479 |
Income and social contribution taxes recoverable |
6 |
568,110 |
401,259 |
678,292 |
505,535 |
Taxes, charges and contributions payable |
16 |
1,735,790 |
1,669,741 |
1,842,607 |
1,726,836 |
Taxes, charges and contributions recoverable |
7 |
1,834,695 |
1,984,999 |
1,894,829 |
2,058,455 |
Dividends and interest on equity |
17 |
2,397,422 |
2,396,116 |
2,397,422 |
2,396,116 |
Judicial deposits and garnishments |
8 |
339,513 |
324,465 |
339,702 |
324,638 |
Provisions |
18 |
1,412,143 |
1,434,911 |
1,412,143 |
1,434,911 |
Prepaid expenses |
9 |
888,066 |
425,298 |
912,036 |
446,439 |
Deferred revenue |
19 |
508,765 |
370,493 |
515,528 |
372,561 |
Dividends and interest on equity |
17 |
426,709 |
323,206 |
- |
- |
Loans and financing |
20 |
1,412,086 |
1,620,955 |
1,412,086 |
1,620,955 |
Derivative financial instruments |
30 |
85,417 |
87,643 |
85,417 |
87,643 |
Debentures |
20 |
1,406,743 |
1,412,486 |
1,406,743 |
1,412,486 |
Other assets |
10 |
804,686 |
701,882 |
364,286 |
321,397 |
Derivative financial instruments |
30 |
5,213 |
5,107 |
5,430 |
5,239 |
Other liabilities |
21 |
528,383 |
700,251 |
546,557 |
718,468 |
Non-current assets |
84,766,654 |
85,495,114 |
84,370,767 |
84,651,169 |
Long-term assets |
Non-current liabilities |
13,957,669 |
13,881,934 |
14,144,721 |
14,058,946 |
Short-term investments pledged as collateral |
87,558 |
81,472 |
87,569 |
81,486 |
Personnel, social charges and benefits |
14 |
- |
21,648 |
702 |
23,284 |
Trade accounts receivable |
4 |
174,863 |
167,682 |
285,780 |
273,888 |
Taxes, charges and contributions payable |
16 |
17,879 |
18,463 |
50,089 |
49,448 |
Deferred taxes |
6 |
- |
- |
398,918 |
371,408 |
Deferred taxes |
6 |
882,322 |
709,325 |
882,322 |
709,325 |
Taxes, charges and contributions recoverable |
7 |
784,001 |
740,104 |
787,492 |
743,285 |
Provisions |
18 |
6,669,167 |
6,566,056 |
6,814,434 |
6,709,839 |
Judicial deposits and garnishments |
8 |
6,204,217 |
6,155,821 |
6,388,828 |
6,339,167 |
Deferred revenue |
19 |
380,831 |
350,637 |
380,831 |
350,637 |
Prepaid expenses |
9 |
75,390 |
21,684 |
75,768 |
23,116 |
Loans and financing |
20 |
2,096,917 |
2,320,147 |
2,096,917 |
2,320,147 |
Derivative financial instruments |
30 |
65,915 |
76,762 |
65,915 |
76,762 |
Debentures |
20 |
3,113,411 |
3,108,253 |
3,113,411 |
3,108,253 |
Other assets |
10 |
78,496 |
86,345 |
80,697 |
88,935 |
Derivative financial instruments |
30 |
17,987 |
15,412 |
17,987 |
15,412 |
Investments |
11 |
1,534,127 |
1,949,276 |
102,167 |
98,902 |
Other liabilities |
21 |
779,155 |
771,993 |
788,028 |
772,601 |
Property, plant and equipment |
12 |
33,007,854 |
33,112,532 |
33,113,946 |
33,222,316 |
Intangible assets |
13 |
42,754,233 |
43,103,436 |
42,983,687 |
43,331,904 |
31,981,494 |
32,701,795 |
31,858,246 |
31,921,477 |
Equity |
70,422,898 |
69,461,358 |
70,422,898 |
69,461,358 |
Capital |
22 |
63,571,416 |
63,571,416 |
63,571,416 |
63,571,416 |
Capital reserves |
22 |
1,213,522 |
1,213,522 |
1,213,522 |
1,213,522 |
Income reserves |
22 |
2,465,995 |
2,463,228 |
2,465,995 |
2,463,228 |
Other comprehensive income |
22 |
23,512 |
21,328 |
23,512 |
21,328 |
Retained earnings |
22 |
956,589 |
- |
956,589 |
- |
Additional proposed dividends |
22 |
2,191,864 |
2,191,864 |
2,191,864 |
2,191,864 |
102,404,392 |
102,163,153 |
102,281,144 |
101,382,835 |
102,404,392 |
102,163,153 |
102,281,144 |
101,382,835 |
Income Statements | |||||||||
Three-month periods ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 | |||||||||
(In thousands of reais, except earnings per share) |
(A free translation of the original in Portuguese) | |||||
Company |
Consolidated | ||||
Note |
1st quarter of 2018 |
1st quarter of 2017 |
1st quarter of 2018 |
1st quarter of 2017 |
Net operating revenue |
23 |
9,142,800 |
10,079,646 |
10,788,961 |
10,590,150 |
Cost of sales |
24 |
(4,725,737) |
