(RULE 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
Exchange Act of 1934
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
Preliminary Proxy Statement |
Definitive Proxy Statement |
Definitive Additional Materials |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12 |
Confidential, For Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
Unisys Corporation
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
No fee required. |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1 |
) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
(2 |
) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3 |
) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was
determined): |
(4 |
) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5 |
) |
Total fee paid: |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials: |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and
identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous
filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. |
(1 |
) |
Amount Previously Paid: |
(2 |
) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
(3 |
) |
Filing Party: |
(4 |
) |
Date Filed: |
Unisys Corporation
Unisys Way
Blue Bell, PA
April 16, 2009
Dear Fellow Stockholder:
It is my pleasure to invite you to the Unisys 2009 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders. This years meeting will be held
on Thursday, May 28, 2009, at the Philadelphia Marriott
West, which is located at 111 Crawford Avenue in West
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. The meeting will begin at
9:30 a.m.
These are unprecedented times in the global economy and
financial markets. While the economic slowdown and other factors
impacted the companys results in 2008, we are taking
aggressive actions to enhance our profitability, cash flow, and
competitiveness. Our plan involves focusing our resources and
investments, clearly differentiating Unisys in our chosen
markets, enhancing our services labor delivery model, and
reducing overhead expense by simplifying our business structure.
We are moving quickly to implement this plan, and we are firmly
committed to showing clear, demonstrable progress in our results
in 2009.
You may have noticed changes in the way we are providing proxy
materials to our stockholders for this years annual
meeting. This is because we have elected to provide access to
our proxy materials over the Internet under the notice and
access rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission. We
believe these rules allow us to provide our stockholders with
the information they need, while reducing our printing and
mailing costs and helping to conserve natural resources. The
Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials that you
received in the mail contains instructions on how to access this
proxy statement and the 2008 annual report and vote online. The
Notice also includes instructions on how you can request a paper
copy of the annual meeting materials.
Your vote is important. Whether or not you plan to attend the
annual meeting, I urge you to take a moment to vote on the items
in this years proxy statement. Voting takes only a few
minutes, and it will ensure that your shares are represented at
the meeting.
I look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting, where you
will hear about our results for 2008 and our priorities for 2009.
J. Edward Coleman
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
May 28, 2009
Unisys Corporation will hold its 2009 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders at the Philadelphia Marriott West, 111 Crawford
Avenue, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, on Thursday,
May 28, 2009, at 9:30 a.m. to:
1. elect two directors;
2. ratify the selection of the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm for 2009;
3. approve an amendment to the Companys Restated
Certificate of Incorporation to (a) effect a reverse stock
split of the Companys common stock at a reverse split
ratio of between
1-for-5 and
which ratio will be selected by the Board of Directors, and
(b) decrease the number of authorized shares of the
Companys common stock on a basis proportional to the
reverse split ratio approved by the Board of Directors; and
4. transact any other business properly brought before the
Only record holders of Unisys common stock at the close of
business on March 31, 2009 will be entitled to vote at the
annual meeting.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Nancy Straus Sundheim
Senior Vice President, General Counsel
and Secretary
Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
April 16, 2009
Important Notice
Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the
Meeting to be Held on May 28, 2009:
Companys proxy statement and annual report are available
on our
website at and
Your vote is important. Whether
or not you plan to attend the annual meeting, please promptly
submit your proxy or voting instructions by Internet, telephone,
or mail. For specific instructions on how to vote your shares,
please refer to the instructions found on the Notice of Internet
Availability of Proxy Materials you received in the mail or, if
you received a paper copy of the proxy materials, the enclosed
proxy/voting instruction card.
May 28,
The Board of Directors of Unisys Corporation solicits your proxy
for use at the 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on
May 28, 2009 and at any adjournments. At the annual
meeting, stockholders will be asked to elect two directors, to
ratify the selection of the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm, to approve an amendment to
the Companys Restated Certificate of Incorporation to
effect a reverse stock split of the Companys common stock
and to decrease the number of authorized shares of common stock,
and to transact any other business properly brought before the
The record date for the annual meeting is March 31, 2009.
Only holders of record of Unisys common stock as of the close of
business on the record date are entitled to vote at the meeting.
On the record date, 370,314,728 shares of common stock were
outstanding. The presence, in person or by proxy, of a majority
of those shares will constitute a quorum at the meeting.
This proxy statement, the proxy/voting instruction card and the
annual report of Unisys, including the financial statements for
2008, are being sent or given to stockholders on or about
April 16, 2009.
Each share of Unisys common stock outstanding on the record date
is entitled to one vote on each matter to be voted upon.
Directors will be elected by the vote of a majority of the votes
cast at the meeting. This means that a nominee will be elected
if the number of votes cast For his or her election
exceeds 50% of the total number of votes cast with respect to
that nominees election. Votes cast with respect to the
election of directors include votes to Withhold
authority but do not include abstentions and broker non-votes.
The proposal to ratify the selection of the Companys
independent registered public accounting firm will be approved
if it receives the affirmative vote of a majority of shares
present, in person or by proxy, and entitled to vote on the
matter. Abstentions will be included in the vote total for this
matter and therefore will have the same effect as a negative
vote; broker non-votes will not be included in the vote total
and therefore will have no effect on the vote.
The proposal to amend the Companys Restated Certificate of
Incorporation to effect the reverse stock split and decrease the
number of authorized shares of common stock requires the
affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of
common stock entitled to vote. Any shares not voted (whether by
abstention, broker non-vote or otherwise) will have the same
effect as a vote Against the proposal.
Availability of Proxy Materials
Pursuant to the notice and access rules adopted by
the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC),
the Company has elected to provide stockholders access to its
proxy materials over the Internet. Accordingly, the Company sent
a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials (the
Notice) to most stockholders (other than those who
previously requested electronic or paper delivery of proxy
materials). The Notice includes instructions on how to access
the proxy materials over the Internet and how to request a
printed copy of these materials. In addition, by
following the instructions in the Notice, stockholders may
request to receive proxy materials in printed form by mail or
electronically by email on an ongoing basis.
Choosing to receive your future proxy materials by email will
save the Company the cost of printing and mailing documents to
you and will reduce the impact of the Companys annual
meetings on the environment. If you choose to receive future
proxy materials by email, you will receive an email next year
with instructions containing a link to those materials and a
link to the proxy voting site. Your election to receive proxy
materials by email will remain in effect until you
terminate it.
Voting Procedures
and Revocability of Proxies
Your vote is important. Shares may be voted at the annual
meeting only if you are present in person or represented by
proxy. You can vote by proxy over the Internet by following the
instructions provided in the Notice, or, if you request printed
copies of the proxy materials by mail, you can also vote by mail
or by telephone by following the instructions provided on the
proxy/voting instruction card. If you have previously elected to
receive proxy materials over the Internet, you should have
already received
instructions on how to vote electronically.
You may revoke your proxy at any time before it is exercised by
writing to the Corporate Secretary of Unisys, by timely delivery
of a properly executed later-dated proxy (including an Internet
or telephone vote) or by voting in person at the meeting.
The method by which you vote will in no way limit your right to
vote at the meeting if you later decide to attend in person. If
your shares are held in the name of a bank, broker or other
holder of record, you must obtain a proxy, executed in your
favor, from the holder of record to be able to vote at the
If you properly complete and return your proxy, and do not
revoke it, the proxy holders will vote your shares in accordance
with your instructions. If your properly completed proxy gives
no instructions, the proxy holders will vote your shares FOR the
election of directors, FOR the selection of independent
registered public accountants, FOR the proposal to amend the
Companys Restated Certificate of Incorporation to effect
the reverse stock split and decrease the number of authorized
shares of common stock and in their discretion on any other
matters that properly come before the annual meeting.
If you are a participant in the Unisys Savings Plan, the
proxy/voting instruction card will serve as voting instructions
to the plan trustee for shares of Unisys common stock credited
to your account as of March 31, 2009. The trustee will vote
those shares in accordance with your instructions if it receives
your completed proxy by May 26, 2009. If the proxy is not
timely received, or if you give no instructions on a matter to
be voted upon, the trustee will vote the shares credited to your
account in the same proportion as it votes those shares for
which it received timely instructions from other participants.
The Board of Directors currently consists of 13 members, divided
into three classes. One class of directors is elected each year
to hold office for a three-year term. Two of the four directors
whose terms expire in 2009, J. Edward Coleman and Leslie F.
Kenne, have been nominated for reelection. Craig A. Conway has
decided not to stand for reelection, and Edwin A. Huston will
retire from the Board of Directors at the annual meeting because
he has attained the mandatory retirement age of 70. The
remaining nine directors will continue to serve as set forth
below, and the Board will then consist of 11 members. Each
of the nominees has agreed to serve as a director if elected,
and Unisys believes that each nominee will be available to
serve. However, the proxy holders have discretionary authority
to cast votes for the election of a substitute should any
nominee not be available to serve as a director.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR all
Regarding Nominees and Directors
The names and ages of the nominees and directors, their
principal occupations and employment during the past five years,
and other information regarding them are as follows.
Nominees for
Election to the Board of Directors
Mr. Coleman, 57, is Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Unisys. He has been with Unisys since October 2008.
Mr. Coleman has been in the information technology industry
for more than 30 years, serving as CEO of Gateway, Inc.
from 2006 to 2008; as senior vice president and president of
enterprise computing solutions at Arrow Electronics from 2005 to
2006 and as chief executive officer of CompuCom from 1999 to
2004. He also served as chairman of CompuCom from 2001 to 2004.
Prior to that, he held various leadership and executive
positions at Computer Sciences Corporation and IBM Corporation.
He has served as a Director of Unisys since October 2008.
Ms. Kenne, 61, is a retired Lieutenant General of the
United States Air Force. Prior to retiring from the Air Force in
2003 as Deputy Chief of Staff, Warfighting Integration,
Pentagon, she had a
military career including technical training, command experience
and responsibility for large aircraft test, evaluation and
acquisition programs. She is currently an independent consultant
for various defense companies and/or agencies. She is a Director
of Harris Corporation. She has served as a Director of Unisys
since 2006 and is a member of the Audit Committee.
Members of the
Board Continuing in Office
Term Expiring in 2010
Mr. Duques, 65, is a retired Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of First Data Corporation, an electronic commerce and
payment services company, a position he held from 1992 to 2002
and from 2005 to 2007. He has served as a Director of Unisys
since 1998, was the non-executive Chairman of the Board from
2006 to October 2008 and has been Lead Director since October
Mr. Jones, 59, is a Director and Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer of Rockwell Collins, Inc., a global
aviation electronics and communications company. He has also
held the positions of Executive Vice President of that company
and Senior Vice President of its former parent company, Rockwell
International Corporation. He is a Director of Deere &
Company. He has served as a Director of Unisys since 2004 and is
a member of the Compensation Committee and the Finance Committee.
Mr. Martin, 69, is a retired President and Chief
Executive Officer of Barnes Group Inc., a manufacturer and
distributor of automotive and aircraft components and
maintenance products. He has also held the position of Executive
Vice President-Operations of that company. He is a Director of
Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited and C.R. Bard, Inc. He has served
as a Director of Unisys since 1995 and is chairman of the
Compensation Committee.
Mr. McQuade, 67, retired in 2002 from the position of
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Securities Industry
Automation Corp. (SIAC) (now wholly owned by NYSE Euronext)
after more than 20 years of service as Chief Executive
Officer. He was a Director of Greenpoint Financial from 1992
until its acquisition by North Fork Bank in 2002, and a Director
of Gartner, Inc. from 1999 through 2000. He has served on
numerous industry and educational advisory boards.
Mr. McQuade has served as a Director of Unisys since May
2008 and is a member of the Compensation Committee and the
Finance Committee.
Members of the
Board Continuing in Office
Term Expiring in 2011
Mr. Bolduc, 69, has been Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of JPB Enterprises, Inc., an investment banking, private
equity and real estate investment holding company, since April
1995. From April 2003 to September 2004, he also served as Chief
Executive Officer of J. A. Jones, a multi-national construction
and construction-related services company. From 1987 to 1995, he
served in the positions of President and Chief Executive
Officer, Vice Chairman, Chief Operating Officer and Chief
Financial Officer of W. R. Grace & Co., a global
specialty chemicals and health care company. He is a Director of
EnPro Industries, Inc., Lance, Inc. and Management Consulting
Group, PLC. He has served as a Director of Unisys since 1992 and
is chairman of the Finance Committee.
Dr. Duderstadt, 66, is President Emeritus and
University Professor of Science and Engineering at the
University of Michigan. He has served as a Director of Unisys
since 1990 and is chairman of the Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee and a member of the Compensation Committee.
Mr. Espe, 50, is a Director and Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of IKON Office Solutions, Inc., a provider of
integrated document management systems and services. Prior to
joining IKON in 2002, Mr. Espe had been with General
Electric Company since 1980, most recently serving as President
and Chief Executive Officer of GE Lighting. He has served as a
Director of Unisys since 2004 and is a member of the Audit
Committee and the Finance Committee.
Ms. Fletcher, 60, is a former Executive Vice President,
Finance of Vulcan Inc., an investment and project company, a
position she held from 2005 to 2008. From 2004 to 2005, she
served as Chief Financial Officer of DaVita, Inc., an
independent provider of dialysis services in the United States.
From 2000 to 2003, she was Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer of MasterCard International, an international
payment solutions company. She has served as a Director of
Unisys since 2001 and is a member of the Audit Committee and the
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.
Mr. Lifflander, 46, has been President of Millbrook Capital
Management, Inc. since 1995 and of MMI Investments, L.P. since
1996. Previously, he served as President of the New York City
Economic Development Corporation under then Mayor Rudolph
Giuliani and as Managing Director in the M&A Group at Smith
Barney. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Key Components
LLC from 1995 to 2004 and currently serves on the Board of the
Hudson River Museum. He is a former Director of Dendrite
International, Inc., Key Components and the United Nations
Development Corporation. He has served as a Director of Unisys
since May 2008 and is a member of the Finance Committee and the
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.
Board Meetings;
Attendance at Annual Meetings
The Board of Directors held 14 meetings in 2008. During 2008,
all directors other than Mr. Espe attended at least 75% of
the meetings of the Board of Directors and standing committees
on which they served.
It is the Companys policy that all directors should attend
the annual meeting of stockholders. All of the Companys
directors at the time of the 2008 annual meeting attended that
meeting except Mr. Espe.
Independence of
All of the Companys directors other than Mr. Coleman
meet the independence requirements prescribed by the New York
Stock Exchange (NYSE) and, in the case of members of
the Audit Committee, also meet the audit committee independence
requirements prescribed by the SEC. In assessing whether a
director has a material relationship with Unisys (either
directly or as a partner, stockholder or officer of an
organization that has a relationship with Unisys), the Board
uses the criteria outlined below in paragraph 2 of
Corporate Governance Guidelines. All non-employee
directors met these criteria in 2008. In particular, two of the
Companys non-employee directors, Mr. Espe and
Mr. Jones, served as chief executive officer of a company
that does business with Unisys in the ordinary course. In each
instance, combined Unisys sales to and purchases from the
directors company in 2008 represented less than one
percent of that companys annual revenue. In addition, two
of the Companys non-employee directors, Mr. Bolduc
and Mr. Espe, served as
directors of organizations to which the Company made charitable
contributions in 2008. In each instance, the amounts contributed
by Unisys to the charitable organization represented less than
one percent of the organizations annual charitable
The Board of Directors has a standing Audit Committee,
Compensation Committee, Finance Committee and Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee. The specific functions and
responsibilities of each committee are set forth in its charter,
which is available on the Companys Internet web site at in the Investors section under Corporate
Governance and Board of Directors and is also available in print
to any stockholder who requests it.
The Audit Committee assists the Board in its oversight of the
integrity of the Companys financial statements and its
financial reporting and disclosure practices, the soundness of
its systems of internal financial and accounting controls, the
independence and qualifications of its independent registered
public accounting firm, the performance of its internal auditors
and independent registered public accounting firm, the
Companys compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
and the soundness of its ethical and environmental compliance
programs. The Audit Committee held 10 meetings in 2008. Its
members are Mr. Espe, Ms. Fletcher, Mr. Huston
(chair) and Ms. Kenne. For 2008, the Board determined that
each of Mr. Espe, Ms. Fletcher and Mr. Huston was
an audit committee financial expert as defined by the SEC.
