That's the rate this month in the 4th straight month of increases in Consumer Spending as April keeps it going for the year. As Inflation is 8.3% (officially) and that's 0.7/month, it means that Consumers are buying 0.2% more stuff and the rest is just paying more for the stuff they were already buying. 0.2% x 12 is 2.4% Real Consumer Spending growth – the rest is just BS. In fact, when adjusted for Inflation, Retail Sales FELL 0.7% in March and April is just bouncing back a bit.
But, as I said yesterday, we choose to be optimistic at the moment. My own consumer research indicated spending would be strong and, last Wednesday, we took some of our hedges off the table in our Short-Term Portfolio, lining ourselves up for what we hoped would be at least a weak bounce back to 4,160 – our predicted Weak Bounce Line on the S&P 500.