(4,779,398) |
(5,020,930) |
(5,058,431) |
Gross profit |
4,417,063 |
5,300,248 |
5,768,031 |
5,531,719 |
Operating income (expenses) |
(3,458,484) |
(3,952,839) |
(3,971,853) |
(3,961,437) |
Selling expenses |
24 |
(3,015,699) |
(3,155,988) |
(3,198,702) |
(3,182,138) |
General and administrative expenses |
24 |
(551,075) |
(616,230) |
(600,816) |
(612,001) |
Other operating income |
25 |
317,793 |
114,191 |
89,433 |
115,625 |
Other operating expenses |
25 |
(209,503) |
(294,812) |
(261,768) |
(282,923) |
Operating income |
958,579 |
1,347,409 |
1,796,178 |
1,570,282 |
Financial income |
26 |
250,230 |
525,624 |
278,996 |
553,914 |
Financial expenses |
26 |
(445,299) |
(839,254) |
(451,722) |
(844,286) |
Equity pickup |
11 |
567,928 |
161,858 |
565 |
805 |
Income before taxes |
1,331,438 |
1,195,637 |
1,624,017 |
1,280,715 |
Income and social contribution taxes |
6 |
(233,419) |
(199,440) |
(525,998) |
(284,518) |
Net income for the period |
1,098,019 |
996,197 |
1,098,019 |
996,197 |
Basic and diluted earnings per common share (in R$) |
22 |
0.61 |
0.55 |
Basic and diluted earnings per preferred share (in R$) |
22 |
0.67 |
0.61 |
TELEFÔNICA BRASIL S.A. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Statements of Changes in Equity | |||||||||||||||||||||
Three-month periods ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 | |||||||||||||||||||||
(In thousands of reais) |
(A free translation of the original in Portuguese) | ||||
Capital reserves |
Income reserves |
| ||||||||
Capital |
Special goodwill reserve |
Other capital reserves |
Treasury shares |
Legal reserve |
Tax incentive reserve |
Expansion and modernization reserve |
Retained earnings |
Proposed additional dividends |
Other comprehensive income |
Total equity |
Balances at December 31, 2016 |
63,571,416 |
63,074 |
1,297,297 |
(87,790) |
1,907,905 |
17,069 |
550,000 |
- |
1,913,987 |
11,461 |
69,244,419 |
Unclaimed dividends and interest on equity |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
67,540 |
- |
- |
67,540 |
DIPJ adjustment - Tax incentives |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,658 |
- |
(2,658) |
- |
- |
- |
Other comprehensive income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3,303 |
3,303 |
Net income for the period |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
996,197 |
- |
- |
996,197 |
Interim interest on equity |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(530,000) |
- |
- |
(530,000) |
Balances at March 31, 2017 |
63,571,416 |
63,074 |
1,297,297 |
(87,790) |
1,907,905 |
19,727 |
550,000 |
531,079 |
1,913,987 |
14,764 |
69,781,459 |
Payment of additional dividend for 2016 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1,913,987) |
- |
(1,913,987) |
Unclaimed dividends and interest on equity |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
34,238 |
- |
- |
34,238 |
Repurchase of preferred shares |
- |
- |
- |
(32) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(32) |
Preferred shares delivered referring to the judicial process of expansion plan |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
DIPJ adjustment - Tax incentives |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
8,157 |
- |
(8,157) |
- |
- |
- |
Other comprehensive income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(113,811) |
- |
6,564 |
(107,247) |
Equity transactions (Note 1 c) |
- |
- |
(59,029) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(59,029) |
Net income for the period |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3,612,593 |
- |
- |
3,612,593 |
Allocation of income: |
Legal reserve |
- |
- |
- |
- |
230,439 |
- |
- |
(230,439) |
- |
- |
- |
Interim interest on equity |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1,886,639) |
- |
- |
(1,886,639) |
Reversal of expansion and Modernization Reserve |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(550,000) |