Mr. Huston will be retiring from the Board at the 2009
annual meeting, and the Board has determined that the audit
committee financial experts will then be Mr. Espe and
Ms. Fletcher.
The Compensation Committee oversees the compensation of the
Companys executives, the Companys executive
management structure, the compensation-related policies and
programs involving the Companys executive management and
the level of benefits of officers and key employees. In this
capacity, the committee regularly reviews and approves the
Companys executive compensation strategy and principles to
ensure that they are aligned with the Companys business
strategy and objectives and with stockholder interests. Under
its charter, the Compensation Committee annually reviews and
approves goals and objectives relevant to the compensation of
the chief executive officer, evaluates the performance of the
chief executive officer in light of those goals and makes
recommendations to the independent members of the Board
concerning the compensation level of the chief executive
officer. The committee also annually reviews and approves
compensation levels of the other elected officers. In this
regard, the committee solicits input from the Companys
chief executive officer regarding the compensation of those
executives who report directly to him. The Compensation
Committee also reviews and recommends to the Board the adoption
of director compensation programs. The Companys guidelines
regarding the compensation of directors are described more fully
in paragraph 11 of Corporate Governance
Guidelines below. As is discussed more fully below in
Compensation Discussion and Analysis, the
Compensation Committee regularly receives reports and
recommendations from management and from the committees
outside compensation consultant to assist it in carrying out its
responsibilities. Under its charter, the committee also may
consult with legal, accounting or other advisors, as
appropriate, and may form and delegate authority to
subcommittees when appropriate. The Compensation Committee held
seven meetings in 2008. Its members are Dr. Duderstadt,
Mr. Jones, Mr. Martin (chair) and Mr. McQuade.
The Finance Committee oversees the Companys financial
affairs, including its capital structure, financial
arrangements, capital spending and acquisition and disposition
plans. It also oversees the management and investment of funds
in the pension, savings and welfare benefit plans sponsored by
the Company. The Finance Committee held six meetings in 2008.
Its members are Mr. Bolduc (chair), Mr. Espe,
Mr. Lifflander, Mr. Jones and Mr. McQuade.
Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee identifies and
reviews candidates and recommends to the Board of Directors
nominees for membership on the Board of Directors. It also
oversees the Companys corporate governance. The Nominating
and Corporate Governance Committee held five meetings in 2008.
Its members are Mr. Conway, Dr. Duderstadt (chair),
Ms. Fletcher and Mr. Lifflander.
Nomination Process
As part of the nomination process, the Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee is responsible for determining the
appropriate skills and characteristics required of new Board
members in the context of the current
make-up of
the Board and for identifying qualified candidates for Board
membership. In so doing, the Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee considers a number of factors including independence,
experience, strength of character, mature judgment, technical
skills, diversity, age and the extent to which the individual
would fill a present need on the Board.
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee also reviews
recommendations for Board membership received from stockholders
and other qualified sources. Recommendations on director
candidates must be in writing and addressed to the Chairman of
the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee,
c/o Corporate
Secretary, Unisys Corporation, Unisys Way, Blue Bell,
Pennsylvania 19424.
See Related Party Transactions below for a
description of the agreement, dated May 20, 2008, between
the Company, MMI Investments, L.P., MCM Capital Management, LLC,
Clay B. Lifflander and Charles B. McQuade pursuant to which
Mr. Lifflander and Mr. McQuade were appointed to the
Board of Directors.
with Directors
Stockholders and other interested parties may send
communications to the Board of Directors or to the
non-management directors as a group by writing to them
c/o Corporate
Secretary, Unisys Corporation, Unisys Way, Blue Bell,
Pennsylvania 19424. All communications directed to Board members
will be delivered to them.
Code of Ethics
and Business Conduct
Unisys has a code of ethics, the Unisys Code of Ethics and
Business Conduct, that applies to all employees, officers
(including the chief executive officer, chief financial officer
and principal accounting officer or controller) and directors.
The code is posted on the Companys Internet web site at in the Investors section under Corporate
Governance and Board of Directors and is also available in print
to any stockholder who requests it. The Company intends to post
amendments to or waivers from the code (to the extent applicable
to the
Companys chief executive officer, chief financial officer
or principal accounting officer or controller) at this location
on its web site.
Governance Guidelines
The Board of Directors has adopted Guidelines on Significant
Corporate Governance Issues. The full text of these guidelines
is available on the Companys Internet web site at in the Investors section under Corporate
Governance and Board of Directors and is also available in print
to any stockholder who requests it. Among other matters, the
guidelines cover the following:
1. A majority of the Board of Directors shall qualify as
independent under the listing standards of the New York Stock
2. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
reviews annually with the Board the independence of outside
directors. Following this review, only those directors who meet
the independence qualifications prescribed by the New York Stock
Exchange and who the Board affirmatively determines have no
material relationship with the Company will be considered
independent. The Board has determined that the following
commercial or charitable relationships will not be considered to
be material relationships that would impair independence:
(a) if a director is an executive officer or partner of, or
owns more than a ten percent equity interest in, a company that
does business with Unisys, and sales to or purchases from Unisys
are less than one percent of the annual revenues of that company
and (b) if a director is an officer, director or trustee of
a charitable organization, and Unisys contributions to that
organization are less than one percent of its annual charitable
3. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is
responsible for determining the appropriate skills and
characteristics required of Board members in the context of its
make-up, and
will consider factors such as independence, experience, strength
of character, mature judgment, technical skills, diversity and
age in its assessment of the needs of the Board.
4. If the Chairman of the Board is not an employee of the
Company, the Chairman should qualify as independent under the
listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange. Members of the
Audit, Compensation, and Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committees must also so qualify.
5. It is the sense of the Board that the Companys
by-law provision that no person shall be elected a director
after attaining age 70 is appropriate, and accordingly, no
director should serve beyond the annual stockholders
meeting following the attainment of age 70.
6. Directors should volunteer to resign from the Board upon
a change in primary job responsibility. The Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee will review the appropriateness
of continued Board membership under the circumstances and will
recommend, and the Board will determine, whether or not to
accept the directors resignation. In addition, if the
Companys chief executive officer resigns from that
position, he is expected to offer his resignation from the Board
at the same time.
7. Non-management directors are encouraged to limit the
number of public company boards on which they serve to no more
than four in addition to the Companys and should advise
the Chairman of the Board and the general counsel of the Company
before accepting an invitation to serve on another board.
8. The non-management directors will meet in executive
session at all regularly scheduled Board meetings. They may also
meet in executive session at any time upon
request. If the Chairman of the Board is an employee of the
Company, the Board will elect from the independent directors a
lead director who will preside at executive sessions. If the
Chairman is not an employee, the Chairman will preside at
executive sessions.
9. Board members have complete access to Unisys management.
Members of senior management who are not Board members regularly
attend Board meetings, and the Board encourages senior
management, from time to time, to bring into Board meetings
other managers who can provide additional insights into the
matters under discussion.
10. The Board and its committees have the right at any time
to retain independent outside financial, legal or other advisors.
11. It is appropriate for the Companys staff to
report once a year to the Compensation Committee on the status
of Board compensation in relation to other large
U.S. companies. Changes in Board compensation, if any,
should come at the suggestion of the Compensation Committee, but
with full discussion and concurrence by the Board. Particular
attention will be paid to structuring Board compensation in a
manner aligned with stockholder interests. In this regard, a
meaningful portion of a directors compensation should be
provided and held in stock options
and/or stock
units. Directors should not, except in rare circumstances
approved by the Board, draw any consulting, legal or other fees
from the Company. In no event shall any member of the Audit
Committee receive any compensation from the Company other than
directors fees.
12. The Company will provide an orientation program for new
directors. The Company will also provide directors with
presentations from time to time on topics designed by the
Company or third-party experts to assist directors in carrying
out their responsibilities. Directors may also attend
appropriate continuing education programs at the Companys
13. The Board will conduct an annual self-evaluation to
determine whether it and its committees are functioning
14. The non-management directors will evaluate the
performance of the chief executive officer annually and will
meet in executive session, led by the chairperson of the
Compensation Committee, to review this performance. The
evaluation is based on objective criteria, including performance
of the business, accomplishment of long-term strategic
objectives and development of management. Based on this
evaluation, the Compensation Committee will recommend, and the
members of the Board who meet the independence criteria of the
New York Stock Exchange will determine and approve, the
compensation of the chief executive officer.
15. To assist the Board in its planning for the succession
to the position of chief executive officer, the chief executive
officer is expected to provide an annual report on succession
planning to the Compensation Committee.
16. The Companys stockholder rights plan expired on
March 17, 2006, and it has no present intention to adopt a
new one. Subject to its continuing fiduciary duties, which may
dictate otherwise depending on the circumstances, the Board
shall submit the adoption of any future stockholder rights plan
to a vote of the stockholders. Any stockholder rights plan
adopted or extended without stockholder approval shall be
approved by a majority of the independent members of the Board
and shall be in response to specific, articulable circumstances
that are deemed to warrant such action without the delay that
might result from seeking prior stockholder approval. If the
Board adopts or extends a rights plan without
prior stockholder approval, the Board shall, within one year,
either submit the plan to a vote of the stockholders or redeem
the plan or cause it to expire.
Related Party
The Company is required to disclose any transactions since the
beginning of 2008 (or any currently proposed transaction) in
which the Company was a participant, the amount involved exceeds
$120,000 and a director or executive officer, any immediate
family member of a director or executive officer or any person
or group beneficially owning more than 5% of the Companys
common stock had a direct or indirect material interest.
On May 20, 2008, the Company entered into an agreement with
MMI Investments, L.P. (MMI), MCM Capital Management,
LLC, Clay B. Lifflander and Charles B. McQuade (collectively,
the MMI Group) pursuant to which Mr. Lifflander
and Mr. McQuade were appointed to the Board of Directors,
to serve in the respective class of directors set forth above.
Pursuant to the agreement, Mr. McQuade was appointed to the
Compensation Committee and the Finance Committee, and
Mr. Lifflander was appointed to the Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee and the Finance Committee, in
each case, immediately following the 2008 annual meeting of
stockholders. Under the terms of the agreement, the Company
agreed to reimburse the MMI Groups reasonable, documented
out-of-pocket fees and expenses incurred in connection with the
negotiation and execution of the agreement and other matters
related to the 2008 annual meeting in an amount up to $125,000.
The Company was informed that this amount included a $50,000
payment made by MMI to Mr. McQuade for agreeing to serve on
the Board as MMIs nominee. See Security Ownership by
Certain Beneficial Owners and Management below for the
beneficial ownership of Unisys common stock reported by MMI
Investments, L.P., MCM Capital Management, LLC and
Mr. Lifflander.
During 2008, the law firm Pepper Hamilton LLP, which has
represented Unisys on a variety of matters for more than
20 years, provided legal services to Unisys for fees of
approximately $800,000. The husband of Nancy Straus Sundheim is
a partner in that firm. Ms. Sundheim has been Senior Vice
President, General Counsel and Secretary of Unisys since 2001.
Since that date, at the request of Mr. Sundheim, Pepper
Hamilton has excluded from Mr. Sundheims annual
compensation any income attributable to Unisys matters. Also,
since 2001, it has been the Companys practice that any
decision to retain Pepper Hamilton is made by the chief
executive officer, in consultation with the Unisys attorney
responsible for the matter. Ms. Sundheim has no input in
the decision to retain the firm.
Currently the Company has not adopted a policy specifically
directed at the review, approval or ratification of related
party transactions required to be disclosed. However, under the
Unisys Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, all employees,
officers and directors are required to avoid conflicts of
interest. Employees (including officers) must review with, and
obtain the approval of, their immediate supervisor and the
Companys Corporate Ethics Office, any situation (without
regard to dollar amount) that may involve a conflict of
interest. Directors should raise possible conflicts of interest
with the chief executive officer or the general counsel. The
code of ethics defines a conflict of interest as any
relationship, arrangement, investment or situation in which
loyalties are divided between Unisys interests and personal
interests and specifically notes involvement (either personally
or through a family member) in a business that is a competitor,
supplier or customer of the Company as a particularly sensitive
area that requires careful review.
Audit Committee
In performing its oversight responsibilities as defined in its
charter, the Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed the
audited financial statements and reporting process, including
the system of internal controls, with management and with
Companys independent registered public accounting firm for
the year ended December 31, 2008. The committee has also
discussed with KPMG LLP the matters required to be discussed by
the statement on Auditing Standards No. 61, as amended,
(AICPA, Professional Standards, Vol. 1, AU section 380), as
adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board in
Rule 3200T. In addition, the committee has received from
KPMG LLP the written disclosures and the letter required by
applicable requirements of the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board regarding KPMG LLPs communications with
the committee concerning independence and has discussed with
KPMG LLP their independence. The committee has also considered
the compatibility of audit-related services, tax services and
other non-audit services with the firms independence.
Based on these reviews and discussions, the committee
recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited financial
statements be included in the Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2008 for filing with the
Audit Committee
Matthew J. Espe
Denise K. Fletcher
Edwin A. Huston
Leslie F. Kenne
Registered Public Accounting Firm Fees and Services
KPMG LLP was the Companys independent registered public
accounting firm for the year ended December 31, 2008, and
Ernst & Young LLP was the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm for the year ended
December 31, 2007. Fees for KPMG LLP and Ernst &
Young LLP for professional services rendered in respect of 2008
and 2007 (in millions of dollars), respectively, are as follows:
Audit Fees
Audit-Related Fees
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
Audit fees consist of fees for the audit and review of the
Companys financial statements, statutory audits, comfort
letters, consents, assistance with and review of documents filed
with the SEC and Section 404 attestation procedures.
Audit-related fees consist of fees for employee benefit plan
audits, accounting advice regarding specific transactions and
various attestation engagements. Tax fees principally represent
fees for tax compliance services.
The Audit Committee annually reviews and pre-approves the
services that may be provided by the independent registered
public accounting firm. The committee has also adopted an Audit
and Non-Audit Services Pre-Approval Policy that contains a list
of pre-approved services, which the committee may revise from
time to time. In addition, the Audit Committee has delegated
pre-approval authority, up to a fee limitation of $150,000 per
service, to the chairman of the committee.
The chairman of the committee reports any such pre-approval
decision to the Audit Committee at its next scheduled meeting.
Relationship with
Independent Registered Public Accounting Firms
As stated above, Ernst & Young LLP was the
Companys independent registered public accounting firm for
the year ended December 31, 2007. On March 14, 2008,
the Audit Committee dismissed Ernst & Young LLP, and
on March 19, 2008, the Audit Committee engaged KPMG LLP as
the independent registered public accounting firm to audit the
Companys financial statements for the year ended
December 31, 2008.
The audit report of Ernst & Young LLP on the
consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year
ended December 31, 2007 did not contain an adverse opinion
or disclaimer of opinion and was not qualified or modified as to
uncertainty, audit scope or accounting principles. During the
year ended December 31, 2007 and from January 1, 2008
through March 14, 2008, there were no disagreements with
Ernst & Young LLP on any matter of accounting
principles or practices, financial statement disclosure, or
auditing scope or procedure, which disagreements, if not
resolved to Ernst & Young LLPs satisfaction,
would have caused Ernst & Young LLP to make reference
to the subject matter of such disagreements in connection with
its report on the financial statements for such period.
During the year ended December 31, 2007 and from
January 1, 2008 through March 14, 2008, there were no
reportable events (as defined in
Regulation S-K
Item 304 (a)(1)(v)), except that as of December 31,
2007, the Companys internal control over financial
reporting was not effective due to the existence of a material
weakness as more fully described in Item 9A of the
Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2007. The Company concluded
that a material weakness in internal control over financial
reporting existed related to its control environment because the
Company did not have a sufficient number of personnel with an
appropriate level of U.S. GAAP knowledge and experience
commensurate with its financial reporting requirements. The
Company authorized Ernst & Young LLP to respond fully
to inquiries of KPMG LLP concerning the material weakness. The
Company remediated the material weakness during the fourth
quarter of 2008.
During the year ended December 31, 2007 and in the
subsequent interim period prior to the Companys engagement
of KPMG LLP, neither the Company nor anyone on its behalf
consulted KPMG LLP regarding the application of accounting
principles to a specified transaction (completed or proposed),
the type of audit opinion that might be rendered on the
Companys financial statements, any matter being the
subject of disagreement or reportable event or any
other matter as defined in
Regulation S-K,
Item 304 (a)(1)(iv) or (a)(1)(v).