550,000 |
- |
- |
- |
Expansion and Modernization Reserve |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
297,000 |
(297,000) |
- |
- |
- |
Additional proposed dividends |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(2,191,864) |
2,191,864 |
- |
- |
Balances at December 31, 2017 |
63,571,416 |
63,074 |
1,238,268 |
(87,820) |
2,138,344 |
27,884 |
297,000 |
- |
2,191,864 |
21,328 |
69,461,358 |
Effects of the initial adoption of IFRS 9 and 15, net of taxes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(138,663) |
- |
- |
(138,663) |
DIPJ adjustment - Tax incentives |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,767 |
- |
(2,767) |
- |
- |
- |
Other comprehensive income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,184 |
2,184 |
Net income for the period |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1,098,019 |
- |
- |
1,098,019 |
Balances at March 31, 2018 |
63,571,416 |
63,074 |
1,238,268 |
(87,820) |
2,138,344 |
30,651 |
297,000 |
956,589 |
2,191,864 |
23,512 |
70,422,898 |
Statements of Comprehensive Income | |||||||||
Three-month periods ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 | |||||||||
(In thousands of reais) |
(A free translation of the original in Portuguese) | ||
Company |
Consolidated | ||||
Note |
1st quarter of 2018 |
1st quarter of 2017 |
1st quarter of 2018 |
1st quarter of 2017 |
Net income for the period |
1,098,019 |
996,197 |
1,098,019 |
996,197 |
Other comprehensive income (losses) that may be reclassified into income (losses) in subsequent periods |
(136,479) |
3,303 |
(136,479) |
3,303 |
Unrealized gains on investments available for sale |
11 |
20 |
465 |
20 |
465 |
Gains (losses) on derivative financial instruments |
30 |
(770) |
6,132 |
(770) |
6,132 |
Initial adoption of IFRS 9 and 15 |
1.b |
(176,348) |
- |
(208,676) |
- |
Taxes |
6 |
60,213 |
(2,243) |
70,267 |
(2,243) |
Cumulative Translation Adjustments (CTA) on transactions in foreign currency |
11 |
2,680 |
(1,051) |
2,680 |
(1,051) |
Interest in comprehensive income of subsidiaries |
11 |
(22,274) |
- |
- |
- |
Other comprehensive income |
(136,479) |
3,303 |
(136,479) |
3,303 |
Comprehensive income for the period - net of taxes |
961,540 |
999,500 |
961,540 |
999,500 |
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows | ||||||||
Three-month periods ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 | ||||||||
(In thousands in reais) |
(A free translation of the original in Portuguese) | ||
Company |
Consolidated | ||||
1st quarter of 2018 |
1st quarter of 2017 |
1st quarter of 2018 |
1st quarter of 2017 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Income before taxes |
1,331,438 |
1,195,637 |
1,624,017 |
1,280,715 |
Adjustment for: |
Depreciation and amortization |
1,989,690 |
1,936,132 |
1,998,290 |
1,943,610 |
Foreign exchange on loans and derivative financial instruments |
(7,269) |
9,031 |
(7,466) |
9,031 |
Monetary losses |
102,385 |
170,393 |
103,434 |
171,148 |
Equity pickup |
(567,928) |
(161,858) |
(565) |
(805) |
Loss (gains) on write-off/sale of assets |
4,979 |
(4,992) |
4,979 |
(5,658) |
Provision for impairment - accounts receivable |
356,007 |
327,248 |
398,080 |
357,743 |
Change in liability provisions |
27,149 |
119,111 |
57,728 |
103,045 |
Write-off and reversals for impairment - inventories |
(8,189) |
(17,061) |
(9,224) |
(11,277) |
Pension plans and other post-retirement benefits |
11,864 |
7,706 |
12,286 |
7,701 |
Provisions for tax, civil, labor and regulatory contingencies |
209,503 |
257,076 |
213,440 |
258,606 |
Interest expense |
157,255 |
288,722 |
157,255 |
288,722 |
Others |
(5,110) |
1,906 |
(5,110) |
1,906 |
Changes in assets and liabilities |
Trade accounts receivable |
(494,279) |
(279,328) |
(822,628) |
(158,183) |
Inventories |
(153,309) |
25,541 |
(152,911) |
24,151 |
Taxes recoverable |
(58,980) |
(11,311) |
(55,277) |
15,686 |
Prepaid expenses |
(332,407) |
(720,325) |
(334,182) |
(723,766) |
Other assets |
(131,866) |
91,546 |
(71,569) |
90,141 |
Personnel, social charges and benefits |
(146,951) |
(141,288) |
(161,089) |
(143,441) |
Trade accounts payable |
42,941 |
(256,283) |
370,501 |
(218,386) |
Taxes, charges and contributions |
65,465 |
47,104 |
118,350 |
42,016 |
Other liabilities |
(327,072) |
(644,301) |
(318,991) |
(652,146) |
733,878 |
1,044,769 |
1,495,331 |
1,399,844 |
Cash generated from operations |
2,065,316 |
2,240,406 |
3,119,348 |
2,680,559 |
Interest paid |
(162,045) |
(222,745) |
(162,045) |
(222,745) |
Income and social contribution taxes paid |
- |
(37,679) |
(11,309) |
(130,439) |
Net cash (used in) generated by operating activities |
1,903,271 |
1,979,982 |
2,945,994 |
2,327,375 |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Additions to PP&E and intangible assets and others |
(2,043,657) |
(2,415,029) |
(2,099,174) |
(2,450,727) |
Cash received from sale of PP&E items |
612 |
15,493 |
612 |
16,081 |
Redemption of (increase in) judicial deposits |
(4,549) |
(148,070) |
(4,660) |
(148,176) |
Dividends and interest on equity received |
860,000 |
- |
- |
- |
Net cash (used in) generated by investing activities |
(1,187,594) |
(2,547,606) |
(2,103,222) |
(2,582,822) |
Cash flows from financing activities |
Payment of loans, financing and debentures |
(561,056) |
(572,573) |
(561,056) |
(572,573) |
Loans and financing obtained |
- |
2,000,000 |
- |
2,000,000 |
Received for derivative financial instruments |
25,938 |
31,253 |
26,254 |
31,253 |
Payment of derivative financial instruments |
(3,416) |
(23,029) |
(3,450) |
(23,029) |
Dividend and interest on equity paid |
(367) |
(310) |
(367) |
(310) |
Net cash (used in) generated by financing activities |
(538,901) |
1,435,341 |
(538,619) |
1,435,341 |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
176,776 |
867,717 |
304,153 |
1,179,894 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year |
3,681,173 |
4,675,627 |
4,050,338 |
5,105,110 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year |
3,857,949 |
5,543,344 |
4,354,491 |
6,285,004 |
Statements of Value Added |
Three-month periods ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 |
(In thousands in reais) |
(A free translation of the original in Portuguese) | ||
Company |
Consolidated | ||||
1st quarter of 2018 |
1st quarter of 2017 |
1st quarter of 2018 |
1st quarter of 2017 |
Revenues |
12,892,800 |
14,154,139 |
14,410,606 |
14,739,103 |
Sale of goods and services |
12,692,576 |
14,198,866 |
14,551,856 |
14,788,142 |
Other revenues |
556,231 |
282,521 |
256,830 |
308,704 |
Provision for impairment of trade accounts receivable |
(356,007) |
(327,248) |
(398,080) |
(357,743) |
Inputs acquired from third parties |
(4,527,130) |
(5,442,147) |
(4,916,144) |
(5,752,986) |
Cost of goods and products sold and services rendered |
(2,381,462) |
(3,133,464) |
(2,695,700) |
(3,450,023) |
Materials, electric energy, third-party services and other expenses |
(2,148,244) |
(2,309,931) |
(2,224,055) |
(2,298,992) |
Loss/recovery of assets |
2,576 |
1,248 |
3,611 |
(3,971) |
Gross value added |
8,365,670 |
8,711,992 |
9,494,462 |
8,986,117 |
Withholdings |
(1,989,690) |
(1,936,132) |
(1,998,290) |
(1,943,610) |
Depreciation and amortization |
(1,989,690) |
(1,936,132) |
(1,998,290) |
(1,943,610) |
Net value added produced |
6,375,980 |
6,775,860 |
7,496,172 |
7,042,507 |
Value added received in transfer |
818,158 |
687,482 |
279,561 |
554,719 |
Equity pickup |
567,928 |
161,858 |
565 |
805 |
Financial income |
250,230 |
525,624 |
278,996 |
553,914 |
Total undistributed value added |
7,194,138 |
7,463,342 |
7,775,733 |
7,597,226 |
Distribution of value added |
(7,194,138) |