The Audit Committee has engaged the firm of KPMG LLP as the
independent registered public accounting firm to audit the
Companys financial statements for the year ending
December 31, 2009. As stated above, KPMG LLP was the
Companys independent registered public accounting firm for
the year ended December 31, 2008. The Company expects that
representatives of KPMG LLP will be present at the annual
meeting and will have the opportunity to make a statement if
they desire to do so and to respond to appropriate questions
asked by stockholders. The Board of
Directors considers KPMG LLP to be well qualified to serve as
the independent registered public accounting firm for Unisys and
recommends a vote for the proposal to ratify their selection.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the
proposal to ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as the
Companys independent registered public accounting firm for
The Companys Board of Directors has unanimously adopted
and is submitting for stockholder approval an amendment to the
Companys Restated Certificate of Incorporation to
(1) effect a reverse stock split at a reverse split ratio
of between
1-for-5 and
which ratio will be selected by the Board of Directors following
stockholder approval and prior to the time of filing of a
Certificate of Amendment with the Delaware Secretary of State,
and (2) decrease the total number of authorized shares of
the Companys common stock on a basis proportional to the
reverse split ratio approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant
to the law of Delaware, the Companys state of
incorporation, the Board of Directors must adopt any amendment
to the Companys Restated Certificate of Incorporation and
submit the amendment to stockholders for their approval. The
form of the proposed amendment to the Companys Restated
Certificate of Incorporation to effect the reverse stock split
is attached to this Proxy Statement as Annex A.
The Board, in its discretion, may elect, at any time prior to
next years annual meeting of stockholders, to effect any
reverse split ratio within the range set forth above upon
receipt of stockholder approval, or none of them if the Board
determines in its discretion not to proceed with the reverse
stock split. The Company believes that the availability of a
range of reverse split ratios will provide it with the
flexibility to implement the reverse stock split in a manner
designed to maximize the anticipated benefits for the Company
and its stockholders. In determining which reverse stock split
ratio to implement, if any, following the receipt of stockholder
approval, the Board of Directors may consider, among other
things, factors such as:
the historical trading price and trading volume of the common
the then prevailing trading price and trading volume of the
common stock and the anticipated impact of the reverse stock
split on the trading market for the common stock;
the Companys ability to continue its listing on the NYSE;
which reverse split ratio would result in the greatest overall
reduction in the Companys administrative costs; and
prevailing general market and economic conditions.
Reasons for the
Reverse Stock Split
The Board of Directors believes that stockholders should
authorize the reverse split for the following reasons:
Compliance with NYSE Listing Standards. The
Companys common stock is listed on the NYSE under the
symbol UIS. The Company was notified in writing by
the NYSE on December 4, 2008 that it was below the criteria
of the NYSE for continued listing because the average per share
closing price of the common stock over a consecutive
30-trading-day period was less than $1.00. On December 12,
2008, the Company provided written notice to the NYSE of its
intent to take actions to cure the deficiency, including a plan
to pursue a reverse stock split. The Board of Directors believes
that the increase in the stock price that it expects to result
from the reverse stock split will reduce the risk that the
Companys common stock will be delisted by the NYSE.
Increase in Eligible Investors. A reverse
stock split would allow a broader range of institutions and
other investors in the Companys common stock, such as
funds that are
prohibited from buying stocks whose price is below a certain
threshold, potentially increasing trading volume and liquidity.
Increased Broker Interest. A reverse stock
split would help increase broker interest in the Companys
common stock as their policies can discourage them from
recommending companies with lower stock prices. Because of the
trading volatility often associated with lower-priced stocks,
many brokerage houses and institutional investors have adopted
internal policies and practices that either prohibit or
discourage them from investing in such stocks or recommending
them to their customers. Some of those policies and practices
may also function to make the processing of trades in
lower-priced stocks economically unattractive to brokers.
Additionally, because brokers commissions on transactions
in lower-priced stocks generally represent a higher percentage
of the stock price than commissions on higher-priced stocks, the
current average price per share of the Companys common
stock can result in individual stockholders paying transaction
costs representing a higher percentage of their total share
value than would be the case if the stock price were
substantially higher.
Decreased Stock Price Volatility. The Board of
Directors believes that the increase in the stock price that it
expects to result from the reverse stock split could decrease
price volatility, as small changes in the price of the
Companys common stock currently result in relatively large
percentage changes in the stock price.
Decrease the Companys Costs. The Board
of Directors believes that the reverse stock split would also
reduce certain of the Companys costs, such as NYSE listing
Disadvantages of the Reverse Stock Split
The Board of Directors believes that the potential advantages of
a reverse stock split significantly outweigh any disadvantages
that may result. The following are possible disadvantages of a
reverse stock split:
The reverse stock split may not increase the price of the
Companys common stock. Although the Board
of Directors expects that a reverse stock split will result in
an increase in the price of the Companys common stock, the
effect of a reverse stock split cannot be predicted with
certainty. Other factors, such as the Companys financial
results, market conditions and the market perception of the
Companys business may adversely affect the stock price. As
a result, there can be no assurance that the reverse stock
split, if completed, will result in the intended benefits
described above, that the stock price will increase following
the reverse stock split or that the stock price will not
decrease in the future.
The reverse stock split may decrease the trading market for
the Companys common stock. Because the
reverse stock split will reduce the number of shares of common
stock available in the public market, the trading market for the
Companys common stock may be harmed, particularly if the
stock price does not increase as a result of the reverse stock
The reverse stock split may leave certain stockholders with
odd lots. The reverse stock split may
result in some stockholders owning odd lots of fewer
than 100 shares of the common stock. Odd lot shares may be
more difficult to sell, and brokerage commissions and other
costs of transactions in odd lots are generally somewhat higher
than the costs of transactions in round lots of even
multiples of 100 shares.
Effects of the
Reverse Stock Split
If the reverse stock split is approved and implemented, the
principal effects will be to decrease the number of outstanding
shares of the Companys common stock based on the reverse
stock split ratio selected by the Board of Directors and to
proportionately decrease the number of authorized shares of the
common stock. As of December 31, 2008, approximately
370 million shares of common stock were issued and
outstanding. Based on this number of shares issued and
outstanding and, for illustrative purposes only, assuming a
reverse split ratio of
the Company would have approximately 37 million shares
outstanding immediately following the completion of the reverse
stock split (without giving effect to the treatment of
fractional shares discussed below).
The reverse stock split will not affect the registration of the
common stock under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended (the Exchange Act) or the listing of the
common stock on the NYSE. Following the reverse stock split, the
common stock will continue to be listed on the NYSE under the
symbol UIS, although it will be considered a new
listing with a new CUSIP number.
Proportionate voting rights and other rights of the holders of
the common stock will not be affected by the reverse stock
split, other than as a result of the treatment of fractional
shares as described below. Except for stockholders who are
cashed out as a result of holding fractional shares and the
adjustments that may result from the treatment of fractional
shares discussed below, the number of stockholders of record
will not be affected by the reverse stock split and each
stockholder will hold the same percentage of common stock
immediately following the reverse stock split as such
stockholder held immediately prior to the reverse stock split.
of Reverse Stock Split
The reverse stock split, if approved by stockholders, would
become effective upon the filing and effectiveness (the
Effective Time) of a Certificate of Amendment to the
Companys Restated Certificate of Incorporation with the
Secretary of State of the State of Delaware. It is expected that
this filing will take place promptly following the annual
meeting, assuming the stockholders approve the amendment.
However, the exact timing of the filing of the amendment will be
determined by the Board of Directors based on its evaluation as
to when such action will be the most advantageous to the Company
and its stockholders. If the Board fails to implement the
reverse stock split by next years annual meeting,
stockholder approval would be required again prior to
implementing any reverse stock split. In addition, the Board
reserves the right, notwithstanding stockholder approval and
without further action by the stockholders, to elect not to
proceed with the reverse stock split if, at any time prior to
filing the Certificate of Amendment, the Board, in its sole
discretion, determines that it is no longer in the
Companys best interests and the best interests of its
stockholders to proceed with the reverse stock split.
Effect on the
Companys Stock Plans
As shown on the table on page 22, as of December 31,
2008, approximately 42 million shares were issuable upon
the exercise of outstanding stock options and upon the vesting
of outstanding restricted stock units, and approximately
24.5 million additional shares were reserved and available
for issuance pursuant to future awards under the Companys
stock incentive plans. Under these plans, the number of shares
reserved and available for issuance and the number, exercise
price, grant price or purchase price of shares subject to
outstanding awards will be proportionately adjusted based on the
reverse split ratio selected by the Board of Directors if the
reverse stock split
is effected. As a result, using the above data as of
December 31, 2008 and assuming for illustrative purposes
only that a
reverse stock split is effected, the number of shares issuable
upon exercise or vesting of outstanding awards would be adjusted
from 42 million to 4.2 million, and the
24.5 million shares that were available for future issuance
under the stock plans would be adjusted to 2.45 million
shares (subject to increase as and when awards made under the
stock plans expire or are forfeited and are returned in
accordance with the terms of the plans). For individual holders,
the number of shares subject to outstanding awards would be
reduced by a factor of 10 and, in the case of outstanding stock
options, the exercise price per share would be increased by a
multiple of 10, such that upon an exercise, the aggregate
exercise price payable by the optionee to the Company would
remain the same. For example, an outstanding stock option for
5,000 shares of common stock, exercisable at $1.00 per
share, would be adjusted as a result of a
split ratio into an option exercisable for 500 shares of
common stock at an exercise price of $10.00 per share.
Effect on
Authorized but Unissued Shares of Common Stock
Currently, the Company is authorized to issue up to a total of
760,000,000 shares, comprising 720,000,000 shares of
common stock and 40,000,000 shares of preferred stock.
Concurrently with the reverse stock split, the Company intends
to decrease its authorized shares of common stock by the same
ratio as the reverse stock split (rounded to the nearest whole
number). For example, assuming for illustrative purposes only a
reverse stock split, the number of authorized shares of common
stock would be decreased to 72 million. The number of
authorized shares of preferred stock will not change.
The Company does not currently intend to issue fractional shares
in connection with the reverse stock split. Stockholders who
would otherwise hold fractional shares because the number of
shares of common stock they hold before the reverse stock split
is not evenly divisible by the split ratio ultimately selected
by the Board of Directors will receive cash (without interest)
in lieu of such fractional shares in an amount equal to the
proceeds attributable to the sale of such fractional shares
following the aggregation and sale by the Companys
transfer agent of all fractional shares otherwise issuable.
Stockholders who own their shares in certificate form will
receive such cash payment in lieu of fractional shares following
the surrender of their pre-split certificates for post-split
shares. The ownership of a fractional share interest will not
give the holder any voting, dividend or other rights, except to
receive the above-described cash payment. Unisys will be
responsible for any brokerage fees or commissions related to the
transfer agents selling in the open market shares that
would otherwise be fractional shares.
Stockholders should be aware that, under the escheat laws of
various jurisdictions, sums due for fractional interests that
are not timely claimed after the Effective Time may be required
to be paid to the designated agent for each such jurisdiction,
unless correspondence has been received by the Company or the
transfer agent concerning ownership of such funds within the
time permitted in such jurisdiction. Thereafter, if applicable,
stockholders otherwise entitled to receive such funds, but who
do not receive them, will have to seek to obtain such funds
directly from the state to which they were paid.
Effect on
Par Value
The proposed amendments to the Companys Restated
Certificate of Incorporation will not affect the par value of
the common stock, which will remain at $.01 per share.
Reduction In
Stated Capital
As a result of the reverse stock split, upon the Effective Time,
the stated capital on the Companys balance sheet
attributable to the common stock, which consists of the par
value per share of the common stock multiplied by the aggregate
number of shares of the common stock issued and outstanding,
will be reduced in proportion to the size of the reverse stock
split. Correspondingly, the Companys additional paid-in
capital account, which consists of the difference between the
Companys stated capital and the aggregate amount paid to
the Company upon issuance of all currently outstanding shares of
the common stock, will be credited with the amount by which the
stated capital is reduced. The Companys stockholders
equity, in the aggregate, will remain unchanged.
No Going
Private Transaction
Notwithstanding the decrease in the number of outstanding shares
following the proposed reverse stock split, the Board of
Directors does not intend for this transaction to be the first
step in a going private transaction within the
meaning of
Rule 13e-3
of the Exchange Act.
Effect on
Registered and Beneficial Holders
If the reverse stock split is effected, the Company intends to
treat beneficial holders (i.e., stockholders who hold
their shares in street name through a bank, broker
or other nominee) in the same manner as registered stockholders
whose shares are registered in their names. Banks, brokers or
other nominees will be instructed to effect the reverse stock
split for their beneficial holders holding shares in
street name. However, these banks, brokers or other
nominees may have their own procedures for processing the
reverse stock split. Stockholders who hold shares with a bank,
broker or other nominee and have questions in this regard are
encouraged to contact their bank, broker or other nominee.
Effect on
Registered Book-Entry Holders
The Companys registered stockholders may hold some or all
of their shares electronically in book-entry form under the
direct registration system for securities. These stockholders
will not have stock certificates evidencing their ownership of
the Companys common stock. They are, however, provided
with a statement reflecting the number of shares registered in
their accounts.
If you hold shares in a book-entry form, you do not need to take
any action to receive your post-split shares or your cash
payment in lieu of any fractional share interest, if applicable.
If you are entitled to post-split shares, a transaction
statement will automatically be sent to your address of record
indicating the number of shares you hold.
If you are entitled to a payment in lieu of any fractional share
interest, a check will be mailed to you at your registered
address as soon as practicable after the Companys transfer
agent completes the aggregation and sale described above in
Fractional Shares. By signing and cashing this
check, you will warrant that you owned the shares for which you
received a cash payment.
Effect on
holders of Registered Certificated Shares
Some registered stockholders hold their shares of Unisys common
stock in certificate form or a combination of certificate and
book-entry form. If any of your shares are held in certificate
form, you will receive a transmittal letter from the
Companys transfer agent as soon as practicable after the
effective date of the reverse stock split. The transmittal
letter will contain instructions on how to
surrender your certificate(s) representing your pre-split shares
to the transfer agent. Upon receipt of your properly completed
and executed letter of transmittal and your stock
certificate(s), you will be issued the appropriate number of
shares electronically in book-entry form under the direct
registration system. This means that, instead of receiving a new
stock certificate, you will receive a direct registration
statement that indicates the number of post-split shares you own
in book-entry form. At any time after receipt of your direct
registration statement, you may request a stock certificate
representing your post-split ownership interest. If you are
entitled to a payment in lieu of any fractional share interest,
payment will be made as described above under Fractional
No new shares in book-entry form will be issued and no payment
in lieu of any fractional share interest will be made to you
until you surrender your outstanding certificate(s), together
with the properly completed and executed letter of transmittal,
to the transfer agent.
No Appraisal
Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, the Companys
stockholders are not entitled to dissenters rights or
appraisal rights with respect to the reverse stock split
described in this proposal.
Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Reverse Stock
The following is a general summary of certain U.S. federal
income tax consequences of the reverse stock split that may be
relevant to stockholders. This summary is based upon the
provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
Internal Revenue Code), Treasury regulations
promulgated thereunder, published administrative rulings and
judicial decisions as of the date hereof, all of which may
change, possibly with retroactive effect, resulting in
U.S. federal income tax consequences that may differ from
those discussed below. This summary does not purport to be
complete and does not address all aspects of federal income
taxation that may be relevant to stockholders in light of their
particular circumstances or to stockholders that may be subject
to special tax rules, including, without limitation:
(i) stockholders subject to the alternative minimum tax;
(ii) banks, insurance companies, or other financial
institutions; (iii) tax-exempt organizations;
(iv) dealers in securities or commodities;
(v) regulated investment companies or real estate
investment trusts; (vi) partnerships (or other flow-through
entities for U.S. federal income tax purposes and their
partners or members); (vii) traders in securities that
elect to use a mark-to-market method of accounting for their
securities holdings; (viii) foreign stockholders or
U.S. stockholders whose functional currency is
not the U.S. dollar; (ix) persons holding the common
stock as a position in a hedging transaction,
straddle, conversion transaction or
other risk reduction transaction; (x) persons who acquire
shares of the common stock in connection with employment or
other performance of services; (xi) dealers and other
stockholders that do not own their shares of common stock as
capital assets; or (xii) U.S. expatriates. In
addition, this summary does not address the tax consequences
arising under the laws of any foreign, state or local
jurisdiction and U.S. federal tax consequences other than
federal income taxation. If a partnership (including any entity
or arrangement treated as a partnership for U.S. federal
income tax purposes) holds shares of the common stock, the tax
treatment of a partner in the partnership generally will depend
upon the status of the partner and the activities of the
The Company has not sought, and will not seek, an opinion of
counsel or a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) regarding the United States federal income tax
consequences of
the reverse stock split and there can be no assurance the IRS
will not challenge the statements and conclusions set forth
below or that a court would not sustain any such challenge. EACH
The reverse stock split should constitute a
recapitalization for U.S. federal income tax
purposes. As a result, a stockholder generally should not
recognize gain or loss upon the reverse stock split, except with
respect to cash received in lieu of a fractional share of the
common stock, as discussed below. A stockholders aggregate
tax basis in the shares of the common stock received pursuant to
the reverse stock split should equal the aggregate tax basis of
the shares of the common stock surrendered (excluding any
portion of such basis that is allocated to any fractional share
of the common stock), and such stockholders holding period
(i.e., acquired date) in the shares of the common stock
received should include the holding period in the shares of the
common stock surrendered. Treasury regulations promulgated under
the Internal Revenue Code provide detailed rules for allocating
the tax basis and holding period of the shares of the common
stock surrendered to the shares of the common stock received
pursuant to the reverse stock split. Stockholders who acquired
their shares of common stock on different dates and at different
prices should consult their tax advisors regarding the
allocation of the tax basis and holding period of such shares.
A stockholder who receives cash in lieu of a fractional share of
the common stock pursuant to the reverse stock split generally
should recognize capital gain or loss in an amount equal to the
difference between the amount of cash received and the
holders tax basis in the shares of the common stock
surrendered that is allocated to such fractional share of the
common stock. Such capital gain or loss should be long term
capital gain or loss if the holders holding period for the
common stock surrendered exceeded one year at the Effective Time.
Information Reporting and Backup
Withholding. Information returns generally will
be required to be filed with the IRS with respect to the receipt
of cash in lieu of a fractional share of the common stock
pursuant to the reverse stock split. In addition, stockholders
may be subject to a backup withholding tax (at the current
applicable rate of 28%) on the payment of such cash if they do
not provide their taxpayer identification numbers in the manner
required or otherwise fail to comply with applicable backup
withholding tax rules. Backup withholding is not an additional
tax. Any amounts withheld under the backup withholding rules may
be refunded or allowed as a credit against the
stockholders federal income tax liability, if any,
provided the required information is timely furnished to the IRS.
The following table sets forth information as of
December 31, 2008 with respect to compensation plans under
which Unisys common stock is authorized for issuance.
Number of securities
Number of securities
remaining available for
to be issued
future issuance under
upon exercise of
exercise price of
equity compensation plans
outstanding options,
outstanding options,
(excluding securities
warrants and rights
warrants and rights
reflected in column (a))
Plan category
Equity compensation
plans approved by
29.073 million
security holders
7.762 million
Equity compensation
plans not approved
5.067 million
by security
0.133 million
42.035 million
24.505 million
Represents stock options.
Represents restricted share units
and stock units. Assumes that performance-based restricted stock
units will vest at target.
6.317 million shares are
issuable under the Unisys Corporation 2003 Long-Term Incentive
and Equity Compensation Plan (the 2003 Plan) and
18.188 million shares are issuable under the Unisys
Corporation 2007 Long-Term Incentive and Equity Compensation
Plan (the 2007 Plan). Assumes that outstanding
performance-based restricted stock units will vest at target.
Comprises the Unisys Corporation
Director Stock Unit Plan (the Stock Unit Plan) and
the 2002 Stock Option Plan (the 2002 Plan). Under
the Stock Unit Plan, directors received a portion of their
annual retainers and attendance fees in common stock equivalent
units. The Stock Unit Plan was terminated in 2004, and stock
units are now granted to directors under either the 2003 Plan or
the 2007 Plan, both of which were approved by stockholders.
Under the 2002 Plan, stock options could be granted to key
employees other than elected officers to purchase the
Companys common stock at no less than 100% of fair market
value at the date of grant. Options generally had a maximum
duration of ten years and were exercisable in four equal annual
installments beginning one year after the date of grant. The
2002 Plan was replaced by the 2003 Plan in 2003. No further
awards will be made under either the Stock Unit Plan or the 2002
Plan, and no shares (other than shares subject to outstanding
options and other awards previously made) are available for
future issuance under either plan.
Represents options granted under
the 2002 Plan.
Represents stock units granted
under the Stock Unit Plan.
Shown below is information with respect to persons or groups
that beneficially own more than 5% of Unisys common stock. This
information is derived from Schedules 13D and 13G filed by such
persons or groups.
Name and Address of
Number of Shares
Beneficial Owner
of Common Stock
of Class
Brandes Investment Partners, L.P.
Brandes Investment Partners, Inc.
Brandes Worldwide Holdings, L.P.
Charles H. Brandes
Glenn R. Carlson
Jeffrey A. Busby
11988 El Camino Real,
Suite 500
San Diego, CA 92130
Joseph L. Harrosh
P.O. Box 6009
Fremont, CA 94538
MMI Investments, L.P.
MCM Capital Management, LLC
Clay B. Lifflander
1370 Avenue of the Americas
New York,
NY 10019
Steel Partners II, L.P.
Steel Partners LLC
WebFinancial L.P.
Warren G. Lichtenstein
500 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Steel Partners II Master Fund L.P.
c/o Morgan
Stanley Fund Services (Cayman) Ltd.
Cricket Square, 2d Floor, Boundary Hall
Hutchins Drive
P.O. Box 2681
Grand Cayman KY1-1111
Cayman Islands
Shared dispositive power has been
reported for 28,814,519 shares. Shared voting power has
been reported for 22,637,034 shares.
Sole dispositive and sole voting
power have been reported for all shares.
According to an amendment to
Schedule 13D filed with the SEC on November 10, 2008,
neither MCM Capital Management, LLC (MCM) nor
Mr. Lifflander directly owns any shares of Unisys common
stock. However, by virtue of being the general partner of MMI
Investments, L.P. (MMI), MCM may be deemed to be the
beneficial owner of the shares owned by MMI and to have sole
power over the voting and disposition of such shares as a result
of its having the sole power to make voting and disposition
decisions on behalf of MMI with respect to the shares held by
MMI. Furthermore, as a member of a group for
purposes of
Rule 13d-5(b)(1)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
Mr. Lifflander may be deemed to beneficially own the shares
owned by MMI. Mr. Lifflander has disclaimed beneficial
ownership of such shares.
Shown below are the number of shares of Unisys common stock (or
stock units) beneficially owned as of February 28, 2009 by
all directors and nominees, each of the executive officers named
on page 33, and all directors and current officers of
Unisys as a group.
Additional Shares of
Number of Shares
Common Stock Deemed
Beneficial Owner
of Common Stock (1)(2)(3)
Beneficially Owned(1)(4)
Percent of Class(2)
J.P. Bolduc
J. Edward Coleman
Craig A. Conway
Anthony P. Doye
James J. Duderstadt
Henry C. Duques
Matthew J. Espe
Denise K. Fletcher
Janet B. Haugen
Edwin A. Huston
Clayton M. Jones
Leslie F. Kenne
Clay B. Lifflander
Richard C. Marcello
Theodore E. Martin
Joseph W. McGrath
Charles B. McQuade
Nancy S. Sundheim
All directors and current officers as a group
Less than 1%
Includes shares reported by
directors and officers as held directly or in the names of
spouses, children or trusts as to which beneficial ownership may
have been disclaimed.
According to a Form 4 filed
with the SEC on November 21, 2008, all
24,572,000 shares shown for Mr. Lifflander are owned
directly by MMI Investments, L.P., the general partner of which,
MCM Capital Management, LLC (MCM), owns, indirectly
as such general partner, its proportionate interest of these
shares. Mr. Lifflander is a Voting Member and President of
MCM. Mr. Lifflander and MCM have disclaimed beneficial
ownership of such shares except to the extent of their
respective pecuniary interests therein. Mr. Lifflander has
informed the Company that the shares owned by MMI Investments,
L.P. are held in marginable accounts. If the shares with respect
to which Mr. Lifflander has disclaimed beneficial ownership
were excluded, the amounts shown in the table for all directors
and current officers as a group would be as follows: Number of
Shares of Common Stock 1,257,876; Additional Shares
of Common Stock Deemed Beneficially Owned
2,590,667; Percent of Class less than 1%.
Shares held under the Unisys
Savings Plan, a qualified plan under Sections 401(a) and
401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code, as follows:
Ms. Haugen, 15,385; Mr. McGrath, 4,590;
Ms. Sundheim, 7,169; current officers as a group, 41,904.
With respect to such shares, plan participants have authority to
direct voting.
Stock units, as described on
page 46, for directors as follows: Mr. Bolduc, 27,029;
Dr. Duderstadt, 26,342; Mr. Duques, 76,557;
Mr. Espe, 6,323; Ms. Fletcher, 13,943;
Mr. Huston, 30,078; Mr. Jones, 7,298; Mr. Martin,
87,728 and Mr. McQuade, 10,819. They may not be voted.
Shares shown are shares subject to
options exercisable within 60 days following
February 28, 2009.
Discussion and Analysis
The Companys executive compensation program is based upon
the following objectives:
attract, retain and motivate executives responsible for the
Companys long-term success;
reward executives for achieving both financial and strategic
Company goals;
align executive and stockholder interests through long-term,
equity-based plans; and
provide a compensation package that recognizes individual
contributions as well as overall business results.
Given these objectives, the Companys executive
compensation program is designed to provide a mix of fixed
compensation and at-risk compensation that is heavily weighted
towards variable compensation tied to the achievement of
specific business objectives and corporate financial goals (both
short-term and long-term), as well as to the attainment of the
executives individual performance objectives. To that end,
the principal components of executive officer compensation are:
base salary;
annual cash incentives tied to annual corporate and individual
performance; and
long-term incentives in the form of restricted stock units,
stock options
and/or other
stock-based awards.
In addition, executive officers receive other benefits that the
Company believes are reasonable and consistent with its overall
compensation program. These include supplemental retirement
programs and executive perquisites.
Each of the three principal elements of the Companys
executive compensation program is essential to meeting the
programs overall objectives, and most of the compensation
components simultaneously fulfill one or more of these
objectives. Base salaries, which are the only fixed component of
compensation, are used primarily to attract and retain
executives responsible for the Companys long-term success.
Annual cash incentive compensation is at-risk
compensation designed both to reward executives for the
achievement of short-term corporate and individual goals and to
attract and retain executives. Long-term incentive compensation
is intended to align executive and stockholder interests, to
motivate and reward executives for long-term business success
and to attract and retain executives responsible for this
long-term success.
The Company has not adopted a formula to allocate total
compensation among its various components. As a general matter,
total target compensation, as well as each element of total
target compensation, is intended to be consistent with the
median for the companies against which Unisys benchmarks the
compensation it pays to its executive officers. However, the
Company incorporates flexibility into its compensation programs
and into the assessment process to respond to and adjust for the
changing business environment and to emphasize, as needed, one
or more of its compensation objectives.
The Companys executive compensation program takes into
account the compensation practices of companies with which
Unisys competes or could compete for executive talent. In its
general review of the Companys executive compensation
program in 2008, the Compensation Committee compared the
Companys overall compensation practices (types of
compensation paid, mix of variable and fixed compensation, mix
of cash and equity-based compensation and the like) with the
compensation practices of the 36 High Technology companies in
the Towers Perrin TriComp survey that are principally in the
businesses of systems integration and consulting, information
technology outsourcing, infrastructure services and hardware
The committee then, in setting compensation levels for the
Companys executive officers, reviewed the officers
total annual compensation, as well as each component of their
total compensation, against the median compensation levels for
persons holding comparable positions at a subset of the High
Technology companies in the Towers Perrin TriComp survey. The
companies included in this subset, which have revenue levels
more similar to the Companys, were:
Advanced Micro Devices
Agilent Technologies
Applied Materials
Lexmark International
National Semiconductor
Nortel Networks
Seagate Technology
Sun Microsystems
Texas Instruments
As a general proposition, total target compensation, as well as
each element of total target compensation, for the
Companys executive officers is intended to be consistent
with the median for this smaller group of benchmark companies.
However, because the Compensation Committee also takes into
consideration both individual and corporate performance, as well
as a subjective assessment of the relative complexity and
strategic importance of any particular position held, any given
executive can be compensated at, above or below the median
benchmark levels. For 2008, base salaries and annual incentive
targets were generally in line with the benchmark companies. For
the reasons set forth below, long-term incentive targets were
below the benchmark levels, and, as a result, total target
compensation was below competitive levels.
Role of
Compensation Consultants and Management
To assist in carrying out its responsibilities, the Compensation
Committee regularly consults with the committees outside
compensation consultant. Under its charter, the Compensation
Committee has sole authority to retain and terminate outside
compensation consultants, including sole authority to approve
the consultants fees and other retention terms. In
December 2007, the Compensation Committee engaged Watson Wyatt
to act as its outside compensation consultant. As the
committees outside compensation consultant, Watson Wyatt
performed such duties as were requested by the committee. Those
duties consisted primarily of providing market data and advice
to the committee that were used to determine executive and
director compensation, particularly analyses of the
Companys executive and director compensation in comparison
to the benchmark companies. Watson Wyatt spoke with the chairman
of the Compensation Committee, as well as with management, in
preparing for committee meetings, regularly attended committee
meetings and frequently met in executive session with the
Compensation Committee without the presence of management.
The Compensation Committee also receives reports and
recommendations from management. In particular, the committee
solicits input from the chief executive officer regarding the
compensation of those executives reporting directly to him. In
connection with these recommendations, the chief executive
officer consults with the Companys head of human resources
and senior executive compensation staff and meets periodically
with the Compensation Committees outside compensation
consultant to review the benchmark data. In addition, the chief
executive officer provides recommendations, based on the
Companys operating and strategic plans, to the
Compensation Committee related to the corporate performance
measures used in the Companys annual and long-term
incentive plans, as well as the recommended threshold, target
and maximum performance levels. In connection with these
recommendations, the chief executive officer consults with the
Companys chief financial officer. Although the chief
executive officer regularly attends Compensation Committee
meetings, his compensation package is considered by the
committee in an executive session without him present, using
data, analysis and advice provided by the outside compensation
consultant. The Compensation Committee also meets from time to
time in executive session with the outside compensation
consultant, but without the presence of the chief executive
officer or any other members of management, to consider, among
other things, the compensation recommendations proposed by the
chief executive officer.
Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer
Effective October 7, 2008, the Board of Directors elected
J. Edward Coleman as the Companys Chairman of the Board
and Chief Executive Officer. In connection with his election,
the Company and Mr. Coleman entered into an employment
agreement dated October 6, 2008 (and amended on
December 22, 2008 to comply with Section 409A of the
Internal Revenue Code) covering the terms and conditions of
Mr. Colemans employment. The agreement provides for a
minimum base salary of $972,000 per year, subject to periodic
review by the Board of Directors after receiving a
recommendation from the Compensation Committee. He is eligible
to receive an annual bonus award at a target bonus level of not
less than 125% of base salary. Except with respect to the first
six months of his employment, the actual bonus payable, if any,
will be determined by the Board in its sole discretion after
receiving a recommendation from the Compensation Committee and
will be based on Mr. Colemans attainment of
performance criteria to be determined annually by the Board and
the Compensation Committee. For the first six months of his
employment, Mr. Coleman is guaranteed a bonus of $607,500
if he remains employed by the Company on the applicable bonus
payment date. Pursuant to the agreement, on October 8, 2008
Mr. Coleman received a stock option grant for
1,200,000 shares of Unisys common stock and a grant of
300,000 time-based restricted stock units. The stock options are
scheduled to vest one-third per year beginning on the first
anniversary of the date of grant and expire five years from the
date of grant. The restricted stock units are scheduled to vest
one-third per year beginning on the first anniversary of the
date of grant. Pursuant to the agreement, Mr. Coleman also
received, on February 12, 2009, a grant of 900,000
performance-based restricted stock units. These restricted stock
units will vest one-third per year beginning on the first
anniversary of the date of grant if and to the extent that the
performance criteria that are established for making funding
available for the Companys Executive Variable Compensation
Plan (the EVC Plan) for each of 2009, 2010 and 2011,
respectively, are met. For 2009, the EVC Plan performance
criteria are based 50% on pre-tax profit and 50% on cash flow.