(7,463,342) |
(7,775,733) |
(7,597,226) |
Personnel, social charges and benefits |
(936,418) |
(1,029,301) |
(1,061,112) |
(1,041,204) |
Direct compensation |
(629,270) |
(696,842) |
(703,542) |
(704,167) |
Benefits |
(260,518) |
(276,008) |
(303,542) |
(279,837) |
Government Severance Indemnity Fund for Employees (FGTS) |
(46,630) |
(56,451) |
(54,028) |
(57,200) |
Taxes, charges and contributions |
(3,975,023) |
(3,935,856) |
(4,417,440) |
(4,050,415) |
Federal |
(1,176,671) |
(1,268,462) |
(1,592,565) |
(1,376,223) |
State |
(2,756,653) |
(2,641,428) |
(2,760,467) |
(2,642,936) |
Local |
(41,699) |
(25,966) |
(64,408) |
(31,256) |
Debt remuneration |
(1,184,678) |
(1,501,988) |
(1,199,162) |
(1,509,410) |
Interest |
(435,840) |
(819,466) |
(441,491) |
(823,467) |
Rental |
(748,838) |
(682,522) |
(757,671) |
(685,943) |
Equity remuneration |
(1,098,019) |
(996,197) |
(1,098,019) |
(996,197) |
Retained profit |
(1,098,019) |
(996,197) |
(1,098,019) |
(996,197) |
(A free translation of the original in Portuguese)
Telefônica Brasil S. A.
Three-month period ended March 31, 2018
(In thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated)
a) Background information
Telefônica Brasil S.A. (“Company” or “Telefônica Brasil”) is a publicly held corporation operating in telecommunication services and in the performance of activities that are necessary or useful in the rendering of such services, in conformity with the concessions and authorizations it has been granted. The Company, headquartered at Avenida Engenheiro Luiz Carlos Berrini, No. 1376, in the city and State of São Paulo, Brazil, is a member of the Telefónica Group (“Group”), with headquarters in Spain and present in several countries of Europe and Latin America.
At March 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, Telefónica S.A. (“Telefónica”), the Group holding company, held total direct and indirect interest in the Company of 73.58% (Note 22).
The Company is registered in the Brazilian Securities Commission ("CVM") as a publicly-held company under Category A (issuers authorized to trade any marketable securities) and has shares traded on the B3 (company resulting from the combination of activities between BM&FBovespa and CETIP – Central Custody and Settlement of Securities). The Company is also listed in the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), of the United States of America, and its American Depositary Shares ("ADSs") are classified under level II, backed only by preferred shares and traded on the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE").
b) Operations
The Company operates in the rendering of: (i) Fixed Switched Telephone Service Concession Arrangement ("STFC"); (ii) Multimedia Communication Service ("SCM", data communication, including broadband internet); (iii) Personal Mobile Service ("SMP"); and (iv) Conditioned Access Service ("SEAC" - Pay TV), throughout Brazil, through concessions and authorizations, as established in the General Plan of Concessions ("PGO").
Service concessions and authorizations are granted by Brazil's Telecommunications Regulatory Agency ("ANATEL"), the agency responsible for the regulation of the Brazilian telecommunications sector under the terms of Law No. 9472 of July 16, 1997 - General Telecommunications Law ("Lei Geral das Telecomunicações" - LGT), amended by Laws No. 9986, of July 18, 2000, and No. 12485, of September 12, 2011. The operation of such concessions is subject to supplementary regulations and plans.
In accordance with the STFC service concession agreement, every two years, during the agreement's 20-year term, the Company shall pay a fee equivalent to 2% of its prior-year STFC revenue, net of applicable taxes and social contribution taxes (Note 21). The Company's current STFC concession agreement is valid until December 31, 2025.