The EVC Plan is discussed below under Variable Annual
Incentive Compensation. Mr. Coleman is eligible to
participate in the benefit programs generally made available to
executive officers and is eligible to receive stock option and
other long-term incentive awards under the companys
long-term incentive plans. For so long as
Mr. Colemans primary residence is not in the
metropolitan area, he will be provided with the use of a
company-paid apartment in the Philadelphia metropolitan area for
business purposes, the annual expense of which will be approved
annually by the Compensation Committee.
In setting the compensation provided for in
Mr. Colemans agreement, the Board, in consultation
with Watson Wyatt, considered both competitive market practices
and the challenges facing the Company. Accordingly, salary and
target bonus were set near the median for the benchmark
companies. The stock options, time-based restricted stock units
and performance-based restricted stock units were intended to
align Mr. Colemans interests with those of
stockholders and to provide incentives for him to lead the
Company to achieve its performance objectives.
Components of Executive Officer Compensation
As set forth above, the principal elements of the Companys
executive compensation program consist of base salary, annual
variable cash incentives and long-term incentive compensation.
Base salaries for elected officers are initially determined by
evaluating the responsibilities of the position held and the
experience of the individual and comparing such salaries to the
benchmark compensation data. Thereafter, increases in salary can
be based on the Compensation Committees evaluation of any
number of factors, including the individuals level of
responsibility, individual performance, pay levels of both the
executive in question and other similarly situated executives
and the benchmark compensation data. In February 2008, when it
conducted its review of executive compensation, the Compensation
Committee considered primarily the relationship of executive
compensation at the Company to the benchmark compensation data.
The committee noted that there had been no salary increases for
the Companys elected officers for two years (except for
increases related to the discontinuation of certain executive
perquisites) and that inflation had increased by more than 6%
during that period. The committee approved a 3.8% salary
increase for elected officers, other than Mr. McGrath. The
amount of the increase and the resultant new base salaries for
Named Officers listed in the Summary Compensation Table on
page 33 were as follows:
Previous Base Salary
Amount of Increase
New Base Salary
Joseph W. McGrath
Janet B. Haugen
Anthony P. Doye
Richard C. Marcello
Nancy S. Sundheim
Following these increases, base salaries for the elected
officers remain in line with the median for the benchmark
Variable Annual
Incentive Compensation
During 2008, all of the Companys elected officers were
eligible to receive annual cash incentive compensation through
the EVC Plan. Compensation under the EVC Plan is
at-risk compensation intended to motivate and reward
executives for the attainment of corporate
individual performance goals for the year. Under the plan, the
Compensation Committee has the discretion to determine the
conditions (including performance objectives) applicable to
annual award payments and the amounts of such awards. The amount
of incentive compensation awards payable under the plan depends
upon (1) a participants target annual incentive,
(2) the amount of
funding the Company makes available for the plan and
(3) individual performance. Individual targets for elected
officers are approved by the committee and are intended to be
competitive in the market for which the Company competes for
talent. They are therefore set at or around the median for
comparable positions at the benchmark companies. For 2008,
target award amounts, which are typically stated as a percentage
of base salary, were as follows for the following Named
Officers: Joseph W. McGrath 125%; Janet B.
Haugen 90%; Anthony P. Doye 95%; Richard
C. Marcello 95%; Nancy S. Sundheim 75%.
The extent to which the Company makes funding available for the
EVC Plan depends upon the degree to which the Company achieves
performance targets approved by the Compensation Committee at
the beginning of each year. For 2008, the committee determined
that awards under the plan would be funded if the Company met
certain revenue growth and pre-tax profit (exclusive of gain or
loss from divestitures, restructuring charges and
retirement-related expense) performance targets. Each target was
weighted 50%. Both the revenue growth and the pre-tax profit
targets were based on the Companys Board-approved
operating plan, which outlooks the Companys anticipated
results for the year. Target levels (those that would result in
funding at 100% if achieved) were the same as the forecasted
amounts in the operating plan. The committee also set threshold
and maximum performance levels for each criterion, which would
result in funding at 50% and 150% of target, respectively, if
achieved. No funding would be provided by the Company in respect
of a criterion if performance was below the threshold level. In
addition, the committee determined that if pre-tax profit at the
target level was not achieved, all funding for the year would be
reduced by 50%. Both the pre-tax profit and the revenue growth
goals were subject to adjustment by the chief executive officer
and the Compensation Committee for one-time and extraordinary
items. Assuming available funding, the amount of awards granted
to individual executives would then depend upon individual
performance and could range from 0% to 150% of the
individuals proportionate share of the amount funded.
For 2008, both revenue growth and pre-tax profit were below
threshold levels. Therefore, no funds were made available in
respect of corporate performance. As a result, only those Named
Officers who had received a bonus guarantee as part of their new
hire compensation package received a payout under the EVC Plan
for 2008.
As set forth above, pursuant to his employment agreement,
Mr. Coleman was guaranteed a bonus of $607,500 for the
first six months of his employment. Accordingly, he was paid a
bonus of $303,750 in respect of the period from October 7
through December 31, 2008. In connection with their
employment by the Company in 2007, Mr. Doye and
Mr. Marcello were each guaranteed a bonus for 2008 in the
amount of $425,000 and $163,832, respectively.
Incentive Awards
Long-term incentives in the form of equity-based compensation
are intended to ensure that the Companys executives have a
continuing stake in the long-term success of the Company and to
align their interests with those of stockholders. They are also
used as a vehicle to attract, retain and motivate executives
responsible for the Companys long-term success. The
Company makes an annual long-term incentive grant to its
executives during the first quarter of the year and also may
make grants to newly hired employees in connection with their
employment. In 2008, long-term incentives generally took the
form of restricted stock unit (RSU) awards that vest
into shares of Unisys stock after certain restrictions lapse or
performance goals are met. In 2008, the Company granted stock
options only to certain newly hired employees as part of their
new hire compensation package. RSUs and stock options granted to
Mr. Coleman in 2008 were granted in connection with his
entering into the employment agreement discussed above. The
other Named Officers received
RSUs as part of the 2008 annual grant. The total number of RSUs
granted to each Named Officer in 2008 is set forth in the Grants
of Plan-Based Awards Table, under the heading Estimated
Future Payouts Under Equity-Incentive Plan Awards.
In 2008, the annual RSU grant to executives was below the median
at the benchmark companies. Even though the Company intends for
each element of executive compensation to be generally
consistent with the median, in 2008, the Company did not want to
incur the additional compensation expense that would have been
required to be recorded if RSU grants had been made at that
level. As a result, the value of the 2008 annual equity-based
grant for elected officers was at approximately 73% of the
market median for the benchmark companies.
For the 2008 annual grant, in keeping with the Companys
emphasis on tying compensation to the achievement of corporate
financial goals, 87.5% of the RSUs awarded were
performance-based (50% based on 2008 performance and 37.5% based
on a
performance period) and 12.5% were time-based.
The time-based RSUs vest into shares of Unisys common stock in
three equal annual installments beginning with the first
anniversary of the date of the grant and require that the
executive remain with the Company over this time period to
receive the shares unless the executive has met certain age and
service requirements. The performance-based RSUs granted in 2008
will be earned and vest into shares of Unisys common stock
based on the achievement of performance targets approved by the
Compensation Committee for the 2008 and
performance periods. The performance-based RSUs also require
that the executive be employed by the Company on the date of
vesting to receive the shares. The performance targets consist
of revenue growth rate and pre-tax profit (exclusive of
retirement expense, gain or loss from divestitures and
restructuring charges) goals for the relevant performance
period, and each is weighted 50%. The targets for the 2008
performance period were based on the Companys operating
plan, which outlooked the Companys anticipated results for
2008, and the targets for the
performance period were based on the operating plan as well as
the Companys strategic plan, which outlooked anticipated
results for periods subsequent to 2008. The committee
established threshold, target and maximum performance levels for
each of these two performance measures. The RSUs will be
converted into shares at rates ranging from 0.5 shares per
unit if the threshold level is met to 1.0 share per unit if
the target level is met, to 1.5 shares per unit if the
maximum level is met. No shares will be issued in respect of a
performance measure if the threshold level for that measure is
not achieved. Target revenue growth and pre-tax profit levels
are the same as those that were forecasted in the operating and
strategic plans. For the 2008 performance period, threshold and
maximum revenue growth were approximately 98% and 102% of target
revenue growth, respectively; threshold and maximum
profitability amounts were approximately 66% and 120% of target
profitability, respectively. For the
three-year performance period, threshold and maximum revenue
growth are approximately 98% and 102% of target revenue growth,
respectively; threshold and maximum profitability amounts are
approximately 73% and 120% of target profitability,
respectively. To the extent the targets for the 2008 performance
period were met, RSUs for the 2008 performance period were
scheduled to vest one-third per year beginning on
February 7, 2009. To the extent targets for the
performance period are met, RSUs for that performance period are
scheduled to vest on February 7, 2011.
For 2008, both the Companys pre-tax profit and its revenue
growth performance were below forecasted levels for the year. As
a result, with respect to performance-based RSUs granted in 2008
for the 2008 performance period, the Company did not meet the
threshold levels for either criterion. Therefore, none of the
performance-based RSUs granted in respect of the 2008
performance period will vest into shares of Unisys common stock.
Given its performance for 2008, the Company
will need to over perform against the strategic plan in the
remaining two years of the
performance period in order to achieve the cumulative revenue
profit targets set for the RSU grants made in respect of that
performance period.
Stock Ownership
Since 1998, the Company has had stock ownership guidelines in
place for elected officers in order to more closely link their
interests with those of stockholders. Under the guidelines, as
revised in 2005, elected officers are expected to own a
specified number of shares of Unisys common stock as follows:
chief executive officer 200,000 shares;
executive vice presidents 75,000 shares; senior
vice presidents 45,000 shares; vice
presidents 25,000 shares. Stock options,
including vested stock options, and restricted stock units do
not count toward fulfillment of the ownership guidelines.
Officers are expected to meet the ownership guidelines by 2010,
or within five years of election for officers elected after
2005. The Compensation Committee reviews compliance with the
guidelines on an annual basis. The number of shares owned by
each of the Named Officers is set forth in the stock ownership
table on page 24.
Stock Option/RSU
Granting Practices
As set forth above, in 2008 long-term incentives generally took
the form of RSUs, rather than stock options, and stock options
were granted only to certain newly hired employees as part of
their compensation package. Prior to 2006, the Company had
primarily granted long-term incentives in the form of stock
options. The most prevalent form of stock option grant was the
annual grant made to executives. The annual grants were approved
at a specified, regularly scheduled meeting of the Compensation
Committee early each year. Since 2000, annual stock option
grants had been approved at the February meeting; prior to 2000,
annual grants were approved at the April meeting. For grants in
the United States, the grant date was always the date of the
meeting, and the exercise price was at least 100% of the fair
market value of Unisys common stock on the date of grant. The
dates of regularly scheduled board and committee meetings are
generally determined many months in advance as part of the
normal board calendaring process.
Stock options granted as part of the hiring process have a grant
date no earlier than the date of approval, have an exercise
price at least equal to fair market value on the date of grant
and, except as noted below, are approved by the Compensation
Committee or the Board of Directors. New hire stock option
grants are typically reviewed and approved by the Compensation
Committee at its regularly scheduled meetings. For these grants,
the date of grant is the date of the meeting, if the individual
receiving the grant has already commenced employment at Unisys.
If the individual has not yet commenced employment, the date of
grant is the business day following the individuals first
day of employment. The Compensation Committee has also delegated
to the Companys chief executive officer the authority to
grant a limited number of stock options during the year to
eligible individuals (other than the chief executive officer,
his direct reports and their direct reports). The
committees delegation of authority specifies that for
these stock options the grant date will be either (1) the
first business day of the month following the date of the chief
executive officers approval, if the individual has
commenced employment at Unisys, or (2) if the individual
has not yet commenced employment, the first business day of the
month following the individuals date of hire. The chief
executive officer has no discretion with respect to choosing the
grant date, and in all cases, the date of grant occurs after the
date the grantee commences employment with Unisys.
From 2006 through 2008, long-term incentive awards primarily
took the form of RSUs. As with stock options, the principal
award was the annual grant to executives. This grant was made
during the first quarter of the year, at the time the
Compensation Committee determined the number of
units to be granted and finalized the performance criteria for
performance-based awards. As with stock options, RSUs may also
be granted as part of the hiring process. The same procedures
regarding the chief executive officers authority with
respect to, and the timing of, stock option grants to new
employees also apply to RSUs granted to new hires.
Elected officers participate in the retirement programs
discussed below under Pension Benefits and
Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation. In addition,
the Company provides death benefits to the beneficiaries of
executive officers. Perquisites provided to executive officers
include financial counseling/tax preparation services and an
annual physical.
of Executive Compensation
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code imposes a
$1 million annual limit on the amount of compensation that
may be deducted by the Company with respect to each Named
Officer employed as of the last day of the applicable year. The
limitation does not apply to compensation based on the
attainment of objective performance goals.
Both the Companys 2003 Long-Term Incentive and Equity
Compensation Plan and its 2007 Long-Term Incentive and Equity
Compensation Plan permit the Compensation Committee to design
compensation awards to Named Officers that will meet the
requirements of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue
Code. The committee may grant awards under the plans that meet
the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue
Code at such times as the committee believes that such awards
are in the best interests of the Company. The committee has
considered the impact of the deduction limitation and has
determined that it is not in the best interests of the Company
or its stockholders to base compensation solely on objective
performance criteria. Rather, the committee believes that it
should retain the flexibility to base compensation on its
subjective evaluation of performance as well as on the
attainment of objective goals.
Committee Report
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis set forth above with
management. Based on such review and discussion, the committee
recommended to the Board of Directors that the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis be included in this proxy statement.
Compensation Committee
James J. Duderstadt
Clayton M. Jones
Theodore E. Martin
Charles B. McQuade
Compensation Table
The following table sets forth information concerning the total
compensation paid to or earned by each individual who served as
chief executive officer during 2008, the chief financial officer
and the other three most highly compensated executive officers
who were serving as such as of December 31, 2008 (the
Named Officers) for services rendered in all
capacities to Unisys.
Change in
Value and
All Other
Name and
Salary (1)
Bonus (1)
Awards (2)
Awards (2)
sation (3)
Earnings (4)
sation (5)
Principal Position
J. Edward Coleman
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (6)
Joseph W. McGrath
President and Chief
Executive Officer (7)
Janet B. Haugen
Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
Anthony P. Doye
Senior Vice President; President Global Outsourcing and
Infrastructure Services
Richard C. Marcello
Senior Vice President; President Systems and Technology
Nancy S. Sundheim
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Amounts shown include compensation
deferred under the Unisys Savings Plan or a Unisys deferred
compensation plan.
Amounts shown are the amounts
recognized for financial statement reporting purposes for each
year shown in accordance with FAS 123R except that no
estimates for forfeitures in respect of service-based vesting
have been taken into account. For a discussion of the
assumptions made in such valuation, see note 17 to the
Companys 2008 financial statements. For individuals who
were not Named Officers in prior years, the amount shown does
not reflect the reversal of previously recorded compensation
expense related to performance-based restricted stock units for
which it was determined that the performance goals would not be
achieved. For more details on grants in 2008, see the Grants of
Plan-Based Awards Table below.
Amounts shown are payouts under the
Companys 2006 turnaround incentive program.
Amounts shown are the increase in
pension value only. For Ms. Haugen, there was a decrease in
pension value of $15,656 that is not reflected in the table.
Amounts shown are tax
reimbursements, premiums paid for company-owned life insurance
policies, company matching contributions under the Unisys
Savings Plan (including amounts credited by the Company to the
individuals account under the Companys deferred
compensation plan as described in Unisys Savings
Plan on page 41) and perquisites (unless the
aggregate amount of perquisites for an individual is less than
$10,000). Amounts shown for Mr. McGrath also include the
amount accrued in respect of the termination of employment
arrangement described on page 42. For 2008, amounts consist
of the following: Mr. Coleman tax
reimbursements of $9,250, company matching contributions under
the Unisys Savings Plan of $9,902 and perquisites of $17,878,
which consist of use of a company-paid apartment, personal use
of company aircraft and commuting expense;
Mr. McGrath accrued termination payments of
$1,944,626, tax reimbursements of $555, life insurance premiums
of $91,492, company matching contributions under the Unisys
Savings Plan of $58,339, and perquisites of $16,346, which
consist of financial counseling reimbursement, country club
dues, commuting expenses and executive physical;
Ms. Haugen life insurance premiums of $43,428
and company matching contributions under the Unisys Savings Plan
of $32,995; Mr. Doye tax reimbursements of
$2,214, life insurance premiums of $59,825 and company matching
contributions under the Unisys Savings Plan of $33,180;
Mr. Marcello tax reimbursements of $547, life
insurance premiums of
$39,507 and company matching
contributions under the Unisys Savings Plan of $43,107;
Ms. Sundheim life insurance premiums of $48,137
and company matching contributions under the Unisys Savings Plan
of $29,942.
Mr. Coleman became Chairman of
the Board and Chief Executive Officer on October 7, 2008.
Mr. McGrath resigned as an
officer and director of the Company effective October 7,
2008. He remained with the Company through December 31,
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
The following table sets forth information on grants of
plan-based awards during 2008 to the Named Officers.
All Other
All Other
Grant Date
Fair Value
Estimated Future Payouts
Estimated Future Payouts
Number of
Number of
or Base
of Stock
Under Non-Equity Incentive
Under Equity Incentive Plan
Shares of
Price of
Plan Awards
Stock or
J. Edward Coleman
Joseph W. McGrath
Janet B. Haugen
Anthony P. Doye
Richard C. Marcello
Nancy S. Sundheim
All awards shown above for Mr. Coleman were granted in
accordance with his employment agreement described above in
Compensation Discussion and Analysis. All such
awards were approved by the Board on October 6, 2008.
Awards shown for Mr. Coleman under All Other Stock
Awards are time-based restricted stock units granted under
the Unisys Corporation 2003 Long-Term Incentive and Equity
Compensation Plan. These awards will vest at a rate of one-third
each year beginning on the first anniversary of the date of
grant if Mr. Coleman is then employed by the Company.
Awards shown for Mr. Coleman under All Other Option
Awards are non-qualified stock options granted under the
Unisys Corporation 2007 Long-Term Incentive and Equity
Compensation Plan (the 2007 Plan). These options
will vest one-third each year beginning on the first anniversary
of the date of grant if Mr. Coleman is then employed by the
All awards shown above for the other Named Officers were granted
under the 2007 Plan. Awards shown under Estimated Future
Payouts Under Equity Incentive Plan Awards are
performance-based restricted stock units that will vest into
shares of Unisys common stock if pre-tax profit
revenue growth goals are achieved in the 2008 performance period
(in the case of the first set of numbers in each row) or in the
performance period (in the case of the second set of numbers in
each row). Performance-based units will be converted into shares
at a rate of 0 to 1.5 shares per unit depending on the
degree to which the performance goals are met. If performance
goals had been met, performance-based units granted in respect
of the 2008 performance period were scheduled to vest one-third
each year beginning on the first anniversary of the date of
grant. Because the performance goals for 2008 were not met, none
of these units will vest. If performance goals are met and if
the individual is then employed by the Company,
performance-based units granted in respect of the
performance period will vest on the third anniversary of the
date of grant. Awards shown under All Other Stock
Awards are time-based restricted stock units that will
vest at a rate of one-third each year beginning on the first
anniversary of the date of grant if the individual is then
employed by the Company or has met certain age and service
criteria. See Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
The following table shows equity awards to the Named Officers
that were outstanding as of December 31, 2008.
Stock Awards
Market or
Option Awards
Value of
Number of
Number of
Value of
Units or
Units or
Number of
Shares or
Shares or
Number of
Units of
Units of
Stock That
Stock That
Have Not
Have Not
Have Not
Have Not
J. Edward Coleman
Joseph W. McGrath
Janet B. Haugen
Anthony P. Doye
Richard C. Marcello
Nancy S. Sundheim
Awards shown are non-qualified
stock options scheduled to vest as follows if the individual is
then employed by the Company or has met certain age and service
criteria: Mr. Coleman 400,000 shares on
each of October 8, 2009, October 8, 2010 and
October 8, 2011; Mr. Marcello
16,667 shares on July 18, 2009, 16,666 shares on
July 18, 2010.
Awards shown are time-based
restricted stock units that vest on specified dates if the
individual is then employed by the Company or has met certain
age and service criteria. Awards shown are scheduled to vest as
Vesting Date
Number of Shares
J. Edward Coleman
Joseph W. McGrath
Janet B. Haugen
Anthony P. Doye
Richard C. Marcello
Nancy S. Sundheim
Market value reflects the $0.85
closing price of Unisys common stock on December 31, 2008.
Awards shown are performance-based
restricted stock units that vest if performance goals for the
relevant performance period are met and the individual is then
employed by the Company. The number of shares shown in this
column is based on achieving threshold performance goals in the
relevant performance period. Awards shown for Mr. McGrath
were cancelled on December 31, 2008. Assuming threshold
performance goals are met, the restricted stock units for the
other Named Officers are scheduled to vest as follows:
Vesting Date
Number of Shares
Janet B. Haugen
Anthony P. Doye
Richard C. Marcello
Nancy S. Sundheim
No performance-based restricted stock units scheduled to vest on
February 7, 2009 or on March 8, 2009 vested into any
shares of Unisys common stock.
Option Exercises
and Stock Vested
The following table gives information on stock option exercises
and the vesting of stock awards during 2008 for each of the
Named Officers.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Shares
Number of Shares
Value Realized
Value Realized
on Exercise
on Exercise
on Vesting
on Vesting
J. Edward Coleman
Joseph W. McGrath
Janet B. Haugen
Anthony P. Doye
Richard C. Marcello
Nancy S. Sundheim
The Companys officers participate in three pension plans
sponsored by Unisys in the United States:
Unisys Pension Plan (UPP) a qualified
defined benefit pension plan available to all
U.S. employees who met eligibility requirements by
December 31, 2006.
Unisys Corporation Supplemental Executive Retirement Income Plan
(SERIP) a nonqualified excess defined
benefit plan available to all U.S. employees who met
eligibility requirements by December 31, 2006 and whose
qualified plan benefits are limited by the Internal Revenue Code
or limited because they have deferred compensation under
non-qualified plans. The plan is designed to make up for the
benefit shortfall created by the Internal Revenue Code limits
and the non-qualified deferrals of compensation.
Unisys Corporation Elected Officer Pension Plan
(EOPP) a nonqualified defined benefit
plan available to all elected officers who met eligibility
requirements by December 31, 2006. The plan is designed to
provide a minimum target of retirement income for executives.
Effective December 31, 2006, each of these plans was frozen
and benefits thereunder ceased to accrue. No new participants
are now allowed.
The table below presents pension plan information as of
December 31, 2008 for certain of the Named Officers.
Mr. Coleman, Mr. Marcello and Mr. Doye are not
participants in any of the three pension plans as they did not
meet the eligibility requirements for any of the plans prior to
December 31, 2006.
Number of Years
Present Value of
of Credited
During Last
Plan Name
Service (#)
Benefit ($)
Fiscal Year ($)
Joseph W. McGrath
Janet B. Haugen
Nancy S. Sundheim
The present value of the accumulated benefit has been determined
assuming benefits commence as of the earliest date at which each
executive is entitled to unreduced benefits. This is generally
the later of age 62 and achievement of vesting
requirements. However, for executives who are not eligible for
unreduced benefits prior to age 65, benefits are assumed to
commence at age 65. The calculations use the same actuarial
assumptions used for financial disclosure requirements for the
pension plans, except that the calculations assume that each of
the above individuals will remain with the Company until such
retirement date and therefore do not apply any decrements in
respect of termination, disability and the like. Assumptions as
to life expectancy are based on the RP2000 Mortality Table
projected to 2010 for healthy males and females. The discount
rate used is 6.75%. Where benefits are payable as a 50%
contingent annuity without actuarial reduction, which is the
case for EOPP participants who are married, benefits have been
valued using actuarial factors assuming 80% of plan participants
are married and assuming wives are three years younger than
The following summarizes the benefits under the specific plans:
Unisys Pension
Prior to December 31, 2006, all employees of Unisys were
eligible to participate in the UPP on the January 1 or July 1
first following attainment of both age 21 and one year of
service with Unisys.
The UPP provides benefits under two benefit formulas:
1. For service beginning on or after January 1, 2003,
benefits accrue each year under a cash balance formula under
which a participants account is credited with an amount
equal to 4% of plan compensation. In addition, the account
balance is credited with interest on a monthly basis using the
annual interest rates on
Constant Maturity Treasury Notes, plus 0.25%. Generally,
participants vest in the benefit after completion of three years
of service with Unisys. The vested cash balance benefit is
available for payment following termination of employment, and
the normal form of payment is a life annuity for single
participants (the participant receives the periodic amount
during his or her lifetime, with no survivor benefit payable
after his or her death), or an actuarially reduced 50%
contingent annuity for married participants (the participant
receives a reduced periodic benefit during his or her lifetime
to reflect the survivor payments, and the participants
surviving beneficiary receives 50% of the
periodic amount the participant received). Other annuity forms
are also available on an actuarially equivalent basis. The
benefit is also available in the form of a lump sum
distribution. All Named Officers who met plan eligibility
requirements are eligible for the cash balance benefit.
2. For employees hired prior to January 1, 2003,
benefits are also based on a career pay formula. Each year, the
annual accrued benefit payable to a participant at normal
retirement date (age 65) is increased by 1% of plan
compensation, plus 0.35% of plan compensation in excess of
one-half of the average Social Security taxable wage base for
the five preceding years. Participants ultimately are eligible
for the larger of: (a) the career pay formula through the
date of termination of employment or (b) the career pay
formula accrued through December 31, 2002 plus the cash
balance benefit described above. Generally, participants vest in
the benefit after completion of three years of service with
Unisys. The vested benefit is available for payment following
termination of employment and attainment of early retirement
eligibility (age 55). The benefit is reduced by 0.5% for
each month that the benefit commences prior to age 65.
Should the employee terminate employment after attainment of
both age 55 and 20 years of service with Unisys, the
benefit is reduced by 0.5% for each month that the benefit
commences prior to age 62. The normal form of payment of
the vested career pay benefit is a life annuity for single
participants, or an actuarially reduced 50% contingent annuity
for married participants. Other annuity forms are also available
on an actuarially equivalent basis. All Named Officers who met
plan eligibility requirements are eligible for the career pay
For both formulas, plan compensation is salary, commissions,
overtime pay, paid bonus and paid accrued and unused vacation.
Compensation includes amounts deferred on a before-tax basis
under the Unisys Savings Plan. Excluded from compensation are
severance payments, supplements, compensation deferred under a
non-qualified plan and other forms of extraordinary
compensation. Plan compensation is limited by
Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code.
As of December 31, 2008, Mr. McGrath, Ms. Haugen
and Ms. Sundheim were vested in their UPP benefit and would
have been eligible to immediately receive the cash balance
portion of their benefit upon termination of employment.
Mr. McGrath and Ms. Sundheim are eligible to receive
an early retirement benefit under the career pay formula.
Although benefits ceased to accrue under the UPP effective
December 31, 2006, the cash balance accounts continue to
grow with interest credits.
Corporation Supplemental Executive Retirement Income
Prior to December 31, 2006, all employees of Unisys were
eligible to participate in the SERIP on the January 1 or July 1
first following attainment of both age 21 and one year of
service with Unisys.
The SERIP provides benefits under the same provisions as the UPP
except as follows:
Plan compensation includes compensation deferred under
non-qualified plans and is not limited by Internal Revenue Code
Section 401(a)(17).
The benefit payable under the UPP is applied as an offset to the
benefits available under the SERIP.
Benefits accrued and vested prior to January 1, 2005 are
payable at the same time and form as the UPP benefit. Benefits
accrued or vested on or after January 1, 2005 are payable
following the later of (a) termination of employment (or
six months thereafter if the individual is
among the top 50 most highly compensated officers, as defined
under Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code
(Section 409A)) or (b) attainment of
age 55. Such benefit is payable in the form of a life
annuity for single participants, or an actuarially reduced 50%
contingent annuity for married participants. No optional forms
of benefit are currently available for benefits accrued or
vested on or after January 1, 2005 under the SERIP.
As of December 31, 2008, Mr. McGrath, Ms. Haugen
and Ms. Sundheim were vested in their SERIP benefit.
Mr. McGrath, Ms. Haugen and Ms. Sundheim were
vested as of December 31, 2004 and are eligible to
immediately receive the pre-2005 cash balance portion of their
benefit upon termination of employment. Mr. McGrath and
Ms. Sundheim are also eligible to receive an early
retirement benefit.
Although benefits ceased to accrue under the SERIP effective
December 31, 2006, the cash balance accounts continue to
grow with interest credits.
The Company has established a grantor trust relating to the
SERIP. If a change in control of the Company occurs, the Company
is required to fund the trust in an amount equal to the present
value of the accrued pension benefits under the plan.
Corporation Elected Officer Pension Plan
Only elected officers of Unisys are eligible to participate in
the EOPP.
The EOPP provides a gross annual accrued benefit equal to 4% of
final average compensation for each of the first 10 years
of credited service, plus 1% of final average compensation for
each year of credited service in excess of 10 (but not in excess
of 30), minus 50% of the participants Social Security
benefit. This benefit is reduced by 0.5% for each month that the
benefit commences prior to age 62. The gross benefit is
offset by the benefits payable under both the UPP and the SERIP.
Final average compensation is the average of the highest
consecutive 60 months of plan compensation out of the last
120 months of employment, but no compensation after
December 31, 2006 is included. Plan compensation is
identical to that used for the SERIP.
Benefits accrued and vested prior to January 1, 2005 are
payable at the same time and form as the UPP benefit. Benefits
accrued or vested on or after January 1, 2005 are payable
following the later of (a) termination of employment (or
six months thereafter if the individual is among the top 50 most
highly compensated officers, as defined under Section 409A)
or (b) attainment of age 55. Such benefit is payable
in the form of a life annuity for single participants, or a 50%
contingent annuity, which is not actuarially reduced, for
married participants. No optional forms of benefit are currently
available for benefits accrued or vested on or after
January 1, 2005 under the EOPP.
Generally, benefits under the EOPP vest upon the earliest to
occur of (a) attainment of age 55 and 10 years of
service with Unisys, (b) for executives who were
participants on or after January 1, 1997 and before
July 19, 2001, attainment of age 50 and five years of
service with Unisys or (c) a change in control of Unisys.
As of December 31, 2008, Mr. McGrath, Ms. Haugen
and Ms. Sundheim were vested in their EOPP benefit.
Mr. McGrath and Ms. Sundheim were vested as of
December 31, 2004 making that portion of their benefit
payable at the same time and in the same form as the UPP
benefit. Mr. McGrath and Ms. Sundheim are also
eligible to receive an early retirement benefit.
The Company has established a grantor trust relating to the
EOPP. If a change in control of the Company occurs, the Company
is required to fund the trust in an amount equal to the present
value of the accrued pension benefits under the plan.
Unisys Savings
In conjunction with freezing the UPP, SERIP and EOPP defined
benefit plans, effective January 1, 2007, the Company
increased its matching contributions under the Unisys Savings
Plan, which is a tax-qualified defined contribution plan, to
100% of the first 6% of eligible pay contributed by participants
on a before-tax basis. If a participant was not eligible to get
the full amount of this Company matching contribution under the
Savings Plan because his or her eligible pay exceeded the annual
compensation limits for qualified plans under the Internal
Revenue Code ($230,000 in 2008), or because the participant had
deferred some compensation under the Companys
non-qualified 2005 Deferred Compensation Plan, the Company
automatically credited the participants memorandum account
under the 2005 Deferred Compensation Plan with an amount equal
to 6% of such excess or deferred eligible pay to make up for the
Company matching contributions that were not permitted under the
Savings Plan.
Effective January 1, 2009, the Company suspended matching
contributions under the Unisys Savings Plan and the credits to
the 2005 Deferred Compensation Plan referred to above.