In accordance with the authorization terms for the usage of radio frequencies associated with SMP, every two years after the first renewal of these agreements, the Company shall pay a fee equivalent to 2% of its prior-year SMP revenue, net of applicable taxes and social contribution taxes (Note 21), and in the 15th year the Company will pay 1% of its prior-year revenue. The calculation will consider the net revenue from the application of Basic and Alternative Services Plans. These agreements can be extended only once for a term of 15 years.
The information on a summary of the authorizations for the use of radiofrequency bands for SMP granted to the Company is the same as in Note 1b) Operations, as disclosed in the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2017.
c) Acquisition of a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary - 2017
The information on the acquisition process of Terra Networks Brasil SA ("Terra Networks") by Telefônica Data SA ("TData"), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, occurred on July 3, 2017, is the same as in Note 1.c .1) Acquisition of Company by Integral Subsidiary - 2017, disclosed in the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2017.
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(A free translation of the original in Portuguese)
Telefônica Brasil S. A.
Three-month period ended March 31, 2018
(In thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated)
a) Statement of compliance
The individual (Company) and consolidated quarterly financial statements were prepared and are presented in accordance with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil, which comprise CVM standards and CPC (Accounting Pronouncements Committee) pronouncements, in compliance with the International Financial Accounting Reporting Standards (IFRS), issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
All significant information in the quarterly financial statements, and solely such information, is disclosed and corresponds to that used by Company management for administration purposes.
The consolidated quarterly financial statements (Consolidated) have been prepared and are presented in accordance with CPC 21 (R1) Interim Statements and IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting issued by the IASB and standards established as Resolution No. 739/15 of the CVM.
b) Basis of preparation and presentation
The Company’s quarterly financial statements for the three-month period ended March 31, 2018 are presented in thousands of Reais (unless otherwise stated), which is the functional currency of the Company.
These quarterly financial statements compares the quarters ended March 31, 2018 and 2017, except for the balance sheets, that compare the positions as at March 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017.
The accounting standards adopted in Brazil require the presentation of the Statement of Value Added ("SVA"), individual and consolidated, while IFRS does not require this presentation. As a result, under IFRS standards, the SVA is being presented as supplementary information, without prejudice to the overall quarterly financial statements.
The Board of Directors authorized the issue of these individual and consolidated financial statements at the meeting held on April 20, 2018.
Business segments are defined as components of a company for which separate financial information is available and regularly assessed by the operational decision making professional in decisions on how to allocate funds to an individual segment and in the assessment of segment performance. Considering that : (i) all officers and managers' decisions are based on consolidated reports; (ii) the Company and subsidiaries’ mission is to provide their customers with quality telecommunications services; and (iii) all decisions related to strategic planning, finance, purchases, short and long-term investments are made on a consolidated basis, the Company and subsidiaries operate in a single operating segment, namely the provision of telecommunications services.
The information in the notes to the financial statements that did not significantly change or present irrelevant disclosures as compared to December 31, 2017 were not fully repeated in these quarterly financial statements. In the meantime, the Company selected and included information to explain the main events and transactions occurring during the three-month period ended March 31, 2018, in order to understand the changes in the Company's financial position and performance.
In this context, the Company indicates below the number of the notes disclosed in the annual financial statements as at December 31, 2017 and not fully restated in these quarterly financial statements:
· Note 1 - Operations
· Note 2 - Basis of Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
· Note 3 - Summary of Significant Accounting Practices
· Note 13 - Intangible Assets, Net
· Note 22 - Equity
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(A free translation of the original in Portuguese)
Telefônica Brasil S. A.
Three-month period ended March 31, 2018
(In thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated)
· Note 29 - Share-Based Payment Plans
· Note 30 – Pension Plans and Other Post-Employment Benefits
The quarterly financial statements were prepared in accordance with the principles, practices and accounting criteria consistent with those adopted in the preparation of the financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017 (Note 3) Summary of Significant Accounting Practices) and should be analyzed in conjunction with these Financial statements, in addition to the new pronouncements, interpretations and amendments, which came into effect as of January 1, 2018, as described below:
Standards and amendments |
| ||
IFRS 9 |
Financial Instruments |
IFRS15 |
Revenue from Contracts with Customers |
Clarifications to IFRS 15 |
Revenue from Contracts with Customers , issued on April 12, 2016 |
Amendments to IFRS 2 |