Deferred Compensation
The table below shows unaudited information with respect to
compensation of the Named Officers that has been deferred under
a plan that is not tax-qualified. Under the Companys
non-qualified deferred compensation plans, eligible employees
may defer until a future date payment of all or any portion of
their annual salary or bonus, as well as any vested share unit
award under one of the Companys long-term incentive plans.
Amounts deferred are recorded in a memorandum account for each
participant and are credited or debited with earnings or losses
as if such amounts had been invested in one or more of the
approximately 70 professionally managed investment options
available under the Unisys Savings Plan, as selected by the
participant. Participants may change their investment options at
any time. Account balances will be paid either in a single lump
sum or in annual installments, as elected by the participant.
The memorandum accounts are not funded, and the right to receive
future payments of amounts recorded in these accounts is an
unsecured claim against the Companys general assets.
However, the Company has established a grantor trust relating to
its pre-2005 non-qualified deferred compensation plan. If a
change in control of the Company occurs, the Company is required
to fund the trust in an amount equal to the aggregate account
balances under that plan.
Balance at
Earnings in
December 31,
in 2008
in 2008
in 2008
($) (1)
($) (2)
($) (3)
J. Edward Coleman
Joseph W. McGrath
Janet B. Haugen
Anthony P. Doye
Richard C. Marcello
Nancy S. Sundheim
All amounts shown are in respect of
the 6% Company matching contribution on compensation in excess
of the Internal Revenue Code limitations, as described above
under Unisys Savings Plan. All such amounts are
reported as compensation in the Summary Compensation Table.
No amounts shown in this column are
reported in the Summary Compensation Table.
Amounts reported in this column
reflect Company matching contributions and earnings (losses) for
2008, as well as for previous years. The Summary Compensation
Table for 2007 included the following amounts in respect of
Company matching contributions in 2007 for the following Named
Officers: Mr. McGrath $44,058;
Ms. Haugen $18,325.
Payments upon Termination or Change in Control
Under the agreements and plans discussed below, the Named
Officers would be entitled to the following payments and
benefits upon termination of employment
and/or a
change in control of the Company.
The Company and Joseph W. McGrath are parties to an agreement,
dated January 2, 2008 and amended on December 30, 2008
to comply with Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code
(Section 409A), which provides certain
termination benefits to Mr. McGrath. Under the agreement,
if Mr. McGraths employment is terminated by the
Company without cause or by Mr. McGrath for good reason
(defined generally as a reduction in aggregate compensation
target, a reduction in duties or authority or removal as chief
executive officer), Mr. McGrath will be entitled to receive
an amount equal to two times (1) his base salary (at its
then current rate) plus (2) his annual bonus under the EVC
Plan (in an amount equal to the average percentage of target
bonus paid to him for the three years preceding the employment
termination date times the target bonus amount in effect on the
termination date). Subject to a six-month delay under
Section 409A if Mr. McGrath is among the top 50 most
highly compensated officers, this termination payment is to be
paid in a lump sum in cash within 30 days of the date of
termination. Mr. McGrath and his eligible dependents will
also be entitled to receive medical and dental coverage, at the
same premium rates charged to active employees, for up to two
years following termination of employment. To receive health
coverage, Mr. McGrath will be required to pay the full
premium charged for the coverage. The Company will then
reimburse him the amount of the premium that exceeds the amount
he would have paid as an employee, plus a tax
gross-up on
that amount. Mr. McGrath will cease to be entitled to these
health coverage payments if he becomes employed with another
employer during such two-year period. The agreement includes
non-compete, non-solicitation and non-disparagement provisions
effective for 12 months from the date of termination of
employment. In the event Mr. McGrath breaches any of these
provisions, the Company will have the right to terminate any
termination payments due to him. Mr. McGraths
employment terminated on December 31, 2008. As a result, he
will be entitled to receive a termination payment under the
agreement in the amount of $1,944,626. Total amounts payable to
Mr. McGrath in respect of medical and dental coverage for
two years would be approximately $42,570.
As described above in Compensation Discussion and
Analysis the Company and J. Edward Coleman are parties to
an employment agreement covering the terms and conditions of
Mr. Colemans employment as Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer. The employment agreement also provides
certain termination benefits to Mr. Coleman. Under the
agreement, if Mr. Colemans employment is terminated
by the Company without cause or by Mr. Coleman for good
reason (defined generally as a reduction in aggregate
compensation target, a reduction in duties or authority or
removal as chairman and chief executive officer),
Mr. Coleman will be entitled to receive an amount equal to
two times (1) his base salary (at its then current rate)
plus (2) his annual bonus (in an amount equal to the
average percentage of target bonus paid to him for the three
years preceding the employment termination date times the target
bonus amount in effect on the termination date). Subject to a
six-month delay under Section 409A if Mr. Coleman is
among the top 50 most highly compensated officers, this
termination payment is to be paid in a lump sum in cash within
30 days of the date of termination. Mr. Coleman and
his eligible dependents will also be entitled to receive medical
and dental coverage, at the same premium rates charged to active
employees, for up to two years following termination of
employment. To receive health coverage, Mr. Coleman will be
required to pay the full premium charged for the coverage. The
Company will
then reimburse him the amount of the premium that exceeds the
amount he would have paid as an employee, plus a tax
gross-up on
that amount. Mr. Coleman will cease to be entitled to these
health coverage payments if he becomes employed with another
employer during such two-year period. In the event
Mr. Colemans employment is terminated by reason of
disability or death, all compensation and benefits under the
agreement will terminate, except that he or his estate will
receive benefits under the retirement, welfare, incentive,
fringe and perquisite programs generally available to executive
officers upon disability or death. If Mr. Colemans
employment is terminated for cause or by Mr. Coleman for
other than good reason, he will be entitled only to the benefits
provided to the companys executive employees upon a
similar termination of employment. The agreement includes
non-compete, non-solicitation and non-disparagement provisions
effective for 12 months from the date of termination of
employment. In the event Mr. Coleman breaches any of these
provisions, the Company will have the right to terminate any
termination payments due to him, and Mr. Coleman must repay
any termination payments made to him upon termination of his
employment without cause or for good reason. If
Mr. Colemans employment had terminated on the last
business day of 2008 under circumstances entitling him to the
payments described above, he would have been entitled to receive
a termination payment of $4,374,000. Total amounts payable to
Mr. Coleman in respect of medical and dental coverage for
two years would be approximately $42,000. Mr. Coleman is
also party to a change in control agreement with the Company, as
described below. He is not entitled to receive duplicate
payments under the change in control agreement and the above
agreement. In the event of a conflict, Mr. Coleman will be
entitled to benefits under the change in control agreement
unless the change in control agreement provides for the payment
of benefits under the employment agreement.
Under the terms of his November 2007 new-hire employment
arrangement, Anthony P. Doye is entitled to receive continued
payment of base salary plus continuation of medical and dental
benefits for six months if his employment is terminated by the
Company without cause within 24 months of his hire date. If
Mr. Doyes employment had been terminated at
December 31, 2008 without cause, these would have had a
value of $259,502 and $10,229, respectively.
Change in
Control Agreements
The Company has entered into change in control employment
agreements with its elected officers. The agreements are
intended to retain the services of these executives and provide
for continuity of management in the event of any actual or
threatened change in control. A change in control is generally
defined as (1) the acquisition of 20% or more of Unisys
common stock, (2) a change in the majority of the Board of
Directors unless approved by the incumbent directors (other than
as a result of a contested election) and (3) certain
reorganizations, mergers, consolidations, liquidations or
dissolutions. Each agreement has a term ending on the third
anniversary of the date of the change in control and provides
that in the event of a change in control each executive will
have specific rights and receive certain benefits. Those
benefits include the right to continue in the Companys
employ during the term, performing comparable duties to those
being performed immediately prior to the change in control and
at compensation and benefit levels that are at least equal to
the compensation and benefit levels in effect immediately prior
to the change in control. For purposes of determining
compensation levels, base salary must be at least equal to the
highest salary paid or payable to the executive during the
12 months preceding the change in control, and bonus must
be at least equal to the highest bonus paid or payable to the
executive under the EVC Plan (or any comparable bonus or
retention amount under any predecessor or successor plan or
retention agreement) for the three fiscal years preceding the
change in control (the Recent Annual Bonus).
If, following a change in control, the Company terminates the
executive without cause or the executive terminates employment
for good reason (generally defined as a reduction in the
executives compensation or responsibilities or a change in
the executives job location), or if the executive
voluntarily terminates employment for any reason during the
period following the first anniversary of the date of the change
in control, the terminated executive will be entitled to receive
special termination benefits. For officers other than
Mr. Coleman, these benefits are as follows: (1) a
pro-rated bonus for the year in which the termination occurs
(based on the higher of (a) the Recent Annual Bonus and
(b) the annual bonus paid or payable for the most recent
fiscal year during the term of the agreement (such higher
amount, the Highest Annual Bonus)), (2) a lump
sum payment equal to three years base salary and bonus (based on
the highest salary paid or payable during the term of the
agreement and the Highest Annual Bonus), (3) a lump sum
payment equal to the excess of the actuarial value of the
pension benefit the executive would have accrued if the
executives employment had continued for three years after
the termination date over the actuarial value of the actual
pension benefit payable as of the termination date, (4) a
lump sum payment equal to the amount of premiums the Company
would have paid to continue the executive in the Companys
welfare (other than health) plans for the three-year period,
(5) for three years following the termination of
employment, continued eligibility for coverage under the
Companys health plans at the same premium rates applicable
to active employees and (6) outplacement services. To
receive health coverage, the executive will be required to pay
the full premium charged for the coverage. The Company will then
reimburse the executive the amount of the premium that exceeds
the amount the executive would have paid as an employee, plus a
tax gross-up
on that amount. Except as described below, if any payment or
distribution by the Company to the executive is determined to be
subject to the excise tax imposed by Section 4999 of the
Internal Revenue Code, the executive is entitled to receive a
payment on an after-tax basis equal to the excise tax imposed.
However, if the
payment in respect of the excise tax would not result in a net
after-tax benefit to the executive of at least $50,000, then no
payment will be made, and the termination payments will be
reduced (a Cutback) to an amount that will not give
rise to the excise tax. The executive is under no obligation to
mitigate amounts payable under these agreements.
Mr. Coleman is entitled to the same special termination
benefits enumerated above, except that (a) the lump sum
payment referred to in (2) above will be equal to two years
salary and bonus, (b) the lump sum payment referred to in
(4) above will be for two years of welfare plan premiums
and (c) the continued eligibility for health coverage
referred to in (5) above will be for two years. In
addition, Mr. Colemans agreement does not provide for
any gross-up
for any excise tax imposed on any payment by the Company under
Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code. The payments
will be reduced to avoid the imposition of the excise tax if
doing so would result in greater after-tax benefits to
Mr. Coleman.
If the Named Officers had become entitled to the special
termination benefits described above on the last business day
of 2008, they would have received the following:
Lump Sum
Payment for
Value of
Benefit Plan
Excise Tax
and Bonus
($) (1)
($) (1) (2)
($) (1) (3)
($) (4)
($) (5)
($) (1) (6)
J. Edward Coleman
Janet B. Haugen
Anthony P. Doye
Richard C. Marcello
Nancy S. Sundheim
No bonuses under the EVC Plan were
paid to Ms. Haugen and Ms. Sundheim for 2005, 2006 or
2007. Therefore, the numbers in the table for them do not
include any amounts in respect of bonus. If amounts paid to
Ms. Haugen and Ms. Sundheim for 2006 under the
Companys 2006 Turnaround Incentive Plan were deemed to be
bonus, the amounts shown for pro-rata bonus would have been as
follows: Ms. Haugen $300,000;
Ms. Sundheim $403,750. The amounts for lump sum
salary and bonus, pension accrual and excise tax
shown in the table would have been adjusted accordingly, with
the result that amounts shown in the Total column
would have been as follows: Ms. Haugen
$4,611,754; Ms. Sundheim $4,891,116.
Amount shown for Ms. Sundheim
reflects a $41,785 Cutback in order to avoid the imposition of
the excise tax.
As set forth above, the
Companys defined benefit plans were frozen as of
December 31, 2006. Therefore, the amounts shown represent
the Company matching contribution equivalent to 6% of eligible
pay under the Unisys Savings Plan discussed above.
The agreements provide for
reasonable outplacement services directly related to the
termination of the executives employment. The executive
may select the provider of outplacement services, and therefore
the costs actually incurred will vary by individual. The Company
believes that the amounts shown in this column are a reasonable
estimate of the potential costs of outplacement services.
Change in control payments are
assumed to consist of the amounts shown in the table, as well as
the value of any accelerated vesting of equity awards pursuant
to the terms of the Companys long-term incentive plans.
The calculations use a Federal excise tax rate of 20%, a Federal
income tax rate of 35%, a Medicare tax rate of 1.45% and the
current income tax rates for the states of residence of the
Named Officers.
Amounts shown in this column do not
include the value of the vested awards shown in the table below
under Long-Term Incentive Plans.
Mr. McGrath resigned as an officer of the Company effective
October 7, 2008 and was not a party to a change in control
agreement at December 31, 2008. He was therefore not
entitled to payments of the type set forth in the table.
Incentive Plans
Under the Companys long-term incentive plans, if a change
in control occurs, all time-based awards will become fully
vested and, depending on the applicable plan, either a pro-rata
portion (based on the completed portion of the related
performance cycle) or the full amount of the target amount of
performance-based awards will vest. In addition, all unvested
stock options will become immediately exercisable. If a change
in control had occurred on the last business day of 2008, the
Named Officers would have become vested in the following number
of restricted stock units, having the following values:
Vested Units
Value of Vested Units
(1) ($)
J. Edward Coleman
Joseph W. McGrath
Janet B. Haugen
Anthony P. Doye
Richard C. Marcello
Nancy S. Sundheim
Based on the $.85 closing price of
Unisys common stock on December 31, 2008.
In addition, for the following Named Officers the following
number of stock options would have become exercisable at the
following exercise prices:
Number of Stock Options
Exercise Price
J. Edward Coleman
Richard C. Marcello
A discussion of amounts payable to the Named Officers under the
pension plans sponsored by the Company begins on page 37.
As set forth in Pension Benefits, benefits under the
Elected Officer Pension Plan become immediately vested upon a
change in control of the Company.
Compensation of
In 2008, the Companys non-employee directors received an
annual retainer/attendance fee for regularly scheduled meetings
of $60,000 and a meeting fee of $1,500 per meeting for
attendance at certain additional Board and committee meetings.
In addition, for the portion of the year that he served in each
capacity, Mr. Duques received a pro-rata portion of
(a) a $100,000 annual retainer for serving as the
non-executive Chairman of the Board and (b) a $25,000
annual retainer for serving as Lead Director; chairmen of
committees other than the audit committee each received a $5,000
annual retainer; and the chair of the audit committee received a
$20,000 annual retainer. In February 2008, the Board also
approved an annual grant to each non-employee director of
restricted stock units having a value of $130,000 (based on the
fair market value of Unisys common stock on the date of grant).
Accordingly, on February 7, 2008 each non-employee director
received a grant of 31,554 restricted stock units. The
restricted stock units vest in three annual installments
beginning one year after the date of grant and will be settled
in shares of Unisys common stock. In 2008, the Company also
began making pro-rated restricted stock unit grants to directors
who join the Board after the date of the annual grant.
Accordingly, the following directors received the following
grants: Craig A. Conway 13,228 restricted stock
units vesting in three annual installments beginning on
August 15, 2008; each of Clay B. Lifflander and Charles B.
McQuade 23,876 restricted stock units vesting in
three annual installments beginning on July 24, 2009. On
December 4, 2008, the Board approved a grant of
21,277 shares of common stock (having a value as of that
date of $10,000) to Craig A. Conway in recognition of his
leadership in the search for the Companys new chief
executive officer.
The annual retainers described above are paid in monthly
installments in cash. However, directors may choose, on an
annual basis, to receive these fees in the form of common stock
equivalent units. The value of each stock unit at any point in
time is equal to the value of one share of Unisys common stock.
Stock units are recorded in a memorandum account maintained for
each director. A directors stock unit account is payable
in Unisys common stock, either upon termination of service or on
a date specified by the director, at the directors option.
Directors do not have the right to vote with respect to any
stock units. Directors also have the opportunity to defer until
termination of service, or until a specified date, all or a
portion of their cash fees under the Companys deferred
compensation plan for directors. Under this plan, any deferred
cash amounts, and earnings or losses thereon (calculated by
reference to the investment options available under the Unisys
Savings Plan and selected by the director), are recorded in a
memorandum account maintained for each director. The right to
receive future payments of deferred cash accounts is an
unsecured claim against the Companys general assets.
Directors who are employees of the Company do not receive any
cash, stock units, stock options or restricted stock units for
their services as directors.
The table below provides a summary of Director Compensation for
Change in
Pension Value
Earned or
Incentive Plan
All Other
Paid in Cash
($) (1)
($) (2),(3)
($) (4)
($) (5)
J.P. Bolduc
Chairman, Finance Committee
Craig A. Conway
James J. Duderstadt
Chairman, Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
Henry C. Duques
Non- Executive Chairman of the Board/Lead Director
Matthew J. Espe
Denise K. Fletcher
Edwin A. Huston
Chairman, Audit Committee
Clayton M. Jones
Leslie F. Kenne
Clay B. Lifflander
Theodore E. Martin
Chairman, Compensation Committee
Charles B. McQuade
Amounts shown are the annual
retainer/meeting fee, annual fees for chairmen of committees and
non-executive Chairman of the Board/Lead Director and meeting
fees for attendance at additional meetings. Includes amounts
that have been deferred under the deferred compensation plan for
directors. Also includes the value of stock units received in
lieu of cash payments of retainers and fees, as described above.
Amounts shown are the amounts
recognized for financial statement reporting purposes with
respect to 2008 in accordance with FAS 123R except that no
estimates for forfeitures in respect of service-based vesting
have been taken into account. For a discussion of the
assumptions made in such valuation, see note 17 to the
Companys 2008 financial statements. The grant-date fair
value of the 31,554 restricted stock units granted to directors
on February 7, 2008 was $130,002. The grant date fair value
of the 13,228 restricted stock units granted to Mr. Conway
was $55,624. The grant date fair value of the 23,876 restricted
stock units granted to each of Mr. Lifflander and
Mr. McQuade was $86,670.
At December 31, 2008,
directors had outstanding restricted stock units as follows:
Mr. Bolduc 43,905; Mr. Conway
40,372; Dr. Duderstadt 43,905;
Mr. Duques 43,905; Mr. Espe
43,905; Ms. Fletcher 43,905;
Mr. Huston 43,905; Mr. Jones
43,905; Ms. Kenne 43,905;
Mr. Lifflander 23,876;
Mr. Martin 43,905; Mr. McQuade
23,876. Directors also had outstanding stock units in respect of
directors fees as follows: Mr. Bolduc
27,029; Mr. Conway 0;
Dr. Duderstadt 26,342;
Mr. Duques 60,826; Mr. Espe
6,323; Ms. Fletcher 13,943;
Mr. Huston 30,078; Mr. Jones
7,298; Ms. Kenne 0;
Mr. Lifflander 0; Mr. Martin
73,826; Mr. McQuade 10,819.
At December 31, 2008,
directors had outstanding stock options as follows:
Mr. Bolduc 68,000; Mr. Conway
0; Dr. Duderstadt 68,000;
Mr. Duques 68,000; Mr. Espe
24,000; Ms. Fletcher 48,000;
Mr. Huston 68,000; Mr. Jones
24,000; Ms. Kenne 0;
Mr. Lifflander 0; Mr. Martin
68,000; Mr. McQuade 0.
Amount shown is the grant date fair
value of the 21,277 shares granted to Mr. Conway on
December 4, 2008.
Under the Companys stock ownership guidelines, as revised
effective April 30, 2008, directors are expected to own
25,000 shares of the Companys common stock within
five years. This goal must be achieved by April 30, 2013
for directors in office on April 30, 2008 and within five
years after election date for directors elected after
April 30, 2008. Stock units received in respect of
fees count toward fulfillment of the ownership guidelines; stock
options, including vested stock options, and restricted stock
units do not count. The number of shares owned by each director
is set forth in the stock ownership table on page 24.
Policy on
Confidential Voting
It is the Companys policy that all stockholder proxies,
ballots and voting materials that identify the vote of a
specific stockholder shall, if requested by that stockholder on
such proxy, ballot or materials, be kept permanently
confidential and shall not be disclosed to the Company, its
affiliates, directors, officers and employees or to any third
parties, except as may be required by law, to pursue or defend
legal proceedings or to carry out the purpose of, or as
permitted by, the policy. Under the policy, vote tabulators and
inspectors of election are to be independent parties who are
unaffiliated with and are not employees of the Company. The
policy provides that it may, under certain circumstances, be
suspended in the event of a proxy solicitation in opposition to
a solicitation of management. The Company may at any time be
informed whether or not a particular stockholder has voted.
Comments written on proxies or ballots, together with the name
and address of the commenting stockholder, will also be made
available to the Company.
Proposals and Nominations
Stockholder proposals submitted to the Company for inclusion in
the proxy materials for the 2010 annual meeting of stockholders
must be received by the Company by December 17, 2009.
Any stockholder who intends to present a proposal at the 2010
annual meeting and has not sought to include the proposal in the
Companys proxy materials must deliver notice of the
proposal to the Company no later than February 27, 2010.
Any stockholder who intends to make a nomination for the Board
of Directors at the 2010 annual meeting must deliver to the
Company no later than January 29, 2010 (a) a notice
setting forth (i) the name, age, business and residence
addresses of each nominee, (ii) the principal occupation or
employment of each nominee, (iii) the number of shares of
Unisys capital stock beneficially owned by each nominee,
(iv) a statement that the nominee is willing to be
nominated and (v) any other information concerning each
nominee that would be required by the SEC in a proxy statement
soliciting proxies for the election of the nominee and
(b) the directors questionnaire, representation and
agreement required by Article I, Section 8 of the
Companys Bylaws.
Householding of
Proxy Materials
This year, a number of brokers with accountholders who are
owners of Unisys common stock will be householding
our proxy materials. This means that only one copy of the Notice
and/or this
proxy statement and the 2008 annual report may have been sent to
you and the other Unisys stockholders who share your address.
Householding is designed to reduce the volume of duplicate
information that stockholders receive and the Companys
printing and mailing expenses.
If your household has received only one copy of the proxy
materials, and you would prefer to receive separate copies of
these documents, either now or in the future, please call us at
or write us at Investor Relations, A2-17, Unisys Corporation,
Unisys Way, Blue Bell, PA
We will deliver separate copies promptly. If you are now
receiving multiple copies of our proxy materials and would like
to have only one copy of these documents delivered to your
household in the future, please contact us in the same manner.
At the date of this proxy statement, the Board of Directors
knows of no matter that will be presented for consideration at
the annual meeting other than those described in this proxy
statement. If any other matter properly comes before the annual
meeting, the persons appointed as proxies will vote thereon in
their discretion.
The Company will bear the cost of soliciting proxies. Such cost
will include charges by brokers and other custodians, nominees
and fiduciaries for forwarding proxies and proxy material to the
beneficial owners of Unisys common stock. Solicitation may also
be made personally or by telephone by the Companys
directors, officers and regular employees without additional
compensation. In addition, the Company has retained Innisfree
M&A Incorporated to assist in the solicitation of proxies
for a fee of approximately $15,000, plus expenses.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Nancy Straus Sundheim
Senior Vice President, General Counsel
and Secretary
April 16, 2009
UNISYS CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under
the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the
Corporation), does hereby certify as follows:
FIRST: The name of the corporation is Unisys Corporation.
SECOND: Section 1 of Article FOURTH of the
Corporations Restated Certificate of Incorporation is
hereby amended to read in its entirety as set forth below:
Section 1. The
total number of shares of all classes of stock which the
Corporation shall have authority to issue is
divided into two classes consisting of
of Common Stock, par value $.01 per share (Common
Stock), and 40,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock, par
value $1 per share (Preferred Stock). The Board of
Directors shall have authority by resolution to issue the shares
of Preferred Stock from time to time on such terms as it may
determine and to divide the Preferred Stock into one or more
series and, in connection with the creation of any such series,
to determine and fix by the resolution or resolutions providing
for the issuance of shares thereof:
A. the distinctive designation of such series, the number
of shares which shall constitute such series, which number may
be increased or decreased (but not below the number of shares
then outstanding) from time to time by action of the Board of
Directors, and the stated value thereof, if different from the
par value thereof;
B. the dividend rate, the times of payment of dividends on
the shares of such series, whether dividends shall be
cumulative, and, if so, from what date or dates, and the
preference or relation which such dividends will bear to the
dividends payable on any shares of stock of any other class or
any other series of this class;
C. the price or prices at which, and the terms and
conditions on which, the shares of such series may be redeemed;
D. whether or not the shares of such series shall be
entitled to the benefit of a retirement or sinking fund to be
applied to the purchase or redemption of such shares and, if so
entitled, the amount of such fund and the terms and provisions
related to the operation thereof;
1 The
number of authorized shares of all classes of stock following
the Effective Time (as defined below) will be equal to the sum
of the number of authorized shares of Common Stock following the
Effective Time determined in accordance with Footnote 2 below
plus 40,000,000.
2 The
number of authorized shares of Common Stock following the
Effective Time will be equal to the quotient, rounded to the
nearest whole number, of 720,000,000 divided by the number of
shares of Common Stock to be combined into one share in
connection with the Reverse Stock Split determined in accordance
with Footnote 3 below.
E. whether or not the shares of such series shall be
convertible into, or exchangeable for, any other shares of stock
of the Corporation or any other securities and, if so
convertible or exchangeable, the conversion price or prices, or
the rates of exchange, and any adjustments thereof, at which
such conversion or exchange may be made, and any other terms and
conditions of such conversion or exchange;
F. the rights of the shares of such series in the event of
voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up
or upon any distribution of the assets, of the Corporation;
G. whether or not the shares of such series shall have
priority over or parity with or be junior to the shares of any
other class or series in any respect, or shall be entitled to
the benefit of limitations restricting (i) the creation of
indebtedness of the Corporation, (ii) the issuance of
shares of any other class or series having priority over or
being on a parity with the shares of such series in any respect,
or (iii) the payment of dividends on, the making of other
distributions in respect of, or the purchase or redemption of
shares of any other class or series on parity with or ranking
junior to the shares of such series as to dividends or assets,
and the terms of any such restrictions, or any other restriction
with respect to shares of any other class or series on parity
with or ranking junior to the shares of such series in any
H. whether such series shall have the voting rights, in
addition to any voting rights provided by law and, if so, the
terms of such voting rights, which may be general or
limited; and
I. any other powers, preferences, privileges, and relative
participating, optional, or other special rights of such series,
and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof, to
the full extent now or hereafter permitted by law.
The powers, preferences and relative participating, optional and
other special rights of each series of Preferred Stock, and the
qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof, if any, may
differ from those of any and all other series at any time
outstanding. All shares of any one series of Preferred Stock
shall be identical in all respects with all other shares of such
series, except that shares of any one series issued at different
times may differ as to the dates from which dividends thereon
shall be cumulative.
Upon the filing and effectiveness (the Effective
Time) of this amendment to the Restated Certificate of
Incorporation of the Corporation pursuant to the General
Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, each
of the Corporations Common Stock, par value $.01 per
share, issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective
Time shall automatically be combined into one (1) validly
issued, fully paid and non-assessable share of Common Stock
without any further action by the Corporation or the holder
thereof, subject to the treatment of fractional share interests
as described below (such combination, the Reverse Stock
Split). No fractional shares of Common Stock shall be
issued in connection with the Reverse Stock Split. Stockholders
who otherwise would be entitled to receive fractional shares of
Common Stock shall be entitled to receive cash (without
interest) from the Corporations transfer agent in lieu of
such fractional shares in an amount equal to the proceeds
attributable to the sale of such fractional shares following the
aggregation and sale by the Corporations transfer agent of
all fractional shares otherwise issuable.
3 By
approving this Certificate of Amendment, stockholders are
approving a combination of any number of shares of Common Stock,
between and including five and twenty, into one share. The
Certificate of Amendment that is filed with the Secretary of
State of the State of Delaware will include only one ratio
determined by the Board of Directors of the Corporation to be in
the best interests of the Corporation and its stockholders
following stockholder approval of this Certificate of Amendment
and prior to the time of filing of this Certificate of Amendment.
Stockholders who hold certificates that immediately prior to the
Effective Time represented shares of Common Stock (Old
Certificates) shall be entitled to receive such cash
payment in lieu of fractional shares upon receipt by the
Corporations transfer agent of the stockholders
properly completed and duly executed transmittal letter and the
surrender of the stockholders Old Certificates. After the
Effective Time, each Old Certificate that has not been
surrendered shall represent that number of shares of Common
Stock into which the shares of Common Stock represented by the
Old Certificate shall have been combined, subject to the
elimination of fractional share interests as described
THIRD: The foregoing amendment was duly adopted in accordance
with Section 242 of the General Corporation Law of the
State of Delaware.
FOURTH: The foregoing amendment shall be effective as of
11:59 p.m., Eastern time, on the date of filing with the
Secretary of State of the State of Delaware.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused this Certificate
of Amendment to be duly executed as of
of ,
20 .
Use the Internet to transmit your voting instructions. Your Internet vote authorizes
the named proxies to vote the shares in the same manner as if you marked,
dated, signed and returned the proxy card. Internet voting is available until
11:59 p.m. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off or annual meeting date.
Have your proxy card in hand when you access the website and follow the
instructions provided.
If you would like to reduce the costs incurred by Unisys Corporation in
mailing proxy materials, you can consent to receive all future proxy statements,
annual reports and proxy cards electronically. To sign up for electronic delivery,
please follow the instructions above to vote using the Internet and, when
prompted, indicate that you agree to receive or access stockholder
communications electronically in future years.
BY TELEPHONE - 1-800-690-6903
Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit your voting instructions. Your
telephone vote authorizes the named proxies to vote the shares in the same
manner as if you marked, dated, signed and returned the proxy card. Telephone
voting is available until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off or
annual meeting date. Have your proxy card in hand when you call and follow
the instructions provided.
Mark, date, sign and return your proxy card in the enclosed envelope or return it
to Unisys Corporation, c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717.
For |
Withhold |
For All |
To withhold authority to vote for any individual |
All |
All |
Except |
nominee(s), mark For All Except and write the |
number(s) of the nominee(s) on the line below. |
o |
o |
o |
Vote on Directors
1. |
Nominees: |
01) |
J. Edward Coleman
02) |
Leslie F. Kenne
on Proposals |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
2. |
Ratification of the selection of KPMG LLP as the Companys independent registered public accounting firm for 2009 |
o |
o |
o |
3. |
Approval of an amendment to the Companys Restated Certificate of Incorporation to (a) effect a reverse stock split of
the Companys common stock at a reverse split ratio of between 1-for-5 and 1-for-20, which ratio will be selected by
the Companys Board of Directors, and (b) decrease the number of authorized shares of common stock on a basis
proportional to the reverse split ratio approved by the Board of Directors |
o |
o |
o |
The shares represented by this proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed herein by the
undersigned stockholder(s). If no direction is given, this proxy will be voted FOR items 1, 2 and 3, and the trustee for the
Savings Plan will vote as described on page 2 of the proxy statement. |
Mark here for address change or comments. SEE REVERSE SIDE
Please sign exactly as name appears hereon. When signing as attorney,
executor, administrator, trustee, or guardian, please give your full title. When
signing as joint tenants, all parties in the joint tenancy must sign. If a signer is
a corporation, please sign in full corporate name by duly authorized officer.
Please indicate if you would like to keep your vote
o |
o |
Date |
Signature (Joint Owners) |
Date |
Annual Meeting of Stockholders
May 28, 2009
9:30 a.m.
Philadelphia Marriott West
111 Crawford Avenue
West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting:
Notice of 2009 Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement and 2008 Annual Report are available
The undersigned hereby appoints J. Edward Coleman, James J. Duderstadt
and Henry C. Duques, and each of them, proxies, with
power of substitution, to vote all shares of common stock which the undersigned
is entitled to vote at the 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Unisys
Corporation, and at any adjournments thereof, as directed on the reverse side hereof
with respect to the items set forth in the accompanying proxy statement and in
their discretion upon such other matters as may properly come before the meeting.
This card also provides voting instructions (for shares credited to the account of
the undersigned, if any) to the trustee for the Unisys Savings Plan
(the Savings Plan) as more fully described on page 2 of the proxy statement.
Address Changes/Comments:
(If you noted any Address Changes/Comments above, please mark
corresponding box on the reverse side.)